Jovial Records of the Bamboo BeautyCh21 - Aftermath

In the early morning of the following day, the rising sun was just starting to shine yet the banks of the Wei River were swarming with soldiers already. The residents had been herded to a nearby area so they wouldn’t accidentally interfere in the investigation. The people living by the river were mere fishermen and -women, they’d never seen such a commotion. They huddled together and talked about last night’s events.

During the hour of the dragon, countless lavish and luxurious carriages arrived one after another; the men exiting the carriages were all wearing tall hats and fine clothes. SsDQAL

After asking the guards, the commoners found out that these men were high-ranking officials of the Han Empire, who always remained aloof of worldly affairs. As the saying went, ‘One can see the head of a heavenly dragon, yet not the tail.’

Today, the officials had entered Weiyang Palace before dawn like every morning. However, the Emperor had yet to hold his mourning court, when they’d heard that the Empress Dowager’s dragon boat had caught fire the previous night.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The guards stationed at the nearest gate to the imperial capital had searched and scoured the Wei River the entire night, but had failed to find the missing noble personages.

At this time, countless corpses had washed up on the shore of the river. Seeing that they wore the signature robes of the palace servants, the surrounding people sighed in sympathy at their untimely deaths. Throughout the night, the servants had jumped off the burning boat into the dark waters and struggled to stay afloat. The survivors who’d made it to the shore recounted the shocking scenes with trembling voices and widened eyes. zkPON8

Up until now, there was no trace of Wang Zhengjun’s body. Merely her jewel-encrusted phoenix crown had washed ashore. Few knew that the Empress Dowager had burnt to death aboard her dragon boat.

Among the high-ranking officials of the imperial court stood a man in gold-threaded brocade robes. He was young, handsome and had fine features; the corner of his thin, pink lips was curved upward.

Most of the civil officials at the imperial court were past their forties, while the military officials were rough-looking rogues. Only this man appeared elegant and refined, like a genuine Ruist gentleman. Attracting the attention of the nearby crowd.

Word spread amongst them, quickly learning his identity–


Wang Mang maternal cousin of the current emperor and nephew of the empress dowager, was the chief minister of the entire Han Empire: the Grand Marshal.

On the Wei River, several fishing boats slowly sailed towards the docks; they’d been out fishing since before the break of dawn and were on their way back. The guards on the shore pulled up a boundary rope and yelled, “Currently, the imperial court is re-trieving the people who fell into the water last night. No one is allowed to dock during the search and rescue effort.”

If the freshly caught fishes weren’t sold as soon as possible, they’d go to waste and the fishermen would suffer heavy losses. Stuck on their boats, at a loss, the fishermen exchanged glances.

“Let them dock!” iWGD4t

When they heard someone intervene, the crowd turned to see that Wang Mang had raised his voice to assist them. Acting in a measured manner, he strode to the boundary rope and persuaded, “The search and rescue effort is of importance. However we, the imperial court, shouldn’t disrupt the common people’s lives too much.” He paused, “In case we’re blamed by the one above, I’ll take responsibility.” Having spoken, he swiftly drew his sword and cut the rope in two. Compliments sounded all around. Wang Mang’s smile and swift actions had won these people over in one move.

Not long after, a gorgeous gilded carriage emerged from beyond the nearest city gate. Numerous armed men escorted it; although their facial features were unique, their eyes were equally intense, as sharp as goshawks’. These men were skilled martial artists.

The gilded carriage came to a halt and three people exited.

The civil and military officials of the court lifted their robes and knelt down before them, without hesitation. a3uT7E

Shocked the surrounding commoners stood still for a moment then hastily knelt down as well.

Wang Mang frowned, a crease appearing between his brows, when he noticed Liu Xin standing by Liu Ao’s side. Wang Mang had expected the court to erupt into utter chaos, after hearing of the incident, but he hadn’t known who’d lived and who’d died.

His heart sank when he saw that Liu Xin was still alive.

The twelve-tasseled crown, elaborate dragon robe and golden ornaments couldn’t cover up the sorrowful look in the emperor’s eyes. At around midnight, Liu Ao had received an urgent report: The empress dowager’s dragon boat had gone up in flames, the attendees in danger of burning to death or drowning in the river; the Wei River was one of the eight rivers that formed Chang’an’s water network. Though the Wei River’s waters weren’t turbulent the chances of survival were extremely small. ERYxiC

Before dawn broke, Liu Xin had hurried to Weiyang Palace and gave another report; he’d told him that Dong Xian was weak and bedridden, while the attendants who managed to escape the disaster were still left to their own devices on the riverbank. The life or death of his mother and his older nephew was uncertain.

