I Became Everyone's Favorite After Transmigrating as the MozunCh12 - Shizun’s Profound Glance

Translator: Bambootriangle

Translation Checker: Teo PISoTD

Qingwu’s snow owl could travel thousands of miles a day, flying day and night, and even the long distance from the Immortal Realm to the Monster Realm only took a few hours.

Three snow owls lined up in formation, flying eastward from a height of ten thousand feet, traveling through countless of mountains and rivers until they reached the territory of the Monster Realm.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qingwu stood side by side with Wen Zhao, his eyes secretly wandering over his body.

He had to admit that this shizhi of his was really very good-looking. Before being demonised, he looked more like an ordinary disciple of the Immortal Sect. Now, his hair was frosty like snow and his demonic marks were bright red, which added a flavour to his appearance, highlighting his originally unobtrusive beauty, making it unforgettable after one look. iMBhpx

If he wasn’t aware of his shixiong’s immeasurable affection for his disciple, he would have wanted to try to get his handsome and cute xiao shizhi to be his disciple… Hm, it would be best to get Fengming and Feng Shu together.

The two disciples his shixiong accepted were more enviable than the other.

In fact, Wen Zhao himself didn’t pay much attention to appearance. He was already a bit casual about it when he was alive, but instead of changing his habits, he had now become even more uncaring — after all, in the Cultivation Realm, there was no need to wash one’s clothes. One only needed to do a cleansing spell every day and their whole body would be clean.

Therefore, he was still wearing the black robes with golden thread on the cuffs he had when he first transmigrated. The clothes fit well and were comfortable, so he had not thought of changing them.


His large robes were lifted up by the wind, and his whole body resembled a bird, about to take a flight in a moment. Suddenly he turned around and said, “Xiao Shishu, you seem to have been staring at me for a long time. Is there anything on my face?”

Qingwu caught a glimpse of the little snake head emerging from the other party’s lapels, he kept feeling as if these dark eyes were threatening him.

His Shixiong had a brilliant plan. He made himself a white snake and wrapped around his disciple, so that he could travel on his side and have close contact with him anytime and anywhere.

This was really… a shameless rogue’s behaviour. nMbvDB

Qingwu saw through his intentions without saying anything, and silently looked away: “It’s nothing, but… I have this feeling that you joined on the Cave of Three Monsters trial not just to find a spiritual beast for the sect’s contract.”

A trace of surprise appeared on Wen Zhao’s face: “How did xiao Shishu know?”

He had never told anyone except Shizun.

Qingwu’s pair of charming peach blossom eyes curved up: “Because you kept urging me, yet didn’t seem to be in a hurry to find a spiritual beast. Clearly you have another purpose, something more urgent that a spiritual beast.” p6M2b8

As he spoke, he leaned closer to the other person and raised his voice: “Let me guess… is it for your Shizun?”

“Sure enough, I still can’t fool xiao Shishu,” Wen Zhao smiled, “It’s said that what wind has heard, xiao Shishu will know as well, and it seems to hold true.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Quit flaunting then and tell me quickly, what is it that brings you here?”

Qfc Itjb vlv cba jcrkfg lwwfvljafis. Lf rabbv bc atf yjmx bo atf rcbk bki jcv revvfcis ibbxfv lcab atf vlrajcmf: “Po P abiv zljb Vtlrte atja P jw jmaejiis…cba ogbw atlr kbgiv, kbeiv sbe yfilfnf la?” 0ZYiDS

Llr nblmf kjr rb rboa atja la kjr jiwbra yibkc jkjs ys atf tbkilcu klcv. Po la kfgfc’a obg Hlcuke’r fzagjbgvlcjgs tfjglcu, tf kbeiv qgbyjyis tjnf wlrrfv la.

There was no particularly surprised expression on Qingwu’s face: “My Shifu once said that there are many worlds beyond the Boundless Universe, and the land we are on is just a corner among many planes. When he said these words, I was still young and did not fully comprehend the meaning behind them. As I got stronger and my realm increased, I could understand it more or less.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Wen Zhao nodded: “I once died in that world.”

