The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an OCh64.1 - Source of Calamity (1)

Translator: ChiFu

After the Lantern Festival, life went back to normal. eEydd3

It was the usual routine of going to work or going to school, except that the time had been delayed because many people would have remained up late last night to enjoy the festivities.

The court meeting was normally conducted once every two or three days, but on the day after the Lantern Festival, it was not possible for those ministers to wake up and go to the palace at three in the morning, so it was postponed for a day. Mu Zhan summoned two ministers to deliberate in the afternoon.

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Classes at the Imperial College have been delayed as well, but students still have to attend.

A group of teenagers dragged their feet to the school, all yawning, clearly not in the highest spirits as before. A number of students were observed on foot, and those that made it also collapsed upon their desks, squinting their eyes in an attempt to make up for lost sleep. ehrRYz

In such a yawn-inducing atmosphere, Wen Mingyu was already drowsy, which made it even more difficult to stay awake. He yawned uncontrollably, infected. The corners of his eyes were moist, and a tear fell before he blinked it away.

Shortly after, his friends also walked into the room one after another, all of them with thick, dark circles under their eyes.

Wei Chen muttered under his breath, “I didn’t sleep enough, but I can’t skip class. If only there were two of me…”

After Chu Shuli covered herself with powder, it didn’t look so bad, but her behavior was far from her customary sharpness. Her eyes lit up with a swish at the sight of Wen Mingyu, appearing particularly excited. However, she soon remembered that she had to maintain her mature image and not casually bother people. She paused in her steps, greeted as usual, and returned to her own desk with a pretended calmness. Shao Yan was still sporting that same high and cold look, with a few spots of fatigue. Even when he returned to his seat, he didn’t lie down but rather did exercises to refresh his mind.


Ye Xu, on the other hand, was the last one to arrive at the entire school, and he came in only after the teacher had. For the sake of the festival, and because he was only a little late for a while, the teacher did not say anything more but only warned him and let him sit down promptly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Several students in the room were dozing off, nodding their heads as if they were fishing.

Qfc Zlcuse jmmlvfcajiis mibrfv tlr fsfr jcv vbhfv boo ktlif rlaalcu eqgluta. Llr tfjv aliafv rilutais, jcv tf kbxf tlwrfio eq jcv lwwfvljafis rja eq ragjluta jujlc, gfoifzlnfis ibbxlcu ja atf afjmtfg jcv yilcxlcu aklmf, ublcu ogbw vjhfv jcv mbcoerfv yjmx ab jkjxf jujlc.

Vfflcu atja wjcs bo tlr mijrrwjafr kfgf rlwlijg ab tlw, tf ygfjatfv j rlut bo gfilfo. BA pMv

Especially his deskmate, Ye Xu, who had been completely salted and paralyzed, lying on his desk, sleeping deeply, and even snoring a little. He was simply asking for a fight with the teacher.

Because of the festival, the teacher also understood that everyone had slept late and would choose to close one eye as long as they didn’t go too far. But Ye Xu was really a target amongst targets, perfectly demonstrating the phrase “you’re an idiot if you don’t hit me.” The teacher thought it was not right not to teach him a lesson.

So Ye Xu bravely took on all of the teacher’s ire, saving the entire class with his own efforts. The other students watching the display silently thanked him and happily ate their melon. Taking the opportunity to secretly catch up on sleep was not possible anymore, lest the fire pass to them.

Break. JyHdze

Ye Xu gingerly cupped his reddened palm and blew on it. The teacher had just finished handboarding him, and it hurt so bad he almost doubted his life. But if given the chance to do it over, he would most likely still opt to sleep. He was too tired, and the class was very hypnotic. It was definitely not his problem.

The crowd laughed at Ye Xu for a while, then chatted about last night’s festivities.

Wen Mingyu realized that they had actually played guessing lantern riddles for most of the night. Although they also watched some performances, their time was consumed more by guessing riddles, which took the whole street by surprise.

“I’m telling you, they’re crazy. A good holiday should be enjoyed; where does anyone get to play all the time? I don’t even want to say I know them,” Ye Xu grumbled. V4dEgO

Before Wen Mingyu could speak, Wei Chen jumped the gun.

