The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch36 - System 1551

Jiang Shishi heard a noise that seemed to be calling out to him. He glanced up briefly, but then lost interest and lowered his head again. He went back to staring at Anan, who was peacefully sleeping.

[The player, You Wusi, forcefully captured the Human Skinned monster. It’s found that this ghostly being has a strong will of its own and used to be a high-level boss. There’s a 98% chance it might devour its master. It’s recommended that the player hands it over to the main system for safekeeping.] BDKX1M

Upon hearing this, the backbone silently transformed its own Sunny Doll into a smaller, rounder, and cuter version. It gently swayed in the air before obediently hanging on the boss’s wife’s wheelchair, now resembling a motionless little ornament.

The former and current versions of it are no longer the same creature!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Even its pursuits and ambitions are completely different!!!!

[Player Lin Haoguang obtains the rare item, Medicine Wine.] G6VWt3

[The reward has been issued to the player’s personal system. Legendary items do not take up inventory slots. Please check your rewards.]

As soon as the mechanical sound stopped, An An, who had been blushing and chatting excitedly, finally finished talking about her paintings in detail.

Then, realizing she had been talking for too long, she softly said “oops” and reached out to Xu Jiling next to her. Before long, she got a bunch of envelopes from him.

While handing out the envelopes, she continued, “Oh, I almost forgot! These are the rewards from our guests. Thank you all for coming here to help me solve this case which has been troubling me for so long.”


[Congratulations to the eight players for receiving the additional rewards for the dungeon! These generous rewards, temporarily added by An An and Xu Jiling, are equivalent to 2,000 points.]

[By earning the trust and compassion of the main characters in the ‘Mermaid’s Tears’ dungeon, the eight players will have a chance to trigger sympathy from the NPC while dining in the Endless dungeon in future.]

Upon hearing about the reward, all the players except Jiang Shishi and You Wusi stayed quiet. It seems like the two NPCs were genuinely frightened by their past as starving ghosts, and they even started feeling sorry for them. This might give them a chance to evoke sympathy, although it’s uncertain if it counts as a skill.

As the night grew darker, the full moon slowly rose in the sky outside the window. uB7mhK

You Wusi took out the learning device and gave it to the little zombie while asking Miss An An to keep an eye on a certain lazy person for a while.

When Xu Jiling saw An An’s bright and radiant smile, he felt a sense of relief as he began clearing up the mess on the table.

Finally, the players had some time to chat and interact with each other.

Wen Qingxue, seated on the sofa, double-checked that Xu Jiling was in the kitchen, while An An patiently taught Jiang Shishi nearby, word by word, in front of a painting. kie BJ

Lowering hee voice, Wen Qingxue advised, “Legendary items are rare in the Endless. I recommend using them now, or they’ll be auctioned off once we leave the dungeon. Don’t trust anyone here. Once the free trial period ends, spend points to hire the number system to get familiar with the Endless Space. Avoid drawing attention if possible.”

After spending a few days together, they might not be best friends, but they’ve certainly built a good working relationship. It was so enjoyable that Wen Qingxue didn’t forget to give some advice to the newcomers.

After all, the Black Pearl was well-known in the dungeon, so lots of players made bets on it. Those who lost points in these bets won’t easily give up, especially since the rewards they got this time were so generous.

The white dungeon usually gives new players one or two thousand points at most, but they got five thousand points! That’s more than what most dungeons with different colors give! btMsqo

Not to mention the legendary item, the mermaid blood!

Wen Qingxue didn’t have to explain much; it was clear to everyone present, except Jiang Shishi, that having such a treasure could cause trouble.

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listening to the advice Lin Haoguang was the fastest among all. He quickly took out the drop of blue mermaid blood from his personal system and let it soak into his skin without any delay.

Suddenly, the arm that was just bones grew back with flesh and blood. It was covered in thick fish scales, and there were webbed feet between the palms. The claws on the fingers became really sharp. Ct3whJ

“Nice,” Lin Haoguang smiled. He rotated the mermaid arm, and the scales faded away as his fingers opened and closed. The long claws vanished, and it looked just like his regular arm again.

For him, this kind of transformation couldn’t be more perfect. Seeing this, other players quickly used the mermaid blood too, but the effect wasn’t as noticeable, at least not as impressive as Lin Haoguang’s.

When Yi Jiangnan used it, a small lamp emitting a flickering warm yellow flame appeared in his palm. However, with a gust of wind, it extinguished just like that, seeming to have no connection with the mermaid at all.

