These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch28 - Brain-Burning

Translator: Deyonna

The pink tentacle wrapped around the candy in Yuan Ye’s mouth withdrew, pulling some translucent mucus in the process. HOi7IG

Simultaneously, the tentacles that were originally clamped under the youth’s jaw loosened immediately and obediently retracted, leaving only two faint red marks, with very vivid heart-shaped patterns in the middle.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ye Yunfan looked at the half-eaten candy wrapped around his tentacle, finally relieved. Fortunately, he acted quickly; otherwise, Yuan Ye would have completely eaten it.

After achieving his goal, the little octopus retreated with the candy, moving back to stand on Yuan Ye’s chest. During this process, his body and tentacles gradually shrank, returning to their usual size. dCdyTr

The little octopus moved quickly but gently, and he deliberately lightened his actions just now. The whole process even took less than ten seconds, and the tentacle itself was soft and had no sharp or pointed parts.

Therefore, Ye Yunfan was very certain that he would not harm Yuan Ye. It was just that his actions were too sudden, which might have scared the other party.

“Cough, cough…”

The little octopus stood at the youth’s chest, feeling like a small boat bobbing on the waves, as Yuan Ye let out a suppressed cough at that moment.


His chest heaved violently, and since the tentacle had just withdrawn, he was yet to close his mouth.

At this time, the young man seemed like a drowning person who had just crawled ashore, desperately gasping for fresh air.

—This reaction is a bit exaggerated.

Ye Yunfan’s heart shook, thinking that it might be the poison taking effect, which instantly made him anxious. q3pyEt

He quickly moved closer, leaning down to carefully observe Yuan Ye’s condition.

However, the young man’s expression did not show any typical signs of pain or discomfort associated with poisoning. After a brief cough, he continued to gasp heavily and roughly for air, his usually aloof eyes were slightly unfocused, as if unable to concentrate.

Distinct red marks extended from the youth’s fair cheeks to the corners of his mouth. At this moment, his lips, which were constantly opening and closing to breathe, were abnormally red, covered with a thin layer of transparent saliva. In the dim light, they even displayed a shimmering, glossy texture. As if someone had maliciously rubbed them and then gently applied a layer of lip oil.

The originally neat neckline was now in disarray, with several wet marks crisscrossing it, wrinkled, revealing a black metal collar that was originally hidden inside. aFmZ6V

From this angle, Ye Yunfan could clearly see all the subtle details of the other party’s expression at that moment: the unfocused eyes, the bright red lips, the trembling tip of the tongue inside the mouth, and the visibly moving Adam’s apple with each rapid breath.


Ye Yunfan stared blankly for a second and suddenly had a strange feeling that was hard to describe.

He suddenly felt his body was a bit hot, and at the same time, he suddenly felt that maybe he should avert his gaze now, at least… he, the culprit, should not keep looking at Yuan Ye like this in this state. zCKumB

It seemed somewhat impolite and disrespectful.

But for some unknown reason, these rational thoughts circled in his mind several times, but Ye Yunfan’s gaze seemed to be fixed on Yuan Ye’s body, making it hard to remove or shift away.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was unknown if it was because of the dim light in the room, but the originally clean lake-blue color of the little octopus’s eyes suddenly became much deeper and darker, and there seemed to be something else added to the initial anxiety and concern in its gaze.

It seemed to carry some kind of hidden blasphemous meaning. 3ml8B9

However, right now, Yuan Ye’s mind was blank and he felt like his entire mouth was numb and burning.

The honey-peach flavored candy was taken away, leaving behind the dissolved sugar water mixed with some foreign transparent mucus, seemingly transforming into a new syrup. With the stirring of the tentacle just now, it spread to every corner, seeping into every taste bud cell and stimulating all sensitive nerve endings.

After a brief moment, Yuan Ye’s unfocused eyes gradually focused.

He blinked slowly, regaining control of his body. The physiological tears, triggered by the conditioned reflex just now, wet his eyelashes. As he blinked, small wet traces fell at the reddened corners of his eyes. YWjOP6

And this time, those heterochromatic eyes were like gems immersed in an icy mountain stream, becoming even more beautiful and splendid.

Yuan Ye slowly sighed, propping himself up with his elbow to sit up halfway. However, midway through the movement, he suddenly felt a scorching gaze, so intense that it even felt somewhat invasive.

