Steal The Male LeadChapter 104

It wasn’t just Chen Shujin that had perked up as they looked at the beautiful boy. Many of the vampires began paying much closer attention as they zoomed in on Wen Zhuhei.

The female vampire from before stood on the stage as she pointed at Wen Zhuhei. “This is one of the most prized goods we’ve received. He is a half-blood vampire with exceptional looks. He is currently 13 years old, and to make things even better, he voluntarily offered himself to be auctioned off. As he is one of our highest goods, his beginning bid will begin at 10,000.” Then, looking at every vampire in the room, she smiled brilliantly as she said, “Let the bidding begin.” brkAf4

Chen Shujin smiled a bit, eyes darkening as he looked at Wen Zhuhei, who was unfazed, and stared as everyone began placing a bid, shouting out a price.

Chen Xueyi looked at his brother, “Shall I get the manager over?” Saying this, he turned to look at the smile on his brother’s face, obviously filled with a dark intention. The smile on his face made it even more fearful.

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Chen Shujin placed his elbow onto his armrest as he leaned his chin on his hand, looking at the stage. “No need for that, I want to see just how far they will take this.”

In other words, he wanted to see just how much they were willing to offer for Wen Zhuhei. PCNZy4

“14,000!” A female’s voice rung out.



“50,000!” On a chair, a slightly bigger female vampire, Hai Nianlu sat on a chair as someone fanned her. She had a thick layer of makeup on, her eyelashes almost covering her whole eyes as she batted them while looking at Wen Zhuhei. She licked her fangs, her red, glossed lips daunting.


“75,000.” A young male vampire, Xie Yulong called out not long after. He sat on a chair, his features neat and tidy. Though not outstanding, he held a pair of red eyes as he looked at Wen Zhuhei with curiosity.

Chen Shujin’s eyes zoomed in on the man with a hint of anger. If not for him being here, this man would’ve been the one who successfully bought Wen Zhuhei. Though Wen Zhuhei was not mistreated, the thought of another man being close to Wen Zhuhei made him a bit angry. But not to the point where he was going to threaten to kill…

Hai Nianlu turned her head roughly, staring at Xie Yulong with anger. Usually, no one would dare to bid after she had made a bid. Today was the first time that someone had dared to steal away what caught her eyes. She scoffed as she raised the bid once more, “100,000.”

Xie Yulong was not at all fazed, merely calling out again. “200,000.” In one turn, he directly raised the bid by twofold. M6jQlN

Chen Xueyi stared at his brother’s aura that was seemingly getting darker and darker as more time passed. As Chen Xueyi looked at the young boy on the stage, he wondered what about this boy had attracted his brother’s attention, especially a half-blood.

Hai Nianlu was getting even more angry as her eyes glared at Xie Yulong. “500,000!” She shouted out, as if daring Xie Yulong to raise the bid.

By now, everyone had dropped out as they witnessed the battle between these two vampires. In fact, they were merely watching with mirth. Everyone knew Hai Nianlu and her arrogant behavior. To see someone rival her completely, they were beyond amused.

“1,000,000.” Xie Yulong’s lips tightened a bit. This was already his budget, anymore than this, he wouldn’t be able to afford. OpYWFg

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Seemingly having caught Xie Yulong’s hesitation, Hai Nianlu smiled brightly as she called out the limit of her price. “1,500,000!” She sat back into her chair with arrogance and a smile of pride.

Xie Yulong sighed as he sat back into his chair. He wouldn’t be able to do anything now, especially now that the young vampire was going to fall into Hai Nianlu’s hand.

The female vampire that stood on the stage smiled with joy as she began saying, “If no one wishes to raise the price, after the third tap, this half-blood will go to our highest bidder who put out a price of 1,500,000.”

Chen Shujin watched and watched. He waited and waited because he needed to make his entrance as dramatic as possible, like in all those novels and movies. 6iYU4W

“One!” A thud uttered out in the silent room.

