Superior PositionChapter 2

Edited by Zaki

With just one sentence from Lan Yinhui, Yao Yufei’s expression turned even worse. He blurted out: “Does it have anything to do with you?” 5XN1C9

Lan Yinhui frowned.

He knew that Yao Yufei had a boyfriend when he was a trainee.

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That was many years ago when the company was just established. The trainees who signed contracts were like bamboos in the mountains, some good and some bad, with varying degrees of variation.

Among so many trainees, Yao Yufei was neither outstanding nor bad. UpVGFk

He was just rich.

He could be considered one of the trainees with the best conditions. The clothes and shoes he wore were all branded, and he had a complete set of skin care products, and occasionally used some luxury goods.

Compared with those young people who were so poor that their pockets rang like a bell, Yao Yufei’s life was still relatively comfortable.

Perhaps it was because his comfort was so eye-catching that it made people jealous. Not long after, it was rumored in the company that Yao Yufei had a boyfriend and all his money was given by his boyfriend.


Lan Yinhui was busy with the development of the company at that time and didn’t pay much attention to it. It was only when Yao Yufei participated in the talent show and suddenly became popular that he remembered this matter.

The breakup was a must.

After the breakup, Lan Yinhui quickly put these small matters to the back of his mind.

Until now. 4AlQBN

Lan Yinhui was a little amused, especially when he saw Yao Yufei’s angry look.

He shook the phone in his hand and asked Yao Yufei: ”It’s all in the past, why are you still staring at other people’s photos?”

After Yao Yufei finished yelling, he calmed down a little, but his face was still not good: “I didn’t stare at it, someone in the former classmates group sent it, I just happened to see it.”

It was better to be like this. zueO7b

Lan Yinhui didn’t say anything, threw the phone back to the person, and changed the topic: “How is the dance practice?”

Yao Yufei caught the phone: “I’ve finished it.”

Lan Yinhui’s expression remained unchanged, as if nothing had happened just now: “Practice well today. There is no itinerary tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so you can take a break.”

Yao Yufei: “Okay.” yB19jO

Lan Yinhui left after saying that, without any expansion on the topic of his ex-boyfriend.

The dance studio returned to silence.

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Yao Yufei breathed a sigh, raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, and sat down cross-legged again.

Sliding the screen to unlock, the airport photo was still on the phone screen. LSRvPt

Yao Yufei didn’t lie, he didn’t intentionally look up Jiang Zhan’s photo and stare at it, he did indeed just click on a WeChat group and saw it.

It was a high school alumni group, all of whom were high school alumni of the same grade as him back then.

Someone suddenly posted a photo in the group, and everyone asked: “Is this Jiang Zhan?”

A group of people came out. gIRrwa

Yao Yufei saw it, clicked into the group, and naturally saw the photo.

The person who asked everyone was right, it was Jiang Zhan, that was him.

Carrying a bag and pushing a luggage cart, it was obvious that he was at the airport.

The moment he saw the photo, Yao Yufei’s heart skipped a beat, and his first reaction was: Has he returned to China? oIY6CK

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Looking at the chat records in the group at this moment, as expected, the photo was taken at the pick-up point of the domestic airport.

Ktf qfgrbc ktb abbx atf qtbab kjr jirb jc jiewcer bo Rb. 3 Zlvvif Vmtbbi. Ciatbeut tf kjr cba lc atf rjwf ugjvf jr Aljcu Itjc, tf kjr jirb fzqbrfv ab atf rasif bo rfnfgji rmtbbi lvbir lc Rb. 3 Zlvvif Vmtbbi. Ktfgfobgf, tf xcfk Aljcu Itjc, yea Aljcu Itjc vlv cba xcbk tlw.

The alumnus accidentally saw Jiang Zhan at the airport, secretly took this photo, and posted it in an alumni group. Once it was spread, it was forwarded by a classmate in this group.

At this moment, the chat page of the high school class group was still constantly scrolling up. ICU5l7

[Fuck, Brother Zhan has returned to China? Wasn’t it rumored that he has settled abroad? ]

[Did he? No, why don’t I know. ]

[Yes, it must be true. Didn’t a classmate meet him in Vancouver back then? ]

[I didn’t even know about this.] pfNeVL

[Ask Song You, he was so familiar with Jiang Zhan before.]

[Song You]

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No. 3 Middle School, Jiang Zhan, Song You

Yao Yufei held his phone, looked at the screen, and seemed to recall something. He frowned and gritted his teeth, and quit WeChat. ETpMx1

What happened in the past had long passed. Whether Jiang Zhan came back or not, it had nothing to do with him.

Anyway, they would never see each other again.

The next second after Yao Yufei withdrew from the group chat, a message popped up, and the alumni group exploded again.

