When the wolf goes out and enters the escape game [Infinite flow]Ch20 - Ghost Hits the Wall


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  1. Aw, I do enjoy it and I’m glad you picked it up! I’m just not used to commenting after reading chapters so I forget about it. Anyway, thank you!

  2. Punch punch punch, the best way of trying things out is to hit them!

    You can punch walls, you can punch mirrors, you can punch ghosts! Success guaranteed!

  3. I think a lot of people like to binge-read (especially with UF/QT novels with distinct arcs) so they wait until an arc is finished before reading all the chapters of the arc in one go, rinse and repeat. I’m like that too unless I just started on a novel in which case I read all available chapters to see if I enjoy it or not (which is the case for this one). So yeah, some chapters might not get comments in a timely manner.

    • Indeed! Reading an arc at a time keeps us from getting cliffhanger related twitches too badly.

      Also, the current site problems with reading list and announcements may have slowed down readership in general. I know I only find my stories when they show up in today’s updated list or the recommended picture wheel. Otherwise, search is hit or miss.

      TLDR: SUPER GLAD you are still translating this!

  4. Don’t worry translator! I’m here! I like to read more chapters at once so I comment on the last readed. But I read all chapters and I’m gratefull for them all. ❤️💐

  5. I’ll just be honest here, people can just really be lazy when it comes to commenting or we really just can’t find the right topic to comment about

    Also R.I.P Jian Yang’s poor hair, lol the Lord God better pay some compensation XD

  6. Thank you for the chapter!

    I was waiting for more to come out so I could read them all at once sorry, also sometimes I’m too excited by the story and forget to comment, or I feel to awkward to comment ‘cause I’ve left it too late

    Hope you have an amazing day!!

    And Merry Christmas! 🎄♥️

  7. AHHAHAHA I love characters who don’t understand/don’t care about social norms in horror genre. They always surprise me with whatever the heck they’re doing. Very unpredictable. Well smashing the fake was expected but the reactions of the surrounding people are truly the key to an entertaining novel.

    Like what the previous commentators said, sometimes we won’t comment cus I usually just leave the novel to sit there while I wait for a few arcs to complete. And I will usually forget about it and when I do come back to binge read, I will be too engrossed to continue reading and to click on the next chapter button to even bother to comment.

    But rest assured, I enjoy your translations and thanks for the chapter ~~~(* >ω<)

  8. Ah sorry, really sorry for late feedback. Lately it seems there is a problem with comment? I mean I accidentally make 2 comments before last month because I didn’t see the 1st one.

    Also I like to binge reading after there is a lot chapters so really sorry for not commenting often.

  9. Thank you for the translation! I don’t comment often, but I’m seriously enjoying the story!

  10. Communication in comment section can be stressful (for example, my partner loves read comments under the chapters, but them scared to write their own comments because people can answer them (horrifying for them), but it’s really important for translators and authors so commenting can show your love❤️

    Thank you for your translation 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  11. I love this storyyyyyyyy! *Throws motivation your way** am an eternal lurker so I rarely leave comments but thank you so much for your hard work!!