Crossing-the-bridge NoodlesCh69 - Under the Influence

Warning: Mild NSFW ahead. Read with caution.

Editor: Scarlet 2K71id

When Qiao Jia opened his eyes the next morning, Guo Lin had already left. He’d left money for Qiao Jia to buy breakfast and, of course, reminded him not to wander outside and cause any trouble.

Qiao Jia glanced mockingly at the note before tossing it aside. Guo Lin never missed an opportunity to remind others that he was the people’s nanny.

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He turned on the TV and watched some mindless daytime drama before finally making his way downstairs near noon. The residential area was a melting pot of different people, and Guo Lin likely feared someone would investigate his background, so he’d instructed Qiao Jia to find somewhere to stay that wasn’t too conspicuous.

Qiao Jia grabbed a quick lunch and continued wandering around the city. He purposely asked about the location of the police station, made his way there, and circled around the building a couple times, but couldn’t see much from the outside. Besides, Guo Lin, now working undercover, probably wouldn’t be going in and out of such a place often. Rp9fGh

Guo Lin might have been good at catching bad guys, but could he really handle himself being an undercover agent?

Qiao Jia took a drag from the cigarette dangling from his mouth as he stared up pessimistically at the large police station sign above him. His heart felt really uneasy.

Why am I even worrying about this…?

Frowning in annoyance, Qiao Jia bought a newspaper and strolled casually toward the small bar he’d visited last night, hoping to meet a few more gullible people like from the night before to gather more intel.


After all, he didn’t come here for vacation.

Guo Lin’s mission wasn’t too complicated. He needed to disguise himself as a boss from the north who was interested in purchasing high-quality drugs. With Huang Jing’s arrangements, his informant would introduce Guo Lin to the target, then they’d apprehend people during the transaction.

It was similar to the job Huang Jing completed for Shen Jun, but according to Huang Jing’s intel, the supplier had killed a cop during an earlier pursuit. Now, the suppliers were extra cautious and difficult to deal with.

“Once you enter with your undercover identity, you must remain vigilant at all times and fully immerse yourself in the role of a boss interested in purchasing illegal substances. You can’t expose any weaknesses. These people are highly suspicious, so I can’t place any obvious listening devices on you. This is the only tool I can give you: a watch with a chip inside that tracks your location. You can activate it once you ensure your safety. Since we cannot contact you, you must be careful with everything you do and handle emergencies on your own without consulting us.” ztBFn7

Guo Lin was well versed in basic anti-drug operations, so Huang Jing didn’t need to give him a rundown. However, he did need to be careful about local customs and traditions. Luckily, Guo Lin’s cover was that of a man from the north, so it was reasonable that he wouldn’t know everything.

“The other party will definitely check your identity thoroughly, so try to minimize your comings and goings, and don’t talk to anyone casually.”

“Mm, I don’t think there will be any issues with my temporary residence, but how do I meet up with the colleague assigned to contact me?”

Huang Jing didn’t directly answer Guo Lin’s question, only responding with a smile, “Don’t worry, you’ll recognize him. You’ll know once you see him.” WQdAgU

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vlcmf Lejcu Alcu rjlv rb, Xeb Olc jrrewfv atja atf batfg qjgas kjr qgbafmalcu tlr lcobgwjca’r lvfcalas, rb tf vlvc’a qgs oegatfg lcab atf lrref. Mbiibklcu Lejcu Alcu’r lcragemalbcr, tf rqfca tlr vjsalwf tbegr lc j qglnjaf gbbw lcrlvf jc fcafgajlcwfca miey.

Ktja cluta, tf olcjiis wfa atf qfgrbc tf cffvfv ab agjvf klat. Coafg vlrmerrlcu atf vfajlir bo atf agjcrjmalbc, tf bqfcfv atf vbbg ab tlr qglnjaf ybbat jcv rjk j ojwliljg ojmf jwbcu atf mgbkv…


Huang Jing’s so-called acquaintance is Qiao Jia?! yAr0I8

When Qiao Jia saw Guo Lin, his lips curled into a proud smile. He was just another face in the crowd, and his gaze only briefly met Guo Lin’s, but he clearly caught a hint of shock beneath that gaze, which lifted his mood significantly.

In fact, his appearance here was purely coincidental.

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He’d spent the afternoon wandering around aimlessly when he happened to pass by a pool hall near the bar. Qiao Jia felt the urge to play a few games, but who knew he’d run into the same person he’d drunk with the previous night? It wasn’t until later that he learned the man’s name was Black Tiger, famously known for valuing money over his life. He dared to involve himself in anything as long as it could earn him an extra buck, and had recently been following around a big boss. He thought Qiao Jia looked trustworthy and wanted to drag him into making some extra cash.

