Worship Me, I Can Make You RichCh12 - Really, We’re Just Casually Making an Offering, That’s All!

Because they had discovered the energy quarry, the original plan to leave B-324 today was temporarily set aside.

However, this was an abandoned planet after all. Either they needed to stay with a perfectly legitimate reason or they needed an excuse that won’t arouse any suspicions. wgivl9

Should they report the energy quarry to the authorities?

Cheng JinXue was very reluctant: “This is an abandoned planet! The intergalactic alliance has rules. Abandoned planets belong to anyone who wants them!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

There was only one reason why planets would be abandoned: the energy radiation had exceeded standard limits.

Many people from the Empire have been contaminated by energy radiation in the past, leading to a decrease in their psychic powers or mental deterioration. dIKpZf

That’s why whenever a planet’s radiation exceeded the normal manageable limit, and there was no way to deal with it, the only choice was to abandon it.

If the planet has already been abandoned and you wanted it, you must treat the energy radiation on it. This was the intergalactic alliance law.

The intergalactic alliance practically wished people would lay claim to abandoned planets.

Because there was another rule in the alliance law, which stated: Anyone who was able to clean up the energy pollution on an abandoned planet will have 70 years of complete authority over the planet.


After the 70 years passed, the planet would return to the control of the intergalactic alliance to be divided amongst all.

However, whether it was returned to its previous nation, or reassigned to another nation during this divide, it would depend on which nation wanted to fight for it.

No matter what, this was a good thing for the entire universe.

However, in the last 2 thousand years, no abandoned planet has been claimed yet. O4QfiI

Abandoned planets have always remained abandoned. The reassignment after 70 years has never even happened before. Thus, the intergalactic alliance has never perfected the regulations on this matter.

Presently, they have discovered a large-scale energy quarry on the abandoned B-324. If this were a normal planet, they would have reported to the authorities directly. However, this was an abandoned planet!

The law said, anyone who wants it can take it. Who would be able to resist!

Zhuang Zhou verbalized his confusion: “Do you have to report it to the authorities when you find an energy quarry?” mNW5Ad

“Yes.” Wen XiaoYun said: “If energy ores are extracted inappropriately, it would create more extensive radiation pollution.”

Radiation pollution was a headache for all of the intergalactic nations.

If nonprofessionals went to process energy stones, it would only bring about an even larger amount of pollution.

Wen XiaoYun suspected that back then, the royal prince must not have wanted to report the news of the energy quarry to the authorities. That’s why they made B-324 into a trash processing planet to pull the wool over people’s eyes. Then they had privately extracted energy stones from the quarry, which caused the pollution of this planet to become so severe, they had no choice but to abandon it. 8zgHxo

Zhuang Zhou was enlightened: “En…… I understand now.”

Actually, this was easy to understand from the perspective of events that had occurred on Earth.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

At the beginning of the 90s, countless coal mines were exploited in China. Many people became rich practically overnight. However, it created huge hidden consequences.

Some of the mines were extracted without permits. Accidents occurred often. Not only was there no guaranteed safety for the workers, the natural habitat was also severely damaged. ctMHKo

If the authorities didn’t control this and allowed it to continue, it would have decreased Earth’s lifespan even more.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itejcu Itbe ecvfgrabbv atf rfnfglas bo atf rlaejalbc jcv rjlv lc j rwjii nblmf: “Ktfc la’r yfaafg ab gfqbga la ab atf jeatbglalfr……”

Jtfcu AlcWef gfwjlcfv gfiemajca: “Qts vbc’a P ub mijlw la! Pa kjr wf ktb vlrmbnfgfv la joafg jii.”

Qfc WljbTec jrxfv tlw: “Ktf ecvfgugbecv gjvljalbc lcrlvf atf dejggs lr 60% tlutfg atjc atf gjvljalbc bc atf regojmf. Gb sbe tjnf atf rxliir ab fzagjma la?” G9IyNB

Cheng JinXue choked: “I……”

Wen XiaoYun continued to say: “Our military grade, protective gear can only last half an hour in the quarry before the radiation penetrates through it completely. Normal protective gear might not even last a minute. Is half an hour enough to excavate even one piece of energy stone?”