Hai Nianlu’s smile widened even more.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Two!” The hammer swung down and made a low thud.

Just as the female vampire was about to yell out the final number, a cold and empowering voice called out. aRbLgk

Chen Shujin timed his arrival perfectly as he called out a price that could send everyone mad at him. “10,000,000.”

Everyone in the auction house took a deep breath at that steep number. The caller’s voice didn’t even seem to care about the price, as if it was a mere drop in his assets.

10,000,000 wasn’t much, at least not for Chen Shujin, a vampire who had lived for over 5,000 years now. In fact, it wasn’t wrong to say that Chen Shujin could be considered the richest person in the world.

Hai Nianlu opened her eyes in shock, anger causing her to shake her body. “Who dares to fight against me?!” 9mNV2U

Hearing this angry shout, Chen Shujin cocked his brow. Being a vampire lord, today was definitely the first day Chen Shujin had been disrespected.

“Your Majesty.” Chen Xueyi called out. Normally, he would call Chen Shujin as brother, but this time, he could tell that his brother was gradually getting angry. Chen Shujin has just woke from his five hundred year slumber, it made sense that a lot of newer vampires wouldn’t recognize his voice that could bring even more fear than entering eternal slumber.

Chen Shujin stood, a smirk now at his lips as he tilted his head with amusement and walked towards the balcony, jumping from the second floor onto the ground with a loud noise. Chen Xueyi soon followed afterward, landing next to him.

A jump like this would damage a normal human, but vampires had a bit more strength. T n2RJ

Chen Shujin stood with his back straight and powerful as he stared towards Hai Nianlu, beginning to walk towards the stage. Chen Xueyi walked behind him with a sneer on his face as he realized that his brother was announcing his arrival in this way.

“I do, do you have a problem with that?” Chen Shujin asked as he jumped onto the stage to claim his prize.

Hai Nianlu was shocked from the noise but she immediately replied, “Do you not know who I am? My father is His Majesty, the Highest Lord’s seventh knight. Are you wishing for death?”

Hearing this, Chen Shujin froze. yRSZ d

Hai Nianlu, thinking that he had been shocked silly, smiled to herself.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from Chen Shujin, though it was a bit dark. His golden eyes flickered with light and a murderous threat came out as he said. “His Majesty, the Highest Lord?” Then, glaring at Chen Xueyi, he asked, “In these five hundred years, what have these new vampires been taught? To walk around using power like this?”

Chen Xueyi bowed, going along with this play, “That is my mistake, I will talk with the Third and Fourth Lord about this.”

“Wait, isn’t that the Second Lord?” O5Vj47

“Why is the Lord Xueyi bowing to that vampire?”

“Isn’t he… Isn’t that His Majesty?! There’s a scar on his jaw, only His Majesty, the Highest Lord has that mark!”

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Hai Nianlu froze in her smile, her eyes suddenly shaking as the man before her began looking very familiar. Suddenly, she dropped her body down onto the ground in fear as she realized who the man really was.

“Welcome back, Your Majesty, the Highest Lord of all vampires!” YyTV7H

It wasn’t just Hai Nianlu who had realized this. Everyone in the room dropped down onto their knees, their bodies shaking as they realized who the vampire was.

Wen Zhuhei looked at the man who had turned to him, golden eyes shining so brightly with a sneer at the corner of his lips. There was a visible scar on the left side of his jaw, his skin pale. He stood at a massive height, much taller than Wen Zhuhei by a large amount. And from him, there was an air of power so strong, Wen Zhuhei couldn’t help but fall onto his knees, the chains on him rattling.

This vampire was the strongest vampire to exist, the one who stood above all of them. He was powerful and strong, a pure-blood vampire who had lived for over 5,000 years. Five hundred years ago, he had stepped into slumber. And now, he had reappeared without any notice. He was Chen Shujin, His Majesty, the Highest Lord of all vampires.