As for the others, there weren’t any visible changes. GvX3FL

After waiting for a while, only Wen Qingxue’s hair showed a faint blue tint, barely noticeable if you didn’t look closely.

In the end, only You Wusi and Jiang Shishi, who was still deeply engrossed in studying in the distance, hadn’t used the mermaid blood.

Following the principle of keeping a low profile, You Wusi casually took out the drop of mermaid blood, but he didn’t proceed with the next step for a while. He looked up and smiled at the expectant players.

Originally, he intended to forcefully press the drop of mermaid blood into his body with both hands, but seeing everyone’s hopeful expressions, he changed his mind. gEISvY

At first, he planned to forcefully push the stubborn mermaid blood into his body with both hands. But seeing everyone’s hopeful faces, he decided against it.

You Wusi stood up calmly and walked over to Jiang Shishi, who was attentively listening to An An. He gently placed the palm containing the mermaid blood on his wife’s head and gave it a gentle pat.

He couldn’t help but wonder if this thing was a form of discrimination.

He couldn’t help but wonder if this thing was a form of ”racial brVUde

On him, the mermaid blood was uncooperative, but once it touched the little zombie, it quickly absorbed. Blue light flickered on his wife’s leg, like an old TV screen, flashing for a long time without stopping.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vfflcu atlr, Tbe Qerl rwlifv jcv rfca Cc Cc jkjs klat jc fzmerf ab ufa rbwf kjafg. Ktfc, tf ufcais mbjzfr tlr ilaaif klof ab ajxf bea j vgbq bo wfgwjlv yibbv ogbw tlr qfgrbcji rsrafw.

Ycmf tf tjv atf ybaaif, tf erfv atf rjwf aglmx jcv abemtfv atf ilaaif tfjv klat rboa yijmx tjlg.

The blue light around Jiang Shishi’s legs flashed faster. By the time An An came back with a cup of water, the flashing had become erratic, causing the villa’s lights to flicker, and no one knew what had gone wrong. WKwfXI

An An was so scared that she almost dropped the water cup and kept calling for Brother Ji Ling.

Xu Jiling ran to the living room in just a few quick steps. As soon as he arrived, the lights came back on, and the blue light around Jiang Shishi’s legs went out with a “snap.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Player Jiang Shishi failed to transform into a mermaid as ‘An’an had hoped’]

[The main character of the Mermaid Dream dungeon, butler An’an, was looking forward to player Jiang Shishi’s full recovery, but due to the high difficulty, only some of his limbs were partially restored] PjzJys

The players didn’t know what to say. Logically speaking they should have felt envious, but the word “difficult” left them all in silence.

It seemed clear now that the system couldn’t cure mental illness.

“Oh, it’s so late already. The rooms were cleaned up a few days ago. If the guests don’t mind, you can stay there.” At An’an’s sincere invitation, the players went up to the second floor of the villa again. However, just as the two NPCs disappeared into the stairwell, the sky began to dawn.

[Players participating in the ‘Mermaid Dream’, please leave the villa as soon as possible.] The mechanical sound broke again. B7hJT

The sun was already high in the sky outside the villa.

With the mechanical voice urging them. All players said goodbye to both of the NPCs and quickly reached the familiar gate of the villa.

Just as they were about to open the door, An An handed bags filled with vegetables, fruits, and even rice to the players. When the mechanical voice announced the extra rewards, everyone felt like they were needy relatives asking for money.

[Congratulations to player Lin Qiyue for receiving a large bag of oranges to alleviate hunger] lT5vxj

[Congratulations to player Jiang Shishi for receiving two large bags of An An’s favorite sweet grapes]

[Congratulations to player Jiang Zuo for receiving four fresh bitter melons that can be eaten raw]

With the prompt sound, the door of the villa slowly opened, and a burst of white light enveloped all the players. NYr5C1

At the same time, the emotionless mechanical voice echoed in everyone’s ears and appeared on the bulletin message of Endless Space.

[The Mermaid Dream dungeon has ended]

[This dungeon has been completely closed after the players left. Thank you to every player who participated in the game. Endless wishes all dungeon participants a happy gaming experience]

….. OT17H8

“Welcome to the Endless Game. I am system number 1551. Next, I will give you a brief introduction to Endless Space.”

The ball with blue light hovered in the all-white space.

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After reviewing the progress of the two new players’ sessions, it continued politely, “It has been noted that the two players entered the game bound. Would you like to unbind them? This opportunity is free only before entering Endless Space. After that, you can purchase related items with points in the system mall.”

