No Confession Between FriendsChapter 48

Around 2 PM, after gathering his tutoring and academy homework, Yuwon went up to Hyun Gyujin’s house. Although he missed the welcoming presence of Gyujin’s mom and dad, he also enjoyed the idea of being alone with Gyujin.

“Aren’t you going to work out today?” 2lT0sV

“No, not today. I only go when I feel like it. I don’t have to go every week.”

“Can I come watch next time?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sure. I’ll show you how I do everything.”

Hyun Gyujin smiled and took out the tutoring homework printouts. Although the thought of completing all of it was daunting, the idea of spending sweet time with Yuwon afterward motivated him. caZpET

“I’m going to focus now, so no distracting me, Yuwon.”

“I’ve never distracted you while studying. It’s always you who distracts me.”

“Our goal is to finish all this in two hours so we can have fun. You need to keep up with my pace.”

“Have fun doing what?”



Seeing the mischievous glint in Hyun Gyujin’s eyes, Yuwon lightly tapped his fingers with his pencil, not hard enough to hurt.

The spot where Yuwon’s gentle touch landed tingled. Even in moments like this, Yuwon couldn’t bring himself to hit hard, only gently tapping, which Hyun Gyujin found endearing and adorable. It made him want to abandon studying altogether. But if he did that, Yuwon would also be unable to study, making their weekdays busy and stressful. Shaking his head to clear his mind, Hyun Gyujin gripped his pencil with determination.

“It’s 2:30 now, so let’s focus until 4:30.” Am32JT

“Got it.”

“We can’t kiss for two hours, so how about one quick kiss before we start?”

Still seated, Hyun Gyujin leaned towards Yuwon. Sitting side by side at Gyujin’s long desk, Yuwon turned his slightly reddened face towards him.

Peck, peck, peck. Three quick kisses sounded, and Yuwon returned to his spot, his ears now bright red. Gyujin’s fingers itched to touch those red ears, but he gripped his pencil tighter to resist the impulse. He knew that if he gave in now, they’d end up ditching their study session completely. Focus on the problems, he told himself, forcing his eyes to stay on the math problems in front of him. V5Q6kr

Scritch, scratch. In the room, the only sound was the pencil lead rubbing against the paper. Yuwon glanced over at Hyun Gyujin, who was completely focused on solving the problems.

Hyun Gyujin’s side profile, with his serious expression as he looked down at the problems, was so handsome that Yuwon found it hard to look away and return to his own work.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf’r gfjiis tjcvrbwf…. Lbk mjc fnfgsatlcu jybea tlw yf rb qfgofma? Qtfatfg tf’r rwlilcu, fzqgfrrlbcifrr, olutalcu, bg xlrrlcu, tf’r jikjsr tjcvrbwf…. AE0XaT

Tekbc atbeuta jybea Lsec Xseplc’r ojmf ktfc tf ifjcfv lc obg j xlrr. Obra lc atf wfwbgs bo atf ojmf atja bcis tf xcfk, tf vlvc’a gfjilhf tf kjr rajglcu bqfcis.


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Even when playful, Hyun Gyujin’s eyes became very serious when he approached for a kiss. Even while smiling, his eyes remained steady, and when he got so close that he couldn’t see all of him at once, the soft, warm feeling of his lips and the thrilling scent at the tip of his nose made Yuwon feel Hyun Gyujin’s presence with his whole being.

How do I look to Hyun Gyujin? I always freeze up and just close my eyes when we kiss—do I look foolish? RWybA6

Yuwon was now lost in thought, his pencil cap between his lips, unaware that Hyun Gyujin was also looking at him with his chin resting in his hand.

“Yuwon, I’m handsome, right?”


The answer slipped out as his dazed vision cleared. When Yuwon realized he was meeting Hyun Gyujin’s eyes, who was staring directly at him, he jumped back in surprise. dwZN5R

“What the heck, Jung Yuwon. You said you wouldn’t distract me.”

“When, when did I distract you?”

“How can you keep wanting to kiss, Yuwon? This is serious. You can’t live without me now, can you?”

“…I never said that!” LM3IY

“Then why were you looking at me like that? It’s true, isn’t it?”


“Alright. Let’s just have one kiss and get back to work. It’s already been an hour, anyway.”

Honestly, Yuwon couldn’t completely deny that he had thought about kissing. And it was true that he didn’t have the heart to push Hyun Gyujin away as he approached. How could he push Hyun Gyujin away when just the thought of wanting to touch him made his breath quicken? ajA9YM

Hyun Gyujin’s knee slid between Yuwon’s knees. Their legs interlocked slowly, bringing them quite close even while sitting on the chairs. Yuwon felt his fingertips grow cold with nervousness.

