I Became Everyone's Favorite After Transmigrating as the MozunCh13 - Give Your Disciple To Me

Translator: Bambootriangle

Translation Checker: Teo qlB1fL

Wen Zhao was oblivious in this situation and glanced confused at the escaping cultivator. Then he turned his head and his eyes met with the snake on his shoulder.

White snake changed from its prior dangerous gaze, and spit out a forked tongue at him obediently. Its small black beady eyes were full of innocence, like a weak creature that required human protection.

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Wen Zhao thought for a while and wiped the last bit of blood on the snake’s head: “I always feel that you’re not like a monster, so let’s hide your aura just in case.”

White snake: “…” MoCqBi

Wen Zhao returned to Qingwu: “Xiao Shishu, can this blood… really cover up the immortal qi?”

“Of course blood alone won’t work— has Fengming finished applying it? Thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to me.”

Upon saying that, he used a spell and the blood on everyone’s forehead quickly faded and blended into the skin. When it completely disappeared, the aura on their bodies changed, exuding a faint demonic qi.

Qingwu nodded with satisfaction and said to himself: “The appearance… also needs to be adjusted.”


With a wave of his sleeves, the appearance of the disciples changed one after another. Some had double horns on their foreheads, some had wings on their backs, or their heads and bodies transformed into animal ones, with jagged fangs appearing in their mouths, or a white bone tail trailing behind their back.

The disciples were frightened by their ugly appearance and shouted, “Xiao Shishu, what is this!”

Qingwu: “Alright alright, it’s but a small illusion spell. People in the Monster Realm don’t care about their appearance. They look as they please, so you also have to be more casual.”

“This is too casual!” L lBoi

Wen Zhao pointed to himself: “What about me?”

“You don’t need to change, you are a demon anyway,” Qingwu took out a green mask with fangs from his sleeve and put it on his face, “Now, we can enter the city.”

The snow owls returned to the size of an ordinary bird. One of them perched on Qingwu’s shoulder, looking like a skeleton bird after the illusion spell. The snake on Wen Zhao’s body… also had grown a sharp little horn on its head.

Still… that’s quite cute. bOmfG3

The group of people completed their disguises, and Wen Zhao, who was already outstanding in appearance, stood out among these strange-looking guys, seeming even more beautiful.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rbkjvjsr, atf Zbcrafg Efjiw tjv j mibrf gfijalbcrtlq klat atf Zbgaji Efjiw. Rba xcbklcu ktfc, la tjv yfmbwf mbwwbc obg wbcrafgr ab mbwf bea jcv ilnf lc atf Zbgaji Efjiw. Ufgtjqr vef ab atf lcoiefcmf bo tewjc mlnlilhjalbc, atf meiaegf bo atf Zbcrafg Efjiw kjr jirb ecvfgublcu reyaif mtjcufr— la mbeiv yf rffc ogbw bcf ibbx ja atf Ktberjcv Piierlbcr Jlas.

When Wen Zhao stood outside the city gate, he thought he was in the Mortal Realm. KqQ5BY

This city wall was extremely similar to that of a human city. If it weren’t for the monster with a ferocious wolf head guarding the city gate, one might really think that this was a human residence.

The wolf monster had a wolf head on top of a human body and was completely naked, with a rag wrapped around his waist to cover the shameful parts. His muscular body was covered with scars, at first glance, he looked like someone who often used violence.

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As Wen Zhao’s group and the wolf monster came face to face, it was unknown who looked more strange. Suddenly the wolf monster came forward and sniffed him all over.

Wen Zhao took a step back, wondering if he still had imhuman qi in him? 0JOk 1

The wolf monster looked them over with bright green eyes: “What are you guys from the Demon Realm doing here in our Monster Realm? Come in.”

The group of people passed the city gate in a mighty manner. The wolf Monster suddenly stopped another little monster and pointed at the back of Wen Zhao, who was dressed in black and had white hair. “He smells like the young master. Go and inform the city lord.”

