Transmigrated into the School Idol’s Love Rival and LoverChapter 64

Ruan Yan’s heart skipped a beat as he glanced at Chu Nan’s fist.

…It was really bigger than a cooking pot, and it looked quite hard. IPhF7B

No, Chu Nan wouldn’t hit him. Ruan Yan inexplicably felt this way. He was even displeased; Chu Nan had previously threatened him with being the school bully, but now he was outright saying he would beat him up.

…When he was Ruan Yan, he was the moonlight in Chu Nan’s heart.

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And when he was the “ying ying yinging” Ran Yan, he was also the little angel in Chu Nan’s palm.

Chu Nan had said he would never lay a hand on him no matter what happened, but now he was going to hit him. QtulAT

Ruan Yan’s eyes welled up quietly. He didn’t believe Chu Nan would hit him. He rejected coldly, “I don’t ‘ying’.”

“Hahaha.” Chu Nan chuckled, amused by Ruan Yan’s serious declaration. It was the first time he had seen someone so coldly and seriously say “I don’t ‘ying.” Chu Nan couldn’t help but, using the hand that wasn’t holding a cigarette, ruffle Ruan Yan’s hair. His narrow eyes squinted slightly, “Why not ‘ying?”

Didn’t Little Yan like to ‘ying ying ying’?

Ruan Yan wasn’t acting. Why should he ‘ying if he didn’t want to?

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He disliked Chu Nan messing with his hair, so he raised his hand to push Chu Nan’s hand away, saying coldly, “If you like to ‘ying” so much, try it yourself before asking others to ‘ying’.”

Feeling the touch of Ruan Yan’s fingertips brushing over his palm, Chu Nan hooked his lips. “I’m not a ‘ying ying ying’ monster. You are.”

But if you want to hear it…” Chu Nan leaned in closer, whispering in Ruan Yan’s ear, “…’ying… ‘ying’… ‘ying’.”

The elongated sounds lightly teased Ruan Yan’s ear, and his heart thumped like a drum. He almost turned around and punched the towering Chu Nan. VTWfMQ

Chu Nan’s ‘yings’ sounded really unpleasant.

And he actually had the nerve to ‘ying’ for real.

Ruan Yan suppressed his agitation, his face cold. Chu Nan found it amusing, “I’ve ‘yinged’ Now it’s your turn.”

Ruan Yan felt embarrassed to ‘ying,’ but he closed his eyes, appearing as if he were playing dead. ygN0xc

Raising his eyebrows, Chu Nan said in a commanding tone, “I’ve ‘yinged’ and you don’t ‘ying,’ are you trying to play with me? Do you know the consequences of playing with the school bully?”

He really wanted to hear Ruan Yan’s yings and act coquettishly towards him. For a moment, he forgot to restrain himself, revealing a hint of fierceness.

In the narrow restroom stall, with Chu Nan’s fist as big as a cooking pot and a face full of hostility, Ruan Yan looked puzzled, “Are you really going to hit me?”

Chu Nan had said he wouldn’t hit him. 3XpGEr

“Yeah, if you don’t ‘ying,’ I’ll hit you.” Chu Nan casually said, placing his hand on Ruan Yan’s shoulder. He liked touching him.

Ruan Yan’s fragile heart began to crack. Men’s words, especially when there was strong camaraderie, could change at any moment.

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Ruan Yan wasn’t one to act recklessly. He could have stood tall and said, “Go ahead, hit me. You won’t gain anything by hitting me.”

But there was no need. He didn’t want to be beaten for no reason. TEQzBS

Ruan Yan lowered his head, his eyes slightly red with tears. In a trembling voice, he yinged again.

Although he tried to keep his voice calm, it sounded cold, as if swords were clashing. But he was indeed feeling aggrieved, and his ‘ying’ had a hint of trembling.

Chu Nan thought it was just a performance.

He suddenly pulled Ruan Yan into his arms, letting him bury his face in his shoulder. “What’s wrong? Every time you ‘ying’ you seem like a little wife. You’re so obedient, I’m not used to it.” cYZtGC

Chu Nan felt sorry for Ruan Yan. Back then, when Ruan Yan lied to him about his gender, he was so angry he even considered breaking up, but he never thought about harming Ruan Yan.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Therefore, Chu Nan never expected Ruan Yan to really believe he was going to be hit and feel so wronged.

“Jjc sbe ‘slcu’ jujlc? Zjxf la j yla wbgf agfwyis atlr alwf,” Jte Rjc gfdefrafv.

Pc Eejc Tjc’r tfjga, tf atbeuta, Ktlr lr pera wjxlcu oec bo wf. N IpEM

Llr ybzlcu rxliir kfgf tbcfv, yea cbk tf klrtfv tf tjv ifjgcfv rtbbalcu lcrafjv, rb tf mbeiv xffq tlr vlrajcmf jcv rtbba Jte Rjc ogbw jojg.