Jiang Shishi, who heard the movement, looked up and stared at the familiar glowing ball for a long time, his eyes shining slightly. Tdxplf

It was the same small ball he had once caught!

But before he could take action the bad brother beside him stopped him again.

“Thank you, but there’s no need,” You Wusi replied, gently pushing down the claws that his wife slowly raised towards the system. He happened to have two large bags of grapes in his hand, so he grabbed one and stuffed it into Jiang Shishi’s mouth.

When the green thing was placed near Jiang Shishi’s mouth, he instinctively took a bite of it and tasted something lightly sweet! ievdS4

It tasted different from tomatoes, but it was still delicious!!!

Jiang Shishi instantly calmed down and stopped staring at the glowing ball. He tilted his head slightly and opened his mouth expectantly towards his bad brother, behaving very well.

System 1551 fully understood the players’ situation and knew that Jiang Shishi, with a wisdom of 3, wouldn’t give any answer.

Even so, it still spoke to Jiang Shishi conscientiously: “Player Jiang Shishi, please confirm that you do not need to unbind. If not, it will be deemed as an agreement in one minute.” eVsLTk

“The countdown begins.”



System 1551 counted down earnestly, its voice resolute as it announced each passing second. FvME96

Meanwhile, You Wusi was equally serious in feeding Jiang Shishi grapes. With each grape, he maintained a steady rhythm, taking one every three seconds.

“It is deemed that you do not need to unbind.” Although System 1551 had never encountered a player like Jiang Shishi before, it had witnessed many different situations throughout its existence. It was content with its current role and had no intention of changing it.

It had no intention of climbing up the ranks; it simply aimed to clock in on time and leave work on time.

It continued step by step: “Please confirm the values, skills, points, and items in your personal systems. Once confirmed, you can choose to exit the waiting area.” ObSfov

You Wusi glanced at the palm holding the plastic bag. After quickly scanning his own personal system, he looked up at the system while feeding his little wife and said seriously, “My wife’s personal system cannot be confirmed. You should be aware of her situation, right? Do you need me to explain it in detail?” Without waiting for the system to respond, he continued, “How should I deal with this situation? How can I confirm the various information on my wife’s personal system? Or do you want to check it for me?”

System 1551 wasn’t intimidated by the player’s barrage of questions. It responded firmly and seriously, “The system has no authority to view any player’s detailed information except for a simple introduction and values. Players also have no authority to view each other’s information. Please verify it yourself. After one minute, the information will be assumed correct. The countdown begins…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sir System, your behavior of assuming and agreeing is too overbearing,” You Wusi remarked, his tone carrying a hint of frustration. “Don’t you have any plans for special treatment for special groups? This approach doesn’t align with the management practices of large enterprises.” He sighed softly.

He looked up at the small system floating in the air and suggested sincerely, “I’ve seen the name of the main system mentioned in the audience’s comments. Why don’t you report this to the main system? Otherwise, it’ll be troublesome to deal with complaints back and forth. Don’t you think so?” 3e465Q

System 1551 remained calm. This wasn’t a big problem; it was just reporting to the system and handling complaints.

Such behavior, which would affect the allocation of work, cannot and should not exist!

Every system knew that players capable of closing a dungeon were big trouble, but no one expected such a problem among the new players.

Not willing to accept its fate, 1551 continued to struggle, “Mr. You Wusi, please refrain from being unreasonable. Your behavior is hindering the system’s work.” qCk3Ah

“Isn’t this part of your job?” You Wusi appeared surprised, but quickly sighed again and continued, “I know I’m putting you in a difficult position, but my wife is so innocent, kind, and adorable. My wife is easily fooled by strange players and NPCs.”

System 1551 calmly responded, “Scans show that the physical characteristics of your wife appear male.”

“And so what? Does that change the fact that he is not innocent, kind, small, and adorable?” You Wusi stopped feeding Jiang Shishi, his brows furrowed slightly, and he spoke solemnly, “If you cannot resolve this issue, then perhaps a higher-level system should communicate with me. A company that neglects special groups will never have long-term development!”

Jiang Shishi, who hadn’t received any grapes for a while, kept his mouth open. He didn’t wait for his brother to offer them but instead reached out with his claws, grabbed the grapes his bad brother was holding, and stuffed five or six of them into his mouth at once. Bd0QX3

His little mouth was bulging with grapes.

