Killing ShowCh6 - Opening

Editor: Elanor

Dressed in ancient single clothing, Xia Tian’s small group of teammates stood in the dense forest. 6lgape

The surrounding scenery was beautiful; it must have cost the props group a lot of time to make it so detailed. In future, it could be used to develop various games or sell holographic models.

There were miniature surveillance cameras everywhere in the forest, but they were so skillfully hidden that they couldn’t be seen.

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Xia Tian’s hair was still wet, and he was a bit worried about losing face when he entered the arena, but by the time the game started, his mind was already full of ideas to find someone to kill, and he didn’t feel like vomiting anymore.

He raised his head and saw a squirrel at the treetops. It also saw him, and ran away in terror. It didn’t look like a machine—the TV station sometimes provided some real animals. Maybe it was edible? veDtx

Xia Tian was wearing a black linen coat with a large tear on the back. It was as if someone had slashed it, and roughly stitched it back. He didn’t know if it was because someone had really died wearing it, or if the organizers deliberately made it look like someone died wearing it.

Bai Jingan was dressed in white in a detached and cold military-style. However, the color of the clothes were randomly determined, so that no one could judge the occupation based on it.

Even so, there must be a lot of network logisticians active in the arena. When Xia Tian thought of them, he wanted to laugh wildly. They were definitely here to give away points.

“Wow!” La Tie looked around—Xia Tian didn’t care what he was wearing. “I’ve never been to a real forest. The forests in the park are private and you can’t enter without a password.”


Xia Tian didn’t respond. He thought that he hadn’t seen a real forest either, but he wouldn’t yell in front of the camera like that.

Bai Jingan walked to the hill next to him and surveyed the terrain on all sides.

Since they were randomly transmitted to various points on the arena, they needed to first determine their location based on the surrounding terrain, then the location of the resource point, and how to reach it.

The slope of the hill wasn’t large, but it was enough to see the size of the forest, the vegetation and the river nearby. Bai Jingan glanced around twice, let out a “hmm”, then walked down and said, “This place is about two kilometers northwest of the third resource point.” r8RXzP

“Let’s go there!” La Tie said, taking a step in an unknown direction. He turned around and said, “Hurry up. If we don’t go right away, all the things will be robbed by others!”

“We aren’t going to the resource point,” Bai Jingan said before turning and walking towards another direction.

La Tie was momentarily frozen as he lingered in the direction he had chosen. Bai Jingan looked at his surroundings as he walked; it looked like he was taking a walk, but he was by no means just taking a walk.

He said, “Let’s rob someone else.” zukjeR

On TV, when tactical planners assessed the situation and made plans, they usually had some signature moves.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Uertlcu eq atf uijrrfr, abemtlcu atf mtlc, bg pera fwqtjrlhlcu lcmfrrjcais… rbwfatlcu ilxf “P’w vblcu rbwfatlcu nfgs mbbi jcv fzagfwfis vloolmeia” lc mjrf atf jevlfcmf vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv la.

Dea Djl Alcujc’r jmalbcr kfgf jr lo tf kjr vblcu atfw klatbea jcs mbwwfgmljilrw. Lf vlvc’a ibbx ilxf tf kjr qjgalmlqjalcu lc j Bliilcu Vtbk ja jii yea lcrafjv j abeg uelvf ktb tjafv tlr pby, ajxlcu abeglrar ab rff atf vlijqlvjafv jaagjmalbcr tf tjv jigfjvs nlrlafv j atberjcv alwfr, klat j ybgfv, vlragjmafv jcv ilofifrr ibbx. Qjamtlcu tlw, fnfc atf qfbqif cfza ab tlw kbeiv rajga ab ufa ybgfv.

The bored tour guide quickly took them through a small forest, and then across a small river, to find a suitable location for ambush. jtRaqs

Xia Tian surveyed the place. This place wasn’t so dangerous that it made people vigilant and deliberately detour around it, but it could also be enough to make those who lay ambush here take a lot of advantage.

