Peerless Immortal Surrounded by Demonic DisciplesCh37 - So Cold


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  1. Aiya, these disciples! I feel bad for everyone yet. I think it’s about time to replace that passion root, yeah?

    Thanks for your hard work translating!

  2. Will it is a small black room? I am looking forward to it!

  3. Noooo! Huanhan is ML? I love Chang Ye! 😭

  4. the ending was kind of spooky. i feel bad jyh can’t feel anything (and it’s not that he can’t, its that he CAN’T).

  5. They’re all the same person, they’re all the same person, they’re all the same person… maybe if I say it enough, it’ll become true…

  6. Poor Huanhuan… and shizun (〒﹏〒)

    Just how much does it hurt to be told that by the person you love. So heartbreaking

    Thanks for the update!

  7. Aish. The three disciples are pitiful. Jiang Yinghe can’t feel a thing for anyone, not just you, boys!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. HUANHAN IS THE BESTTTT look at his open and honourable bearing, compared with sly fox chang ye ugh

    i hope the “i cant feel anything” makes them realize something might be wrong?? if he truly didnt care, he would’ve felt disgust or unwillingness right??

  9. I feel like the note left behind by the sword saint is a BIG hint. “no matter WHICH one of HIM locks you up he’ll never hurt you” I’m not sure if I quoted it word for word but…. they all one person nuff said

    • I feel that, if not for the lack of his Passion Root, Shizun might’ve already fallen in love with Huanhan… He said that his feelings reached a brim before reaching a certain threshold… If they aren’t the same person, please let the end-game be Huanhan, my best boy😭🙏

  10. Kinda looking forward to the small dark room phase fufufu

    Ahhh it’s hard to not looking for spoilers, for this chapter so painful for my boy Huanhan :”

    Thanks for the chapter! 💖

  11. Huanhan!! It’s not your fault bb!!! His passion root is gone!! Please don’t lose hope my poor child ಥ_ಥ


  13. Noooo Huanhan 😭💔 my heart ache so badly, it’s because shizun doesn’t have his passion root…. DON’T GIVE UP YET HUANHAN😭

    Thank you for the chapter 😢


  15. My ❤️ Aches for boy its bcoz of the passion-root! But why do i have the feeling that out of the 3disciples JYH only allow LH to be this romantic with him despite knowing their feelings for him hahaha LH is sooo gentle i want him to be aggressive now🤣

  16. I really want him to be with Li Huanhan… (hopefully, he in this blackened state won’t hurt his shizun in the next chapters tho, or else my thoughts will make an U turn immediately.) I do not like Chang Ye, I really hope Shizun wont end up with him. As for Qin Jun… Well, I like him too but Huanhan comes first. Btw, i am almost sure that the sword saint who wrote things in modern chinese is our shizun, somehow.

  17. Aww. It is pitiful to watch all these disciples I think it’s because of his severed passion root(I think they called it that)?

  18. QAQ Huanhan dont worry my baby is just physically unable to feel ANY romantic feelings. Its not you hun i promise QAQ

  19. Am I the only one that kinda wishes the four of them to just be a happy little family? like the scene when they were strolling around in the devils’ streets and the scene where changye was stuffing himself with sweets, it just hit me the wrong way and I kinda wished that poor huanhan isn’t suffering so much and changye really was an innocent white lotus shidi 🙁 I feel bad that they have to endure so much and the story would be so much more wholesome if the story is just about a master who took in disciples who all have very tragic backstories and in the end they all became one family without all the romantic stuff. But also, is huanhan the ML??? So curious🤔