Tyrant Pampering Wife DiaryCh29 - Revenge

Song Song actually did not like Li Xiao calling him finicky very much, but when Li Xiao used that warm, deep, and doting voice to say that word, he suddenly felt like his heart was going to melt.

He didn’t dare to continue pestering Li Xiao, and was really tired, so he hid his face into the other’s chest, and very quickly fell asleep. v6fhFb

When he woke up the second day and recalled the previous night, it still seemed like a dream.

The man laying next to him suddenly held him a little tighter: “If Song-er is tired, then you should just stay home and rest. Don’t go running around everywhere today.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“But I…”

“Be good.” Song Song raised his flushed face and glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze, saying quietly: “En.” Mes Lw

Even though he could rest, Li Xiao couldn’t.

Therefore, he accompanied Li Xiao and ate breakfast together. Afterward, he went to the greenhouse to look at the blooming flowers. He watered the plants a little, then returned back into the room to sleep.

Muddled, he slept until the afternoon, then suddenly heard someone call him: “Wangfei, wangfei, are you awake?”

Song Song jolted and opened his eyes, opening the bed curtains to ask: “What’s the matter?”


Qi Haoyun said: “Not good. Something bad happened to Fuxiang restaurant. Someone died.”

Song Song started putting on his shoes quickly: “Quick, get the carriage ready.”

The carriage reached Fuxiang restaurant’s front door, Song Song got off in a flurry, face white as he walked inside. There were already officers sealing off the building. When they saw him, they saluted: “Wangfei, peace. A homicide occurred here today. Careful not to upset yourself.”

“What, what happened?” The corners of Song Song’s eyes almost reddened. He was born delicate looking, and was finally raised by the mad king to be somewhat pampered. When his eyes reddened, it attracted people’s affections and desire to protect. For something like this to happen after just taking over Fuxiang restaurant recently, the officers could understand his feelings well and said: “The person who died is of great importance. We’ve already informed the department of justice, someone will soon be arriving. Why don’t you return to the carriage and wait for information there?” JMpoXT

“Who died?” Song Song’s face looked nervous. The customers of Fuxiang restaurant were all nobility. If the one who died was a government official… he had tears spinning in his eyes. The officer was just about to open his mouth, when he abruptly heard the sound of horse steps hurrying over.  Song Song raised his head in alarm and saw a man wearing armor stopped in front of his eyes. His gaze met with Song Song’s tearful eyes, his teeth grinding as he flipped off the horse and walked over quickly. His voice shook uncontrollably: “My son…. “

“Commander Fu, please calm down. Someone from the department of justice is almost here.”

How could anyone hold back Fu Zhao?!

He abruptly turned his head to look at Song Song. For a second, Song Song trembled all over, then shrank his head and moved back, looking just like a weak scholarly pampered gongzi, completely lacking in aggression. Fu Zhao spun around, waved his palms and pushed the two officers in front of him away: “Out of my way!” THCaU8

“Commander Fu!”

Several people followed him.

When Li Yun arrived on his horse, he came in time to see Song Song’s body swaying, supported heavily by the servant next to him. He got off his horse and walked over quickly: “The weather is too cold. Brother-in-law’s body is weak. You should return first.”

“6th royal brother… “ Song Song maintained a strong front, but his face was still terrifyingly white. His thin long eyelashes were already moistened by tears. He saluted properly towards Li Yun: “6th royal highness. This thing is definitely caused by someone who wants to prevent me from keeping Fuxiang restaurant open. Please do everything you can to find the culprit and prove that my Fuxiang restaurant is innocent.” WiwfOm

Li Yun helped him up by pulling on his wrist, and said: “I’m afraid I might not be in charge of this case. I only came over to look at the situation. The rest I have to hand over to other officials to handle.”

Song Song immediately replied: “A few days ago, that old man who was selling rodenticides, he definitely had bad intentions, and is an accomplice….”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

His behavior right now seemed like he was pointing fingers at anything and anyone.

