Steal The Male LeadChapter 10

Bai Mengxiang stared out the window. Today was the day that Xu Yongheng and Yu Zhuang were getting married. Well, it was already being held as of now. Bai Mengxiang would’ve loved to go, but Xu Yongheng was not willing to let him get any where close to where the wedding was being held. Xu Yongheng told him that he didn’t want Bai Mengxiang to see his marriage with someone else, and that because Bai Mengxiang was pregnant, he shouldn’t be near those places.

(Hey, System? I have a quick question. If I were to be poisoned, would you be able to save the baby from getting affected by the poison?) 1GRvLW

[Host, I can definitely do that. To speak of, I am strong to the point where I can bring back a dead person. Of course, I am a higher-level system compared to others, hence why you don’t have to give me anything if you wanted to buy something from my shop. Don’t worry, if you get poisoned, I can save both you and the child, or if you wanted, I would save only the child.]

(Okay, now can you tell me what’s happening on the male lead’s side?)

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[The male lead is currently completing the wedding ceremony with the prince. Right now, the prince has just been brought to the wedding chamber and the male lead will be going there soon too. Aren’t you worried that the male lead would do it with the prince?]

(Don’t worry about those small matters, I’ve got him wrapped around my finger. Don’t even talk about sleeping with someone else, he barely wants to separate from me for one second. Speaking of, this world seems way too easy, I’m having no fun. I thought it would be a little bit more challenging than this.) 2Rpq4Z

[The first couple of worlds will be a bit easier, but as you progress, they will definitely get harder. But Host, if you want to have some fun, just stir up some drama. Isn’t that what you’re best at?]

(I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now, but I haven’t found a good time yet. Don’t worry, I will definitely do that. I heard that Mei Lin is hosting a party for all the concubine-ranked or higher to attend. I’m sure I’ll be able to meet Shilian and Yu Zhuang there. Then, I can definitely cause some trouble without busting my identity, of course.)

[Host, I feel that if I were a human being, you would be my most hated enemy.]

(Don’t worry, I only go against people I dislike, and people who are just plain idiots. Just try to get on my good side. Anyway, thanks for the chat, System. Keep monitoring the prince and Shilian for now and if you see anything suspicious, report their movements to me.)


[Yes, Host.]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As soon as they ended their conversation, Xiao Lan knocked on the door and entered.

“Imperial Noble Consort, Xiao Lan has prepared a drink for you. His Majesty had said that this drink is very soothing for a pregnant person. He also stated that it is rare, transported from the West.” Xiao Lan set down the tray on the table, taking off the lid of the cup to reveal a white substance.

Bai Mengxiang was already dressed in his sleeping wear, and thanks to the table that was right by his bed, he didn’t have to stand up or anything. s4TH5o

“What is this, Xiao Lan?” Bai Mengxiang asked, holding the cup in his hand as he looked at it.

“Imperial Noble Consort, this is call vanilla soy milk. People say that vanilla is a sweet fruit that exists only in the West. Every year, the people from the West will send a batch of vanilla to the palace. His Majesty doesn’t use it often, but His Majesty said that if you liked it, you are free to use as much as you want.” Xiao Lan replied, her eyes twinkling upon knowing that her master would be able to use such a rare fruit. Although Xiao Lan had made the drink herself, she didn’t even know how it tasted.

Bai Mengxiang nodded and took a drink, a warmth running through him. Ahh, this tasted so sweet and was so much more flavorful for his taste buds compared to the old-fashioned tea he drunk almost everyday.

“Imperial Noble Consort, how does it taste?” Xiao Lan couldn’t hide her anticipation to see how the drink tasted. VBpZ97

“It’s tastes great, much sweeter than the black tea, the soy milk adds a great flavor to the vanilla.” Bai Mengxiang replied, smiling as he basked in the bliss of something sweet and heavenly to his mouth.

Xiao Lan couldn’t help but smile as she watched Bai Mengxiang drink the vanilla soy milk she made.

“Xiao Lan, if you want a taste of it, drink some. After all, there is a lot left and you have made this with your own hands.” Bai Mengxiang spoke, his eyes gentle. He was roping Xiao Lan in even more, just to make sure that she would never betray him.

“Imperial Noble Consort, Xiao Lan can’t do that. It is alright, this drink was meant for you, Imperial Noble Consort.” Xiao Lan hurriedly shook her head, her eyes hard and stern, not willing to do so. zBHXOn

“Xiao Lan, it is alright. You have been by my side for so long, you know me better than anyone. I’m sure just one cup of this won’t do anything, I insist that you drink it.” Bai Mengxiang made his eyes appear stern, but since his body had always been known as calm and gentle, it only appeared as a pout.

