Marshal, Please Calm DownCh079.2 - A’ Mo: If the Malice of the Universe is Coming, Let it Come


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Translator's Note

走马观花 -> superficial understanding from cursory glance

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  1. Lao Yu… 🤔 hmmm was it the guy who’s account was exploded when Wu Zimo broke into the database during the assignment? 🌋 👾 And Wu Zimo’s classmantes sure underestimate him, I would want to see their faces when this program’s ownership is revealed. It’s going to be like 🤨😲😮🙇🙇🙇

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

    P.S. Btw, is it just me or is there a problem with notifications? I didn’t get any about these two chapters and other novels I’m reading?