“Dgbatfg-lc-ijk.” Ol Tec rjlv tfiqifrris: “Ktja biv wjc P jigfjvs lcnfralujafv mifjgis. Lf gfjiis tjv cb batfg mtblmf rb tf mjwf bea ab rfii gbvfcalmlvfr. Llr vjeutafg lr ralii lc atf milclm atfrf ijra akb vjsr. Dgbatfg-lc-ijk, ags cba ab ifa sbeg atbeutar gec klivis. Qts vbc’a sbe gfaegc olgra? Po P tjnf jcs defralbcr, P klii mbwf olcv sbe ja atf frajaf.” SvwB5J

Another set of horse steps sounded. Li Yun called out: “Big brother.”

Li Xiao nodded at him, reached out to pull at Song Song’s hands, saying: “Let’s get in the carriage first.”

“But this restaurant was my mother…. ….”

He didn’t finish what he was saying, or perhaps he realized that he took advantage of Li Xiao’s favor and overstepped. Wiping at his tears, he obediently turned and climbed into the carriage. 63ALH0

Settling inside, Song Song calmly finished wiping clean the tears at the corner of his eyes, his expression already no longer frenetic.

Li Xiao said to Li yun: “There’s no need for me to say more. You guys investigate this well. Quickly find the murderer so you can give the family member a proper explanation.”

“This lowly official greets wangye.”

Some activity was heard coming from inside the restaurant. Fu Zhao, with his eyes completely red, was looking at him and said: “This restaurant belongs to wangfei. A few days ago, this official obtained a group of soldiers from wangye. You can’t say these two things aren’t related?” jc5f0R

Li Xiao’s expression gained a hint of coldness: “Commander Fu, accusations require evidence. Taking advantage of a quick mouth isn’t how a government official should do things.”

Fu Zhao’s lips trembled. Li Xiao didn’t even look back as he got on his horse and ordered his attendants: “Return to the estate!”

Fu Zhao squeezed his fist tight. Li Yun said: “I’m sorry for your loss.” Then followed everyone else into the restaurant. Fu Zhao sighed. Supported by a servant, he said: “This case, we definitely can’t trust in the department of justice.”

At the moment, Song Song did not participate in the investigation. Although he was Fuxiang restaurant’s owner, his status was extremely high and respected. Therefore, the department of justice started questioning the waiters and cooks first. VKIc2k

This time when Song Song left hastily out the door, he didn’t have time to dress warmly and became sick as soon as he got home. When Li Xiao entered the door, he was coughing nonstop. The man took the medicine from a maid’s hand and walked towards him. He said with furrowed brows: “Why didn’t you take good care of yourself?”

“Someone died at my restaurant. I was almost scared to death. Where would I find the idle time to dress in layer and layer of clothes?” Lips pale white, Song Song leaned against the head of the bed, but his eyes flashed craftily. He reached out his hands and said: “I’ll do it myself.”

“Stop moving all over.” Li Xiao sat at the bedside, scooped up a spoon of the medicine soup, blew on it lightly and said: “Cold medicine. It won’t be too bitter.”

Song Song’s colorless lips moved towards the spoon. A few drops of the medicine touched the tip of his tongue. His brows instantly wrinkled. Even if it wasn’t bitter, it still didn’t taste very good. x5bskh

Li Xiao smiled a little, took out a honey treat from the little table on the side. Song Song shook his head and said: “Let me drink it all in one go, then I’ll eat it.”

He extended his hand to take the bowl, but again was dodged by Li Xiao: “It tastes that bad?

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“Naturally tastes bad.”

Because of the cold, his voice was a bit hoarse. His nose was stuffed, so it also sounded a little nasally. When heard, it gave the impression like he was sulking. Li Xiao’s expression became dark, he said dryly: “If it’s bitter, then we’ll eat it together. If there’s trouble, we’ll carry it together.” PoBxU7

Song Song didn’t have a chance to respond before he saw the other take a mouthful of the medicine and lean forward. This way of feeding medicine naturally didn’t only involve feeding medicine. Song Song swallowed that mouthful of liquid, the shudder from his lips made him completely forget the medicine’s bitterness. By the time the bowl of medicine was empty, Song Song’s cheeks gained a red flush, his lips no longer as pale as before.

