Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a ShopkeeperChapter 61.2

Zhou Li’s eldest brother tugged at the corner of the girl’s clothes and made her speak quickly with a wink. Yuan-ger just said a few words, why was she already speechless? If Yuan-ger was not being protected by two intimidating people, he would ordered Yuan-ger. Indeed, this Yuan-ger has the aura of a rich person- he is so rich that he can take naps and squander time.

Zhou Li smiled and continued, “Yuan-ger, it was this sister-in-law who did something wrong to you in the past. Your sister-in-law apologizes to you. We are all one family so just forget about this person’s mistakes. Don’t get angry with your sister-in-law as I will treat you well in the future. You are like a brother to me, after all.” ZVY5vi

Zhou Yuan said lightly, “Sister-in-law, that matter has been over for a long time.” He didn’t care because he thought it was unnecessary, he would respectfully call her sister-in-law but to grant her her request would be impossible.

“Oh, I knew Yuan-ger was sensible, your sister-in-law can rest assured.” Zhou Li said happily, “Then Yuan-ger, you should let my elder brother enter the workshop for the sake of your sister-in-law. My elder brother will do a good job, your sister-in-law is here to thank Yuan-ger, when you visit home soon, your sister-in-law will cook something delicious for you.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Li’s heart fluttered, thinking that since Yuan-ger didn’t care then she was still his sister-in-law, and as a sister-in-law, Yuan-ger must listen to her- she was very happy, and she would be able to enter the workshop with her third brother tomorrow.

“Yes, yes, I am good at doing things. I am the most diligent person.” sjZvtK

Zhou Yuan said indifferently, “Sister-in-law, I didn’t agree to let anyone enter the workshop. My sister-in-law and I have family affairs separate from my business affairs. If my sister-in-law wants to let people enter the workshop then you should discuss it with my elder brother and then apply as a worker according to the procedure. If you pass the qualification, you can enter the workshop.”

Zhou Li’s smile froze on her face, she was used to instigating others so seeing Zhou Yuan’s objection, she wanted to get angry. Her elder brother grabbed her clothes to let her see the situation. If he couldn’t enter the workshop, then they could have something else. If she got angry here then they would lose their chances.

She squeezed out a smiling face, “… If we can’t go into the workshop, let us get the goods from the source. We brought silver taels to buy goods then my eldest brother would go back to the village to sell them. Yuan-ger, you should agree to this.”

How much can you earn by selling in the countryside?


The three siblings had already thought about the next step before they came and the next step was to propose to go back to the countryside to sell so that it would be easier to get the goods. After getting the goods, they could sell them as they wanted.

Zhou Yuan replied, “Sister-in-law, I won’t agree, please go back.”

He wouldn’t agree, he knew very well the character of his sister-in-law’s family, and he wouldn’t cause trouble for his husband just for their sake.

“What-” G0fyQl

Having said so much yet he still disagreed. The impulsive temper of Zhou Li made her anger soar- she already begged Yuan-ger but he still embarrassed her like this.

“Yuan-ger, I’ll just leave it at this. If you treat me as your sister-in-law then you should agree to let my elder brother sell goods. If you don’t treat me as your sister-in-law, then don’t go back to your mother’s house. My family won’t welcome you, a white-eyed wolf.”

Zhou Li and her elder brother yelled loudly, “Everyone has heard it, this means that the rich are now looking down on their poor relatives. We were willing to come here and pick up goods but they are unwilling to give it to us. This is the rich who look down on poor relatives like us.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Vlrafg, sbe tjnf j ygbatfg-lc-ijk ktb vbfrc’a gfrqfma sbe. Tbe jgf ogbw atf Itbe ojwlis. Rfza alwf tf gfaegcr ab tlr cjaji ojwlis, tf rtbeiv yf vglnfc jkjs jcv yf ibbxfv vbkc bc. Po tf mjc’a mbwf yjmx ab tlr cjaji ojwlis jcv lr yeiilfv ys tlr teryjcv’r ojwlis, tf klii xcbk tbk wlrfgjyif tf lr! “ W2 eXi

“Shut up!”