His sensitive perception allowed him to instantly find the source of that scorching gaze—

It was on his chest where the pink “little jellyfish” was lying. XTZlGh


In that split second of eye contact, Ye Yunfan finally collected his thoughts after being stunned, unexpectedly feeling an indescribable sense of guilt.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He immediately averted his gaze and jumped down from Yuan Ye. His movements seemed somewhat flustered.

Ktf sbecu wjc qijmfv tlr qjiwr bc atf ugbecv, rlifcais rlaalcu bc atf oibbg. Llr ygfjatlcu kjr ralii rbwfktja gjqlv jcv vlrbgvfgfv, yea tf vlvc’a lwwfvljafis bqfc tlr wbeat ab rqfjx. Pcrafjv, tf olgra klqfv jkjs atf wblraegf ogbw atf mbgcfg bo tlr ilqr klat tlr riffnf, atfc mbnfgfv tlr wbeat klatbea rjslcu j kbgv obg j ibcu alwf, jr lo tf kjr agslcu ab fcvegf rbwfatlcu. sjh6kT

The dissolved sugar water mixed with the transparent mucus, seemingly turned into a peculiar syrup, without any strange taste. Therefore, Yuan Ye did not feel nauseous or uncomfortable.

However, the sensation of the foreign object invading, stirring, and moving around his mouth had not dissipated for a long time. It was so vivid that Yuan Ye could still feel the sensation of those suction cups sucking on the walls of his oral cavity.

The young man closed his eyes tightly, making an effort to restrain himself from recalling the experience.

Perhaps feeling a bit guilty, Ye Yunfan now didn’t dare to look at Yuan Ye at all, so he shifted his gaze downward. peQ1Sb

However, this shift in gaze caused Ye Yunfan’s focus to mainly rest on Yuan Ye’s chest, where the mucus secreted from his body had just dampened the young man’s shirt.

The thin fabric clung to the other’s violently heaving chest, faintly revealing the color of the skin and the contours of the muscles on the chest.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This is actually not a big deal. After all, they are both males. Even if Yuan Ye were to bare his upper body before, Ye Yunfan would consider it very normal.

But, of course, that was before. lGw8gF

And now, for some unknown reason, his first reaction was to quickly avert his gaze. It was as if he had accidentally seen something he shouldn’t have.

Ye Yunfan’s original intention was to prevent Yuan Ye from eating the poisonous candy, which led him to make the move he just did in a moment of urgency.

Before, he didn’t feel anything was wrong, but now he suddenly felt like everything was wrong.

Because Ye Yunfan didn’t expect Yuan Ye’s reaction to be so strong, just like how he hadn’t considered before that the other party’s wrist might be allergic to his mucus. V kXjZ

However, the other party’s reaction just now was far too different from an allergy, giving Ye Yunfan a strange illusion. It seemed as if what he did just now was not simply taking a candy, but something maliciously close to a forced kiss.

Forced kiss…

This vocabulary is too unfamiliar. Ye Yunfan had only seen it in the domineering CEO novels that his female classmates liked back in middle school.

It’s just too far away from him, and it doesn’t fit his character at all. rmdyAb

This word suddenly pinned on him, giving Ye Yunfan a feeling as if his own character had collapsed.

For example, gentle and cultured on the surface, but is actually a pervert on the inside. No, wait…

Why does he have such strange thoughts?

Ye Yunfan has always been clear-headed, emotionally stable, and mild-tempered since childhood. In any situation, he approaches people and all things with great rationality. aN9EiP

This is the first time he has inexplicably formed so many messy and chaotic thoughts.

The usually lively and noisy little tentacles, which love to make a fuss and noises, remained completely silent throughout the entire process.

—They were as quiet as if they had disappeared.

However, Ye Yunfan completely failed to notice this, as he was still preoccupied with why he had those bizarre, inconceivable, and even indescribable thoughts. XrA7to


The room fell silent for a moment.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yuan Ye covered his mouth in silence, as he struggled to adapt to the lingering sensation in his mouth while also trying hard to regulate his rapid breathing.

But in fact, his initial reaction was not to the abnormal behavior exhibited by the “little jellyfish” just now, nor was it a series of inappropriate behaviors brought about by his overly sensitive body. Tb8sfC

Instead, he was amazed that his body had not put out any resistance at all throughout the entire process.

