PeachCh75 - The Old Witch


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Translator's Note

Houbei means juniors. It’s the equivalent of kouhai in Japanese.

Translator's Note

This is what it looks like:

Image credits: Wikipedia

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  1. »So there are still houbei who remember me« After houbei the rest of the chapter is in cursive.

    ».. on all fours like a rock rat « Period is missing after the rat.

    Okay, now we all know that DY loves Qiqi. Congratulations guys (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✲゚。⋆ And… srsly… author, can you please give Qiqi a break? He’s nonstop injured by others lol

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  2. Most of the chapter is shown italicized for me. I think you missed (or the popup note formatting ate it) the closing tag for italics after “houbei”.

  3. Wait, all the fuss over the missing music score is because they want to summon a phoenix and ascend to immortality? That’s all they need is crazies like her and Wuyin living forever! How funny is Chen Ziqi, pulling a handkerchief out of Dan Yi’s clothing? It’s probably there just for him anyway 😄. Qiqi can be a little dense – I’m glad he understood what he saw Dan Yi feeling for him.

  4. This old hag is honestly the creepiest villain introduced in this story thus far! 😱
    Of course, in the middle of all this chaos, Dan Yi still has time to make that passionate almost-confession! This man is smooth! 😆
    Considering the overall tone of the story, I’m choosing not to worry about a life expectancy difference between Qiqi and Dan Yi… most likely this will be resolved by either a marriage bond or something do do with the dragon techniques past emperors had such trouble mastering. The two styles of martial arts at work here are meant to be synergistic after all, so plot wise I’d guess this will ultimately be resolved through that most obvious of tropes, dual cultivation.
    Thanks for your hard work translating!