Purple HeartChapter 64

Content Warning: Sexual Harassment

Please be advised that the following chapters contain depictions of sexual harassment, including verbal and physical misconduct, that may be distressing or triggering for some readers. Reader discretion is advised. U7Qxk0

The next day, the troupe leader went to the city and brought back an Alpha. Niall, still feverish, couldn’t control his pheromones effectively, and as soon as the Alpha entered Niall’s room, he began to pant and became visibly aroused. The troupe leader beamed with satisfaction at the sight.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Another way to make money,” he said with a broad grin.

He shoved Romana aside, hitting her to make her leave, and then grabbed Niall by the collar, throwing him under the bed. rULMGy

Alphas and Omegas were rare. They were born among the nobility, and though some of their blood occasionally passed down through illegitimate children, most of these offspring were recessive or became Betas over generations, who could only smell the pheromones. Niall, who could make an Alpha instantly aroused and uncontrollable, was clearly not recessive. The troupe leader tightened his grip on Niall’s collar.

Niall now had a job. He was finally going to do his part, just as he had always wished. His first task was to calm a crazed Alpha by emitting pheromones.

Thud. Niall was thrown into a dark, enclosed room, and the door closed behind him. A large man sat in the dimly lit space, panting heavily with a couple of candles providing the only light.

“Who’s there?” the man’s voice was dry and rough, as if suffering from severe thirst. Niall stood silently. The man sniffed the air, then abruptly stood up, turning towards Niall.


“Omega. Are you an Omega? An Omega is here?” The man, seemingly blind, groped around, muttering incessantly. Where are you? Here? No, not here. An Omega is here. Finally, an Omega has come, but where?

He repeated the word “Omega” relentlessly. Niall covered his ears and crawled behind a stack of wooden crates. The man’s panting drew closer and then receded repeatedly.

Omega. Omega. His voice grew more frantic. Why is the Omega rejecting me? We are meant to be. I love you. I love you so much. I don’t understand. Why don’t you love me? Where are you?

“Here you are!” xqQ6 v

The crates collapsed, and a large hand grabbed Niall’s hair, lifting him up. Niall screamed in agony as the man roughly pulled his face close. Despite Niall’s piercing screams, the man bit down on Niall’s neck, producing a sickening crunch.

“My love!”

With his mouth full of blood, the man roared. His voice echoed through the empty chamber. The crazed Alpha, fully aroused, grabbed Niall as if to crush him. Niall was only thirteen years old, standing about 5 feet 1 inch (around 155 cm) tall, and weighing just 85 pounds (around 39 kg), a scrawny child. He had no chance against a nearly 6 foot 3 inch (around 190 cm) muscular man.

The Alpha, gripped by madness, yanked at Niall as if to tear him apart. He shook Niall by the hair, wrapped his arms around his waist to prevent escape, and bit his neck. His broad tongue licked a straight line from Niall’s forehead to his throat, soaking his face in saliva. Blood streamed from the torn cheek where he had been bitten. JziSkj

The terror of impending death, the certainty that he would die like this, overwhelmed Niall, causing him to release his pheromones. It wasn’t intentional; it was all he could do, like someone wetting themselves in extreme fear.

The Alpha, enraptured, knelt down. His lower body became wet with his ejaculation. He couldn’t stop climaxing. The Omega’s pheromones had that effect on him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Zs ibnf! Zs ibnf!”

Ktf Ciqtj sfiifv tlr vfmijgjalbc bo ibnf lcab Rljii’r fjg, lucbglcu tlr gfrlrajcmf, jcv xlrrfv tlw. Rljii yla atf Ciqtj’r ilqr, vgjklcu yibbv, jcv rmgjamtfv tlr mtffx klat tlr cjlir, yea atf Ciqtj bcis rffwfv ab gfnfi lc la. Qtfc Rljii olcjiis yegra lcab afjgr, atf Ciqtj obgmfv tlr abcuef lcab Rljii’r bqfc wbeat, fzqibglcu la atbgbeutis. rg0QaY

The Alpha’s ejaculation continued deep into the night. Whenever he attempted to rape Niall, Niall would release his pheromones, causing the Alpha to ejaculate repeatedly. The Alpha, like a machine, released his semen each time Niall willed it. His pants became thoroughly soaked, and the floor became puddled with his semen.

At dawn, the door to their confinement opened. The troupe leader, pinching his nose, exclaimed in disbelief.

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“My God, is all that semen? It looks like a bucket of water was spilled. How can a human produce so much semen?”