During the entire process of the tentacles entering, stirring, and withdrawing, Yuan Ye’s bone-ingrained fighting instinct suddenly failed him, and his gifted ability that loses control and goes berserk at the drop of a hat vanishes abruptly.

In those brief few seconds, just now, Yuan Ye felt as if he had suddenly turned into an ordinary person with no strength to tie up a chicken.

No, even an ordinary person would have a conditioned reflex to struggle and resist, but apart from subconsciously wanting to push the tentacle out with his tongue, he had no other struggles or resistance. nq9 z6

…This is too strange.

It’s as if he is one extreme when facing other people and another extreme when facing this “little jellyfish.”

Was the advice of the phycologist, Everiel, really effective? But why did he not have the same reaction to other evolved species?

Or does this “little jellyfish” he accidentally found have something special about it? 6hnB1E

Yuan Ye couldn’t be sure, but he planned to go see Everiel in the main city as soon as he returned to ask for her advice.

A few minutes later, Yuan Ye finally calmed down a lot. The corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of the “little jellyfish” using its tentacle to curl around the half piece of candy from earlier, quickly forming a guess in his mind.

Perhaps the little guy had just tasted candy for the first time, so he still wanted more, so he… just directly robbed it.

This kind of behavior and logic is very consistent with young evolved species with low intelligence levels. AOXTVQ

Yuan Ye felt he should say something at this moment, but the strange sensation in his mouth made it difficult for him to speak. Because, every time he tried to open his mouth, he felt as if the tentacle was still inside, so he could only cover his mouth in silence.

However, he still turned his head slightly, not wanting his current sorry appearance to be seen.

Even though the other party was not human, but a “little jellyfish” that didn’t seem to understand much.

This reaction suddenly made Ye Yunfan stunned. zeSu f

Because he had thought that Yuan Ye might be shocked, angry, scold him severely, or even lose his temper. Taking a thousand steps back, even if the other party regarded his actions as just ignorant mischievous roughhousing, a few words of education, a question about the reason, or an expression of attitude should be conveyed.

For example, sternly admonishing him: “Next time, you must not do this!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This is the correct way to handle the situation!

But Ye Yunfan never expected that the first thing Yuan Ye did after getting up was to cover his mouth in silence. After finally looking at him with great difficulty, he didn’t say anything, just turned his head away with a look of suppressed embarrassment. nCpIAo

This series of actions is like… a little young woman who is not good with words suddenly experiencing an unspeakable forced kiss. However, due to some concerns, they can only feel wronged and endure silently without daring to say much in the end.


At that moment, Ye Yunfan was stunned by the shocking metaphor in his mind.

“……???” pelRN5

No, what kind of reaction is this???

At least say something to him!

Now Yuan Ye’s appearance makes it seem as if… Ye Yunfan had really done something unspeakable and worse than a beast to him just now.

“……” lh0Mma

Ye Yunfan remained silent and dazed for a long time, finally managing to temporarily suppress the jumble of thoughts in his mind.

In any case, those random speculations are not important. What matters now is that the candies are poisoned and how he can accurately and clearly convey this to Yuan Ye.

The little octopus pondered for some time, then immediately perked up. He held up the half-melted candy and ran clattering to the other side, entering Yuan Ye’s field of vision.

He held the candy up high to show Yuan Ye, then planned to perform a lying down flat immediately after eating it. Te0CSK

However, just as the little octopus held the candy up high, in the next seconds, Yuan Ye grabbed a few more from the jar and placed them in front of him. The young man covered the lower half of his face with one hand and blinked at him. The meaning was very clear–he was indicating that all these were for him. The little octopus who had just begun his performance: “…….?”

No, of course he doesn’t want these candies!

However, after placing the candies, Yuan Ye no longer looked at him. Instead, he picked up the glass candy jar and stood up, heading towards the bathroom on the side.

Just as Ye Yunfan was distressed over what to do in the current situation, he suddenly felt a slight sting in his brain. w NuXH

[Reminder: Poison exhibits secondary effects.]

[Health Value -2]

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Yunfan: “……???”

Additional secondary effect? NzdlOn

He was slightly startled, and in his mind, countless possible conspiracies and schemes targeting Yuan Ye suddenly emerged. However, before Ye Yunfan could delve into them further, his continuously scattering thoughts came to a sudden halt.


