The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In ProgressCh94 - Successful awakening

Tang Yan entered the hospital unconscious.

The doctors at the Interstellar Hospital had never encountered such a situation before. Tang Yan was not only feverish and critical but also showed signs of a secondary awakening of his mental abilities. According to his file, this C-level Male would not reach adulthood until fifteen days. AG dMg

Such an early awakening had never been seen before.

This was beyond General Ilvissa’s control, and the doctors were also very concerned. After taking Tang Yan to the intensive care unit, the doctors closely monitored his condition.

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“Mental waves are increasing…”

“Body temperature rising, administer injection A2…” 2P4QmI

“It’s a sign of awakening… Quickly, get Professor Pyna…”

Multiple voices buzzed incessantly, sometimes far away, sometimes close, until they merged into a string of meaningful characters. Tang Yan felt as if his entire body was burning, his skin, flesh, and bones felt scorched, and his brain felt as if it was being pierced by thousands of needles, causing excruciating pain, making his veins bulge, his breathing choppy and rapid, and his limbs stiff and inflexible.

He was probably in a state worse than death.

At one moment, his heart rate soared at an astonishing rate, then gradually slowed, becoming steady, finally reaching the brink of coma.


The chaotic state of Tang Yan’s mental power was like an earthquake, causing him to collapse. Even System was affected and had to fly out. He landed on the edge of the pillow with his non-existent legs and informed the unconscious Tang Yan: [Ding! Attention, the villain’s blackening level has dropped to 40%. Please continue your efforts.]

Tang Yan did not respond. With his eyes tightly closed, he was barely breathing, as if he had only a thread of life left.

System couldn’t believe it. Tang Yan was supposed to be the strongest in terms of combat power among all the hosts, why did he look like he was about to die? He couldn’t die, he couldn’t afford to take a casualty!

System anxiously shouted in Tang Yan’s ear: [Host! Dear Host! Wake up! Please wake up!] ETxyHh

Tang Yan did not respond.

System waved a handkerchief frantically: [Come on! Fight against the disease! Overcome yourself!]

Tang Yan still did not react.

System had no choice but to prick his arm with its diamond-sharp tip cautiously, attempting pain therapy: [If you don’t wake up, I’ll prick you, okay? I really will] jU9ndp

After poking him several times, almost making his arm bleed, Tang Yan still did not move a muscle. He lay in the hospital bed, frowning from time to time in pain and spasming, but showing no signs of waking up.

Topaz watched him anxiously from outside the window, nervous. He remembered his awakening, opening his eyes just after falling asleep, but Tang Yan seemed to be in great pain. Wasn’t he supposed to be an adult now? Why wasn’t he waking up?

Ilvissa had the same doubts. He took off his silver-rimmed glasses and wiped them thoughtfully until they shone, then put them back on. Seeing that Topaz looked uneasy, he gently put his arm around Topaz’s shoulder, his calm, gentle voice soothed Topaz’s anxiety, “Don’t worry. The best doctors in the empire are here; he’ll be fine.”

Topaz couldn’t stop himself from tearing up, feeling grateful towards Ilvissa not only for helping to get Tang Yan into the hospital but also for being willing to accompany him, “But it’s not supposed to be his awakening yet. Why did he awaken so suddenly?” 69JioH

Ilvissa couldn’t explain the reason either. Things that violated the laws of nature were always problematic. He had seen such cases in the past. Thousands of years ago, there was once an A-level Male who awoke ahead of time, but because his body could not withstand the overwhelming mental power, he exploded and died.

He was silent, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, “Lord, trust me, nothing will happen. The normal awakening period for Males is usually 24 hours. Maybe he’ll wake up tomorrow.”

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Topaz was very nervous, but hearing this, he thought it was reasonable too. He nodded, barely suppressing his anxiety, and sat quietly in the hallway.

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This planet had no seasons, no warm springs or harsh winters, only the coming of the black night, as expected. Day after day, year after year, longer than the long life of the Zerg. lOsCtU

Tfa Gexf Sjabc ofia jr lo tlr tfjga tjv yffc qiecufv lcab j mjnf bo lmf, mbivfg atjc atf mbivfra vjsr bo klcafg. Vlaalcu bc atf rboj, reggbecvfv ys jc bnfgktfiwlcu mbiv, tlr ilwyr raloo, tf ibbxfv ja Vtfijsc jcv ribkis rjlv, “Efqfja ktja sbe pera rjlv.”