After asking Liu Xin about the search and rescue effort, he’d remained silent, appearing tired out. The recent events had ex-hausted him mentally and physically.

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At present, Liu Ao was accompanied by his younger nephew, Liu Xin and his maid Zhiwei. Liu Xin had a regal demeanor and handsome appearance.

Among the many imperial nephews, Liu Ao had only brought Liu Xin along, which showed the young man’s unusual status in the emperor’s heart. Czy8VT

The wind was strong on the shore.

Zhiwei fiddled with her long tussled hair, unable to calm down. Early in the morning, she’d learned that Liu Xin and Dong Xian had leaped into the river the previous night to escape the burning dragon boat. She’d wanted to care for the bedridden Dong Xian, but Liu Xin had dragged her along to Weiyang Palace to greet the Emperor.

Liu Xin stood on the side; seeing her at a loss, he softly said, “Don’t worry, I ordered the servants to look after him. I brought you along because I need you to take care of another person.”

Puzzled, Zhiwei asked, “Who?” bIaPkN

Liu Xin replied, “Tonight, you’ll know.”

The moment he finished speaking, Zhiwei tugged on his sleeve and said in a trembling voice, “They found His Highness Yun!”

Liu Xin looked around then noticed a corpse floating on the river, dressed in an imperial prince’s signature robes. The guards lifted the corpse out of the water. Considering his facial features, he certainly was Liu Yun. Who would’ve thought that, despite his arrogant attitude, he’d one day be found dead on a riverbank.

On the shore, Liu Yun’s family members burst into tears and wails. Liu Ao hurried over to take a look, lamenting his loss. gvO2f6

Zhiwei felt scared.

Fortunately, Liu Xin and Dong Xian are safe and sound.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Remaining by the riverbank in late autumn was an unpleasant matter, the temperature had cooled considerably and a cold wind blew past. However, no one dared to complain.

Coafg atf tlut alvf gfmfvfv, wbgf vfjv ybvlfr regojmfv; rbwf fnfc klat rfnfgfv bg wealijafv ilwyr. Kb fnfgsbcf’r rtbmx, fnfc j mbgqrf kfjglcu fijybgjaf gbyfr kjr rjinjufv joafg la’v kjrtfv jrtbgf. Ktf qtbfclz wbalo, fwygblvfgfv klat ubiv atgfjv bc atf ygbmjvf gbyfr, kjr fzmierlnf ab atf fwqgfrr vbkjufg bo atf Ljc Swqlgf. Ujgar bo atf ybvs jcv gbyf kfgf mtjggfv yijmx ys olgf bg mbnfgfv lc vglfv yibbv. Ktf tfjv uejgv xcfia yfobgf Ole Cb jcv gfrqfmaoeiis qgfrfcafv j qjga bo atf qtbfclz gbyf, “Efqbgalcu ab Tbeg Zjpfras, kf obecv Lfg Zjpfras, atf Swqgfrr Gbkjufg’r mibatfr rajlcfv klat yibbv jcv qjgalji yegcr… Ktlr boolmlji ofjgr atja atf Swqgfrr Gbkjufg tjr qjrrfv!” WcVRYP

Hearing this, the civil and military officials fell to their knees in a hurry and cried, “Your Majesty, our sincerest condolences!”

Liu Ao lost his footing out of shock, luckily Liu Xin caught hold of him in time. “Your Majesty, the dead cannot be brought back to life. My condolences.”

Starry eyes and sword-like brows.

Seeing Liu Xin’s heroic appearance and hearing his comforting tone, Liu Ao’s anxious mind calmed. Liu Ao nodded and patted Liu Xin’s hand holding his own. For a moment, he felt like he’d aged ten years; tired of life and in need of an heir. qPCyVc

In the evening, the search and rescue effort came to an end. The victims’ remains were transported to Chang’an and returned to their families. Liu Ao seemed to be in low spirits, so Liu Xin had the guards escort him back to Weiyang Palace.

After Liu Ao left, the officials’ carriages also left one after another, their wheels leaving swirls of dust in their wake.

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Not long after, the Yuyang Palace attendants drove their carriage over. Once Liu Xin and Zhiwei took a seat, the carriage started to move toward the capital’s inner city.