…Wait a minute.

The little octopus’ gaze suddenly became blank and confused. KXsj7G

What was he thinking just now?

Ye Yunfan felt his mind empty, as if everything he had just thought of had been effortlessly erased.

However, this situation is also very common in real life, much like many people who constantly remind themselves to remember to bring their keys before leaving, only to forget them for unknown reasons the moment they step out of their house.

Ye Yunfan is feeling exactly like this now. bZq7BN

He blinked slowly twice, his gaze suddenly fixed on the scattered candies in front of him.



“!” d74N0R

The broken thoughts suddenly reconnected, and Ye Yunfan remembered. He immediately moved and ran towards the bathroom.

This poison seems to target the brain nerves, which are much more serious than harming the physical body.

Having just heard the words of the two-headed crow, Ye Yunfan gained a preliminary impression of the political elite of this world. Since they could use Chen Xinyue as bait and treat so many lives as chips.

So, Yuan Ye is likely to be one of those chips as well. 9MS7d6

Ye Yunfan could not determine whether this candy was a means of control or if it was someone else’s method of assassinating Yuan Ye.

But regardless of which one it is, he must inform the other party as soon as possible.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The little octopus was very anxious.

The bathroom door was closed, and he slid in directly through the gap under the door. IgNbKa

After all, octopuses, being boneless creatures, can easily squeeze through any gap larger than their eyes.

Moreover, there was no sound of running water in the bathroom; it was extremely quiet inside. Ye Yunfan confirmed that Yuan Ye was not taking a shower, so he entered without any worry of encountering an awkward scene, making his way in without any psychological burden.

Since the little octopus is only the size of a palm, when he stands on the ground, his eye level is only as high as a human’s shoes.

So as soon as he squeezed in, the first thing Ye Yunfan saw was a crumpled white shirt lying on the ground, with a very obvious wet mark at the chest, not from water but from mucus. XpEbY8

There was no bright light in the bathroom, but this level of dimness did not hinder the vision of the little octopus.

He continued to look up and saw the tall, wooden, four-legged shelf on which the wooden basin he used to bathe in before was placed.

On the edge of the basin hung Yuan Ye’s two gloves, one black and one white, both for the right hand.

But right now, Yuan Ye was standing in front of the wooden basin, his upper body bare, and the black metal collar around his neck particularly conspicuous. JDZmIx

He turned sideways towards the door. So in Ye Yunfan’s view, the young man’s waist appeared particularly narrow, with abdominal muscles that were not deeply defined but smooth and beautiful, resembling a rare piece of human body sculpture art.

At this moment, he could clearly see the wound on Yuan Ye’s chest. The extremely terrifying wound from three days ago had miraculously healed, growing light pink flesh.

However, this is not the main point.

The main point is that there is no sound of running water in the quiet bathroom. Cot17U

But there was another familiar stirring sound. However, that sound abruptly ceased after Ye Yunfan entered, lasting only a few short seconds.

Ye Yunfan stood still, suddenly forgetting what he wanted to say.

Because at that moment, he clearly saw—

The young man facing the mirror suddenly stopped moving, pulling his fingers away from his mouth, but inevitably leaving behind one or two strings of transparent fluid between them. There were obvious red marks on his cheeks, and at this moment, he was breathing slightly heavily, looking towards the door. TWPYzd

Those beautiful heterochromatic eyes no longer appeared as cold and icy as when first seen, nor were they as indifferent and without ripples as usual.

At this moment, his eyelashes were dampened by physiological tears, with a slight redness around his eye sockets. His gem-like beautifully reflected eyes seemed to have countless small hooks.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Densely packed, captivating the soul.

In that instant, Ye Yunfan’s mind suddenly “buzzed”. Mk8zZn

Translator’s Corner:  Hey guys! Sorry for not being able to update yesterday. This chapter is actually ready, but when I tried to upload it, my internet suddenly went out. It only came back today. Thanks for your patience! And hurray! Our little jellyfish octopus will finally have thrice a week updates, it’ll be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

Translator's Note

used figuratively to refer to subtle or captivating details or elements that attract attention or interest, much like hooks that catch one’s curiosity or emotions. It can imply something intriguing, captivating, or alluring.

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