Hyun Gyujin’s face, with its eyes becoming serious just as Yuwon had thought earlier, approached him. Yuwon kept his eyes open, watching Hyun Gyujin come closer. The smile faded from his lips, replaced by an urgent press, causing the strength to leave Yuwon’s hands. Their tongues entwined deeply as the pencil between Yuwon’s fingers fell carelessly onto the desk.

What am I going to do when it feels this good? How can it feel so good to be this close? Yuwon unknowingly squeezed his knees together, trapping Hyun Gyujin’s leg between them. The kiss deepened, and Yuwon didn’t understand why.

“Ha… breathe.” bXQHyT

Their lips parted slightly when Hyun Gyujin sensed Yuwon gasping for air. Yuwon felt Hyun Gyujin’s nose brush against his own, their faces so close that they lightly touched and then parted again. Even while catching his breath, Hyun Gyujin’s gaze remained fixed on Yuwon, as if waiting for him to steady his breathing.

Yuwon loved that. So much.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Once his breathing had steadied, Hyun Gyujin quickly resumed the kiss with renewed urgency, pushing Yuwon back in his chair. Despite not having wheels, the chair slid back from the force. Following Yuwon, Hyun Gyujin rose from his seat, gripping the armrests of Yuwon’s chair with both hands as he leaned in for a deeper kiss.

“Mm…” f3YFZO

Yuwon, who had been caressing Hyun Gyujin’s face despite the discomfort of the larger boy leaning over him, suddenly heard noises coming from outside the room. When they arrived, the house had been empty, but now it sounded like someone was moving around. It seemed that Hyun Gyujin’s mother had returned. Yuwon quickly pushed against Hyun Gyujin’s shoulders.

“I think your mom is back.”

“She’s not even here.”

Hyun Gyujin’s face came closer again, startling Yuwon, who blocked his lips with both hands. 4VEuQv

“Oh, why?”

Hyun Gyujin frowned in frustration, muttering something, but Yuwon shook his head, not giving in.

“She might come into the room.”

“We’ll hear her knock.” qyIHVU

“She might knock quietly.”

“I really can’t take it anymore. I can’t resist.”

Yuwon’s eyes wavered at Hyun Gyujin’s desperate words. Taking advantage of the moment, Hyun Gyujin gently lowered Yuwon’s hands and kissed him again. Just then, the sound of approaching footsteps followed by a knock echoed through the room.

“Yuwon, are you here?” NUOe0C

Startled, Yuwon pushed Hyun Gyujin away and jumped to his feet. Almost simultaneously, the door opened.


“There were two pairs of shoes at the entrance, and one looked smaller than Gyujin’s, so I thought Yuwon might be here. Did you enjoy brunch?”

“Yes…. Next time, you and Uncle should join us.” wDJclG

“Sure, we will. Let’s go together next time.”

Noticing the empty desk, Hyun Gyujin’s mother clicked her tongue.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You should have some juice while you study. I’ll bring some fruit and drinks. And stay for dinner, Yuwon. I’ll make your favorite oven-baked chicken and pasta.”

“Wow, that sounds great. I’ve been craving oven-baked chicken.” zvOwPe

“Really? You should’ve told me. I’ll make it more often from now on.”

With a loving gaze at Yuwon, Hyun Gyujin’s mother left the room to get the food. As the door closed, Yuwon’s legs gave out, and he sank into the chair. The tension had left him feeling light-headed.

“We almost got caught. I told you we should stop when I thought your mom might come….”

“But we didn’t get caught.” RiJ2QF

“So as long as we don’t get caught, it’s fine? From now on, seriously… we shouldn’t do this when other people are around.”

“That’s a bit unrealistic.”

Hyun Gyujin shook his head, clearly not agreeing. Yuwon quietly waited for him to continue.

“That’s true. Then it wouldn’t work at school either, and how often are Mom and Dad not at home?” T1xsU

“Well, Mom and Dad are away quite often….”

“What about when Auntie takes a break? We’re not in a situation to be independent yet, and we don’t have much time alone together.”

“But isn’t it better than being anxious like this? I just want us to be careful. I said it because I wish you would be a little more careful too.”

“I am being careful in my own way.” VfXKSz

“Was that being careful just now? Even when I said there was noise outside, you kept going.”

“That’s why I stopped when I heard the knock. It wasn’t just you pushing me to stop, I…”

The knocking sound interrupted them again. Hyun Gyujin, speaking softly to avoid being heard from outside, stopped mid-sentence and closed his mouth.

Soon, fruits, juice, and cookies were placed on the desk. After the voice offering anything else they might need, the sound of the door closing behind them was heard again. 1bGRvI


Chrysanthemum Garden.

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