Mr. DiorCh30 - Who is Uncle Wang?

Translator:- Max

Plenty of men willing to have children for you? HY3juA

Jiao Qi raised an eyebrow, pinching Mr. Godfather’s face slightly, “Is that so? Who else would give birth to a child for you, this husky?”

“Which man can’t I, Zhang Chenfei, get?” The underworld emperor felt this was a denial of his charm by his little wife. “Not to mention anyone else, the Li family has always wanted to send their youngest son to warm my bed.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Li family, youngest son, wasn’t that Li Yingjun?

Jiao Qi was stunned. tU8Dx6

Seeing his little wife’s eyes gradually widening, Mr. Dior regretted once again. Why does he always say the wrong things? It all started because he gave Li Yingjun a game test account, which led to a misunderstanding by Jiao Qi and resulted in him leaving with their child. In reality, giving the account to Li Yingjun was just a warning, trying to keep him away from his innocent and easily deceived little wife.

“I think… the Li family probably doesn’t have that intention.” Jiao Qi said weakly. The magical scene of Li Yingjun being sent to warm Big Dick Zhang’s bed, just thinking about it makes one’s eyes sting.

“No matter what they mean, I have already rejected him.”

“Alright, I won’t run. Let me go upstairs to take a shower and change my clothes. I’m covered in dog hair.” Jiao Qi pushed away his family’s Lao Gong. The dog hair on his shirt had already gotten onto Big Dick Zhang’s body. The light golden fur stood out conspicuously on his black shirt. “You should change as well.”


“Are you inviting me to help you change clothes?” Zhang Chenfei stood up as well, wrapped his arms around his little wife’s waist, and gently nibbled on his ear. “These days when I was not with you, do you feel empty?”

Not empty at all, he almost had kidney deficiency two days ago.

There was nothing he could say. Jiao Qi gently expressed, “Whether you change or not, if you don’t change, don’t come to the table for dinner.” With that, he went upstairs alone.

After some thought, Big Dick Zhang decided to change into a silk pyjama with a dragon pattern, suitable for his identity as an underworld godfather. He walked with hands behind his back to the courtyard. Silk wouldn’t catch dog hair, allowing him to hug their dog son as much as he wants. qQkN59

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As the sun gradually set, the glass walkway in the courtyard lit up with ground lights, illuminating the garden brightly. The little golden retriever happily chased the ball given by the housekeeper grandpa on the grass.

“Xejcuhbcu, mbwf bnfg tfgf ab Gjvvs.” Itjcu Jtfcofl mijqqfv tlr tjcvr, mjiilcu tlr fivfra rbc.

Qtfc atf qeqqs tfjgv tlr cjwf, tf lwwfvljafis gjc bnfg klat atf yjii lc tlr wbeat, qea atf yjii ja tlr ojatfg’r offa, jcv kjuufv tlr ajli ja tlw.

Itjcu Jtfcofl iloafv atf ilaaif ubivfc gfaglfnfg jcv cbalmfv atja atf vbu’r qjkr kfgf mbnfgfv lc wev, mjerlcu tlw ab oeggbk tlr ygbk. Bcbklcu atja tlr ilaaif klof tjv wsrbqtbylj, frqfmljiis ja atf vlccfg ajyif, tf aegcfv ab afii atf yeaifg, “Jifjc tlw eq yfobgf yglculcu tlw ab atf vlclcu ajyif.” MIPDhK

“Okay.” The butler was all smiles as he took the young master of the Zhang family. “Come, let housekeeper grandpa take you to wash your paws.”

At dinner time, with his paws cleaned, little Zhang Guangzong was able to sit on his baby chair and have dinner with his two dads at the same table.

Zhang Chenfei sat at the head of the long table, the position of the family head. Jiao Qi sat on his right——in the seat of the lady of the house, while Guangzong sat on his left——in the seat of the eldest son. In this century-old underworld family, rules were highly regarded.

The servants began to serve the dishes, starting with the appetiser soup. Each person had a white porcelain soup bowl in front of them, and the little golden retriever had a small bowl of goat’s milk. xQOMfY

Guangzong, not having learned the dining etiquette of the underworld family, started licking at his small bowl until his mouth was full of milk stains.

Zhang Chenfei helped his little wife open the lid of the soup bowl and said stiffly, “Drink this.”

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Jiao Qi was very familiar with the taste of the stomach-nourishing soup. It was something Zhang Chenfei insisted he drink before big meals, and over the years, he had become accustomed to it. He picked up the spoon and drank it unhurriedly.

Seeing his little wife so obedient, the underworld Godfather nodded happily. Because of that irresponsible father, Jiao Qi had a poor digestive system, often being hungry one time and full other. He didn’t know what kind of food he had been eating all these years outside, as even giving birth to a child didn’t make him gain weight. Rtfjyz

“How have you been eating overseas?” Zhang Chenfei gestured to the maid to wipe the young master’s mouth, seemingly casually asking his little wife beside him.

Overseas? Jiao Qi subconsciously thought of the time when he studied abroad and said without thinking, “The cafeteria.”

When he went abroad, the Jiao family was already very rich and could afford to hire someone to take care of him abroad. But Jiao Qi had a shadow of the “nanny who took care of him alone”, so he rejected the family’s proposal and had lived in the school.

In the United States, at a top-tier private university, dormitory fees were even more expensive than renting a place outside. The conditions of the canteen were also first-class, with delicacies from all over the world, saving him the trouble of cooking. While many international students moved out after the second semester, Young Master Jiao, who was not short of money, stayed in the school dormitory until graduation. kvKGmE

“You lived in a dormitory?” Zhang Chenfei once again found the key point.