Coafg olclrtlcu tlr kbgx ja atf Zlilajgs Djrf, Vtfijsc tegglfv yjmx tbwf. Cr tf tjv qgbwlrfv Kjcu Tjc, tf gfnfjifv fnfgsatlcu ab Gexf Sjabc. Ciatbeut tlr kbecvr tjv cba oeiis tfjifv jcv tlr ojmf kjr ralii rbwfktja qjif, tf rabbv eq jcv olgwis rjlv, “Mfwjif Mjatfg, P tjnf obecv j Zjif ktbw P ibnf, rb P klii cba yfagbat wsrfio ab atf Vlglb Mjwlis.”

Shelayn had done something blunt, cutting off all his retreats, “I’ve already informed them.”

Duke Eaton’s chest suddenly burned with anger at Shelayn’s words, almost burning his rationality. However, keeping his composure, he coldly said, “A Male you love? My son, have you deliberately omitted something? Who do you love? A C-level Male commoner?” qd8moh

He deliberately emphasized the words ‘C-level’.

Shelayn stood with his hands behind his back, “I used to think it was important, but I don’t think so now, Female Father.”

Duke Eaton interrupted, “No, it does matter because it’s about your life and your death”.

He rose from the sofa and looked at the vibrant Zerg pattern on Shelayn’s neck, which was still vivid from mental frenzy. Suddenly, he ruthlessly grabbed the back of Shelayn’s neck, squeezing it as hard as if he wanted to strangle him, “Look at you. How long can you hold out? How much longer can you depend on suppressors?” 5rHQE2

“Shelayn, your life could have been so long, but you’re determined to ruin it. To die in pain ten years from now from mental frenzy and return to the embrace of the Zerg God, you are foolish!”

Shelayn struggled, feeling a pain in the back of his neck that made it hard to breathe. His face paled and his silver-grey hair fell over his eyes, looking disheveled. He forced a smile, “Female Father, don’t you think it’s much better to be able to live freely for ten years? I think it’s a wise decision.”

There were many Females who, the moment they knelt before a Male, suffered humiliation and degradation, dying at that moment.

They had trampled mountains of corpses and walked through smoke and rubble. After countless battles and innumerable wounds, they died not on the distant and vast battlefield nor at the hands of the enemy, but under the whip of a Male. ZakOnJ


He didn’t know if he had touched a nerve, but Duke Eaton couldn’t control himself and slapped Shelayn hard, knocking him to the ground, angrily scolding him, “Shelayn! You could have lived a long time, you could have gained more glory for the family, why are you ruining it all for a C-level Male!”

His eyes reddened uncontrollably, heartbroken and furious, “What do you like so much about him, more than your life, more than your pride?!”

Shelayn’s head turned by Duke Eaton’s slap, and he lay on the floor, a metallic taste spreading through his mouth. Slowly, he raised his hand, wiping the blood from the corner of his lips, and suddenly grimaced to himself, muttering, “What do I like about him…” VL6U0Q

Shelayn staggered up from the floor, lips curling as he looked at Duke Eaton, his purple eyes slightly tinged with red, but still proud, “Female Father, when I knelt, he helped me up and dusted me off. Does that count?”

“When I got hurt, he healed me; does that count?”

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“There are so many things…”

Shelayn was still smiling. He slowly spread out his hands and softly repeated, “There are so many things…” guo5rh

Duke Eaton was momentarily taken aback, then his expression turned sullen, “Shelayn, it’s not worth risking your life for. When you are gone, there will be more beautiful young Females around that Male, filling the void you leave behind. You will be forgotten.”

Yes, forgotten.

Duke Eaton was convinced. He stared at Shelayn and warned, “Don’t try to resist and don’t try to break the rules, Shelayn. I will never accept you being with a C-level Male, ever.”