Although Ruan Yan didn’t feel any pain right now, there was a tear on his eyelashes. With a tremble in his voice, he ‘yinged’ again.

Chu Nan held him gently for a long time before saying, “Shall we make up?”

“Let go of me first, Chu Nan,” Ruan Yan said with his head down. 6l TGV

Whenever he used such a gentle tone, Chu Nan couldn’t resist. He really let go of his embrace.

“I don’t want to smell the smoke here. I want to leave first,” Ruan Yan sniffed, and since Chu Nan agreed, he took the initiative to push the door open.

As he walked out, Ruan Yan said, “I need to wash my hands first. They’re dirty.”

Chu Nan was about to follow, but Ruan Yan stopped him, “Don’t come over yet. You smell of smoke too.” SMaUwE

Chu Nan: “…Alright then.”

He thought the two of them had made up, like a tamed beast.

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Ruan Yan successfully walked out of the restroom. However, as soon as he reached the door, he changed his tone from earlier and pointed at Chu Nan angrily, “We can never reconcile in this lifetime. You bullied me with school violence. If I ever have to interact with you again, it’ll be like having Zhu Ping’s brain.”

Chu Nan: !!! TX50b3

How did it change so quickly? He was just ‘ying ying yinging in his arms a moment ago.

Chu Nan’s eyes darkened, planning to go and catch Ruan Yan. But Ruan Yan quickly closed the restroom door and locked it from the outside.

During the renovation of Qilin High School’s restroom, there were always issues with construction. While other areas were completed, the restrooms were not. To accommodate the students’ needs, despite the danger, they still used the unfinished restrooms. The school had no choice but to install large locks outside each restroom door, which could only be opened from the outside with a key.

Ruan Yan was now using one of those locks. H8a9x2

He wanted to use school violence against Chu Nan too. After locking the door, Ruan Yan said from the outside, “Chu Nan, if you ever bully me again, I’ll lock you in a cemetery next time.”

Chu Nan: …

Honestly, this was Chu “School Bully” Nan’s first experience of being subjected to school violence, and it felt quite fresh.

Ruan Yan knew to use a gentle tone first to calm him down. Since he understood Chu Nan’s thoughts so well, why not just be together with him directly? Why play these mind games? dKbhXA

Chu Nan said, “Lock me in a cemetery? Together with you? Which cemetery have you set your eyes on? We can be a pair for life.”

“Get lost,” Ruan Yan said coldly. “Even if you die, I won’t.”

He didn’t like fighting. His chances of staying safe were much higher if he just lived his life peacefully.

Listening to Ruan Yan’s lively voice, Chu Nan’s lips curved. He would cling to Ruan Yan even if he went to his death. dZtcBp

He couldn’t bear to leave him alone.

After locking Chu Nan in, Ruan Yan, afraid of retaliation from Chu Nan, went straight home. He planned to see how things were at school the next day.

Actually, Chu Nan was fine. He just made a call to Zhu Ping to bring the key.

But Zhu Ping was indignant. “Who’s so despicable as to lock you in the restroom? What a despicable person.” S3nFm

Chu Nan warned him, “Stop cursing at people so easily.”

Zhu Ping immediately changed his tune. “Such a bastard.”

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Chu Nan opened his eyes, and his sharp gaze pierced Zhu Ping. “I volunteered to be locked up. You want to curse at me?”

Zhu Ping: …Uh… nope. fpl76P

Zhu Ping apologized stupidly.

Ruan Yan hesitated to go to school, but after some thought, he still didn’t want to give in.

Schemingly, he sent a message to Zhu Ping, “Is Chu Nan okay?”

Zhu Ping’s reply came immediately, “Chu Ge is fine. Even if you’re dead, he won’t be.” pYnXVE

Ruan Yan felt relieved. It seemed that nothing had happened to Chu Nan, and he hadn’t told anyone about being locked up.

Barely, he acted like a human being.

When it comes to men’s matters, they should be dealt with one-on-one. It wouldn’t be fun to bring a group for a beating.

With a cold face, Ruan Yan put on his knee and wrist guards and other protective gear and left the house in long clothes and pants. WQ7LPa

With these precautions, he’d be ready to fight if needed.

Today was the midterm exams after all, and Qilin High School rarely gave half-day breaks to students. Ruan Yan’s protective gear didn’t come into play at all even after school ended.

Ruan Yan: …Worried for nothing.

After packing up his things and returning home, trouble found him as soon as he went back out. usYi9P

Facing seven or eight burly men in front of him, Ruan Yan said coldly, “What’s the matter?”

The men glanced at each other. “Nothing, please come with us.”

“Is that so? I need to consider whether I have time today.” Ruan Yan said while putting his hands in his pockets, secretly thinking about calling the police.

“Don’t.” One man said directly, “We’re inviting you, not others. Keep your phone well. Otherwise, we’re afraid we won’t treat you kindly.” qIA jl

Ruan Yan frowned. These men’s choice of words was strange.