In the shaking carriage, Liu Xin stayed silent; his expression regal and ruthless, as sharp as a sword’s edge. DHbAj9

Zhiwei recalled that he’d wanted her to take care of someone important, but hesitated to ask for more information. Outside the carriage, the horses neighed then halted. Liu Xin turned to look at Zhiwei, “We’re here, let’s get off the carriage.”

Opening the carriage’s curtain and stepping outside, Zhiwei noticed that they hadn’t arrived at Yuyang Palace.

The thick double doors made of rosewood had a door knocker in the shape of the ferocious fiend Taotie. The gold-plated plaque hung above the entrance read ‘Grand Marshal’s Estate.’

Liu Xin took a step forward and knocked the ring against the door; when the attendant opening the door noticed him, he raised his hands in respectful salute and said, “Your Highness Xin, my master awaits your arrival.” MrZFio

“Oh?” Liu Xin raised a brow. “As expected of Uncle Mang, he knew I’d pay him a visit today.” Liu Xin waved his hand and entered the estate with Zhiwei, yet without his trusted guards and servants. The fragrant flowers and singing birds gave the Grand Marshal’s Estate a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere.

The servant led Liu Xin and Zhiwei to the main courtyard, in which Wang Mang patiently waited for them. Tea leaves and hot water were already prepared and placed on the table. Obviously, he’d expected their arrival.

“Uncle Mang, you’ve a brilliant mind. You knew we’d come today, so you must know why we’re here, no?”

Wang Mang curved his lips into a light smile and said, “You wouldn’t visit my humble abode for no reason… Xin’er, you’re here to request something from me.” 2zwBmH

“Correct, Uncle Mang.” Liu Xin acknowledged, “I’m here to request someone and something.”

“Who and what?”

“Lord Dong’s sister-in-law, Dong Yulan, and your collection of Lingzhi from the Wuyi Mountains.”

Wang Mang was stunned silent for a moment, then sneered, “Why should I give them to you?” BbA3XS

“The person Lord Dong loves most in this life is his sister-in-law. Now that he’s of no more use to you, Uncle Mang, why not let him live a leisurely life?”

Liu Xin said what he’d wanted to say, then sat in his seat and serenely sipped his tea.

Wang Mang thought, Truthfully it won’t matter if I relinquish Dong Xian to Liu Xin. I’ve made full use of the man However, Thhis execution has to be by my own hand. He knows far too much. If Dong Xian continued to live in the capital, yet was no longer loyal to Wang Mang, he’d be in serious trouble.

Wang Mang asked him, “Xin’er, why do you suddenly want to help Shengqing?” pP6JzK

“I want him!”

The moment Liu Xin spoke up, the most shocked person in the room wasn’t Wang Mang but Zhiwei, who stood to Liu Xin’s side. Liu Xin didn’t beat around the bush and said, “Uncle Mang, your overall plan is perfect; this nephew shall turn a bling eye to it for now. It’s just, this nephew is only human, he’s lost his heart to Lord Dong. Uncle Mang, please be our matchmaker.” Liu Xin didn’t have the time to pay any attention to the trembling Zhiwei. Liu Xin met Wang Mang’s gaze, the two seemed to smile at each other.

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“You may keep Dong Shengqing but Dong Yulan must stay.” Wang Mang conceded. Dong Yulan was his trump card to keep Dong Xian in check. With this card up his sleeve, Wang Mang wouldn’t have to worry about Dong Xian’s betrayal.

Liu Xin expected his response and said, “Uncle, why’re you so insistent? Lord Dong has been loyal to you for ages, you even keep Dong Yulan hostage… Why can’t I too entrap Dong Xian? Is it worth it, to keep a sickly woman hostage, so you won’t lose your capable acolyte’s loyalty? The gains don’t make up for the losses, no?” tTVCfG

“Loyal?” Wang Mang laughed out loud, “I’m afraid that his loyalty to me pales in comparison to the ‘pretense turned reality’ between Dong Xian and you, Xin’er.” He paused, “He is indeed my most capable acolyte, a true martial arts master who doesn’t miss an opening. He even hid his skills from me.”

“You knew!”

Wang Mang coldly replied, “An ordinary scholar doesn’t act like a spy. He paid no attention to his injuries, acted as forcefully and fearlessly as before. Why wouldn’t I be suspicious of him?”

