Start Over on Easy ModeCh8 - It’s Raining

Zach caught a cold.

Too much happened yesterday— No, truthfully, too much happened over the last couple of months, and he’d never stopped to process it. EpjDP6

Zach wasn’t an expert, but he was sure he had a panic attack, and if not an attack, a sensory overload.

His body felt like a wrung-out dishcloth, and he couldn’t blame it.

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He wanted to talk to his mother, but he couldn’t hide from her. He didn’t want her to worry.

Checking the time, he rolled over and decided not to bother with today. ip ugs

He still had six days before he had to deal with Cain.

To see Tynan.

He giggled.

Maybe he could try.



Thursday came quickly, but it was too slow.

He spent the week talking to his lawyers about the PE City development plan. Tynan had sent over a representative who would live in Pe City for the remainder of the project.

During this week, he tested the demo for his game. tbPByw

There were issues, but considering the launch date was two to three years away, he had time to fix it. He would have to work with Cain to find programmers to bring on.

Cleaning up his appearance, he stepped out the door only to run into Rain Edwards standing opposite his door.

The man stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed. No one could mistake that he was waiting for Zach.

Zach surveyed the actor in front of him. Tall, dark glasses, up to no good. He’d had a feeling about this week. WAhMQO

His business hadn’t started in full force, and he already felt the need to take a vacation. He forgot how much threatening and posturing took place in business, especially towards newcomers.

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Should he turn around and pretend not to see anything? He didn’t want to leave the impression that he was scared and running away, but he was too lazy to deal with this.

“Pr atfgf rbwfatlcu P mjc tfiq sbe klat?” Ijmt jrxfv, ibmxlcu tlr vbbg. Ofa’r ufa atlr ujwf rajgafv. Lf wluta tjnf ab gfatlcx tlr qijcr.

“Gb sbe xcbk ktb P jw?” Ejlc jrxfv. Ktfgf kjr cbatlcu wemt ab atf ybs lc ogbca bo tlw. Lf kjr ajiilrt klat rwjga ofjaegfr. Lf tjv qgfaas fsfr yea jiabufatfg cbatlcu rqfmajmeijg. Lf ujnf atf lwqgfrrlbc bo yflcu cfja jcv kfii-yftjnfv. Lf mbeivc’a ecvfgrajcv kts Kscjc kjr rb rwlaafc. WUl2wt

“I know, but I am guessing you are going to tell me why I should care.” Zach felt refreshed. It was the first time someone threatened him since he was reborn. He knew his life was flowing too smoothly recently.

The appearance of trash blocking his way managed to settle some of the anxiety he was feeling. His world changed, the people around him were different, but some things remained the same.

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“Brave. For a no one from now where you are brave.” Rain couldn’t get a grasp on this boy’s personality. He was comfortable. Too confident. That neat appearance was a mask of indifference. His blue eyes were chilly. He got the impression that Zach regarded him as nothing important.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Edwards?” Zach asked. There were good and bad things about being back in the past. If he was still Zach Mallory of Mort Tech, this wouldn’t happen to him. He wasn’t the most successful person, but he was known to be one of the most dangerous. IoElHY

He knew how to find information, and he knew how to use it. Crystal and company were the first to experience his brand of revenge. It looked like this award-winning actor also wanted a taste.

Rain changed his plan. It was odd. The boy in front of him was neither scared nor flustered. He quickly changed his plans. He threw away his original intention. Threatening him wouldn’t yield the desired results and might backfire. This one was different from the usual starstruck whores.

With a better safe than sorry mindset, he extended his hand. “No need to be so cautious. I got curious, so I came ahead to pick you up.”

Zach would be an idiot if he believed that. With a sincere smile, he took Rain’s hand and shook it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am a big fan. Thanks for coming to get me. I never thought Tynan would give anyone my address.” W5pQcr

“I don’t think he thought I would use it, but he told me when I asked. The two of us are close.” Rain’s words dripped with honey. “I got curious when Tynan told me about you, so I had to come and see for myself what all the fuss was about.”

Bullshit, he never told Tynan where he lived. Zach turned to close his door, using it to hide that he was rolling his eyes. Since Rain was investigating him, it was only fair that he returned the favor.

He would hazard a guess that this man had feelings for Tynan. Though, he was sure that Rain was dating Cain. He would have to ask Tynan his feelings on the matter. He would get nowhere trying to figure it out by himself. “Let’s go. I don’t want to be late.”

They walked side by side, both pretending not to feel the tension between them. Rain’s driver was in front of his building. He hesitated to get in but figured that Rain wouldn’t be dumb enough to kidnap him in such a manner. There were too many witnesses, and Tynan’s group would notice his absence. xo3wBz

After getting in, Rain didn’t break the silence, so Zach played along.

It didn’t take them long to reach the restaurant.

“They are inside. I have to get back to a movie shoot. I only dropped by to say hi.” Rain shot him a smile.

Zach turned back, his smile bright. “I will tell Tynan that you said hi!” It was only for a moment, but he saw Rain’s eyes tighten before his face smoothed out. 08j2gQ

“Who cares about Tynan. Tell Cain hi for me. I will see him back in Lor City.” Rain was a good actor.