They actually used “treat kindly” when referring to a man.

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He wasn’t using his phone temporarily now, and he didn’t want to provoke them. Ruan Yan didn’t know who these people were. He initially thought they might be sent by his parents’ business rivals, but those people acted swiftly and wouldn’t drag things out like this.

Ruan Yan said, “If you’re inviting me, you should at least tell me who the host is.” eb XPw

The burly men glanced at each other. “It’s Chu Ge. You oppose him every day. Don’t you know?”

Ruan Yan’s heart sank. It was Chu Nan?

Did Chu Nan send these people after him because he locked him in the restroom?

Ruan Yan felt that Chu Nan didn’t seem like that kind of person, but… according to the original storyline, it seemed that Chu Nan did indeed have his brothers tie up Ruan Yan. j5CgnH

Ruan Yan was confused. If it wasn’t Chu Nan who tied him up, he would try to find a way to call the police. But if it was Chu Nan…

The man across couldn’t wait any longer. “What are you considering? Come with us obediently.”

How could Ruan Yan be obedient? He raised his voice, “Fire—”

“Damn it!” The man opposite said, “Go over and hold him down, don’t let him call for help.” 2zy7A5

The men’s lackeys rushed towards Ruan Yan from behind. Although Ruan Yan had learned boxing, he hadn’t experienced this kind of situation before. He tried his best to punch and kick while also trying to call Uncle Lin.

But it was useless. In the face of absolute physical suppression, everything was like paper tigers.

Ruan Yan’s mouth was covered, his hands and feet tied, and he was taken away.

He wasn’t too worried, actually. These people were hesitant and their actions weren’t well-planned. They didn’t seem like they knew about his family background and came to kidnap him for ransom or to harm him. wpFPsj

As long as he didn’t return home by 6 p.m. today and didn’t call home to report his safety, Uncle Lin would immediately notify everyone who could be notified.

Could it really be Chu Nan?

Chu Nan had just received the clothes washed by “Ruan Yan” and was happy. These were the clothes washed by Yan Yan, or Yan Yan had asked someone to wash them.

He looked at the clothes and wanted to put them on now. 6S1Tpd

Su Xue walked in from outside. “Chu Nan, do you like them?”

She smiled gently. “I know your clothes are expensive, so I didn’t wash them. I just put them in the breeze and used the scent of gardenia to freshen them up… Smell it, does it smell good?”

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Chu Nan’s face instantly darkened. “Who told you to touch my clothes? And where’s Ruan Yan?”

Su Xue said, “Ruan Yan gave them to me. I know you don’t like him, so I won’t talk to him anymore.” v4b3FJ

“I like him very much. Who cares what you think?” Chu Nan disdainfully threw the clothes aside. He wouldn’t have been so obvious even if it was someone else, but it happened to be Su Xue who had harmed Ruan Yan.

A trace of hurt flashed in Su Xue’s eyes. “You—”

Chu Nan said, “I don’t want the clothes anymore. Get lost.”

He impatiently kicked over the table. How could Yan Yan give his clothes to someone else? ylYUhS

Su Xue didn’t leave, so Chu Nan stormed out, trying to call Ruan Yan, but nobody answered.

Chu Nan frowned. This was being stubborn. No, his temper hadn’t changed.

He made four or five more calls, but still no answer.

Worry surfaced in Chu Nan’s heart. He had a possessive and protective urge towards Ruan Yan. Previously, even when Ruan Yan went to the bathroom for a while, he was afraid Ruan Yan would fall in the bathroom. Now, it was even worse. JEwYh0

Chu Nan felt paranoid, imagining many unfavorable scenarios.

At this time, Ju Ping and the others hadn’t gone back yet, chatting, “It seems that the one-eyed dragon from the east has been released again. This scum, I heard he brought someone back. Damn, I need to call the police. This time, I’ll make sure he gets sentenced to ten years in prison.”

Ju Ping was just talking about calling the police, after all, the news might not be accurate, and he still had midterm exams tomorrow.

Chu Nan’s heart sank. “He kidnapped someone back? Where did he go?” Irk9KB

“…King Bar.” That gay bar.

Chu Nan’s growing unease. “Zhang Yang, take people to the school and surrounding areas to find Ruan Yan or Ran Yan, Chen Siyu, call the police about the one-eyed dragon, and then go to Ruan Yan’s house after calling the police. I’ll go with Ju Ping.”

Ju Ping and the others looked at each other. Was this reaction too big?

“Brother Chu, maybe it’s just fake news. The one-eyed dragon has only been out for a few days, how could he cause trouble so soon?” 17O4GP

“If he causes trouble, will you compensate?” Chu Nan said, “If someone dies, are you afraid of having nightmares, huh? Knowing there might be trouble and not going, I can put the one-eyed dragon in again twice, I can put him in again.”

His heart beat faster and faster, and Ruan Yan’s face seemed to be getting further and further away in his mind.

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