Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh31 - Xu ge’s Ghost Fans Will Never Admit Defeat


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  1. LMAOO the ghosts really went and entered their relatives’ dreams to make them vote for Lu Xu 💀💀💀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. If someone from my dead relatives said to me to vote for Lu Xu, my first reaction will be ‘WTF’, and second ‘Damn this guy is hot, definnitely vote’

    Yes Lu Xu, Ji Xiunian only yours🤣

    Thanks for the chapter~

  3. Relatives of the ghosts after being told to vote for Lu Xu: 👁️👄👁️

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

  4. the ghost army is really formidable 😂 they even entered their relatives dreams to vote for Lu Xu HAHAHAHAHA

    thanks for the chapter~ ❤️

  5. Wahahahaha awesome( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ but burning an estate? Wow~

    Thank you for the chapterr!

  6. Getting their relatives to vote is even better, the logic is much cleaner haha

    I wonder if Lu Xu’s going to handle that hanged ghost now, if she was trying to do something bad to a living person that’s a violation, right? I do wish we had a little more information on what kinds of things are and are not allowed by the lingering departed

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  7. Why are the ghosts so cute?! Even the F4 with all their problems lamented not being able to vote.

    I see Bai Mei might be able to perceive that Nian has some weird curse on him? Is that why he won’t leave his side?

    Lu Xu, none of us will touch your Nian ge… we swear backs away slowly

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  8. These ghosts are amazing. They used their once in a year opportunity to contact their family to get votes for Lu Xu. So many true fans. And all those votes are legal and not bought with money! Thanks for the chapter!

  9. OMG! 🤣🤣🤣 Ghost Mama’s my new fav: [Daughter, stop burning things like estates and cars for me. The underworld doesn’t allow too many buildings and gives limited permits for cars, I can’t even use it. If you really want to be filial, then vote for Lu Xu. Remember, this matter is top-secret, don’t let anybody know. Of course, you can get your friends to join in.]

  10. The more I read, the more how Luxu looks cool. Tell me who is the male lead of this story please, I mean nian ge is handsome and adorable too but luxu somehow look cooler than him. I feel so confused haha