[Jiang Zhan has returned to China? ] jxNI5l

[??? Who are you? You didn’t change your name? ]

[Bai Tianheng. ]


[Big Boss Bai is actually in the group? Who pulled him!? ] nXdSGw

After Jiang Zhan returned to his home country, he even spent a week editing pictures, and his eyes were blurry. He teased Wang Paopao online, saying that his agent was comparable to a ruthless capitalist.

[Wang Paopao : I am the agent of PPicture, standing at the bottom of the entertainment industry. Comparing me with capitalists, our P God really flatters me.]

She also said: [This cannot be blamed on me. In recent years, there have been a lot of stars in the entertainment industry, and they have become popular faster than assembly line production. There are so many idols and fans, and this one needs to be retouched, and that one needs to be retouched, so of course there is a lot of work.]

Then continued: [I heard that Tencent will have another talent show soon.] frHPvq

Jiang Zhan didn’t care about Tencent or any other company. After retouching the last picture in his hand, he turned off the computer and took a rest.

He just lay down on the sofa in the living room, and his phone vibrated.

It was Wei Guangkuo’s call.

Jiang Zhan picked up the phone: “Uncle?” zpXDQe

Wei Guangkuo: “Are you free now?”

Jiang Zhan: “I’m free, of course I’m free, what’s wrong.”

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Wei Guangkuo: “Come to my place.”

Jiang Zhan: “Now?” 6vN1a5

Wei Guangkuo: “Now.”

Jiang Zhan didn’t know what happened to Wei Guangkuo, but from his tone, it seemed like he had something serious to discuss.

He took the subway to Wei Guangkuo’s house, and only when he entered did he find that there were other people at Wei Guangkuo’s place.

The man looked a little younger than Wei Guangkuo, about forty years old, with a blue and pink (bohemian colored hair) slicked back hair, a long Hermès scarf, gold and silver jewelry, and perfume. NjKTSG

Well, also very strong, the kind of strong macho man.

The man originally sat with his legs crossed and an indifferent expression facing the door. When Wei Guangkuo went to open the door, he didn’t react at all, but when Jiang Zhan entered the door…..

The man sat up with a change of expression, a stunned face that was three parts surprise, three parts joy, and four parts scrutiny.

Jiang Zhan: ? gcwas2

Wei Guangkuo coughed and asked Jiang Zhan to enter first, then he turned to the effeminate and strong man next to the sofa and said: “Sit back and calm down.”

Qi Meng’s heart: I can’t calm down!

Qi Meng was Wei Guangkuo’s good friend who was a producer on the video platform. His original name is Qi Meng, but he called himself Qi Meng. Under his macho appearance, he had the soul of a cute and charming girl.

Qi Meng called Wei Guangkuo a few days ago. Their platform was preparing to create a talent show, and they were short of people. They asked Wei Guangkuo to pick a few suitable students from the Art College. 8aiJAn

Wei Guangkuo helped with this and introduced the students, but none of them passed the interview on the platform.

In Qi Meng’s words, the boys were good-looking, but you are in an Art College. How can the students who were admitted be just good-looking beyond the average appearance?

Was there any stunning beauty? Do you understand the meaning of stunning beauty!?

Wei Guangkuo said bluntly: “I don’t understand. Art Colleges recruit students based on comprehensive strength, not just looks. I don’t have stunning beauty here, you can find someone else.” q7INtl

Qi Meng had already come to Wei Guangkuo with a bootlicking attitude, and even the students in the Art College were not good. Where else could he find someone?

Just yesterday, at the team meeting, the big boss threw the interviewee’s information in his face and criticized him as the program director. Qi Meng was so angry that he turned around and went to Wei Guangkuo to cry and complain.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

While crying and shaking his strong muscles, he said: “Lao Wei, you say, this time you have no reservations about this recommendation for me, right?”

Wei Guangkuo has had a headache every time he sees Qi Meng weep like a mother lamenting: “No, no, absolutely no.” f80Vji

Qi Meng cried: “There are no top-notch looks, no good-looking ones? None?”

Wei Guangkuo: “I think I have introduced all the suitable ones to you, if you don’t believe me, go and find yourself.” Before he finished speaking, a face suddenly flashed in his mind and he paused.

Qi Meng was smart and immediately caught this detail and asked: “There! You thought of someone?”

Wei Guangkuo frowned. 2cGMKz

Qi Meng stretched out his arm, which was as thick as half a leg, and grabbed Wei Guangkuo’s collar: “Lao Wei!”

Wei Guangkuo hesitated.

Qi Meng grabbed his collar and began to shake: “Brother Wei!!!!”

Wei Guangkuo’s brain was almost shaken out, and he quickly slapped Qi Meng’s hand away: “Yes, there is one.” YdyVQd

Qi Meng opened his eyes wide, looking expectant.