His tone was calm, as if he was just describing an ordinary trivial matter, but the curled up snake in his arms suddenly shook his tail. DFwYfS

“I had known Shizun before my death, but at that time I was unwilling to die, I just thought, I am willing to pay any price, as long as I can live. Then, my wish came true. Not only did I live on, but I also…came to Shizun.”

As he spoke, there seemed to be a strange light in his eyes: “I’m so happy, very happy, but I don’t know how to express to Shizun how happy I am to be by his side… Now I’m free, I can walk around this world as I please, I also want Shizun to be the same, I want to cure him.”

Qingwu looked at him and said to himself, “You underestimate your Shizun too much. Do you think that guy Yan Qingya can’t run around because his legs are injured? He is lying on your chest right now.”

His poor little shizhi was still too simple-minded. He wanted his Shizun to have freedom, but his Shizun would always think of depriving him of his own. jYJLId

The white snake’s face covered with scales could not show any expression, but its body had already tied into a knot from the intense emotions it felt.

Wen Zhao: “So I went to the Cave of Three Monsters to find medicine for Shizun — a divine herb called Silver-Stemmed Jade Grass. Have you ever heard of it?”

Qingwu searched through the vast amount of information in his mind: “Have not.”

“…Xiao Shishu, you don’t know about it as well?” bAdws0

This was too strange.

“It doesn’t matter, since you know it grows in the Monster Realm, let’s go and find it,” Qingwu said, moved forward and raised his chin, “We’re here.”

He raised his voice: “Everyone, hold on tight, we’re about to land!”

As he finished speaking, the three snow owls flapped their wings together, their huge bodies crashed through the clouds, and began to dive at high speed. niHpXj

Wen Zhao was blown away by the wind and couldn’t open his eyes. He quickly laid down on the back of the bird, burying his face in the soft feathers.

After a while, the feeling of weightlessness suddenly eased, and the snow owls glided to the ground smoothly, arriving safely.

Cheng Yan was the first to roll off the bird’s back, holding on to the tree trunk to stand still: “Ugh——”

The disciples stumbled off the birds’ backs one after another. Their faces were ashen and their eyes were dull, as if their souls had been blown away in the sky. nMoCpK

Qingwu’s face was full of smiles: “Oh my, why are you all in such poor physical condition? This is Fuyun Sect’s most stable mount.”

Wen Zhao was the last one to come down. He was in good condition and had no other discomfort except for his legs being a little soft. While everyone else was resting, he surveyed his surroundings.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The mountains and rivers there were beautiful, with lush green trees as far as the eye could see. If one listened carefully, one could hear the gurgling sound of water in the distance. The undulating mountains resembled the back of a sleeping beast, and there was a hint of danger in the calmness.

Cheng Yan collapsed on the ground: “I can’t do it anymore. I can’t do it anymore. How did my Shifu do it… He didn’t even change his expression after riding on this snow owl, too powerful, really too strong.” JCV2E

Qingwu pinched his ears hard: “Get up quickly, look at your Fengming shidi, he also isn’t bothered.”

Wen Zhao ignored these “airsick” people. He took two steps to the side and saw a tattered stone tablet among the overgrown weeds, with a few crooked words engraved on it——

Immortals Stop Here.

“Xiao Shishu,” he said, his expression hard to explain in words, “It seems that the Monster Realm doesn’t welcome us.” 6vTXxN

“Of course we won’t be welcome, but whether we are welcome or not, we have to go in,” Qingwu stretched out his hand and pointed forward, “See, that’s where we want to go.”

Wen Zhao followed his direction and saw a vague shadow on the farthest hill, which seemed to be a city.

He was a bit surprised: “Aren’t we going to the Cave of Three Monsters?”

Qingwu: “That is the famous Thousand Illusions City in the Monster Realm. Below Thousand Illusions is the Cave of Three Monsters, and if we wish to reach the cave, we must first enter the Thousand Illusions City.” d2xzek

So troublesome.