Wen Zhao and the others didn’t notice the hidden intentions of the wolf monster. They were dumbfounded looking at the scenes inside the city walls  — there were naked monsters everywhere in the streets.

There were monsters running naked everywhere, some were streaking in human forms, some in half-human and half-monster forms, and some were mating in public in broad daylight, even crossing genders and races — he watched with wide eyes as a male dog monster was riding on a male cat monster, performing indescribable motions with great vigour. 9C1A7P

The huge visual impact made him stunned on the spot, and an inexplicable sentence rang in his mind: “Spring is here, everything awakens, and it is time for the mating season of animals…”

He was forced to watch with embarrassment, and said with difficulty: “The folks here are really… straightforward.”

A chuckle came from under Qingwu’s mask. You didn’t need to look to know that his pair of peach blossom eyes must have curved up in mischievous arc: “Actually, Thousand Illusions City has another name. This name is more famous in the Monster Realm – “City of Desire”.”

Wen Zhao swallowed: “Xiao Shishu, next time something like this appears, can you tell me beforehand?” FRi D9

“Don’t you have to enter the city whether I say it or not?” Qingwu looked at the snake on the other person’s shoulder and found that the snake seemingly could not bear it and crawled back into his robes and refused to come out.

He patted Wen Zhao on the shoulder: “Let’s go, it’s getting late today, and the Monster Realm at night is very scary. Let’s find a place to stay first.”

The architectural style here was not alike to the Mortal Realm. It was neither regular nor asymmetrical. It had a wild and unrestrained energy, like jagged animal teeth.

As the several people walked deeper into Thousand Illusions City, Wen Zhao kept feeling that there were many eyes staring at him. Those eyes seemed to be probing and a little worshipping, as if they wanted to get close but didn’t dare to. KR07iT

Qingwu whispered: “It is the nature of animals to be afraid of fire. Even if you cultivate into a monster, it is difficult to resist the fear in your bones. If you encounter any danger, use your fire at first chance.”

Wen Zhao whispered: “What’s the danger here?”

“Who knows, the monster clan has a very strong sense of territoriality, and outsiders like us… will always receive some ‘special care’.”

Upon saying that, Qingwu stopped and pointed to the side: “Let’s go in.” FDedhq

This place should be similar to an inn in the Mortal Realm, but there was no one inside. There was only a pig monster who was cleaning the table. When they entered, he continued wiping the table and did not stop when someone passed by.

Qingwu took out a bag of spiritual stones from his sleeve and threw it in front of the pig monster: “Open a room.”

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The pig monster was still cleaning the table, put away the spirit stones, stretched out his hand and made a “five” sign to him.

Qingwu made a tsk sound: “The price has increased again. This is a top-grade spiritual stone.” wC6brZ

The pig monster kept wiping the table clean and ignored his words.

Qingwu turned around and left: “Let’s go upstairs.”

The group of people followed him to the second floor. Wen Zhao asked, “Xiao Shishu, have you been here before? What did the monster’s “five” sign mean just now?”

“It means that this spirit stone can open five rooms.” Qingwu opened a door casually, “Your Shibo and I stayed here before when we came to the Monster Realm — any inn can do really, but no matter what you hear or see tonight, don’t come out and don’t act rashly.” vfwbai

Five rooms were prepared for eleven people, leaving three to be crammed into one room. Cheng Yan came in shamelessly: “Xiao Shishu, I’m scared, why is the atmosphere in this place so weird? Otherwise, should we… go live outside the city?”

“In the Monster Realm, Thousand Illusions City is the safest. If you want to be torn to pieces by nearby wolves in the middle of the night, then just go out and live.”

Cheng Yan didn’t dare, so he immediately got into bed and laid down: “No way, it’s pretty good here.”

