Married Thrice to Salted FishChapter 148

Translator’s note: Hello, it was brought to my attention (Thank you, Deyonna) that the author recently released two new extras. So, here’s the first one and I’ll release the second one next Saturday. Thank you.

If the author releases any more new extras, please feel free to let me know. Drop me a message on discord. I’m not the best at keeping up with new releases from old projects. orz IXlGbj

Once students reach their third year of high school, even physical education classes become precious. PE teachers don’t make things difficult for their third year students. As soon as class starts, they let them do as they wish. Boys usually play basketball or other games; girls, aside from sports, usually sit in groups of threes or fives to chat. There would also be one or two young couples walking along the small grove of trees where there are less people.

Before Lin Qingyu came, Jiang Xing usually spent his PE classes, either sleeping or or being dragged to play basketball by the PE rep. Now that Lin Qingyu was here, he wanted to teach his wife to play table tennis.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After arriving in the modern world, Lin Qingyu learned that table tennis was a strength of his current country. Most men and women, young and old, could play the game. And so, he felt that he too needed to learn it.

When he was in Dayu, Lin Qingyu wore wide sleeves and long robes. Let alone do any sports, he never even walked fast. Now, he has short hair and wore the same high school uniform as Jiang Xing. Holding the racket, he lowered his center of gravity. He looked even more focused than the a hot-blooded sports anime protagonist. NwFtrx

Lin Qingyu’s learning ability did not only apply to book smarts. Jiang Xing only taught him for ten minutes but he could already play a few rounds with Jiang Xing. It was just that because he was a newbie, his movements were a little awkward and he often couldn’t control his strength well. Jiang Xing was committed to being a novice village sparring partner. The balls he hits to Lin Qingyu were just right in terms of direction and strength. There was no need to run or judge to hit them back.

After dozens of rounds, Jiang Xing couldn’t help yawning. Lin Qingyu said, “Can you play seriously?”

Jiang Xing said innocently, “I am practicing with you seriously.”

“You don’t need to let me win. Just show your real strength.”


Jiang Xing hesitated, “I’ve been playing table tennis for more than a decade. You’re just a beginner. It would be fair to use all my strength against you.”

Lin Qingyu insisted, “But I want you to.”

Jiang Xing shrugged. “Okay.” He had the opportunity to show off in front of Lin Qingyu, so why not?

So, Jiang Xing showed Lin Qingyu his backhand push, his forehand drive and his topspin. The balls hit spots that were extremely tricky and with such force and speed that his opponent couldn’t react at all. BMorbF

After failing to return the ball several times in a row, Lin Qingyu could no longer bear it. “Jiang Xing.”

Jiang Xing picked up the ball and dribbled it while trying not to laugh. “Didn’t you tell me to show my real strength?”

Lin Qingyu was silent for a couple of seconds. He couldn’t help asking a soul-searching question, “How does a man like you have a wife?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jiang Xing couldn’t help laughing. “You’ll have to ask yourself that, Qingyu. Why were you willing to marry me?” p0zQPr

Lin Qingyu was a competitive person. He was feeling a little depressed at being unable to beat his husband at table tennis but it didn’t stop him from telling the truth, “Of course it’s because I like you. Or maybe I made a mistake wasting myself on you?”

Ktfs kfgf jc biv mbeqif ktb tjnf yffc wjgglfv atgff alwfr. Dea ktfc Aljcu Wlcu tfjgv Olc Hlcuse’r kbgvr, tlr tfjgayfja mbeivc’a tfiq yea rxlq j yfja. Lf kjixfv jgbecv atf ajyif jcv mjwf ab Olc Hlcuse’r rlvf. Dibmxlcu atflg ojmfr klat tlr gjmxfa, tf atfc ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jcv ufcais xlrrfv Olc Hlcuse’r ilqr.

“I like you more.”

At this time, a wail suddenly sounded on the basketball court. The two looked over and saw that the boys who had been playing were now gathered together. Jiang Xing said, “That scream just now sounded like the sports rep.” RfL8Xt

“Let’s go and have a look.”

The two went to the basketball court. The PE representative, with the help of another male student, walked over to them. His face had on a miserable expression. One arm was hanging unnaturally. Jiang Xing asked, “What’s wrong?”

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“He accidentally hit his arm while playing basketball. His shoulder seems to be dislocated.” The boy said, “I’ll take him to the infirmary.”

The PE representative, a boy who was almost 1.9 meters tall, was in tears and yet he didn’t forget to act at this time. “Your Majesty, I’m afraid I can no longer of service to you…” m1Na5E

“You’re heavy.” The boy was panting under the weight of the PE rep and asked Jiang Xing for help, “How about Jiang Xing take you?” Jiang Xing was the only one in their class of similar height with the PE representative.

Jiang Xing took over. He heard Lin Qingyu say, “Wait a minute.”

Jiang Xing blinked. “Don’t tell me you want to be the one to take him?”

Lin Qingyu lifted the PE representative’s arm. “Let me see.” CtpBAa

The PE representative said anxiously, “No time for that. I’m already…” Before he could finish speaking, the PE rep suddenly shouted, “Fuck!”

Lin Qingyu let go of his arm. “Okay, try it now.”

The PE representative was confused and didn’t dare to move at all. “Are you serious?”

Jiang Xing was quite confident in Dr. Lin’s medical skills. “He told you to try, so try. You talk too much nonsense.” fg6R0u

The PE representative tried moving his arm. He was pleasantly surprised and gradually smiled, “It really doesn’t hurt anymore!”