He thought that the Cave of Three Monsters was just a lonely cave, and he could get the Silver-Stemmed Jade Grass just by going in there.

Wen Zhao raised his feet and walked forward: “Without further delay, let’s enter the city quickly.”

“Wait a minute,” Qingwu pulled him back, “If you go in like this, they will definitely drive us out — we need to use your demonic qi to hide our immortal qi.” xOc5Ct

“How to do it?”

“Put your blood on our foreheads.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the white snake that had been huddled quietly in Wen Zhao’s arms suddenly sprang out, climbed onto his shoulder, hissed unkindly at Qingwu, conveying to him with his eyes, “You dare to let my disciple bleed, are you tired of living?”

Qingwu shrugged, his expression saying, “Fight me if you have the ability, I’m not afraid of a wisp of your primordial spirit here.” nh2dlO

Wen Zhao didn’t notice their communication. He took out a knife from the storage ring and cut open his palm.

Blood gushed out from the wound, and the white snake on his shoulder twitched violently.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Wen Zhao dipped his fingertips in blood and gently smeared it on his xiao Shishu’s forehead: “Like this?”

“Yes, thanks shizhi for your hard work. Please do it on others too.” iqIpnR

Wen Zhao smeared his own blood on the other disciples one by one. However, after he became demonized, his self-healing ability became extremely strong. Only halfway through, the wound healed on its own, so he had to cut again.

The self-healing ability of ordinary immortal cultivators was not that strong, but his body was already demonized.

White snake shook even harder, and his eyes almost turned to ice when he looked at Qingwu.

He couldn’t bear to touch his disciple’s hair and these people actually… actually… LZbV5l

He memorized all the ten disciples in this group, and when they returned, he would send them all to Qingxin Pavilion to copy books.

Especially the one named Qingwu, he had to think carefully about how to deal with him.

There was a female cultivator among the fellow disciples. Wen Zhao finally walked up to her and wiped his blood on her forehead.

His fingertips were extremely warm. The female cultivator looked at him and felt that her ears were hot. She quickly covered her blushing cheeks and said hesitantly: “Fengming shixiong, you…” xoyV89

Her voice was too soft and Wen Zhao didn’t hear her clearly, so he asked doubtfully, “What did you say?”

“I…I said, Fengming Shixiong is so handsome and gentle, making one’s heart…”

Before she could say the word “race”, she suddenly felt an icy gaze directed towards her, as cold as the year-round wind and the perpetual snow on Fuyun Peak.

The white snake stopped on Wen Zhao’s shoulder, its black eyes filled with darkness, and spat out a bright red tongue at her condescendingly. VJaSZb

The female cultivator was so frightened that she took several steps back: “No, nothing! I didn’t say anything!”

Wen Zhao was confused: “Huh?”

The female cultivator hurriedly hid behind a large rock and stroked her chest that was heaving violently.

What was with that white snake? Why did the snake’s eyes look so much… like their Sect’s Leader? ! aoqx13

Author has something to say:

Congratulations to this female cultivator for obtaining the debuff [Glare from the Sect Leader× 1]

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  1. I’m a little surprised he was so honest about the transmigration. A benefit to magical worlds I guess

  2. Aiya Xiao Shushu, you are too brave. Truly little bro coded hahahaha

    Hehehe, if Wen Zhao did one of those aegyo moves, he probably would be able to take down half the sect instantly. And then he’d be locked up by Shizun 😅

    Lil monster is also on this trip right? Poor fella is either going to see someone else scammed into servitude or get embarrassed

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. Ahh~ the way Wen Zhao spoke about the transmigration was so vague – now, he didn’t say when he came over to this world so these people might think he came over and then met Shizun for the first time 🤔😂

    Lolol as much as Shizun has some psycho obsessive urges, he has such superb self-control~ 😂 he can’t even bear to hurt his precious disciple~ 😁