They evolved from insects, different from humans with plenty of emotions. In this life, there were only two things on their minds: survival and reproduction. fjWkql

After saying this, Duke Eaton glared at him, turned, and went upstairs, intending to find a suitable match for Shelayn among the nobility. However, after Sirio received Shelayn’s rejection, he became so enraged that he broke everything in the room.

“Damn it, Shelayn thinks he’s so great because he’s one of the Twin Stars of Glory of the Empire, how dare he reject me!!!”

Most Males were arrogant, and Sirio, being of noble birth, was even more pretentious. Seeing him angry, all the Female Attendants knelt on the ground, with panicked and fearful expressions, afraid of becoming the target of his anger.

Sirio exhaled slowly and looked at one of the kneeling Females, frowning, “Edgar, you are from the First Army. Is it true that he has fallen in love with a C-level Male?” KZdT1d

Shelayn’s proud and indomitable demeanor had impressed Sirio deeply, causing him to look somewhat skeptical.

Edgar bowed his head, “Male Master, it is true. They have been seen alone together many times before.”

Sirio gritted his teeth and grabbed Edgar by the collar, “Edgar, don’t let me catch you lying!”

Edgar raised his hand and gasped, “I swear… by the Zerg God…” bA6pDl

Only then did Sirio let go and sit back down on the sofa. He put the communicator on his knee and sneered, “Since Shelayn doesn’t appreciate good things, we’ll help him sabotage all possible engagements. Let’s see which Male marries a Female with a ruined reputation.”

Many years ago, the Sirio Family was a symbol of wisdom in the Empire. And while this generation was not particularly wise, it was filled with plotting and schemes.

The day after Shelayn turned down the engagement, the Star Network was flooded with news. The gist of it was that one of the Twin Stars of the Glory of the Empire, Marshal Ayashley, had not only rejected the sincere marriage proposal of the Sirio Family but had also become infatuated with a C-level Male, completely disregarding his dignity.

The hierarchical system of the Zerg World was more rigid than that of humans. Unaware of Sirio’s notorious behavior, but familiar with Shelayn, most of the Star Network audience tended to believe the latter. Moreover, the news editors were sharp-tongued, constantly smearing Shelayn with mud, making up many unfounded accusations, and the Star Network was full of insults. R7SLpz

[How can Marshal Ayashley reject an A-level Male for a C-level one? Is his brain still on the battlefield?]

[Maybe he is really in love with that C-level Male. Anyway, that A-level Male won’t look at you]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Marshal Ayashley is truly foolish, that C-level Male might just be after his status, how can he compare to the Young Master of the Sirio Family?]

[Look, we’ve been reprimanding him for a long time, but the Male that Marshal Ayashley likes still hasn’t come forward. It’s always the Female who gets hurt] B1betk

[It looks like Marshal Ayashley has been fooled, I hope he wakes up soon]

[He will regret his decision]

Shelayn remained confined at home. He had sent requests for communication to Tang Yan, but none were answered, and finally, he turned off his communicator.

Duke Eaton’s influence barely managed to suppress some of the rumors, but the situation was still difficult to salvage. Now, the whole Empire knew that Marshal Ayashely had lost his head over a commoner Male, and all the nobles were secretly laughing at him. 2PpOAd

“Look for yourself!”

Duke Eaton threw a communicator straight into Shelayn’s arms, the insults and taunts from outside embarrassed him, “Shelayn, do you know what they say about you? They say you’re stupid, they say you’re crazy, they say you have no shame, they say you’ve completely disgraced our family!”

Shelayn’s lips were still swollen, and the wounds on his arms were still not healing from the mental frenzy, blood seeping out, staining his white shirt dark.

He sighed and lowered his eyes to the message on the communicator, his gaze cold and mocking, “Female Father, I have great abilities, the glory of the Ayashley Family is earned on the battlefield, not by unfounded rumors from the outside world.” NeRE6v

Shelayn sat lazily on the sofa, he had lost a lot of weight in a few days, and his jawline had sharpened even more. Strands of silver-grey hair covered his mysterious purple eyes. But his back remained straight, his pride indomitable.

Duke Eaton had been proud of his elegance and nobility, but now he felt sadness. His tone was heavy as he said, “Shelayn, your Male Father even called today, I could tell he was very angry.”