In a few days, someone would definitely occupy this place. But now the game had just begun, and since everyone was running to the resource point and preparing for a battle, this place was quiet, with no one paying much attention to it.

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According to Bai Jingan’s statement, they could wait for a team with supplies in this place, and easily overpower the other team and take over their resources.

He calmly spoke to his robbery accomplices about tactics and set the signal for the attack. Xia Tian looked at him interestedly. Bai Jingan lowered his eyes, and his eyes met occasionally, all indifferent and boring. zGFsfY

“I think we should go to the resource point. Everyone should go to the resource point,” La Tie said, “I think… we should consider our honor and glory.”

—It was the propaganda of valor, the struggle, and the testimony of hundreds of millions of people that the Killing Show promoted.

“Everything we do will appear in front of countless audiences in the terminal,” he said, “We’ve to defend our honor in front of the entire world!”

No one paid attention to him, and followed Bai Jingan to examine the ambush site. v4E3jd

Xia Tian wanted to say “Can you stop being stupid?”, when he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the end of the path. Bai Jingan also turned his head to look, and a few seconds later, they heard a faint sound of chaotic footsteps and complaints.

La Tie took his dagger and tried to rush forward. Xia Tian grabbed him, covered his mouth and dragged him into the bushes. Bai Jingan gestured to them to be quiet.

Twenty seconds later, a small team passed through the ambush area completely unguarded while complaining to each other.

They didn’t know where they were, and there was no tactical planner in the team, so they hadn’t been able to figure out their location until now. It was just a fucking unprecedented bad luck. IOyVJe

Several people said something like “This time it’s definitely over” and left without realizing that Xia Tian’s team was silently lurking behind the bushes.

Following them, three different teams passed by their ambush site. Some were mobs and troublesome characters, but the game had just begun, and everyone was empty-handed, eager to find resources, and not intending to get into trouble with anyone.

La Tie was eager to rush out, and Xia Tian dragged him tightly.

La Tie was not at all suitable for this type of arena. No matter how bravery was promoted, this kind of competition was ultimately a game of survival through various calculations and struggles. 35SgeG

They didn’t attack just now because it was unprofitable. They were waiting for the fight to happen. Some people would be dead on the door and some would be returning with fruitful results.

Then, it would be time for them to make a move.

Xia Tian didn’t know how the resource point battle was ongoing. The medieval battlefield didn’t have any explosions, flying cars, and large-scale holographic projections. There was only the most primitive flesh and blood combat.

He could only see the ferocity of the resource point battle from the teams that had fled separately. PDQm6W

The organizers had set the third resource point next to a lake so that the scenery would be beautiful. When the battle for resources occurred, blood would dye the lake red. When they sold the surroundings after the event, they could give the lake a bloody and dramatic name.

At first, most of those who were victorious passed far away from the ambush point. It wasn’t until half an hour later that the first team passed by the ambush point.

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It was a three-person team. Bai Jingan didn’t send a signal for attack when they passed. Xia Tian took a look and knew that this team was a hard bone to chew.

The three were all professionals with a lot of supplies. They had obviously won a big victory in the previous battle. All of them had blood splattered on their bodies but if you looked closely, you would find that they were all splattered on and there was almost no damage to the persons themselves. BLUFlA

As they slowly approached, Xia Tian lay still. The group of people were talking about the battle of resource points in a relaxed tone. Xia Tian heard a familiar voice jump out and say, “Okay, we should unite—”

He suddenly realized that he had heard this voice.

Towards the end of the second round of the competition, Xia Tian had fallen behind—he had quarrelled with Bai Jingan, who had told him to get lost. He wandered near an abandoned building, his ears buzzing from a rocket launcher, so he only spotted them when he was very close.

Those people were arguing standing behind a crumbling wall. s28gBl

Xia Tian quickly hid behind the wall. These people were bickering, which was  interspersed with someone’s wailing. It sounded like someone named Luo Qingtian had found a young man in the closet. The other side handed over the scorecard, and screamed in surrender.