He stared at Li Xiao blankly. The latter fetched a handkerchief and wiped at the corner of his mouth. He stuffed the honey treat into Song Song’s mouth, then leaned forward again.

Eyelashes trembling, Song Song bit a corner of the treat. Li Xiao used a little strength, and bit off the other half before he withdrew slowly. They were still very close to each other.

Song Song knew that he should move his gaze away, but he almost felt like he was bewitched at the moment and could only stare dumbly into Li Xiao’s eyes. Inside them must hide a hook or large net, keeping him captured. 4JhP B

Li Xiao’s finger rubbed the corner of his mouth, his adam’s apple rolled. There was a subtle taste of something dispersed in the air. Just at this moment, a voice sounded abruptly from outside: “Wangye, someone has invited wangfei forward for questioning.”

Song Song instantly focused again, his face burning hot: “I’ll go take a look.”

“This king will accompany you.” Li Xiao got up and helped him get dressed, wrapping him snuggly in a huge overcoat. Then as if that wasn’t enough, he wrapped a scarf around his neck as well. Looking down, Song Song let Li Xiao do as he wished, his heart feeling like it held a rabbit inside, jumping nonstop. Li Xiao held his hand. Song Song discovered that the people who came were actually from the department of justice. They were extremely respectful: “We came to invite wangfei for some questioning. Hope wangye will cooperate.”

“Let’s go.” BUKEgu

When they arrived at their destination, the official holding the trial immediately stood up. While bowing to Li Xiao, he kept looking at the officer who went to fetch the suspect. Sent to fetch the wangfei, how did he bring back the wangye as well? How does he dare to ask anything now?”

Li Xiao immediately said: “Why did you call wangfei here?”

That official waved his hand. Instantly someone brought up a file. “It’s like this. Someone confessed to the case we’ve been investigating these few days. They said that he was instructed by wangfei. This official only wants to confirm real quick.”

Just look. Originally it was for hard questioning. Now in front of Li Xiao, they only dared to explain the situation carefully. After all, he had to take into consideration all of the workers in the department of justice. Most of these people were scholarly officials. If Li Xiao had an outburst, they won’t even be able to run. HWzK65

Li Xiao glanced at him, then turned his face to ask Song Song: “Do you know someone named Wang Jiu?”

Song Song naturally shook his head, confused. His pale face was hidden between a furry scarf and a large snow marten skin hat, features exquisite beyond that of a mortal. That official took one look at him, then saw that Li Xiao’s attention returned to the file. A few seconds later, Li Xiao said: “This person works in the back kitchen of Fuxiang restaurant. His mother is Song estate’s cook. His age is over 20… he probably started when Fuxiang restaurant was handed over to Song Guogong. Beloved, you’re a little too careless. In charge of Fuxiang for so long, yet you’re still unaware you need to change out all of the people in the back kitchens after changing ownership.”

When he said this, the official started to have a faint understanding. He looked at Song Song again. The latter was looking down at the ground quietly, like a small child being reprimanded. Only his slightly jutted lips revealed a hint of his grievance.

Oh yeah, how could someone who didn’t know even to switch out old employees be the type of person who would instruct someone to murder? AOkdGu

Li Xiao continued: “He said….when wangfei still lived at the Song estate, their relationship was pretty good. Did you guys check if this was true?”

“Wangye, no need to get angry. This official is just doing some routine questioning.” That official said: “This claim was indeed investigated. I heard back then wangfei’s treatment at the Song estate wasn’t well. The man’s mother, the cook, helped him here and there and they became familiar over time.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“This man worked at Fuxiang restaurant’s back kitchen for many years. Wangfei usually didn’t leave the Song estate. Even if his relationship with the mother was not bad, how would he have had interactions with this man?”

“He said he usually frequently visited his mother. We confirmed that this was also true.” U9W2M6

“If wangfei wanted to harm someone, why would he use people from the Song estate? Is it because I don’t have enough soldiers at my estate or because my secret agents lack skills?”

“This…. “ The official wiped away sweat from his head. If the princes wanted to train secret agents, especially someone like Li Xiao, it’s very normal. If Song Song really wanted to murder someone, he could do it completely without anyone knowing. He said: “Wang Jiu said, wangfei wanted to frame the Song family.”

