Psycho TrapChapter 66

Jihoon’s expression turned puzzled. More precisely, he froze like someone who had been electrocuted. A dizziness that hadn’t been there before seemed to be emerging, making it hard for him to breathe.

“Damn! Seriously.” yDMO12

Jihoon’s astonished pupils turned towards Do-hwa. Right now, they held a gaze, questioning whether this guy’s words were real. Do-hwa hesitated on how to respond under pressure, bowing his head in hesitation.

“But aren’t both of you Betas?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jihoon’s voice was so astonished that it cracked.

“That’s what I’m saying…” qS2mHw

Just as Min-jun was about to make his shocking confession, Do-hwa raised his head and his hands to stop him.

“W-We’re not dating; Min-jun was just joking; he’s joking.”

Do-hwa ended up giving a feeble response that anyone could see through, as he was unable to find a convincing excuse. As a result, he failed to persuade Jihoon, feeling the sharp gaze of Min-jun as well. It felt like being cut by a knife. Because of that, Do-hwa felt afraid, but anger towards Min-jun also began to rise.

He doesn’t know what to say to Jihoon after lying about secretly dating. It felt like Do-hwa was deliberately trying to aggravate him, like a devil determined to provoke him. But what was even more confusing was feeling guilty for denying it, making Do-hwa feel strange. He even questioned himself about why he was doing this, clutching at his temples in frustration.


Meanwhile, Min-jun diverted his gaze from Do-hwa, flashing a charming smile. There was a shadow lurking behind it. Because of that, Do-hwa tensed up, expecting Min-jun to come up with some nonsense again. It felt like facing a time bomb.

“Do-hwa seonbae is right; it was just a joke.”

It was, luckily, a response that echoed Do-hwa’s assertion, bringing him some relief. Was it just a mean prank? Do-hwa didn’t want to see such jokes again. Jihoon also seemed to somewhat accept Min-jun’s assertion.

But this peace was short-lived. Min-jun’s hand around Do-hwa’s waist tightened, and he planted a kiss on Do-hwa’s cheek. The smacking sound echoed loudly. Do-hwa’s face flushed red again, and Jihoon stepped back in shock. 5rzqQ2

“Crazy. Was that for real? You too, Do-hwa!”

“No… That’s not what…”

It was maddening. Is Min-jun insane to do this?!

Do-hwa released himself from Min-jun’s grasp and turned to glare at him. Nl hAP

“Seonbae, you’re incorrigible.”

There was a hint of amusement in Min-jun’s smile. It was so infuriating. Do-hwa considered grabbing him by the collar but stopped himself. First, he needed to calm down Jihoon rather than get angry at Min-jun. He couldn’t find the right words to explain that the kiss was a misunderstanding. Everything was chaotic and confusing at that moment.


A piercing scream echoed from behind. Do-hwa, along with Min-jun and Jihoon, turned to look at the source. 41aUwr

In the middle of the rest area parking lot, a woman lay sprawled on the ground, while a man in a gray jacket ran off with her handbag. He was a pickpocket. The problem was, he wasn’t just an ordinary pickpocket; he had a knife in his hand. So, despite the presence of nearby men or security guards trying to apprehend him, they were all helpless against the threat of the knife. It seemed like bloodshed was imminent.


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Do-hwa quickly reached for his phone to call the police. But Min-jun grabbed Do-hwa’s phone.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Gbc’a mjii atf qbilmf.” dRnt8X

“Qtja? Ct!”

Zlc-pec erfv ab yf jooliljafv klat j Zjolj Ygujclhjalbc lc atf qjra. Ktbeut tf mijlwfv ab tjnf ifoa atja ilof yftlcv jcv cbk tjv j ifulalwjaf pby, tlr ecfjrf ja atf wfcalbc bo atf qbilmf ecvbeyafvis lcvlmjafv lcnbinfwfca lc rbwfatlcu rtjvs.

“Qts lucbgf atf qbilmf lc remt j vlgf rlaejalbc? Let?”

Jihoon shouted as he pulled out his phone. Upon hearing this, Min-jun snatched Jihoon’s phone and threw it to the ground. It shattered into two pieces with a loud crack, as if it was a flip phone, and the folding part got damaged. RNFJmx

“Hey! You son of a b*tch! I bought this brand-new phone just the day before yesterday! Do you know how much I had to work to buy this?”

Jihoon screamed in agony, but Min-jun casually brushed his bangs aside without a hint of remorse.

“I’ll double-compensate you, so shut up. You’re being too loud.”

“Hey! Cha Min-jun! Are you out of your mind? Damn it, let’s settle this today!” cSmCl

Jihoon reached out with the intention of grabbing Min-jun by the collar. However, Min-jun easily evaded him and turned towards the man in the gray jacket.

“Hey! Cha Min-jun!”

Jihoon followed closely behind Min-jun. It seemed like a big fight was about to break out. Do-hwa embraced Jihoon from behind, trying to calm him down.

“Stay calm, Jihoon. Min-jun will cover the cost of the phone.” RNkztY

“Do you think I’m doing this because of money? This kid has no manners!”

“Just let it go.”

Do-hwa almost blurted out, “You’re really asking for it,” but managed to hold back.

While Jihoon and Do-hwa were grappling with each other, Min-jun had already arrived in front of the man in the gray jacket. People around the man had already fallen victim to his brutality. fG65wd

“What’s this? A parasite?”

