The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh96 - Flat Plate


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Translator's Note

this refers to the world of martial artists/cultivators here

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  1. Thank you for the chapter!!

    Man, I’m both dreading and anticipating when they find out the truth about each other’s genders because I’m really going to miss these soft interactions between these two that I don’t think will exist post-reveal 😥

  2. thank you for the chapter! i always laugh everytime lin shu wonders about big miss’ ‘flat chest’ lol. i wonder if big miss also wonder the same thing about lin shu?

  3. i mean they got me to lin shu, i was genuinely reading like “okay so theres scum in both, but also good people huh interesting” the author just psyched me so hard without hesitation

  4. The “other women that might be fooled” LS. LFX is going to have his hands full keeping him safe

  5. Noooo I believed in them too 😭 this shows how i could be sold off and help count the kidnappers money sksk

    If ml lied and they also lied, shouldn’t the opposite side know that there’s also no such city and be suspicious of ml and mc’s identities?? 🤔

    • Not unless they try searching for the city, which they don’t have a reason to do. They probably think it’s some kind of small city they don’t know about