“He didn’t report to you, Uncle, which indicates that he isn’t loyal to you alone any longer, he even still possesses his martial arts skills.” Liu Xin let out a sigh, “Uncle Mang, you’re a clever and capable person, nothing can be done behind your back. You are incredibly talented, command a massive army and are deeply loved by the people. Unfortunately, your family name limits you from reaching the top.” o3d8X0

Hearing this, Wang Mang’s eyes narrowed.

Liu Xin added, “Uncle Mang, you’ve come of age and are a respected official, yet you aren’t married. I wonder, what woman is worthy of you?” Smiling slightly, Liu Xin asked him, “You’ve always acted cruel towards the Emperor’s concubines who were pregnant. Say, how would you treat the Empress if she were with the Emperor’s child?”

Abruptly, Liu Xin had taken control of the conversation.

Raising the corners of his lips, Wang Mang studied the young man in front of him. Calm and collected. Liu Xin looked at him with no intention of retreat. That’s just great! Dong Xian hid his martial arts skills from me and Liu Xin he’s even bolder! UdSyD1

Though he’d been wary of Liu Xin for a long time, he hadn’t ex-pected that his foresight reached this point. Wang Mang couldn’t help but curse, Dong Xian, Dong Xian, what a talented student you taught!

“Why would I pay her, in particular, any attention?”

“You wouldn’t?” Liu Xin questioned “Did I make a mistake? Uncle Mang, you frequently pay a visit to the Empress; you two don’t appear to be ordinary in-laws.”

Zhao Feiyan, a gentle and gracious woman, should be a swift swallow who freely flew toward the skies like her name implied, she shouldn’t be a lone canary imprisoned in the imperial palace. bGqpdk

Wang Mang laughed out loud, “How you think I treat her has nothing to do with me.”

Liu Xin smiled and shook his head, “I didn’t put it that way, now did I? No need to feel offended.” He paused for a moment, “I have a question for you, Uncle Mang. Last night, the Empress Dowager’s dragon boat went up in flames and sank to the bottom of the river. I thought about the matter, again and again, and still think that something’s strange… A member of the Imperial Clan must’ve planned the attack in advance; how else could the blaze have spread so fast?”

“If so, wouldn’t you be the most suspicious?”

Liu Xin smiled and nodded, “However, Lord Dong attended the banquet too, we were both in the same boat, so to speak. If I were investigated, he wouldn’t be able to escape responsibility. I wonder… who’s the one pulling the strings behind the scenes?” vETgGz

Hearing Liu Xin’s hypothesis, Wang Mang’s heart skipped a beat. His insight is astounding! Realizing that his nephew hadn’t come threaten him, he confronted him, “What do you mean?”

“It’s simple. If you refuse to let Dong Yulan go, then allow one of my attendants to take care of her instead.” Liu Xin knew Wang Mang wouldn’t give in so easily. Dong Xian had failed to hide his martial arts, thus Dong Yulan’s safety couldn’t be guar-anteed. Only by sending a trusted confidant to her side, would Dong Xian feel at ease.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I see.” Wang Mang didn’t let his guard down; he glanced at Zhiwei and replied, “I’ll order my attendants to arrange a room for her, she may stay for the following nights.”

Wang Mang then left the main chamber. 2Tthr5

Liu Xin looked at Zhiwei, seeing her look of disbelief, he said “Dong Yulan is Dong Xian’s most important person. Please, re-member to take good care of her.”

Many images flashed through Zhiwei’s troubled mind.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. Occasionally, she’d see Dong Xian sit beside the window; his eyes slightly shut and lips pursed, as if he waited for a kiss. Turns out, the one he’d waited for was Liu Xin! After a brief bout of silence, Zhiwei asked him, “Your Highness, since you saw through Wang Mang’s scheme, why not force him to admit his involvement?”

Liu Xin sighed, “I don’t dare to act rashly, his military power is nearly unchecked. I’m merely delaying the inevitable…” zpos5J

“Do you really love Dong Shengqing?”

Zhiwei’s sudden question startled the two of them.

Liu Xin stood up, smiling silently; his smile seemed light and easy, yet it hid deep devotion and determination. His expression echoed Dong Xian’s expectant look, when he sat by the window.

How can true love be expressed with mere words? Vatglx

It could neither be seen nor touched; it could only be understood but not expressed.

True love was the silent understanding between two people; a simple, tender smile that was treasured for a lifetime.

Liu Xin’s expression answered Zhiwei’s questions. She let out a sigh and said, “I understand.” Then looked into his eyes, “Don’t worry, Your Highness, I’ll take care of Lady Dong with all my heart.”