Qiao Jia figured these people were more naive than those back home; it’d be virtually impossible to make connections with someone from his old crowd without going through a thorough background check. 3C8Fjd

However, once he arrived at this entertainment club, he realized it wasn’t a big job. Judging by the looks of it, he was just there to beef up Black Tiger’s boss’s entourage to keep up a show of influence. While the others feasted inside, he and Black Tiger could only drink a couple of glasses of icy lemon juice outside.

After Guo Lin had already entered the private room, which Qiao Jia had no clue about, Black Tiger sidled up to Qiao Jia and whispered, “Look properly at the client who’ll be coming out soon and see if he looks familiar to you. He says he’s from the north, just like you. Maybe you’ve seen him before.”

“Oh.” Qiao Jia rolled his eyes internally. These people hadn’t even done a background check on him to find out whether he really was in the drug business. Even if he were, how likely was it that he’d recognize a random drug dealer? Asking him to see if he recognized the client just because both of them were from the north was beyond absurd. Not to mention, those who came here to conduct business were unlikely to be small fries one could easily identify.

Regardless, Qiao Jia kept his thoughts to himself and simply exchanged some idle chat with Black Tiger. “Hey, bro, what if I don’t recognize him when he comes out?” J1WOwA

“It’s fine if you don’t recognize him. I’m just being extra cautious. You can just bullshit your way through. No one will check if you actually know him.”

“Seriously?” This boss was way too easy to fool. “What if the person is bad news? Will I lose my poor little life?”

Black Tiger laughed. “Don’t worry. The client we’re doing business with this time is someone Brother Ping introduced, so there’s definitely no problem with him.”

“Brother Ping?” Qiao Jia turned around to look. “Which one is Brother Ping?” wxXFkC

“Brother Ping is inside. Don’t ask too many questions. Anyway, if someone asks you if you know the client, just say you’ve met him and that he’s a big shot. Maybe the boss will be happy and give you some money.”

Since Black Tiger said so, Qiao Jia certainly had no objection. He shrugged, looking like he was going to obediently follow orders. When he saw the door of the private room open, he quickly leaned in to take a look.

The first person he saw was Guo Lin.

After half a day of searching, it turned out that the person they were looking for was Guo Lin. Qiao Jia felt that some things in this world were really strange. It was so coincidental that they could run into each other. It was like seeing a ghost! nd7DEH

Guo Lin looked quite different from last night. He rarely dressed up, but today he wore an expensive-looking jacket that somehow didn’t match his style. His whole body glittered gold, and his hair was slicked back with a generous amount of hair gel. He wore sunglasses and stood shoulder to shoulder with the man from Yunnan, chatting joyfully.

To be honest, he was quite a good actor…

For the first time, Qiao Jia realized that Guo Lin had a real knack for putting on airs. As the group walked out shoulder to shoulder, Qiao Jia noticed a man of short stature but dressed in a sharp suit following behind Guo Lin, his head bowed slightly in a very low-key manner.

The man looked somewhat familiar, but Qiao Jia couldn’t immediately place him. Before he could figure it out, Black Tiger urged him to follow. “Don’t zone out. Follow the boss.” p5D93Y

“Are we going too?”

“Of course, we’re going. The best part comes next! That’s why, you should follow!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Black Tiger’s idea of “the best part” was to freeload off others, as it seemed being a boss here meant maintaining a certain level of pomp and circumstance. The more people followed behind him, the higher the boss’s position. Qiao Jia was dragged to eat at several places. After eating, he drank, after drinking, he sang, after he finished singing, he continued to eat and drink. The places he went to were not cheap; the decorations were quite classy.

Guo Lin seemed to be putting everything on the line today… bwqHOp

Qiao Jia had never seen Guo Lin drink so much; he chugged one glass after another without caring what kind it was, as long as it was alcohol. The boss also ordered some ladies over to liven up the party, and they all flocked to Guo Lin, pressing their bodies against him from his neck down to his feet. Qiao Jia could feel his eyes burning in rage.

Fuck! This was the first time Guo Lin realized this kind of situation could be so uncomfortable. The busty woman hanging off him right now was pushing his limits, and he was using all his patience to not throw her off.

“Boss Sun, you sure know how to hold your alcohol! Such a manly man!” Guo Lin’s pseudonym was Boss Sun. Watching Guo Lin drink cup after cup until his face was almost pale, Qiao Jia felt the breath he was holding in his chest about to explode.

But that wasn’t the worst of it. K1cfAe

The drinking continued amidst the raucous laughter of the group. Someone pulled a few small packets out of his pocket and tossed them onto the table. “Boss Sun, why don’t you check out our goods? They’re not the same quality as what you have over there!”

“Oh, you still kept some of these good ones for yourself!” The crowd surrounded the table, and Guo Lin, already feeling dizzy from the alcohol, didn’t even have time to react before the other person ripped open one of the bags and poured the contents into his hand. “Here, try it out!”