Wen Zhao sat down on the couch. The sky outside the window was already dark, and the last rays of the sunset were about to set. The mountains in the distance stood like beasts, as if they could move at any time. jX9hzn

Qingwu rested his head on his arm: “The entrance to the Cave of Three Monsters will change every day. Tonight is a full moon, and monsters in Cave of Three Monsters will come to the ground to absorb the moonlight. During this time, monsters are the most vulnerable and the most unpredictable. We will take advantage of this opportunity to force our way in.”

Wen Zhao suddenly realized: “So you delayed setting off for so long just to wait for the full moon?”

Qingwu nodded: “The night has only set, so let’s take a rest.”

Wen Zhao didn’t want to sleep at first, but as soon as he lay down, he felt a little drowsy. Maybe it was because he spent too much energy on riding the snow owl during the day, so he fell asleep soon after. oAJZtT

The night was getting darker, and when his two shizhi were fast asleep, Qingwu suddenly sat up, tapped his fingertips on the bed table, and transmitted through Divine Thoughts: [Stop hiding Shixiong, come out and talk. ]

The white snake slithered out of Wen Zhao’s robes and crawled to his hand: [I sense a strong monster’s qi here. ]

Qingwu performed a soundproofing technique: “That’s natural.”

Yan Lin: [Why don’t you tell them what kind of monster is lurking here? ] qftVgW

“It is called a trial for a reason and they have to go through it on their own. If I explain everything clearly, the trial will be meaningless,” Qingwu said heartless words with a smile in his eyes, “I am only responsible for keeping them alive, the rest… I can’t control it.”

White Snake hissed at him: [I knew I shouldn’t have sent you. ]

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“Sect Leader shixiong, it’s too late for you to say this now,” Qingwu blinked at him innocently, “Are you worried about your disciple? You are still protecting him like an old hen protecting its chicks… Hm, or perhaps… you should simply lock him with chains in a secret room with no escape, so that he won’t run around and find himself in danger.”

The white snake’s slithering figure suddenly stopped: [What did you say? ] nMeaxL

“I said, you should lock him up with a chain made of pure gold, and cover his eyes with a blindfold made of ice silk shark yarn — In this way, he will never see things that in the outside world he should not see, and he will never go to places you don’t want him to go. He will always be under your control and belong to you forever. ”

Yan Lin’s pupils suddenly contracted, and his voice impenetrably trembled: [How…how do you know this?!]

“Have you forgotten, what the wind knows, I will know, unless there is no wind in your secret room.” Qingwu gently stroked the white snake’s head, “Shixiong, when can you face emotions in your heart? Falling in love with one’s own disciple…isn’t a rare thing, it is something that’s popular in the Mortal Realm right now. What’s written in those storybooks is much more exciting than what I just said.”

[Stop showing him those messy things,] Yan Lin’s voice became colder, [I’m warning you, if you dare to tell him those things, I will definitely make you regret what you said today. ] F1KsMV

“Don’t be like this, I’m doing it for your own good,” Qingwu pinched the tip of the little snake’s tail, “You heard it today too, he likes to be by your side, he came back just for you. If you don’t ask, how will you know he won’t accept you?”

White snake broke free from his hand and said: [He is my disciple, and he only has a master-disciple relationship with me. ]

“…You really don’t make sense,” Qingwu finally gave up, raising a malicious smile on his lips, “In this case, if you don’t make a move, does that mean I also have a chance?”

Under Yan Lin’s astonished gaze, Qingwu’s peach blossom eyes curved up provocatively: “Why don’t you just give me your favorite disciple, shixiong. Even if you don’t give it to me, the monsters here… won’t let him off either.” i0Nxvo

Author has something to say:

Xiao Shishu: It’s so difficult for me. Not only do I have to worry about their emotional problems, but I also have to turn into a love rival at a critical moment…

Monsters: Yan Qingya’s disciple came to our door in person? There is such a good thing!


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  1. Thank you so much for translating this! <3I am in love with them, I just wonder when I can finally transmigrate and have my own obsessive shizun/disciple. Honestly, both would do~