The man looked at Min-jun as if amused. He swung his knife as he had done to others. This elicited screams from those around, including Jihoon, who had been furious moments ago.

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“Why is he acting like that? He could hurt someone.”

Do-hwa realized at that moment that he needed to stop Min-jun, not Jihoon. yHZmke

Min-jun didn’t flinch as the man swung the knife. He didn’t even blink, as the man was swinging it in the air. Despite the man’s seemingly quick movements, Min-jun remained indifferent.

“Is this your first time using a knife?”


“Shall I teach you how to kill someone instantly?” ZddGyT


In an instant, the man’s expression turned terrified. Meanwhile, Min-jun grabbed the man’s wrist and swiftly twisted it, causing a sharp crack. With a thud, the man dropped the knife he was holding. Min-jun simultaneously reached into his jacket pocket and retrieved a serrated jackknife. Without hesitation, he extended the blade towards the man’s chest. As he did so, screams erupted around them like waves crashing.

The accelerating blade came to a halt near the man’s chest. Only coldness remained in Min-jun’s blue eyes, as if he existed at the boundary between the living and the dead.

“After stabbing like this, if you hit a rib, just push it again. There’s no animal as fun to kill as a human.” 9dKmb4

“Gasp… P-please… spare me…”

The terrified man trembled, his dry lips moving as his entire body convulsed.

“Poor thing.”

With a cold smirk, Min-jun redirected the blade towards the man’s thigh and slashed forcefully. 4DRNYz


The man screamed in agony as he collapsed. Blood gushed from the deep wound on his leg. Yet Min-jun simply tossed the knife aside with a bored expression.

“There are too many eyes watching.”

Min-jun then picked up the handbag that the man had dropped when he fell. He approached the woman, who was the bag’s original owner. She recoiled in fear as Min-jun approached, clearly still shaken by the recent ordeal. However, Min-jun placed the handbag in front of her with a kind smile. znHS V

“Are you injured?”

At Min-jun’s question, the woman nodded. He then gently helped her to her feet with a courteous gesture.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What… Cha Min-jun…”

Jihoon gasped after witnessing this scene and then turned to look at Do-hwa. DvHOZK

“Did he learn some kind of martial arts? How is he so skilled?”

“Well… yeah.”

Do-hwa vaguely agreed, as he was unable to divulge Min-jun’s past, so he just went along with it. Besides, having witnessed Min-jun’s antics several times before, Do-hwa wasn’t even surprised anymore. So, Jihoon found Do-hwa’s reaction also quite astounding.

Meanwhile, Min-jun approached Do-hwa. SzfGc7

“Seonbae, didn’t you bump into that guy when you went to the restroom earlier?”

“What? That guy was him?”

It was a fleeting moment, and Do-hwa hadn’t paid much attention to the person at the time.

“He didn’t even apologize to seonbae and acted rudely, so I taught him a lesson.” 7wXx5l

“What? Just for that?”

“Just for that? Seonbae, he even hurt you.”

He had just bumped into him accidentally. It seemed too excessive to have cut the man’s leg with a knife over such a trivial matter.

“Cha Min-jun… What on earth…” bYjOGe

Jihoon, who had moments ago been on the verge of fiercely reprimanding Min-jun, now looked somewhat shocked but maintained a more polite demeanor. Do-hwa felt at a loss about how to explain Min-jun’s reckless behavior to Jihoon, feeling like a complete fool. He had always known he was stupid outside of academics, but ever since getting to know Cha Min-jun, he felt this realization even more acutely.

“Jihoon seonbae.”

Min-jun directed a chilling smile towards Jihoon.

“If seonbae doesn’t want to end up like that guy, don’t interfere with what I do in front of my eyes.” N3Cqv5


“I’m warning you not to mess with Do-hwa seonbae. Consider this a warning.”

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Min-jun’s threat left Jihoon frozen in place, and Do-hwa found himself in a similar state. This lunatic was not only showing his true colors to Do-hwa but also to Jihoon. Moreover, while Do-hwa could handle himself to some extent, Jihoon was different. He was an Alpha with many close hubae and seonbae relationships, and it was unclear why Min-jun was causing trouble when there was no need for it.

At that moment, a black sedan pulled into the rest area. A middle-aged woman dressed in a suit stepped out of the car. She was the same woman Do-hwa had encountered under the mountain not long ago. After scanning the surroundings, she approached Min-jun and greeted him politely. 7ErRF0

“Young master. Are you injured?”

“I’m fine. Please take care of the aftermath properly.”

“I understood.”

Upon hearing her firm response, Min-jun raised his eyebrows and tightly held Do-hwa’s hand. Despite his previous intention to cause trouble, his hand felt unexpectedly warm. 1R08oO

“Seonbae, let’s go buy some squid and hot dogs.”


“You wanted to eat them, right?”

It seemed like Min-jun had noticed Do-hwa’s hesitation in front of the snack bar earlier. He couldn’t even recall exactly which menu item Do-hwa had been eyeing. But now wasn’t the time to be enjoying hot dogs. Moreover, all eyes were on Min-jun. It seemed prudent to avoid drawing more attention by casually buying snacks after wielding a knife. xQzRq6

“Let’s just go by car.”


“I didn’t really want to eat them that badly.”

Do-hwa grabbed Min-jun’s hand and led him towards the car. E7LjbD

“Okay. There’s nothing good about eating outside food too often. I’ll make something tastier for dinner.”

With a gentle whisper, he brightened up with a cheerful smile.

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