The three brothers of the Zhou family were here, standing not too far away with angry faces- they were about to come back to restock after selling the goods in their hands, but they didn’t expect to see people who were supposed to be at home come to the grocery store to make trouble.

Zhou Yong walked over and yelled angrily, “Why did you come to the grocery store? Haven’t we already told you not to seek out Yuan-ger!”

Zhou Li looked at her husband, shrunk her neck, faltered, and dared not speak out. HzdoEu

“Go back, now!”

Zhou Li’s elder brother said, “Brother-in-law, you are wrong, my sister brought me here to help me get the goods, how can you scold people like this?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Yong looked at his brother-in-law and said firmly, “Brother, if you want to get the goods, then follow the rules. I won’t stop you from doing so. I am telling my wife to go home, so please keep quiet.”

If he could get the goods the normal way, he wouldn’t need to let his sister come. Zhou Li’s elder brother said, “Brother-in-law, this is your fault. You wouldn’t allow me to sell off some of your items—” scALne

As this side was talking, Wei Cheng returned to the grocery store.

When he received Wei Hu’s report, he rushed back immediately. When he came back, he saw his brother-in-law and his wife standing at the door of the grocery store. Wei Jin, Wei Shi, and Xiao-Liu were guarding him. His wife looked calm so he breathed a sigh of relief. He walked calmly to his wife.

“Husband!” Zhou Yuan saw the man and immediately smiled.

“I’m back!” Wei Cheng held his wife’s hand, “Who is that man next to sister-in-law?” IzdECv

“That is sister-in-law’s elder brother.”

Wei Cheng asked once more, “Is sister-in-law bringing someone into the grocery store?”

Zhou Yuan replied, “No, he was here to get goods but I didn’t agree.”

He knew very well who his sister-in-law’s family was, and to put it bluntly, they were all scoundrels. DUpN g

Wei Cheng understood, so he didn’t say anything. He and his wife watched his brothers and the others talking, and they didn’t forget to signal Wei Jin and Wei Shi to help Wei Hu and the others disperse the crowd.

The onlookers wanted to listen in but the owner of the grocery store came back, so they didn’t dare to watch. If they wanted to watch, they had to stand on the official road so they all stayed far away.

Over there, Zhou Yong disagreed. Zhou Li and her elder brother looked gloomy, and there was nothing they could do. They thought that since they were related, they could get the goods, but they didn’t expect to lose face at all.

Zhou Yong asked his wife, Zhou Li, to go back. She lowered her head and said nothing, Zhou Yong thought that she would leave, but she suddenly said angrily, “Zhou Yong, I gave birth to your eldest son, and you treat me like this, in front of my natal family. If you just agreed to help them get the goods then would I have to come here and beg?!” Dv1qG5

Then he pointed at Zhou Yuan and said, “I didn’t treat Yuan-ger badly before, and I didn’t beat him. It was a fact that he couldn’t get married before. Could it be that his sister-in-law can’t say something about him? I’m his sister-in-law. Now that I have come to apologize, what else do you want me to do?”

Zhou Yong said with a dark face, “This is your attitude of apologizing. If you wanted to apologize then you still have to ask my Wei Cheng to agree to let my other brother-in-law take the goods. The family didn’t agree with you coming. I didn’t chase you away when you came but I just asked you to go back. Your brother-in-law wants to take the goods then just follow the rules, and you can get the goods after passing the assessment.”

“What rules are there? What rules do relatives have to follow? They are clearly looking down on us poor people—” Zhou Li couldn’t hold back her temper, she lost her mind, pointed at Zhou Yong, and scolded him, “Okay, I will let Wei Cheng know who Yuan-ger truly is. Yuan-ger couldn’t get married at the beginning so my family went to ask Yuan-ger to marry him off to my third brother. They said yes at first so it was verbally decided that Yuan-ger was to be married to my family. But they suddenly went back on their words and turned their backs on their promises- Yuan-ger should have been my younger brother—”

“Shut up—” Zhou Yong shouted violently. QA8nGS

Zhou Li was shocked by the loud shout and instantly regained her senses. When she realized what she said, she froze—

The three brothers of the Zhou family had gloomy faces.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Yuan’s face was pale, he grabbed his husband’s clothes, and his fingertips trembled, Wei Cheng’s expression was furious- he didn’t explode on the spot as the most important thing right now was his wife beside him.

