PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh49 - You can just sit there in first place


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Translator's Note

Divi: meme

So the raws show the phrase

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I believe you’re a ghost, you old crook.”

But this originated from a video that went viral and became a meme. This delivery person said that when he was 8, he met a “fortune teller” that was 24 and his response to the dude was “I believe you’re a ghost, you old crook.” Like those scam fortune tellers… ZiXelv

So people online use it as a meme for saying: I don’t believe you + some curse word directed to an older man

Translator's Note

Divi: The author seem to forgot that Yi Ran had spoken in the mic before, with his stream boss status.

It was just that other dude that didn’t have the chance lmao.

Translator's Note

Divi: Shoes make different sounds, but to ‘soften your footsteps’ just means to slowly walk. You can’t just “lightly tip toe” in game like you can in real life. So this just means he’s walking. vDS89r

Running makes a super loud noise, even barefoot.

Translator's Note

562 usd

Translator's Note

2829 usd

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~7000 usd

Translator's Note

~14,000 usd

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  1. Ai… One day… When Yi Chen will learn from Yanyan that he only liked his voice at that time … Imagine how many cracks will appear in his heart…

    Thanks for the chapter~

    • No, I don’t think it’s like that. They both are in love with each other at that time, it’s just one hasn’t realized and the other is just too dumb with low EQ to begin with. So at that time it can be considered as a half misunderstanding and communication error. Or else how can a person just be able understand his own feelings within a week when the other is giving him a not so cold shoulders?

  2. Pray for StarTV team

    Now your Big daddy knew about your work



    But ahhhhh Boss Yi redeeming himself to Yanyan. That id 1 has other eyesore name. This one directly has Yanyan’s real name in his ID.

    Thank you for the chapter❤️❤️

  3. Boss Yi, you’re convincing no one other than yourself with your “distancing”. If that’s distancing, then how will getting close be like? 🤭 (And that part abt wanting to take a bite tho hhh)

    But damn, Boss Yi is rich! He’s the kind of backer people can only have in their dreams lmao

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. Hehe Boss Yi, finally stopped distancing, eh? Don’t worry about that girl though, Yanyan is just very polite~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. lol so much for distancing yourself, one cold shoulder and he’s explaining and smashing gifts. Also the fact that he KNOWS why calling his cat “yanyan” is a tease but still went with yanyan’s daddy as the new account. I hope laosu finally gets punished for his underhanded methods.

    • +1 big boss yi crawling back like a child who ran away from home with a backpack for 3 hours… imploring you to meditate and reach enlightenment boss

      • +1 He’s like a child who said he’d run away from home but actually came back after a couple of hours when he had already cooled his emotions. 🤣

  6. That last line though. Holy.

    Thank you for the chapter juurensha 🙂

    • I came back after re read and when yu yan said “ The platform will take half the profits, it’s a big loss.” Umm no honey, the money will go back to yi chen’s wallet XD

  7. Waaaaa i must b crazy. I cant stop smiling

    Thanks for the chapter

  8. Yanyan’s daddy is really Yanyan’s daddy 😁😁😁

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  9. Yi Chen used that nick knowing What Yanyan must feel reading it! Such a flirt!

    I Wonder how much time Will pass before the followers notice 1 and Yanyan’s daddy are the same person. Or there Will be a shopping war?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. TN : Me: Pretty sure that’s mostly just you, Boss Yi. (How are you both this oblivious and so thirsty)

    ahahahaahhahahahahaahha LOL LOL

  11. lmao what if yanyan gets reported for inflating his popularity by paying with his own money

  12. This story is so sweet that I really don’t want it to end! Thank you all so much for the ‘feel goods’.🙂

  13. “that was more like it. this was the expression his face should display”

    Boss Yi Boss Yi.. how about your plan to make yanyan give up? why would you want to see that kind of expression if you want him give up? hello????

  14. Yi Chen ” … I want to see who dares to use insider schemes to take you down!”

    Well, you are the most inside of all insiders 😌