Wen Zhuhei couldn’t look at Chen Shujin, he could only face the ground in worry and fear as the man began walking towards him, every step piercing to his ears. VU3M8i

He suddenly heard a chuckle, deep and husky from the man who was a mere meter away from him.

And then, before Wen Zhuhei could say anything, Chen Shujin had already appeared before him, his hands reaching out and breaking the chains with a mere tap of his fingers.

Wen Zhuhei glanced at the handsome man before him in wonder. Why was someone so high like him near someone so lowly like him?

“Look up. Do I appear so evil to you?” Chen Shujin asked, a smirk on his lips as he grabbed onto Wen Zhuhei’s chin and forced his head up. fC4my9

Wen Zhuhei looked up at Chen Shujin as the man held onto his chin. He wasn’t able to say anything but he remembered the one thing that was important now. “Welcome back, Your Majesty, the Highest Lord of all vampires.”

Wen Zhuhei’s voice was without stutter, a voice still youthful like a boy who was just entering puberty. But inside, he couldn’t help but shake a bit as the handsome vampire stared into his eyes with a smirk so enchanting.

“Well, at least someone knows proper manners. Stand up, from now, you will be by my side.” Saying this, Chen Shujin stood up without turning back. He glanced at Chen Xueyi as he said, “You know what do with her. I hate those who tarnish my name more than anything else, especially when I have just woke from slumber.”

“Understood,” Chen Xueyi replied as he began walking towards Hai Nianlu, who remained kneeling on the ground. AC7sOT

Wen Zhuhei stood after Chen Shujin, his legs wobbling a bit but he followed after the man. Though unsure in his heart, he was willing to take the risk that came with following the most powerful vampire in this world.

Chen Shujin didn’t show the emotions in his heart when he heard Wen Zhuhei following after him. Seeing that Chen Xueyi had begun walking towards Hai Nianlu, he knew what was to happen next.

Chen Xueyi stood next to Hai Nianlu. Looking down at her, he said, “Hai Nianlu, stand up.”

Hai Nianlu’s body shook as she heard Chen Xueyi’s voice. She knew what was coming next, how could she not? That was why she was filled with such fear. She banged her head against the floor as she screamed, “Second Lord, please have mercy on me! I know that I have disrespected His Majesty, but it was a mere mistake. It will never happen again!” yBSE2c

Chen Shujin watched with a cold glance as he turned to Wen Zhuhei. “You may want to close your eyes for a second. This scene won’t be suitable for boys your age.”

Wen Zhuhei immediately closed his eyes with Chen Shujin’s words, and Chen Shujin couldn’t hide the smile that appeared on his lips with Wen Zhuhei’s actions.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chen Xueyi looked at Hai Nianlu as if she was stupid. He didn’t say anything as Hai Nianlu glanced at him while lifting up her body.

At that moment, Chen Xueyi appeared before her, his hand ripping open a hole as he ripped Hai Nianlu’s heart out, the vampire dead at once as her body fell to the ground lifeless. DlG5Ba

Everyone screamed in shock and terror but didn’t say anything as they watched Chen Xueyi take off the bloodied glove on his hand, tossing it to the ground and walking back to Chen Shujin’s side.

Chen Shujin watched on with mirth. This was cruel and a lot of people would hate him for not stopping this but he wasn’t a saint. Some people deserved to die…

You could easily kill a vampire by ripping out their hearts, it was one of the few ways they would die.

Chen Shujin looked at Chen Xueyi, “Speak with the manager. I will take my leave first.” Then, he looked at Wen Zhuhei as he said, “Open up your eyes. You’ll be going with me to my mansion.” HZS8YV

Wen Zhuhei looked at the vampire ahead of him with confusion but he followed. Why was someone as powerful, as strong as Chen Shujin taking him away to live with him? Wen Zhuhei didn’t understand why, but his heart felt warm.

[Male lead’s love meter is at 6%.]


. 4O57Sg


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