Love The VillainCh54 - Jiang Xu’s Confession


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  1. They finally left and finally our Xiao Xu confess to that dumba*s. Now it could be only better!

    Thank You for the new chapter ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

  2. I just hope that after this JX will finally realize that he is slowly falling for Mufeng~

    Thank you for the update ^.^

    • I didn’t like how Mufeng forced out the confession, I thought it would’ve been more interesting if Jiang Xu discovered the scum’s true nature by himself, but I can understand that Mufeng only wanted to protect Jiang Xu after all he was murdered by the so-called protagonist and heroine. But that doesn’t mean I agree with his methods.

      • Technically dude has been waiting 50 years considering the time conversion bracelet. He’s in limbo, waiting for Xu to confess and get rejected so he can finally move their relationship to the next step. I really can’t blame him

      • When it comes to making sure jiang xu wont die to the protagonist etc I approve of his methods. He was limited in time bc of the secret realm opening n its clear Jiang xu is too timid to do it himself as in the book he only did it as he was dying.

  3. aw, that confession is really necessary as a wake up call!! now i’m hoping that the romance between them will now move forward~ thank u for the chapter!!

  4. Finally he got rejected. It’s good that he didn’t get overly hurt. 🙂It’s truly befitting of the evil hero to not even doubt the story of JX chasing after more then one man. Such a scum.

  5. Finally rejected. Sometimes a door needs to be closed for you to be able to open a new and better one. Not everyone appreciates it or understand it. Happy that JX figured it out so quickly

  6. LMF is really quite cunning…

    Strength is not the only requirement for winning, knowledge, wisdom and smarts are also important…

    Thanks for the chapter!!!


  7. Why does everyone in the comments seem so happy with the LM forcing a confession?

    LM clearly overstepped his boundaries simply because he feels he deserves JX more. Not only was his initial confession rejected, but there was a condition to it being considered. What he did was nothing short of manipulative, with the idea that JX cannot and should not think for himself.The hero might be the most terrible person in the world and it would still not be LM’s responsibility to decide who JX gets to love. LM feels entitled to JX, thinking that he’s saving JX when we all know it’s for his own benefit.

    Adding on to that, the hero and heroine have done nothing so far to be considered as antagonists. They were criticised for eating a meal they were invited to, asking questions about LM’s origin, and unwittingly attempting to purchase the bracelet. All their actions would be completely normal if LM didn’t have anything to hide. It’s sad to call them dogs just because the hero isn’t in love with JX.

    It isn’t fair to cover up the MC’s flaws and nitpick someone’s simply because the MC doesn’t like them.

    All in all, LM is a ‘nice guy’ who thinks being nice to someone means they have to love you back.

    • +1 Really dislike how the author decided to write this. Could have easily had the MC try and distract the heroine and give Jiang Xu a moment alone with the hero. Instead Liu Mufeng forced Jiang Xu to confess to the hero in front of everyone. Liu Mufeng really comes off as a manipulative jerk.

    • Idk I dont think he feels entitled to jx. He just wants to have a chance with him n knows that if jx goes with the protagonist, he will be killed and since he loves jx he obv doesn’t want that. You also gotta consider what he said about being pressed for time with the secret realm opening soon. If jx is too neutral he could lead them both go being in danger with the hero n heroine so he needed to rush the confession. I just think he rly needto make it up to jx. As for the meal thing, the heroine practically invited herself bc she talked abt hiw good the food smelled so not inviting them to eat something couldve led the hero n heroine to be pushy about it anyway as we saw them do a bit wen surmising that mc is the alchemist. The hero n heroine r clever n conniving. When it comes to the bracelet, instead of just openly asking if it cam be bought, the heroine prefaced by saying it looked more like a women’s bracelet thus trying to guilt mc into giving it to her bc hes a man. Its subtle but it’s the subtle moves that are the most dangerous as they go over most ppls heads.
    • Also everyone is happy bc everyone knows the hero n heroine would only kill jx so we accept just about whatever it takes to open his eyes to the truth so hes not played with by them again. Forcing the confession definitely sucked but given Jiang xus shyness he wouldve never done anything n just wound up dead like in the og story.

  8. Oh, I’m so mad at ML! How could he tell about MC’s feelings without permission?! It’s terribly disrespectful to him! If I were MC, I would turn around and leave and never talk to ML again. Knowing how hard it was for MC to gather the courage and admit how hopeless this love is, ML still deprived him of the deserved climax and also so tactlessly! Knowing that the main character would refuse, ML should not have said it so head-on and in front of the main character.

    • The mc is li mufeng. Jiang xu is the ml. So u meant it the other way around. And Jiang xu has all the right to be upset n leave if he feels too wronged but as someone who was just rejected by his crush hes prob more understanding of mcs suffering bc they both know the person they love loves someone else.