“En, it was convenient for studying.” Jiao Qi replied nonchalantly. The appetiser soup was taken away, and the main course was being served. The butler poured red wine for the couple and brought a plate of puppy food for the little golden retriever.

“Does that mean living in the same room with other men?” The underworld godfather held the gleaming knife and cut the steak into eight pieces on the plate.

“Eh… it was a single room.” Young Master Jiao, who liked quietness, could still afford the cost of a single room. Big Dick Zhang had asked him before about the living conditions during his study abroad, and he hadn’t taken it seriously. Little did he know there was a vinegar jar waiting for him here. uxH2cD

Jiao Qi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He used his smart brain to log into an English social networking site he hadn’t visited in a while. He searched for old photos and realised he didn’t have any pictures of his dorm room. So, he clicked on an album from a college classmate and found a similar-looking photo.

This classmate’s name was Kent Yonng, everyone called him KY. He lived next door in a single room. Jiao Qi recalled that this man had pursued him before and was afraid that Big Dick Zhang would get angry again when he saw this name. So, Jiao Qi downloaded the picture and re-uploaded it using his own social media account to show to him.

Although he reluctantly believed that his little wife lived alone, Mr. Dior still found the red wine too sour in his mouth. He hated iron for not becoming steel and glared at his son, who was enjoying dessert after the meal. If the son had been a human when he was a child, all these troubles would have been avoided. Unfortunately, being a dog son, others would certainly not know that his little wife had a child.

Guangzong, who was eating puppy milk cake, smacked his lips, “Wang?” NAJFdH

After dinner, Jiao Qi took a shower and lay on the bed, watching a live broadcast. The internal beta survey of “Glory of the Galaxy” had ended, and it was now in open beta. Tonight, Demon King will be live streaming the new dungeon. This gaming genius had quickly levelled up his account to a high level and had spent a great amount of krypton gold on buying equipment. Of course, it was because of the hundred pots of crayfish friendship with the programmer brothers of Shifei, he often received some small benefits.

For example, at this moment, he was assembling a mecha and received a system email.

【 Programmer Greg: Giving you a big hammer that was rejected by the product team for being too complicated to operate. Kisses.】

“Bro ei, if it got rejected by the product team, it means it’s not user-friendly. Why did you give it to me?” Demon King sighed, accepted the gift, glanced at the operation instructions, and couldn’t help but curse, “Fuck, transforming it requires three steps, with gears and all. Of course ordinary players can’t handle this, it’s just as good for swinging as a regular hammer wa!” x5ALm

The barrage was filled with “hahaha” and various yellow jokes between Demon King and his programmer gege.

Demon King always had a sense of propriety. The programmers always give him, this spokesperson, various strange weapons and equipment, he only used them when he was brushing the game alone. During battles against other players, he never brought them out to ensure fair gameplay. However, when it came to clothing without any attributes, he wore them without any pressure.

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For example, at this moment, his silver humanoid mecha was wearing extremely cool sunglasses.

“Are you paying attention to my arms business?” After taking a bath, Zhang Chenfei sat next to his little wife and glanced at the live broadcast on his smart brain screen. 9l5rg1

“Arms business…” Jiao Qi pointed to the sledgehammer in Art’s hand, “You mean this?”

“Yeah.” Throughout Asia, he was probably the only one who dared to openly engage in such business. Unexpectedly, Jiao Qi had always been paying attention. Did this mean that he was also thinking about him? Zhang Chenfei raised his hand to touch the back of his little wife’s ear, where there were still undried water droplets. But Jiao Qi, who was ticklish, dodged.

The underworld godfather’s eyes dimmed a little. For such a beautiful person, even if he still had himself in his heart, if he was put outside, he would definitely attract bad peach blossoms. Zhang Chenfei still felt troubled to his heart about the time when he was not in his life.

He forcefully pulled his little wife into his arms, biting one of his fair ears: “Tell me the truth, have you met any wild men outside?” yaTHIO

“What  wild man? Don’t make trouble.” Jiao Qi was tickled by him and smiled and twisted.

“Who is this Uncle Wang our son talks about?” Zhang Chenfei, however, wasn’t going to let him go. He turned his face to make him look at him.

What Uncle Wang? Jiao Qi blinked.

Still not admitting it! Zhang Chenfei frowned, about to say something, when there was a scratching sound at the door. uimdb6

“Wu…” The little golden retriever whined outside the door, wanting to come in and sleep with his father.

Zhang Chenfei opened the door and brought his son to the bed. “Son, what’s the last name of the uncle your daddy got close to when you were abroad?”

Guangzong tilted his head: “Wang!”

“Look.” Big Dick Zhang’s face said “I knew it”, it was Uncle Wang! KRbPQ7


Translator's Note

Usually we use the word butler for him but here we’ll be using housekeeper grandpa as butler grandpa is weird

Translator's Note

to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement (idiom)

Translator's Note

script or map like in a game

Translator's Note

The Greg here is written as Gege in pinyin and can be pronounced as Greg here but it doesn’t mean gege as in brother but these two ge’s are two different ge’s making his name and the first Ge is a surname and the second ge is his name but I’m writing it as Greg for the future chapters for easier understanding and the italic ge or gege will mean the brother ge later.

Translator's Note

A sound

Translator's Note

Idiom meaning – brooding

Translator's Note

An onom. pf a dog barking and can also sound like Wang aka a surname

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