I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh166 - No Fun At All

Fourth Joy shouldn’t have fought for his mother’s food; that’s the rule in this household. The highest-ranking mother always eats first, followed by Little Darling if mother hasn’t specified, then Second Treasure, Third Flora, and lastly Fourth Joy, who hasn’t fully been born yet.


But until now, Xu Yintang and the cubs have yet to eat together. This was the first time they clashed over the same dish.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Fourth Joy had been trying very hard to control himself, but the instinctive desire for nourishment burst forth from the depths of its consciousness, almost overwhelming the rules with greed. Its small body wriggled on the table, making “puchi puchi” sounds, like a quietly sobbing hunger.


In other situations, if the cubs cried, Xu Yintang wouldn’t soften. If they got too rowdy, he might even pick them up and scold them. He didn’t have the habit of spoiling children. But since Fourth Joy can break the shell after eating it…


Xu Yintang sighed helplessly, picked up Fourth Joy, and tossed him into a gift box. “Just eat, stop crying like that.”



With tears and drool, Fourth Joy was a mess, and even a touch left a gel-like residue on the fingers.


As soon as Fourth Joy fell into the gift box, it was like a mouse falling into a rice jar. Its mouth was stuffed with delicious food, making it speechless. After eating heartily, it felt embarrassed by its own greediness, and after a while, it stuttered out, “Thank you, thank you, Mom.”


Mother’s lofty, holy, and great nature was beyond words. In an inexplicable manner, it used the more intimate term “Mom” to address Mother who gave it food.


So shy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)


Xu Yintang poked Fourth Joy, who had turned into the shape of the box. The pink color was quite pleasing. At this moment, it changed from a solid jelly-like substance to a more viscous liquid, from which translucent pink strands could be pulled, feeling delicate to the touch.


Xu Yintang rubbed the slippery residue off his fingertips. It smelled fresh with no discernible scent, but if sensed with tendrils, it had a slightly salty smell, like a thread connecting to a cloud, where the greater life within the flowing water and mist was awakening.


And whether it was his illusion or not, Fourth Joy, merged with the World Heart, gradually emitted the scent of the World Heart. However, the blended scent was more astringent and intense, lacking the attractive sweetness and becoming a strange smell, not unpleasant but far from good.


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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although he felt a little sorry for Fourth Joy, Xu Yintang did, for a moment, feel the same as the other cubs who were clamoring about “little brother stinks.”




Qlatbea kjlalcu obg We Tlcajcu ab ibbx wbgf, Vtl Tefyjl tjv jigfjvs mibrfv atf ilv bo atf uloa ybz jcv ugjyyfv akb alrrefr ogbw atf rlvf ab mjgfoeiis klqf boo atf gfrlvef bc We Tlcajcu’r olcufgr.


Vtl Tefyjl’r fzqgfrrlbc kjr ecgfjvjyif, klat j ufcaif megnf ja atf mbgcfgr bo tlr wbeat, jcv atf iluta lc tlr fsfr kjr jwylueber. Lf vlvc’a rqfjx, yea atfgf kjr j tlca bo afwqfg atja fnfc atf meyr mbeiv qfgmflnf.


“What’s wrong?” Xu Yintang held his hand, gently rubbing his fingertips like kneading cat paws, pulling Shi Yuebai to sit beside him.


Facing each other, expressions were clear, and sitting beside each other revealed secrets through heartbeat and breath.


Xu Yintang could probably guess what Shi Yuebai was unhappy about, and he could also vaguely feel that Shi Yuebai’s unhappiness was actually not as unhappy as he showed, like a fluffy tail brushing against his tendrils, itchy but somewhat joyful.


Different from guessing other people’s emotions through facial expressions and movements, the perception of Shi Yuebai’s emotions is more similar to a kind of control over an extended part of his own body. It is very similar to the connection between him and the cubs’ consciousness. Though not as intimate as with the cubs, he could clearly capture every bit of his emotions.


But Xu Yintang believed that this feeling undoubtedly helped with family harmony.


And Shi Yuebai was indeed not unhappy at all. The timing was just right to take advantage of the situation and gain some favor—any smart cat would know that even after successfully entering the home, they must always be vigilant to maintain their position in the family.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shi Yuebai deeply understood the path of cultivation. On the other hand, Blake, who was wandering around the hospital, can be said to be one of his colleagues. Although their efforts were directed differently, their spirits of hard work could equally rebuke those who attempted to slack off.


Why the hell.


Feeling the resentment from (future) colleagues, Blake patted his sleek wings, his black bean eyes shining with the gleam of a king.


Life is so long. If one doesn’t work hard, understand the higher purpose, and enhance one’s strength step by step to climb higher, then there’s no joy in it!


In the darkness, shadows twisted into grotesque and bizarre shapes, echoing the panting of the hounds that were bound to it.


Blake nodded, very satisfied with the enterprising spirit of his hounds.


It strolled into the darkness, folding its wings over the tamed hounds, gracefully assuming the posture of a brooding hen.


While waiting for the master’s summons, it needed to organize the information at hand.


The master’s favor was always bestowed upon the prepared.


If its perception was not mistaken, this place, called the “Happy Sanatorium,” was the master’s lair, or in a similar vein, “home.” Wisely, Blake did not compare it to the abyss of death in the Sea of Void. Relying on its own observations and feedback from the hounds, it crafted a three-hundred-word composition praising the beauty and habitability of the master’s lair.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Blake swore by its hounds that there was not a single lie in those three hundred words.


Admittedly, this lair only consisted of three buildings, a garden, and a back mountain. Even when including the unstable misty area at the edge, its size was limited. However, its composition closely resembled an entire world, constructed from sin and madness, completely imbued and controlled by the master’s aura.


A complete and stable world structure meant infinite possibilities for expansion. Especially in a world entirely owned by its great master, it could easily enlarge its domain by absorbing nearby spaces that were similar in quality but unstable. Or it could venture into the Sea of Void and salvage world remnants that the evil gods couldn’t consume or destroy, all of which were excellent materials for expanding the lair.


These operations only required a bit of the master’s power for development and application. However, judging by the current situation, its master had yet to comprehend such skills.


After all, its master hadn’t even lived through the first millennium since birth; the lack of experience was understandable.


Blake selectively ignored the collapse he felt when he learned that his master was born only more than 20 years ago, turning it into rainbow farts like “Truly gifted with noble, great, and supreme qualities.” It quickly drafted an “Expansion Plan for the Happy Sanatorium,” its black eyes darting back and forth in the darkness, recalling the (future) colleagues it had visited.


Hmm, first set a goal: take down Yu Kongyou, and assume the position of vice dean.


With ambitious aspirations, Blake made the office worker, Yu Kongyou, who was grumbling while reviewing documents, suddenly shiver and sneeze.


Ghosts don’t shiver and sneeze for no reason; there must be a reason for the physiological reactions displayed externally. Yu Kongyou looked around vigilantly, then closed his eyes to sense the source of the chill.


After a moment, a faint smirk appeared on his face. He poked Xu Zhongping, who was crouching nearby with his head buried in self-isolation and complained, “Even a bird dares to usurp my position. Say something, will you…”


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Xu Zhongping kept his head down, silently staring at the patterns on the carpet, his eyes vacant and his expression numb, completely unaware of Yu Kongyou’s touch.


As if his soul had long departed from this mortal vessel.



Author’s Note – QPYBLG


Danger, Blake, danger.


Starting to retrieve the threads of Yu Kongyou and Xu Zhongping~ gQciaY


The next instance will introduce new skins for Sugar Daddy and Shi Yuebai.

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