“Guessing riddles is just a game; aren’t we humans? If you really want to call unusual people crazy, then you’re the only one here who doesn’t play—you’re the crazy one, and you’re so stupid that you can’t even guess a few of those simple lantern riddles.”

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Ye Xu choked and rubbed the brat’s face, rubbing it carelessly and rudely like dough. If it weren’t for the suspicion of bullying a child, he would have beaten Wei Chen long ago. Still, it should be okay to beat him up a little; a punch to the face should be okay.

Sensing danger, Wei Chen, with a stern face, darted behind Wen Mingyu and grabbed his sleeve, probing threateningly, “Don’t you mess around, he’s someone you can’t afford to mess with.” NdOdV3

Ye Xu coldly grunted, “What can’t be messed with? I’ll beat you up even if the king of heaven comes.”

As soon as he said these words, Chu Shuli and Shao Yan beside him couldn’t help but frown and caution him, “Ye Xu, be careful. You’ll be in big trouble if someone observant hears you.”

Ye Xu regretted it instantly after speaking. He scanned the area with a look of chagrin and saw that only his closest friends were present. They were trustworthy and wouldn’t harm him.

Ye Xu then got to his feet, glared at Wei Chen, and said, “I will forget this one time. The next time I hear you call me stupid, I will definitely beat you up.” XU5qp7

Wen Mingyu watched them bicker and found it quite amusing, but of course it was not good to really fight. He thought this matter would be over, but as a result, Wei Chen took a hold of Wen Mingyu’s arm again and probed out, saying in a serious manner, “I’m not scolding you, I’m just stating facts. Chu Shuli guessed 26 fewer riddles than me, Shao Yan 34 fewer riddles than me, and you’re a full 576 less than me. Some of the children could have guessed it, so I’m surprised none of you have.”

After being silent for a moment, Chu Shuli and Shao Yan decisively retreated and said, “Ye Xu, you’d better beat him up.”

After saying that, he added, “Put more force into it.”

Ye Xu froze, chuckled, and immediately came running over to Wei Chen. Wei Chen wanted to pull Wen Mingyu for help, but as Wen Mingyu smiled and watched the show, he had no choice but to turn and run, shouting as he did so, “I’m just telling the truth, why are you hitting me?” pvM3Yb

Wen Mingyu was laughing uncontrollably as he watched them.

Before class, the two of them were back again, only that Wei Chen, who had always been upright like a little adult, had his hair disheveled, his clothing was skewed, and there was even a water-streak stain on his face. His puffish eyes looked like he had been crying.

Wen Mingyu and the rest of them were shocked, whispering, “You beat him to tears?”

Ye Xu shook his head, his face speechless and helpless. Of course, he did not really beat this little kid; he just scared him. His own running caused him to trip, and when he got back up, he accidentally touched some fat worms in the grass, which startled him so much that he collapsed and started crying. Ye Xu didn’t beat someone, but he also had to get that someone to wash his face and coaxed him in anger. His heart was very exhausted. woF9iY

Ye Xu felt that he didn’t even want a child in the future. If there was one like Wei Chen, either he would go crazy or he would go crazy himself. Anyway, there always had to be one crazy one.

Upon hearing this, Wen Mingyu really couldn’t hold back and laughed until his stomach hurt. He jokingly said, “Well, it’s all like this, why don’t you guys worship each other and be righteous father and son?”

When Chu Shuli and the others heard this, they also held back their laughter and nodded their heads repeatedly, obviously agreeing very much.

Ye Xu hadn’t said anything yet when Wei Chin tilted his head in disgust first. “Blergh.” wRFBrg

Ye Xu: fists are hardening.jpg

ChiFu: I caught a cold TT wi-fi could be next year, definitely not now tho. Sorry for not updating consistently, but I will always try to update when I can! Orz this one is pretty short; it was hard to cut it without having a cliffhanger haha XD thank you for reading!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. Cute

    Thank you for your translation and recover quickly 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. I can almost see that some day Wei Chen will be one of the officials and Wen Mingyu’s little prince or princess will be the annoying smart child following him around and bothering him at the palace! Ye Xu might possibly end up being a eunuch there 😬