“Did he confess for Song estate, or did he confess for wangfei?”

“For wangfei…” The official paused and said: “He said that he couldn’t stand to watch wangfei’s action.” ddvPqO

“Bring him up.”

The official was afraid of Li Xiao, so easily ordered someone to bring in the murderer. As soon as that person stood in front of him, his both legs went soft. He lowered his head, full of cold sweats. Li Xiao said coldly: “What’s wangfei’s motive for murder.”

“Because he, he wants to frame the Song family’s 5th son.”

“Killing someone in his own restaurant, then using someone like you who used to work for the Song estate to lead the authorities to believe it was done by the Song family, and thus achieving the effect of the thief crying ‘stop thief’ while escaping himself. This king’s beloved is really devious ah.” 9d8Ix2

Wang Jiu completely didn’t hear his sarcasm and hastily replied: “Yes. Just like that. What wangye said is correct.”

“Then why did wangfei want to place the blame on the Song family’s 5th son?”

“A few while back, he stabbed him once. It’s probably because the 5th gongzi didn’t die, so… “

“So you’re saying, he wants to kill Song Shi?” F74dzU

“Yes. That’s right.”

“Song Shi and wangfei have some past disputes?”

“Of course there is. In the past, Song Shi often bullied wangfei. In the winter, he placed ice outside of the storage room and almost froze wangfei to death. Then there’s the time when he forced wangfei to start a fire in the kitchen, and wanted to press wangfei’s head into the boiling pot. Luckily 2nd gongzi arrived in time and saved wangfei. Now… now that wangfei gained prestige, of course he’d want to get revenge.”

Even though he would be counted as a bad partner, an official to the side still subconsciously looked towards Song Song, his gaze displaying some sympathy. vbC8GI

Li Xiao’s expression, however, gradually changed. Even his tone had a slight difference. He said lowly: “Looks like the two really have animosity towards each other.”

Wang Jiu didn’t notice his strangeness, his head still facing the floor, and replied: “That’s right. That’s why wangfei wanted to use any means possible to place the blame on the 5th gongzi. It’s… “

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He didn’t finish speaking, someone suddenly walked out from behind a wooden screen. Li Yun’s face looked extremely unsightly: “Drag him out of here!”

He faced Li Xiao. The latter tilted his head slightly. His handsome face was already covered in a dark haze, looking like a malicious spirit before the end of the world. hVRCXq

He’d seen Li Xiao during an outburst. He knew Wang Jiu’s words had provoked him.

The examining official waved his hand hastily. Wang Jiu finally seemed to realize something, and collapsed on the floor into a ball. No one seemed to be coming to drag him away. Subconsciously, he tried to crawl outside himself. His body just withdrew a little when suddenly a foot stepped on his hand. Li Xiao said darkly: “Keep talking. What else, en?”

Li Yun’s facial color looked terrible. The guards pretty much all dared not to step forward.

The pain transmitting from his hand made Wang Jiu start to beg: “No more. There’s no more…. Wangye ah—” YCkX35

His voice was stuck inside his throat. Bai Yan had come up from behind to block his mouth and prevent him from further irritating Li Xiao. However, the anguish of his fingers being crushed slowly made him feel like his eyes would explode.

Li Yun carefully said to Song Song: “Brother-in-law, come over here. There’s something wrong with big brother.”

But Song Song didn’t move. He held Li Xiao’s hand and said: “I have to stay with him.”

“… …” Li Yun saw him looking completely devoted. In his heart, he was even more convinced that Song Song was not the culprit behind the scenes. After all, he really seemed kind of dumb to him. Q3RV2k

The author has something to say:

Dumb Dumb: I’m Li Xiao’s person while alive. I’ll be Li Xiao’s ghost when I’m dead. Other than staying by his side, I’m not going anywhere.

Everyone: Are you a little lacking in intelligence…..


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  1. I love how no one romanticizes Song Song’s actions, they see what it really looks like from a normal person’s point of view: lack of intelligence!

    i can’t 😭✋