He half-raised his face and listened curiously to the ball speaking to his brother.

When he heard “innocent and cute,” his eyes lit up. These words were taught to him by the human An An.

His bad brother was praising him for being awesome!! AwsBdd

With the two players watching it intently, System 1551 suddenly felt a lot of pressure. Since taking on this role, it had forgotten what “easy” meant.

After all, is there anything simpler than guiding newcomers?

But it doesn’t seem easy right now!!!

But in the long run, this job was still the most comfortable, despite the occasional minor troubles. AtIyNc

Thinking about it, System 1551 made a quick decision and accessed the system mall. It announced, “There is a product in the mall called the Intelligent Brain Edition Electronic Marriage Certificate. This product allows you to review the property of both spouses at any time, but it is limited to viewing and cannot be retrieved at will. The price is 35,000 points, which is the lowest among similar products available.”

“Do you think I have that many points?” You Wusi retorted incredulously.

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The system knew well that the total points of the two players did not add up to such a high amount. It was simply trying to make You Wusi give up.

However, as a system, it underestimated the players’ shamelessness. hugMOL

“How about this: you buy the goods first, and I’ll give you the points later,” You Wusi proposed.

He took out a tissue from his pocket and gently wiped the corners of his wife’s mouth, stained with grape juice. At the same time, he said softly, “If I can’t confirm Shi Shi’s information, I really can’t play the game with peace of mind.”

Then he looked at the system and continued, “I know you don’t want to take risks. Let’s put it this way. You should have an internal price for employees, and the price difference will not be included. I will give you the 5,000 points I have first, and the remaining 30,000 points will be returned to you after each dungeon, one by one.”

Without waiting for the system to answer, You Wu Si continued to feed his little wife grapes one by one. He said, “Shi Shi earned his points through his hard work, and I can’t touch them. If you don’t want to be so troublesome, you should ask a higher-level system to intervene. Personally, I think that even if there’s no subsidy for special groups, they should still receive necessary care.” Ijyslb

System 1551 wasn’t easily fooled by You Wu Si. It calculated the probability of him passing the dungeon accurately. Concluding that there was a 99% chance of him paying back all the points, it directly accessed the personal contract without involving the main system.

No more words were exchanged.

After You Wu Si signed his consent, it directly used the Intelligent Brain Edition Electronic Marriage Certificate on the two troublesome players.

After completing the process, System 1551 continued speaking, “Please review your personal information carefully. Once you confirm that it’s correct, you can choose to leave the waiting space.” 8Ny0OX

You Wu Si smiled politely at the small system, hung two plastic bags on the back of the wheelchair, and then held Jiang Shishi’s small claws with sharp nails.

In fact, he could check his little zombie’s system panel if he wanted to.

But the panel has the highest authority, and no player or system can check it. This rule was set by the main god. Forcibly accessing the data would surely trigger an alarm in the current main system.

He wiped his little wife’s claws with a tissue while checking his personal panel. yZSahM

Seeing that the mermaid blood, which didn’t take up any slots in the system panel, was still there on the panel, with the quantity showing as 2, he withdrew his gaze.

It seems that a certain NPC really favored his little wife more than he guessed.

It was a pity that transforming a dead corpse into a mermaid was already difficult, and it was like trying to catch the moon in the water to transform the king of zombies into a mermaid.

In addition, there was a small alarm clock in Jiang Shishi’s panel. Nu9iF

It seemed to be a random prop from the dungeon.

You Wusi wasn’t in a hurry to check the small prop. As he listened to the familiar countdown of the system, he politely interrupted and asked, “Mr. System, My Shishi is a shy person. Will there be many people in the Endless Space? Can you take us directly to a place to rest? I assume Endless Space should have arranged rooms or something? Also, how do we handle food and beverages? Is transportation convenient? It shouldn’t be a problem to travel with Shishi’s wheelchair, right?”

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System 1551 understood that every new player had many questions, but very few asked about food, clothing, housing, and transportation like You Wu Si did. Coincidentally, these questions were also covered within the scope of the free players guide.

It replied directly: “New players must first pass through the Endless Game Hall before reaching the Endless Space. The game hall is always crowded with players. Accommodation and food must be arranged by the players themselves. Currently, an ordinary single hotel room in the Endless System costs 200 points per day, and the cheapest fast food item, excluding compressed biscuits, is priced at 5 points. There are various transportation options available, each with different prices, charged by the minute.” JXUA1b

“It seems that moving forward in the Endless without points is indeed challenging.” You Wusi handed the grapes that were left in a plastic bag to his little wife’s mouth, then looked at the floating small system earnestly and said, “System, can you…”

System 1551, with a firm resolve, remained unaffected by You Wu Si’s attempts. It continued in its mechanical voice: “Assuming the player has verified the information correctly. If there are no objections, departure from the waiting space will commence in thirty seconds.”