Shelayn laughed, his fingertips rubbing the communicator on his wrist, “He’s always angry.”

Duke Eaton’s gaze darkened, “So you’re going to turn against the family over this Male? You say he’s the best, you say he cares for you deeply, but where has he been all this time, Shelayn? Tell me, where is he?” zxsKa9

This hit Shelayn right where it hurt. He suddenly clenched the communicator on his wrist, unable to control the trembling of his eyelashes. Trying to straighten his back as much as possible, he coldly said, “I understand him better than you do, Female Father, and I will not involve him…”

“Don’t try to argue with me about this. You are only fooling yourself.”

Duke Eaton handed him an invitation, “Shelayn, the day after tomorrow is the Minister of the Cabinet’s birthday banquet. Be sure to attend and get your facial wounds dressed.”

The Minister of the Cabinet had a nephew who was a B-level Male, and Duke Eaton intended to match him with Shelayn. But he knew Shelayn would not agree, so he changed his approach. lI80T

Shelayn heard the ban being lifted and finally looked up, silently clenching the invitation card, “…”

Generally, Males woke up within 24 hours, but Tang Yan had been in a coma for three days. Topaz went back and forth from the hospital to home, fearful that something might happen to Tang Yan.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

During that time, Ilvissa had given his larva to a caretaker and had been tirelessly accompanying Topaz in the hospital, oblivious to the outside world.

System also remained ‘awake all night’, sitting at Tang Yan’s bedside every day, chattering incessantly. vI8Fis

[Dear host, I have to give you unfortunate news. The villain’s blackening level has risen to 60%! If you don’t wake up soon, you’ll fail the mission!!!]

[Oh no! The villain’s blackening level has risen to 70%! Host, wake up!]

[Please open your eyes and look at me! Wuuwuu…]

System humbly begged and then noticed Tang Yan’s fingertips twitching. m6tH8D

Ilvissa had just come out of the director’s office. He saw Topaz sitting on a bench, nodding, he was about to tell him to rest, but before he could speak, a nurse on call suddenly pushed open the door and rushed out, his voice full of nervousness, “Professor Pyna! Professor Pyna! The Male is finally showing signs of awakening, and his mental waves are beginning to rise!”

This phrase was like throwing a stone into water, causing countless splashes. The rising mental waves meant that the Male was awakening. Professor Pyna didn’t even bother to eat, and immediately ran to the ward with his assistant. They carefully checked Tang Yan’s vital signs, and when they found no problems, they immediately focused on the monitor to check his mental power level.

They saw that the line, originally at C, rose until it reached B.

Professor Pyna exclaimed, “Look, this Male has successfully awakened to B-level!” vRs4fO

Topaz was also startled. He quickly leaned against the window to look inside, only to see Tang Yan’s mental power marker clearly at B-level. He turned his head excitedly towards Ilvissa, “Ilvissa, my larva is B-level like me!”

Before he could finish speaking, he heard another commotion coming from the room. Looking closely, he saw Tang Yan’s mental power slowly increasing, approaching A-level.

Professor Pyna couldn’t help but feel excited, covering his heart and praying to the heavens, “Oh, Zerg God, another rare A-level Male has appeared in the Empire, thank you for your blessing.”

But his assistant tugged his sleeve from behind, he looked about to faint, and pointed to the marker stammering, “Professor, it’s rising again… it’s not A-level… it’s… it’s S-level… S…” IUoR1d

They saw that the black instrument beside the bed was flashing red and that the mental wave line, which had started from C, was rising steadily, crossing directly over two bright B and A levels, finally stopping at S, marked in red.


Since the recent decline in the genetic constitution of the Males, it had been a long time since a high-level Male had been born in the Empire. Even an A-level was rare. The last time an S-level Male appeared was three hundred years ago.

Professor Pyna stared at him for a moment, suddenly felt dizzy and had difficulty breathing, gasped for air, and fainted. sqaCMp

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  1. Man I would faint to cuz wow! Also, whenever I read that Sheylayn’s father feels sadness, I can’t help but squint my eyes. Do you truly feel sad for your son? Or do you feel sad that the “reputation” of your family is plundering?