Liu Xin nodded and walked out of the main chamber without waiting for Wang Mang to return. On his way back to Yuyang Palace he didn’t enter the carriage but mounted his hunting horse and rode ahead, the steed breaking into a gallop. Only when two people are each other’s sunshine, can their love bloom and bear fruit. Liu Xin could sense the connection between him and Dong Xian. In this life, Dong Shengqing’s red string of fate is tied only to me. x4DJyg


Walking toward his chambers, Liu Xin saw a servant exiting with a tray in his hands. Liu Xin stepped forward to take a closer look. The dishes on the tray were neatly arranged, they must’ve been brought from the main kitchen. The food was plentiful and expertly prepared.

“Your Highness, Lord Dong refuses to eat anything that’s too greasy.” Seeing that the dishes served were all light; neither too spicy nor too greasy, Liu Xin took the tray and told the servant, “Take care of your tasks for the day. I’ll persuade him to eat.”

Once he pushed the door open, he noticed Dong Xian leaning against the window and watching the sky, his gaze vacant. Last night, on the riverbank, they’d relentlessly fought each other. He looked listless, haggard, and was covered in countless bandages. Standing by the window, the blue veins on his pale neck looked overly prominent. J3iyFd

Noticing his thin frame, Liu Xin’s anger flared, “Why’re you not eating properly?” Liu Xin pulled Dong Xian toward the table made him sit and placed a pair of chopsticks in his hand.

“Your Highness why’re you keeping me under house arrest?” Dong Xian glanced at Liu Xin and asked. When he’d woken up this morning, Liu Xin hadn’t been around anymore. Dong Xian knew that he’d gone to the Emperor to report on the Wei River incident. His heart felt twisted and twined, like a ball of tangled skein. I wonder what Wang Mang’ll do, when he notices that I’m still alive.

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He’d hastily changed his clothes and hurried toward the main entrance. However, to his surprise, the Yuyang Palace servants knelt down in front of him to block his path. It would have taken him a mere moment, a single whiplash, to deal with these people, but they’d pleaded with him not to leave. The servants had stated that he must be leaving because they hadn’t served him properly; once the prince noticed his absence he’d take their lives in anger. Since when’re these servants of one heart and mind? Dong Xian thought, This must be Liu Xin’s idea!

He hadn’t been able to leave the palace. ZCriDc

Dong Xian looked at Liu Xin and asked if he’d come up with this idea. Liu Xin refused to reply, placed a single bamboo sprout in Dong Xian’s bowl instead and said, “Have a bite!”

Dong Xian put down his chopsticks, “Putting me under house arrest is useless. Your Highness, you know as well as I do that if I decide to leave, no one in Yuyang Palace can stop me!”

Liu Xin placed more green vegetables in Dong Xian’s bowl, “I wonder… if a certain someone heard about his sister-in-law, would he eat a proper meal?”

“There’s news from Dong Yulan?” Hearing this, Dong Xian nearly burst with joy. He was about to question Liu Xin when he noticed him hold a mushroom to his mouth, he had no choice but to open his mouth obediently. FjO4ql

Liu Xin smiled mischievously.

Dong Xian picked up his chopsticks and began to eat the food Liu Xin had placed in his bowl, bite by bite.

After he finally finished his meal, Liu Xin handed him another bowl filled with egg soup. Dong Xian couldn’t say no to him, so he sipped a few spoonfuls of it to humor him.

“How’s my sister-in-law’s health? Is Wang Mang giving her a hard time?” The moment he put the emptied bowl down, Dong Xian asked him immediately. OG0UTj

Liu Xin softly stroked his hand and said, “Wang Mang and I are keeping each other in check for now… He won’t act any time soon. No need to worry, I had Zhiwei attend to Dong Yulan. She isn’t facing Wang Mang alone. If something happens, Zhiwei’ll report it.”

Dong Xian stood up and paced around the room, he abruptly turned to Liu Xin and demanded, “I want to visit Wang Mang’s Estate and see my sister-in-law for myself.”

“You’re crazy! You can’t leave!” Liu Xin exclaimed “Where but Yuyang Palace can you be? Wang Mang wants nothing more than to silence you, eradicate your very existence!” Liu Xin tried to reason, “If you return to him, won’t you be a sheep caught in the tiger’s fangs? The imperial court will certainly send officials to investigate the Wei River incident. Wang Mang’ll escape due punishment, but you… are a gecko’s tail, a necessary sacrifice.”