Cheng JinXue became even more choked: “Then what are we supposed to do, boss? According to this kind of situation, even if we report it to the authorities, the authorities would only think that because the energy radiation is too strong, it wouldn’t be suitable to mine it. They’d still choose to abandon it.”

Seeing such a big piece of meat, but being unable to eat it. Such torment. zTSOW4

The leader of the elite little squad, Zhang Feng, suddenly thought of something and suggested sincerely: “Vice-admiral Cheng, I heard you worshipped some kind of god, wishing to pick up energy stones as soon as you left the door; in the end, you really did manage to do it. How about you make another offering? Let God come up with a plan for us?”

Cheng JinXue immediately became exasperated: “Squad leader Zhang! Just what era are we in? Can you not be so superstitious?! It’s already the Intergalactic year 2333 now. This kind of superstitious behavior was already looked down upon in the history of old Earth. Please don’t bring it into space, okay?”

Zhang Feng blinked his eyes innocently: “Vice-admiral Cheng, weren’t you the one who worshipped first……”

Cheng JinXue became furious: “I was forced alright! I’ve never believed in that kind of thing!” E0LnCZ

When Zhuang Zhou heard this, he became slightly hurt: “But this isn’t superstition.”

Cheng JinXue said harshly: “Yes, it is superstition! I officially declare a total ban on this kind of behavior in the battleship Wyvern!”

Facing his vicious snapback, Zhuang Zhou didn’t dare to speak loudly. Therefore, he only muttered quietly: “But you already called me grandpa……”

Cheng JinXue: “……” jhOvSf

Zhuang Zhou ran behind Wen XiaoYun and tugged on Wen XiaoYun’s sleeve, saying: “Wen XiaoYun, will there really be a ban? I feel like……I feel like it’s better not to prohibit it……”

As if in comfort, Wen XiaoYun rubbed Zhuang Zhou on the head, his gaze scanning towards Cheng JinXue coldly: “En. Don’t worry. On battleship Wyvern, I have the final say.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Cheng JinXue couldn’t believe it: “Boss, are you for real?!”

Preferential towards Zhuang Zhou, and not towards him, a fellow brother in arms? TeaDdH

Wen XiaoYun said in a cool tone: “ What? Do I look like I’m joking?”

“You……” Cheng JinXue was completely heartbroken. Dragging his unhealed leg, he wobbled out of the door.

Zhuang Zhou said: “He looked pretty hurt.”

Wen XiaoYun acknowledged with an ‘En’ and then comforted Zhuang Zhou, saying: “He’s pretending. Just ignore him.” Udmviy

Zhuang Zhou: Intergalactic people are so hard to understand.

Nevertheless, in the end, Cheng JinXue’s words still gave Zhuang Zhou a sense of anxiety.

So intergalactic people had even less faith than the people on Earth back then! And disdained superstitious behavior even more!

If it was like this, how was he supposed to obtain faith? How was he supposed to gain believers? Xz7l10

When Zhuang Zhou returned to his room, he was still pondering this problem.

Inside the room, Xiao PoLan was watching cartoons by itself on a super humongous screen, having the time of its life.

Seeing Zhuang Zhou return, it blinked its mechanical eyes, scooted over to the side, and then patted on the spot where it just sat.

“Di di di.” Come, sit down, and watch with me! 751XaU

Zhuang Zhou sat down and hugged Xiao PoLan in his arms, sighing: “Xiao PoLan, what should I do? Intergalactic people don’t believe in God.”

It was still tolerable back on Earth. Stories about Gods were still very widespread. There’s always some believers.

There seemed to be practically no one in space who believed in Gods!

Xiao PoLan tilted its head, not understanding why intergalactic people didn’t believe. VJq6w4

Even it had been blessed with life!

Oh. It must be because intergalactic people were all idiots!

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“Ah, I have a plan!” Zhuang Zhou’s eyes lit up suddenly as he said happily: “Don’t they really want energy stones that have no radiation? I can use Divine powers to block the radiation pollution in the energy stones! However, just handling energy stones…… might attract people’s attention…… So, I’ll just learn how to build mechas!”