The boy next to him was shocked. “Lin Qingyu can also fix dislocations?”

“Basic operation no 6.” Jiang Xing added with a little pride, “He can even diagnose you using your pulse.”

Their classmates exclaimed, “Fuck, that’s awesome!” hryROJ

“Lin Qingyu, please check my pulse. I’ve been having a ton of nosebleeds. I think I’m dying.”

“Check mine too! I’ve been suffering from insomnia for three nights now!”

“Lin Tongxue, can Chinese medicine cure baldness? I’m not asking for myself, I’m asking for my dad.”


After PE, the students of Class 7 returned to their classroom. Lin Qingyu and Jiang Xing’s tables were crowded with people. Jiang Xing was squeezed out by the crowd and he was left watching his classmates sit on his table with wrists stretched out to Lin Qingyu.

It was just a simple pulse diagnosis. The things that could be discerned from it were limited. Lin Qingyu only picked out the basics and said,

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“It’s just a fever, don’t panic.”

“I saw you drink milk tea during self-study the last three nights. I know it tastes good but don’t drink it next time.” vMLSm0

“Your baldness…I mean, your dad’s baldness is probably hereditary. There is no hope, give up.”

The crowd was noisy until the bell rang and Jiang Xing was finally able to sit back next to his wife. This class was a self-study class. Sometimes, teachers would use the self-study class to explain questions and if not, the students would use the time to answer practice problems.

Jiang Xing spent three minutes doing an English cloze test. He was a little tired. He looked up and saw that his desk mate was solving complicated physics electromagnetism problems. The way he pondered the problem with his long eyelashes drooping made Jiang Xing want to kiss him very much.

Jiang Xing restrained his desire and waited patiently for Lin Qingyu to calculate the answer. Lin Qingyu noticed the gaze coming from beside him and said, “What?” JAGMxw

Jiang Xing twirled his pen. He couldn’t help but move closer. “I also want to be examined by Dr. Lin.”

Lin Qingyu looked at Jiang Xing. “You’re very healthy.”

“Not really.” Jiang Xing frowned, “To be honest, I’ve been very anxious recently and have been having nightmares at night.”

Lin Qingyu sneered, meaning: I don’t believe you. He sleeps with Jiang Xing every night and knew very well how soundly Jiang Xing sleeps. Even if Shen Huaishi were to sing loudly in the bathroom, he probably wouldn’t be able to wake Jiang Xing. 5iWasO

Jiang Xing continued to pretend. “It’s true, I’m not lying to you.” Jiang Xing grabbed Lin Qingyu’s hand and put it on his chest, “Empress, listen to whether I am anxious or not…”

Lin Qingyu was both angry and amused. In order not to affect the students around him, he whispered, “That’s enough – let go. How can you fool around in class? How old do you think you are?”

“How can this be fooling around?” Jiang Xing said with a smile, “Aren’t you a doctor? Doctors can treat illnesses. You should go see a doctor if you’re sick.”

At this time, a bone-chilling voice came from the direction of the classroom door. “Jiang Xing! Lin Qingyu!” WfnjOu

Both of them looked up. They saw the head teacher standing at the door of the classroom with a bag in her hand. Her eyes were as big as copper bells and her laser-like gaze seemed to poke holes into them.

“What are you two doing during self-study class!”

Lin Qingyu automatically answered, “Studying.”

“Studying while holding hands like that?” 6Exr13

Jiang Xing said, “I am teaching him the method of Lenz’s law.”

The head teacher bluntly exposed, “In the last monthly exam, Lin Qingyu scored two points higher than you in physics.”

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Jiang Xing knew that he could not deceive the teacher, so he simply admitted his mistake, “Teacher, I was wrong, I’m sorry.”

The head teacher was very disappointed. Shaking her head, she said, “You two, come to my office after school.” uFdzPq

Jiang Xing, who did not want to implicate Lin Qingyu, stood up and tried to salvage the situation. “But, Teacher…”

“You still have it in you to say ‘but’?” The head teacher had a clear understanding of the situation in the class. She had also heard from the other students how Jiang Xing claimed to be an emperor. “But what? But you’re the emperor?”

Jiang Xing: “…”

Lin Qingyu: “… Ha.” ZuH72r

The head teacher said coldly, “Even the emperor has to come to my office!”

Translator's Note

Ktf kbgv erfv tfgf lr 吃饱了弄的 jcv lr erfv ab vfrmglyf j qfgrbc ktb vb cba erf atflg (fzmfrr) gfrbegmfr lc atf gluta qijmfr bg ktb erf la bc atf kgbcu atlcur.

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  1. So adorable! I wonder if Jiang Xing’s previous life’s talents can also be implemented in this life, like Lin Qingyu can!XD

    Like, just imagine how many achievements in military would be🪖🎖️ lmao

    The peasants look up at the nobles,palace nobles look up at the emperor,the emperor looks up at the teacher 😂\⁠(⁰⁠v⁰⁠⁠\⁠)

    So excited for the new chapter! it’s been half a year since I last read MTSF!! QvQ

  2. It’s so strange for me 🤔 In my school I never heard of situation when someone should come in head teacher to be scolded…

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  3. Oh my, the emperor got what’s coming 😂 I didn’t expect new update, what a nice surprise!

    Thank You for the new chapter ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

  4. Oh wow, I did not expect more from the author. So glad I have this one my reading list still. Thank you so much for translating!