Dong Xian was upset by Liu Xin’s words. Though everything he’d said made sense, he couldn’t let the matter go. Since Wang Mang wants to silence me, why would he keep my sister-in-law alive? Dong Xian stayed silent throughout the afternoon. 1sB7Dx

At night, the two went to bed early.

Once Liu Xin finished reading a wooden slip, he noticed that Dong Xian had fallen asleep already, he lowered his head to face him and slowly whispered, “Shengqing, you shouldn’t lie to me. Why’re you acting like you’re asleep?”

“I’m not pretending to sleep, I’m sleeping.”

Dong Xian answered with closed eyes. PAyNU6

Liu Xin undressed and lay down next to him on the bed. Dong Xian’s body trembled noticeably. Liu Xin pulled Dong Xian into his arms, his skin felt cold to the touch. “Why didn’t you let go last night, when you were dragged along by me?” Liu Xin asked, “What would you’ve done if my horse kept going?”

Dong Xian replied, “Then why didn’t you halt your horse?” His lashes fluttered, though his eyes stayed shut.

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“Of course, I pulled on the reins! If I hadn’t, the horse would ’ve continued galloping. By the time it would’ve stopped on its own, you would’ve fainted from exhaustion.”

“Twisted words, forced logic.” F2ja3G

Neither of them could explain their reasoning throughout the argument, they were caught up in a fierce back-and-forth.

Dong Xian pressed his face against Liu Xin’s broad chest.

The steady sound of his heartbeat and the comforting warmth his body radiated made him feel safe and sound. Dong Xian couldn’t help but wrap his arms around Liu Xin’s waist and whisper, “If you promise me something, I’ll consider forgiving you.”

Liu Xin kissed his forehead and asked, “What is it?” YhCrjQ

Dong Xian was slightly stunned then uttered, “Forget I asked, you wouldn’t agree anyway.”

“Say it already!”

Knowing that Liu Xin wouldn’t let him off easily, Dong Xian regretted voicing his thoughts. He let go of Liu Xin, then turned around and tried to fall asleep.

Intrigued, Liu Xin refused to give in. He climbed onto Dong Xian’s lap like a naughty boy, straddling his thighs, then forced him to lay down flat. He insisted, “Tell me! If you don’t tell me, how would you know if I agree or not?” o9frSB

Watching Liu Xin act like the naughty youth he’d been when they first met Dong Xian chuckled and softly caressed his cheek. “Come off first, you’re holding down my chest… I can’t breathe like this, much less talk.”

No matter how intelligent and experienced you are, your age still limits you. Dong Xian thought.

Liu Xin obediently climbed off his chest, then lay down next to him, meeting his eyes. Dong Xian admitted, “I want… I want to go to Wang Mang’s Estate to see my sister-in-law tonight…”

“No!” He had yet to finish speaking when Liu Xin interrupted him. The mischievous look on his face had disappeared, replaced with one of might and majesty. 9wK3st

Now that Dong Xian had a special status in his heart, Liu Xin couldn’t let him take this risk.


“Stop talking, go to sleep!” Liu Xin pulled up the thick quilt, resolutely ending their discussion. This time, it was Liu Xin who turned around and tried to sleep. Suddenly, Liu Xin was hugged from behind and a warm breath ghosted over the back of his neck In the dimly lit chamber, Dong Xian’s eyes seemed to flash with light. He let out a sigh, “I know it’s for my own safety, but if my sister-in-law hadn’t raised me, cared for me since I was little, the current me wouldn’t exist and you wouldn’t have met me at all. Why force me to be unfilial and disloyal?”

Dong Xian pressed against Liu Xin’s back and tightened his hold around him. Liu Xin took one of his hands and held it to his lips, tenderly kissing it. 4CmEkt

To Dong Xian, Liu Xin’s next words sounded utterly sincere; mellow in tone, as if they came from the heart. “Sleep well.” Liu Xin whispered, “Shengqing, even you, a dutiful son, needs sleep. You’re exhausted.”

Dong Xian’s heart skipped a beat and in that moment, he felt Liu Xin turn toward him and wrap his arms around him again.

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Leaning against his safe, muscular chest the fear and fatigue of the past days, years, slowly settled down.


Translator's Note

The term junzi 君子 lit. means ‘person of high stature’  and is often translated as ‘gentleman.’ Both Confucius and Duke Wen of Zhou used the term to describe the ideal man in their works.

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