“I have objections,” You Wu Si smiled and continued, “Could you kindly arrange for me and Shi Shi to be directly transported to the next dungeon? As you can see, I currently have no points, and I still owe you 30,000. Entering the dungeon sooner means I can repay the debt sooner. If possible, I’d prefer a dungeon with all-inclusive accommodation and food.”

Seeing that the bad brother was only talking to the ball, Jiang Shishi secretly stretched out his claws and tried to hook the white bag that the sunny doll was holding. SAqZIR

There were many grapes in it!

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, it was immediately pressed down by the bad brother.

He felt unhappy and poked the hard skin of the bad brother with his sharp nails. He wasn’t even allowed to eat the little grapes.

His bad brother was really mean! uFDQ5y

“The dungeon is randomly and fairly drawn; the system has no right to interfere privately.”

System 1551 was relieved to finally send away the troublesome players with lots of questions. It spoke faster, “Players You Wu Si and Jiang Shi Shi chose to enter the dungeon. They will be randomly placed in the dungeon drawing waiting space in 30 seconds. System No. 1551 wishes the two players a happy game.”

As soon as the voice faded, the system with blue light vanished instantly, and numerous players suddenly filled the white space. There were so many people that they couldn’t be counted at a glance.

Some were tall, some were short, some were fat, some were thin, and they ranged from young to old. There was even an old lady with half-white hair who looked to be in her sixties or seventies. N2exPL

At the edge of the crowd stood a striking player. He was tall, dark-skinned, and exuded a powerful presence in the otherwise pure white space. It was clear that his race was different from everyone else.

“Where is this place? Who are you all?”

“Am I kidnap?”

“How did I get here when I was walking to the school?” k4dI 0

You Wu Si didn’t pay attention to the worries around him. He picked a grape from the plastic bag hanging on the wheelchair and handed it to Jiang Shishi, who was staring at him.

However his little wife bit his finger into her mouth with a groan, he pulled out the fingertip covered in saliva and tapped it on the tip of the little zombie’s nose and said with a smile, “If you bite anything, your teeth will be broken.”

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Jiang Shishi pretended not to hear anything and opened his mouth again after finishing the grapes.

At this moment, System 1551, which was about to finish work, floated in the sea of data. After hesitating for a few seconds, it finally connected to the waiting space where You Wusi and Jiang Shishi had just entered the dungeon. qe0bDL

It didn’t pay attention to the lovey-dovey players as if no one else was around.

Instead, it focused on the data extracted from the dungeon. It observed the fluctuations in data, especially at the moment when the number of players was confirmed and the data stabilized.

When System 1551 confirmed the data it suddenly shook its body which led to emitting blue light.

Indeed, it was a dungeon with all-inclusive accommodation and meals as You Wusi requested. Going to the Black Factory to work would naturally provide a place to stay and meals. However, the probability of getting back the 30,000 points owed by You Wusi plummeted to 50%. AkYmzv

It really wanted to do something about it. 30,000 points might not be a lot, but it was still a considerable sum!

It really wanted to do something, but with the number of players determined and the dungeon selection process over, any further interference would be futile…

Author’s note:

You Wu Si: It’s just 30,000 points, little system, don’t worry! Can you lend me some more? L0nGeM

System 1551: Thanks for the offer, but my heart as a system is already dead. Sob sob sob.

Jiang Shishi (opens mouth): (Takes another bite)


From here onwards we will begin with ARC 2 that is “Black Factory Internship”!!! Nf6S1m

Hope you are liking this story:)

Translator's Note

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  1. These players so lucky 😂 they got more rewards because the NPC think they’re pitiful, they even got more food as souvenir 😂🤣

    Thank you for the chapter 💕

    • That is one of fav moment but let’s not forget how You Wusi deceived System 1551. I was literally laughing when I was translating this chapter. Lucky I was alone otherwise my family would have got another idea 😂

      • Oh I get that, this is why I prefer reading alone in my bedroom, I can’t control myself not to laugh out loud 🤣 if my neighbour hear me they probably think I’m crazy 🙈🤣

  2. Now zombie should work on factory nowadays

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