Luo Qingtian asked this guy to crawl out of the closet, take off his clothes, and dance for him. The other party obediently complied, but Luo Qingtian felt that he was “dancing too badly”, so he shot him in the lower body.

The gunfire and screams attracted several other teammates. One of them yelled at Luo Qingtian, “How much of a pain in the ass can you be? The screams may attract people nearby. Who knows how long this competition will last!”

“He didn’t dance well because he was nervous,” another said. reS9Xy

There was also a newcomer who said with a trembling voice, “Well, this is still a young kid. Now that the score card is taken, the person is already ruined, so let’s… forget it?”

Several others disagreed, saying that who knew if the young man would hold a grudge if he was saved, men who had suffered sexual abuse were the ones who  held a grudge the most.

They also chatted up as if no one was there. The boy’s voice had gone hoarse with the screaming.

—This kind of thing was very common in the Killing Show. It was nothing but a cluster of lawless lands where players did all sorts of things to have fun. jC5knD

The planning team would edit the footage before releasing it, and sometimes cut it directly if it didn’t match the style of the player.

The newcomer who didn’t know the rules was still trying to save the other boy endlessly. He was saying, “We don’t need to do this, he has already—”

Xia Tian heard a “bang.” It was the sound of a bullet passing through the skull.

There was finally silence. Luo Qingtian said seriously, “Don’t quarrel, we’re a team. We should work together.” 5vwf7y

Three seconds of silence, and, at this moment, the game had ended.

The ending scene of the Killing Show was worth watching; it was just like stepping into the candy world from hell.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The doomsday style gloomy sky suddenly changed. Laser fireworks bloomed, colorful, grand and festive. Majestic music slowly played, as if the whole world was singing passionately.

The holographic projection of the host, who had a bright smile and well styled hair, appeared in the sky. He was wearing an ancient warrior-style dress, looking only slightly pretentious. lMufkv

“Heroes, you’ve proven your courage and strength!” He said.

On the ground, all those who were hiding, killing and fleeing stopped their movements and looked up at the sky.

The host continued, “The injured are asked to stay where they are. The medical staff will begin treatment as soon as possible, and this time, Holy Gold Medical Supplies is providing services for the heroes—”

He continued to say words like courage and feast, interspersed with the names of a large number of sponsors. Under the sky of this display panel, the killing was over, and the people who were alive at this moment had survived the round, and the next was the revelry. The murderers and the victims gathered together, drank alcohol, got high, got laid, and stuffed their stomachs. hrHMp8

Someone in the team ahead said, “Finally!”

Someone nearby cheered cooperatively, and these people left.

Xia Tian came out from behind the wall and looked down at the corpse. It was indeed a child. He should have just reached the age of sixteen, and his fetal hair hadn’t yet cleared off.

He had fallen in the rubble without clothes. Luo Qingtian had ruined his lower body and opened a hole in his head, soaking the ground with blood. However, no one took more than a glance. yQK0Ni

Someone was crying in the distance, but Xia Tian didn’t have the energy to turn his head to see who it was. This kind of thing was everywhere.

He averted his gaze and walked tiredly towards the exit where the sky made the rainbow effect.

Halfway there, he saw Bai Jingan coming out of hiding. The man didn’t see him. He gave a sweeping glance at the battlefield that was covered in death and destruction , the light of fireworks reflected on his face and eyes.

His hair was messy, his clothes were dirty, and his head was downcast. Under the beautiful scenery of the sky, he looked a little bleak, like a lost ghost. 8o pai


Translator's Note

Single clothing is a single layer of clothing without lining.

Translator's Note

Original word used is 送分题 aka ‘sub-question’ which means that a certain problem is so simple that it gives everyone points. In this context, since killing people gives points, and the setting is the medieval age where network logisticians have no use, so they are there to give away points.

Translator's Note

Fetal hair, in normal cases, goes away within the first few weeks after a baby is born. In our context, this probably is another way of saying that the guy is really a child.

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