Huang Jing had mentioned that if he was asked to inject the drug to test it, he could hide the syringe in his arm, but since they were dealing with powder, he’d need to take it directly. Guo Lin had received training for such a situation, so he wasn’t particularly sensitive to narcotics. However, after downing so much liquor, his susceptibility was higher.

But given the situation, he had no choice. LSa1oY

As Qiao Jia watched Guo Lin inhale the white powder, he almost cursed out loud. Within seconds, Guo Lin’s expression grew increasingly unsightly, but everyone else around them was intoxicated, and some even continued to squeeze in to propose a toast. Guo Lin, who’d been drinking rather cooperatively, began to lose his balance from drinking too much. Just as Qiao Jia saw Guo Lin leaning to the side, unable to hold himself up, he suddenly stood up, grabbed a glass of alcohol from the table, and staggered over. “Boss Sun! Let me toast you too!” Before the surrounding group could figure out what was happening, they saw Qiao Jia lurch and lean onto Guo Lin, spilling the entire glass of liquor on him.

Sometimes, it wasn’t about using the most sophisticated move but simply getting the job done.

The people nearby hurriedly helped Guo Lin up, while Qiao Jia dragged him forcefully towards the restroom to clean his clothes, his movements frantic as if he wanted to knock his head against the ground. Since they were already in a private room, the restroom was nestled inside it. When Qiao Jia pulled him inside, no one said anything.

Guo Lin collapsed onto the floor the moment he entered the restroom. rRCQjv

The alcohol inside his body felt like a churning sea, giving him a splitting headache and a strange tingling sensation in his chest. Even leaning against the wall wasn’t enough to keep him upright.

Qiao Jia could tell Guo Lin was in bad shape. “Do you want to puke first?”

However, Guo Lin just shook his head.

At this point, if he vomited, it’d raise suspicions. Someone of his status, who was supposed to navigate the nightlife, could be suspected if he vomited so easily. ynIuAd

Qiao Jia looked at Guo Lin huddled in the corner and felt frustrated. “But you can’t even stand, can you?”

“Let me rest for a bit…”

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Guo Lin’s words were sluggish, his voice weak from the disgust he felt. Qiao Jia squatted beside him, watching Guo Lin’s face flush from the back of his ears to his neck, sweat covering his forehead. Yet Guo Lin had little time to recover, as someone soon knocked on the door and jokingly asked if he was done yet. Guo Lin mumbled a response and then weakly hung off Qiao Jia. All that was left in him was the energy to hum.

Qiao Jia felt his head throb in frustration. “Fuck, what do we do now…” 0k2 r3

Guo Lin’s head was still spinning, and he could barely stand, so Qiao Jia knew it’d be too risky to leave him alone with the rest of the gang. However, this was his first time meeting “Boss Sun,” so he couldn’t just take the man away without inviting suspicion.

The knocking continued, growing louder, until even Black Tiger joined in, “Hey! What’s going on in there? Is Boss Sun all right?”

Qiao Jia had no choice but to resort to the same method from the past. He pulled Guo Lin’s pants down halfway, then gritted his teeth and stripped himself out of his pants as well. Holding Guo Lin up, he leaned against the wall, allowing Guo Lin to press his body against him. To make the scene convincing, he forcefully stuffed Guo Lin’s unresponsive lower body into his own buttocks.

When Black Tiger finally pushed the door open and walked in, he saw Qiao Jia trapped between the wall and Guo Lin, his head buried in the latter’s embrace. Qiao Jia’s face was filled with shame and disgust; his eyebrows knitted tightly together as he trembled slightly. “Big brother… please let me go…” tCbKdi


Black Tiger was dumbfounded, and the handful of men who’d crowded in behind him froze as well. Suddenly, Guo Lin howled, “Don’t you fucking move!” The men blocking the door instinctively pulled it shut.

Qiao Jia vaguely heard the discussion outside the door. “… I didn’t expect people from the north to like to fuck men…”

Then someone else said, “No wonder he wasn’t interested in the ladies earlier.” bJoGMT

Assuming they’d successfully covered up the scene, Qiao Jia let out a sigh of relief. But before he could fully relax, he heard his so-called “boss” ask through the door, “What exactly is going on in there?” As the man spoke, the door creaked open.

Qiao Jia originally wanted to answer the door before it was pushed open, but before he could, he felt that the part of Guo Lin that was still slumped in his body was getting more and more energetic. Guo Lin thrust forward the moment the door opened, and Qiao Jia couldn’t help but scream out.

Fuck… he didn’t want to participate in a live show!

Staring at the undercover cop on top of him with a shocked expression, Qiao Jia found nothing familiar in those eyes—only an overflowing desire and a disoriented gaze. A sense of despair welled within him; this was not going to be a good day. dsJ5i7

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  1. I’m convinced the author just wants them to go at it in public. First the bathroom scene and then in front of the poor brother. 🫣