If he could create a mecha unaffected by energy radiation, many people would admire and worship him! LMiCBT

Just like that Western God of Wealth who went on a talent show and became a big celebrity!

Zhuang Zhou implemented his plan immediately. He started to register for online courses to learn how to make mechas.

The Eastern High God has already drilled the Eastern Wealth Gods’ implementation and execution skills into a Rather! Terrifying! Degree!

Once Zhuang Zhou started learning, he stopped paying attention to the passage of time. He even specifically hung a ‘please do not disturb’ sign outside of his door. 8nT9Ou

Learning half a semester of materials in one sitting, Zhuang Zhou finally raised his head from the AI computer terminal. He looked at the time. It was already 12 o’clock at night.

Zhuang Zhou stretched and then started to hesitate.

At a time like this, should he go grant dreams to people and expand his clients or return to his Divine Image to cultivate?

As he hesitated, he felt a strange, abrupt wave of Faith traveling over. MLB 0D

“Huh?” How come he felt like there might be someone worshipping him?

Zhuang Zhou curiously rubbed his face and exited the room,  following the feeling of the faith towards its origin.

Around 12 o’clock at night, the security system of the battleship was very strong. Therefore, most of the people were sleeping. Only a small team of people were in charge of patrolling.

On the walls of the battleship, there were several extendable platforms. At this time, one of the platforms was extended. sE1duq

A big and tall man was kneeling on the platform, hands raised rather presentably, holding incense that was found from some unknown place and muttering quietly to himself.

“Oh God, I don’t even know what kind of God you are or what you’re called. I don’t know what kind of offerings you’d like. However, I’m begging you, since you’re so effective, already giving me an energy quarry when I wished for energy stones, you must not want me to be unable to obtain your gift, right? Since you already gave me the energy vein, I’m begging you. Help me think of a perfect plan to resolve this issue……”

As he said this, the man suddenly felt something and abruptly turned his head: “Who’s there?!”

As soon as he turned his head, he crossed gaze with Zhuang Zhou. x rAUX

Cheng JinXue: “…….”

The little Wealth God: “……..”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

All of the air seemed to freeze.

A moment later, Zhuang Zhou said in a daze: “No way. Vice-admiral Cheng, didn’t you, didn’t you say you never believed in this kind of superstitious thing? Didn’t you say you wanted to completely prohibit this on the battleship……” BzrxHD

Cheng JinXue: “……”

Cheng JinXue’s face began to crumble.

Suddenly realizing in the aftermath, Zhuang Zhou hastily covered his eyes: “No no, actually I didn’t see anything just now. Really. I also didn’t hear anything either. I I I, I’m leaving……”

Zhuang Zhou wanted to run away in a hurry. However, because he had his eyes covered, he temporarily couldn’t tell clearly where he was going and slammed directly into a wall to the side. e5artW


Some unknown button was pressed. The wall opened, revealing the platform to the side.

Zheng Feng, Zhou HongYi, and the rest of the elite little squad were all standing uniformly on the platform to the side. They were holding 3 sticks in their hands to serve as incense as they devotedly worshipped something.

When the door to the platform lowered, many eyes widened in unison. WCE9yv

Zhuang Zhou: “Wah!”

Why were there a bunch of people here too!

Cheng JinXue: “………..???”

The elite little squad: “……………!!!” YB8XIu

The air seemed to consolidate even more.

Zhang Feng said in embarrassment: “Well… we also want to pick up energy stones when we go out on the patrol tomorrow, so…… we’re just casually making an offering…….”

Zhou HongYi and the rest hastily echoed: “That’s right. We’re just casually making an offering! Really!”

Cheng JinXue: “……………….” bujAd2


The author has something to say: PS

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The Elite little squad: “Just, casually worshipping, really, not for real.”

Cheng JinXue: Like hell I believe you guys! uDQaR0

Zhou Zhou /sigh: Intergalactic people are really so hard to understand!

Translator's Note

ZZ calls his followers “clients” or “customers” and acts like a salesperson xD

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  1. Why can’t he feel what they’re asking for without going over? It seems very inconvenient for a god to have to see it in person every time