Xiao Lan was about to refuse but seeing the look upon Bai Mengxiang’s face, she couldn’t bring herself to. With hesitating hands, she poured herself a cup.

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“Xiao Lan, sit down,” Bai Mengxiang smiled, seeing that Xiao Lan was finally doing what he said.

Maybe it was by reflex or maybe it was because Xiao Lan gotten so used to following orders, she immediately sat on a stool by the table at once. Just as she was about to get up, she stopped herself. Bai Mengxiang had never shown his anger before, and Xiao Lan knew that that was because Bai Mengxiang had always wanted only the best for people, even people who were like her, destined to only be lowly servants. But Bai Mengxiang was too kind to her, he treated her almost like a sister. Xiao Lan would never betray him, never in her life even if she was forced to death. WZQVJB

“Imperial Noble Consort, you are too kind to Xiao Lan,” Xiao Lan said, holding the cup in her hand, the rim of her eyes suddenly red.

“Too kind? What do you mean, Xiao Lan? Someone like you, maybe you are too kind to me,” Bai Mengxiang only lightly shook his head, denying Xiao Lan’s words.

“No, Imperial Noble Consort, you are so kind. Not only that, you are gentle, reserved, you are calm even in the face of disasters. You even saved me when I was little.” Xiao Lan said, her hand gripping tightly on the cup, and she bit her lips.

When she was younger, her parents had sold her off to an official. The official was an old man, with over 100 mistresses, and plenty of children. The official had wanted Xiao Lan to be his mistress once she reached the age of 14. Xiao Lan had already been scared terribly so once she found out about this, and she had escaped. Who would’ve known that the man would send his soldiers and guards to find her? Because of that, she almost died, but Bai Mengxiang had saved her from those people. At the darkest moment of her life, Bai Mengxiang had appeared like the sun, brushing away all the darkness blocking her. Ever since that day, Xiao Lan had swore her loyalty to only Bai Mengxiang. zHo70f

Bai Mengxiang understood where Xiao Lan was coming from, after all, although he didn’t do it, the original soul had. The original soul was too kind, he didn’t want to scheme against the other people in the harem, that was why when his child was killed, he had turned dark. It was because in Bai Mengxiang’s life, his hands had never been tainted with an evil act. He wanted only peace, but because of the incident with his child being poisoned, especially when he was still suffering from the effects of Xu Yongheng breaking his heart, he plotted against the main character, who had been the mastermind behind everything, and ultimately ended up losing his life.

“No, if I hadn’t saved you that day, I would not have had you by my side now. I will never regret saving you, Xiao Lan. After all, in this world, I only want to live peacefully with happiness. Now drink, we don’t want it to go cold before you can even taste it.” Bai Mengxiang showed a gentle smile, urging Xiao Lan, almost as if he didn’t want her to bring back the past that still haunted her.

Xiao Lan only hid her smile as she took a sip of the drink, her eyes widening later after experiencing the taste.

Bai Mengxiang took another sip as he looked at Xiao Lan, his eyes darkening without her noticing. 0p3IZ4

A moment later, Xiao Lan had cleared everything away, and was about to leave for the night.

“Imperial Noble Consort, Xiao Lan will be leaving now. You should go to bed now, it has gotten quite late. If you need anything, I will be outside by the door.” Xiao Lan said, extinguishing the candle that had been lit and closing the doors.

Bai Mengxiang sighed with relief as soon as she left.

He tucked himself under the blanket but didn’t go to sleep. After all, a play was going to be performed soon, he needed to star in it too. 7E4STd




Outside the door, Xiao Lan stood straight, and her eyes wandered around. When she caught the sight of someone, she immediately got down onto her knees. fh1cdp

“Long live His Majesty, the Emperor, may you live ten thousand years,” Xiao Lan was surprised by Xu Yongheng’s appearance. After all, wasn’t he supposed to be consummating his marriage with Yu Zhuang?

“You are dismissed for the night,” Xu Yongheng merely said as he walked into Bai Mengxiang’s chamber.

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Once he stepped in, he could see the figure sleeping on the bed, his body only seen because of the moonlight.

“Yongheng, what are you doing here?” 3iMKQH

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  1. Si Chi-er me conociera … También querría hacerme las cosas difíciles? Soy muy idiota, ah ¯ \ _ ༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽ _ / ¯