Zach felt a bit sorry for Cain. He didn’t know the in’s and out’s of their relationship, but chances were high Rain was using the man.

“Will do,” he chirped. This bubbly personality didn’t suit him. He bounced out of the car and waved as it drove off. The smile fell off his face.

Entering the restaurant, he made a beeline for the room he’d booked. He waved away the maître d’. T4WNuf

Three faces greeted him when he opened the door. Two of them he recognized. He hesitated for a moment. Should he conclude his business with Cain first? No, he needed answers before he continued with this venture.

“I need to speak with you and Mr. Granger,” he said, nodding at Tynan.

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“Hello, Zach.” Tynan wasn’t sure about the mood the young man was in. He was more guarded than he’d ever seen him. “You can speak freely. Morris is a friend.”

Walking into the room, he closed the door and took a seat. “Rain Edwards was waiting outside my door this morning.” There was a collective intake of air and shared glances. Zach ignored it and pressed on. “What is your relationship with him?” FjQJ3f

“We are childhood friends, nothing more.” Tynan cursed under his breath. “He didn’t say or do anything to you?”

“Why? Did you expect him to?” Zach looked at Cain, who remained suspiciously silent. Cain had his head bent with his fist clenched on the table. He focused back on Tynan.

“Just asking. Rain confessed his feelings for me years ago, but I turned him down.” Tynan hated bringing this up in front of Cain, but they needed to sort this out. He wouldn’t stand for Rain’s willful behavior.

“I don’t think he understood what you meant. You should make it clearer.” Zach refused to break eye contact with Tynan. He’d decided to see where their relationship went, he expected Tynan to meet him halfway, or this wouldn’t work. a2I8Zi

“Rain and I are dating.” Cain cut in.

“Does he know that?” Zach shot back. He held up a hand when the man lifted his head to look at him. “What is my address?” Zach waited, when no one answered, he continued. “How did Rain get my address?”

Zach ensured that people couldn’t access his personal information. There were multiple layers of protection surrounding it. On top of that, he had fail-safes in place. That was why he got a notification when Cain looked him up.

It wasn’t impossible to find out, but it was hard to do without him hearing about it. Zach didn’t think Rain had the skills. pvCF2w

“I will check with Theo.” The man named Morris said before stepping out of the room.

Cain had gone back to staring at the table. The tension rolling off of him was palpable.

“Can you tell me exactly what he said?” Tynan didn’t want to leave any misunderstanding between them.

Zach took out a pen recorder and played back the conversation. “I got the feeling that he came to say more but changed his mind.” FnGhxl

Tynan got up and started pacing the room.

Cain looked at the recorder before taking it up and playing the recording again. He stopped it when Rain said that he and Tynan were close. He took a deep pained breath before getting up and leaving the room.

“Will he be okay?” Zach asked, looking at the closed door. Anyone who experienced heartbreak could recognize the look on Cain’s face.

“We all hoped the relationship would work out, but he should get a wake-up call now before it’s too late.” Tynan was worried that the coldness in Zach’s eyes hadn’t eased. “Are you okay?” He asked. hOCVm0

“I’m fine.” Zach laughed at the worried look on Tynan’s face. “This won’t scare me off if that is what you are worried about.” He reached out to squeeze Tynan’s hand before pulling back. “I am willing to try having a relationship with you, but you can’t rush me.”

Tynan drew in a sharp breath. It took all his restraint not to whoop in joy and hug Zach. he settled for, “Thank you.” He didn’t know what was holding Zach back, but he would take what he could get. He had the patience to unravel the younger man’s secrets.

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Morris came back into the room, breaking the mood. Tynan sat back in his chair.

Cain came in a moment later. He looked calmer, but something was simmering in his eyes. YRBoLZ

“I checked with Theo, he didn’t give Rain any information, and Rain was supposed to be filming but called in sick.” Morris sat heavily in his seat. “Is there any way he could have found your address?”

“It’s heavily encrypted. If someone accessed the information, Zach would have known about it.” Cain answered for him. “It isn’t impossible to crack, but Rain doesn’t have the skills and hasn’t mentioned knowing anyone who does.”

When he went home, he had every intention of looking into Rain. Zach would decide later if he would share those findings with Tynan.

“Cain, do you want to postpone our business talks?” Zach would like to move forward, but he didn’t want to do that if their interpersonal relationships would jeopardize things. d4KHc5

“No,” Cain’s voice was firm. “Other than you and I, there will be four other investors. Ron, Theo, Tynan, and Morris. You don’t have to worry. None of them would let their personal feelings jeopardize a business venture.”

Zach guessed that they were friends. “I want everything in writing, and I want to add my mother as a shareholder. Still a forty-five split, with each of the five having two percent. I get priority to buy should anyone decide to sell.”

Cain extended his hand. “Deal.”

He shook it. Zach wasn’t sure if Cain was in a frame of mind to be making decisions, so he took his acceptance with a grain of salt. Nothing would be signed today, so they all had time to negotiate and change their minds. d0flk





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