Wei Guangkuo still hesitated: “But he is not in the circle.”

Qi Meng: An amateur is okay.

Wei Guangkuo pondered: “He is not young, he is 25 years old.” 3sBDfh

Qi Meng: 25 is nothing!

Wei Guangkuo: “He just returned to China.”

Qi Meng: “Is this a problem?”

Wei Guangkuo: “He may not be willing.” iWQ5qN

Qi Meng: “Whether he is willing or not, we will talk about it after meeting him first!”

In this way, Jiang Zhan was called home by Wei Guangkuo.

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Jiang Zhan walked in and saw Qi Meng. He was wondering whether he should call this person Uncle or Aunt. Qi Meng raised his hand to cover his forehead, looked dizzy, and fell on the back of the sofa, closing his eyes and muttering: “Oh my God, oh my goodness…..”

Jiang Zhan: Okay, this is an Uncle. He saw the other party’s Adam’s apple. DcJddq

Wei Guangkuo stood aside with a grim look on his face, motioning Jiang Zhan to sit on the sofa.

Jiang Zhan walked in and asked Wei Guangkuo with his eyes: ?

Wei Guangkuo answered with his eyes: You will know soon.

As a result, as soon as Jiang Zhan sat down, the Uncle who was fierce on the outside but girly on the inside sat up like a carp, leaned over to face Jiang Zhan across the coffee table, and said seriously: “Let me introduce myself, I am Qi Meng, the producer of variety shows on the video platform Tencent.” eCXSbz

Jiang Zhan was a little surprised, variety show producer? His Uncle specially called him over to meet the producer?

Jiang Zhan nodded: “Hello.”

Qi Meng stared at him without blinking, with a serious face: “Young man, have you ever thought about becoming a celebrity?”

Jiang Zhan was stunned and said the truth: “No.” eSPFiM

Qi Meng: “Then I ask you now, if you have the opportunity to become a celebrity, do you want to be one?”

Jiang Zhan smiled: “No.”

Qi Meng: “Being a celebrity can earn a lot of money.”

Jiang Zhan said generously: “I am not short of money.” 1KGe9h

Qi Meng: “You will also have fans who chase after you everyday, screaming and shouting, calling you brother and husband.”

Jiang Zhan said frankly: “I am not short of fans either.”

Qi Meng coaxed: “What do you lack?”

Jiang Zhan: “I seem to lack…..” 3kj0qy

Qi Meng: “?”

Jiang Zhan smiled: “Nothing.”

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Qi Meng: “…….”

Qi Meng almost had a heart attack. 4hFzni

In this world, there were still people who didn’t want to be celebrities?

The wealthy and beautiful women are all trying to squeeze into the entertainment industry, okay!

Qi Meng came with a purpose, and he fell in love with Wei Guangkuo’s Nephew at first sight, so he naturally tried his best to win him over.

He was too anxious and had no ill intentions. Wei Guangkuo was afraid that he would make things worse, so he explained the talent show to Jiang Zhan on his behalf. hZntLo

He then explained: “There have been many talent shows in recent years. Some companies have spent money to train trainees, but they don’t want to waste their money, so the same trainees participate in talent shows again and again. Qi Meng’s team also discovered this problem and wanted fresh faces. I originally introduced students from college, but none of them were suitable, so I thought of you.”

Jiang Zhan understood all this. In the pictures he edited in the past two years, the same people might be in this group today, but in two months they might be in another group.

But the problem was that…..

Jiang Zhan: “This is a talent show. I can’t sing or dance.” FfUVqg

Wei Guangkuo was about to speak, but Qi Meng blurted out: “But you have the face! With top-notch looks, you can make your debut just by sitting down!”

Wei Guangkuo: “….”

Jiang Zhan: “…..”

Jiang Zhan had been good-looking since he was a child, and had been praised a lot by many people. When he went to school, he was called the “school prince”. When he went out, he always attracted attention. Naturally, he knew that his face was quite ostentatious. c0rBgs

But the evaluation of being able to make a debut while sitting down with top-notch looks, coming from a producer, seemed to be too much of a compliment to him.

But Qi Meng didn’t think he was exaggerating. He defended himself: “You must believe in the vision of TV people and program people. We can tell whether someone is a little good-looking, ordinary good-looking, particularly good-looking, or top-notch good-looking. Among these good-looking people, we can also tell whether someone is good-looking by temperament, whether they have a good eye, or what the public calls audience appeal. We can also tell.”

“I, Qi Meng, have been in the industry for more than 20 years. If I say you can be popular, you can be popular!”


Translator's Note

Originally it was a metaphor for being so poor that one only has two coins left, which would clink together in one’s pocket, making a jingling sound.

Translator's Note

different characters . the second meng is meng of cute/ adorable.

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  1. It’s true

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