Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh123 - Yu Manman’s Secret


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  1. Considering how mermaids are creatures who lure sailors with their voice, I would assume Manman is one too. It was probably mentioned before but I don’t quite recall anymore.

    Thank you for the new update🙏🌻

  2. Cough, cough Haha, the fish encountered her natural predator: the one, the only, the beast of the Grim Reaper, Ba Mei! Will we witness the showdown between mermaid and ghost cat? Tune in next time to find out!

    Thank you for the chapter. 😊

  3. Wait, I thought she’s a fox. I don’t remember if her original race/form was mentioned before. Cat’s prey on small mammals, birds, rodents and fish. So what is Yu Manman’s true form?🤔

  4. Siren, huh? Are they going with the wrong stereotype that she’s a mermaid? (It’s a new phenomenon to consider sirens mermaids. Go read “The Odyssey” if you want all your mermaid dreams dashed, lol.)

  5. Oho? So she’s a siren? Lure them all into the sea and then feast on them… or encounter our old cat xDD

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و