Love The VillainCh338 - Breaking Into Pill Peak


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  1. Here comes a green tea b!tch. Unfortunately 7th elder is her grandfather so they can’t get rid of her like they did the other female leads. She seems like one of those irritating ones that like to act pitiful and pretend they’ve been bullied all the time

  2. She is an idiot but the boys aren’t better XD

    This beast control peak is full of dumbasses lol

    Thank you for the update ♡

  3. And what make them think that LM would marry that obviously a two face woman as a concubine …???

    He won’t even bat an eye of her….

    What a joke…

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰

  4. Oh my god its another girl, a spoiled one it seems

    Little girl please get away, it’s for your own good. If you don’t, you’ll end up hurt, eaten by bugs and then burned to ashes.

  5. I don’t see her as an idiot or anything. She just has a crush on mufeng plus he saved her. She’s just been spoiled by her grandfather n senior brothers who like her. Her senior brothers are the idiots this time only thinking about wanting to marry her themselves. So they have ulterior motives. Mufeng should announce to everyone that he’s not taking any concubines so that girls like this know not to bother liking him or showing interest at all.