Muttering that bleeding that much would be life-threatening, the troupe leader grabbed Niall’s wrist and pulled him out, staggering. tO0xEk

“What a mess. The kid’s been mauled. No way we can take new customers today. Niall, answer me. Was there any penetration last night? Your clothes look intact, so it seems not, but say it yourself. Hey.”

The troupe leader slapped Niall’s cheek three times, hard enough to make a sound, but Niall couldn’t open his eyes.

“Passed out, huh? Take him to Romana and tell her to fix him within three days. If she doesn’t, I’ll sell her daughter to a brothel.”

He tossed the unconscious Niall to the deputy troupe leader. 2LFOWQ


Niall, now an Omega, had a natural enemy: the Alpha. Living among Betas, Niall had believed he was one too. He knew vaguely that an Alpha deprived of an Omega’s pheromones would go insane. Now, after his recent experience, Niall understood what that insanity entailed.

Three days passed. At the appointed time, the troupe leader dragged Niall back to the confinement room. Inside, there was another Alpha.

“Hello? Are you the Omega here to help me?” JIyARh

The Alpha, seated on a stack of old boxes, greeted him in a weak voice. Niall watched the Alpha cautiously, not lowering his guard.

“My name is Rodilanda. What’s yours?”

He looked like an Alpha who might teach children of noble families or calibrate scales in a pharmacy. He was tall and thin, with shoulders hunched forward. Despite his harmless appearance, Niall didn’t let down his guard.

“You’re a quiet one.” FyTtY4

The Alpha smiled gently and lowered his head. Niall cautiously took a step forward.

“How did you get that scar on your cheek? It looks quite severe. Did you get it treated?”


“You have bandages on your neck, too.” SXJusP


“Would you tell me how you got hurt?”

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Niall advanced a few more steps, his feet crunching on dry reeds. The moonlight streaming through a small window illuminated the Alpha’s face more clearly. Even up close, the Alpha looked like an ordinary middle-aged man, tired and weary. 3nAIdX

“How did you end up here? You look so young.”

“I didn’t have a choice.”

When Niall finally answered, the Alpha’s expression showed a slight surprise before softening into a faint smile.

“I see. That’s the same for me.” MT9go4

Niall stopped five steps away from the Alpha. This Alpha seemed normal. The troupe leader had thrown Niall into the confinement room, warning that he wouldn’t open the door until morning and that Niall wouldn’t be let out if he hadn’t fixed the customer by then.

Niall scrutinized the Alpha with wary eyes. The Alpha extended a hand, causing Niall to jump back in surprise.

“I just wanted to give you this because you looked cold.”

The Alpha was holding a blanket. Niall quickly snatched the blanket from the Alpha’s hand and took another step back. 3YXO 4

“I have a son about your age. Maybe that’s why I feel the need to take care of kids who remind me of him.”

The blanket was warm from the Alpha’s body heat. Wrapping it around his shoulders, Niall felt his frayed nerves calm down a bit.

“What’s your son’s name?”

Niall asked impulsively. The Alpha smiled. IBZOtC

“Jody. He’s thirteen. I guess it’s not right to say you’re the same age. You must be younger.”

“No, I’m thirteen too.”

“Oh, my mistake. I thought you were younger because you’re so small.”

“I’m not small!” 4U1dof

“I’m really sorry. My son is quite tall for his age, so I don’t really know the average height for boys your age.”

The Alpha patted the spot beside him.

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“Come sit here.”

Before he realized it, Niall found himself right in front of the Alpha. It felt too late to back away. After some hesitation, Niall sat down next to the Alpha. G4Xmzy

“Now, can you tell me your name?”



“……My name is Niall.” JG rpb

“Niall. Niall.” The Alpha repeated Niall’s name several times.

“It’s a good name. It used to be a word for water on the eastern continent. No one uses it anymore, but the person who named you must have known its meaning.”

“My name was given to me by Romana. I wonder if Romana knew the meaning of this name. I’ll have to ask when I get back. If she doesn’t know, I’ll tell her.” The thought made Niall feel happy.

“Ugh.” DHT4fo

At that moment, the Alpha doubled over, gasping for breath. When Niall instinctively tried to help, the Alpha shook his head.

“I’m fine. It’s just a seizure. My heart isn’t in good shape. It’s a side effect of the suppressant.”


“Yes, an Alpha pheromone suppressant. I’ve been taking it for a very long time, but the doctor said I couldn’t continue. If I did, my heart would necrotize.” RLsokb

The Alpha rubbed his chest, a bitter smile on his face. His complexion quickly turned gray, and blood started dripping from his nose. As he looked around for something to wipe with, the Alpha grabbed Niall’s hand.


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