“Husband, no, that’s not the case…” lm6scH

“It’s okay- your husband won’t listen to them.”

Xiao-Liu hurried into the house to pour tea, and the servants hurried in and moved chairs out for the master to sit on.

The chair was moved out, and Wei Cheng pulled him to sit down, it was not easy to hug him outside to comfort him so he took Xiao-Liu’s tea and carefully fed it to his wife, comforting him.

Zhou Li’s elder brother saw that something was wrong, so he took the opportunity and ran away. kOsAEh

The three brothers of the Zhou family looked at the younger brother with a pale face and at their younger brother-in-law with a gloomy face. The three brothers were furious, but they had to hold their breath for now. If they didn’t explain things clearly then they were afraid that their brother-in-law would think that their youngest brother was a man who hated the poor and loved the rich. He might think that the younger brother is a person who had a marriage contract before and will despise their youngest brother.

Their youngest brother suffered all kinds of gossip and rumors from the outside world in those years, and now he finally has their brother-in-law to love him, so they can’t let their brother-in-law feel dissatisfied.

“Li Shi, you dare to swear to God that what you said is true. If you slander my brother with another sentence, your Li family will not end well!” Zhou Yong shouted angrily.

That voice he used to address Li Shi was like an outsider’s! b2FoJ7

“I…I…I was talking nonsense, I didn’t mean to…” Zhou Li was terrified!

“Okay, if you don’t tell the truth then I will!”

Zhou Yong gritted his teeth, “My family has never agreed to any relationship between my younger brother and your third brother. It was your Li family who directly brought people to the door and threatened my family that if they disagreed then you would go out and spread the word that my family agreed to the marriage of the two families. You were forcing my family to agree but how could my family agree to my younger brother marrying your alcoholic and idler of a brother who often goes to brothels!”

“My family disagreed and your family secretly spread rumors to ruin my brother’s reputation, saying that my brother is ugly and looks like a man, that he has a bad temper at home and quarrels with his sisters-in-law. He has a poor temper and no respect for elders…… You said your family didn’t know anything about slandering my brother. For the sake of my son Shitou, your family came to apologize later so my family stopped bothering to care about yours. You still have the face to slander my brother, and ruin my brother’s reputation—” eKU67M

“Li- I want to break up with you—”

“No—I was wrong, husband, I was wrong. I just got angry and lost my mind, so I talked nonsense. I will apologize to Yuan-ger—”

Zhou Yong ignored the pleading Li Shi, he turned to face his brother-in-law, he was just about to speak up for his brother when Wei Cheng finally managed to coax his wife into drinking the tea before he said in a low voice to his brother-in-law, “Brother, don’t say anything, I married Yuan Yuan and he is now Wei Cheng’s wife, I’m not a superficial person- even if Yuan Yuan had a marriage contract in the past, I wouldn’t care. I only know that he is my wife now.”

Wei Cheng tightened his arms and hugged the scared wife in his arms, “Brother, take her back first, and then go back to work after finishing your family affairs. Fortunately, I ordered people to evacuate the crowd this time, so Yuan Yuan’s reputation was not ruined. We don’t have to bear others pointing fingers, otherwise, things will be difficult today.” 9pPdms

He knows how important a ger’s reputation is, not to mention falsely accusing a ger of having a marriage contract with someone else, to go back in an agreement of marriage is to be disobedient and be against a ger’s duty. This could completely destroy a person’s reputation and they would be criticized everywhere.

Wei Cheng said viciously, “If there is a next time then I, Wei Cheng, won’t be called Wei Cheng until I put people in prison.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Li Shi was even more afraid as she trembled.

Wei Hu pulled the carriage to the door of the grocery store, Wei Cheng hugged his wife, got into the carriage, and went back to his home in the suburbs. MqhSLe

The three brothers of the Zhou family brought the person back!

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  1. The bad people came again, but this time they finally got what was coming to them! ><

    Thank You for the new chapter ♡(ŐωŐ人)