If You Don’t Fall in Love, You’ll DieCh3 - This System Initially Respects You As a Man!

Editor: Victorst

Ren Jing was startled for a moment upon seeing the unfamiliar red exclamation mark, but raised the corner of his lips shortly after. He sent a message that no one would be able to see: [I’m a little ungrateful bastard.] n2sFAR

Meanwhile, on the other side—

Death System gave Ye Chen a thumbs up. “This system initially respects you as a man!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Gentleman Chen, “…”

Death System continued, “You may pray that he won’t send any message to you. If that’s the case, he wouldn’t know that you’ve unfriended him.” O7INGK

Ye Chen asked, “And then?”

Death System provided advice, “You could quietly add him back as your friend.”

Ye Chen said faintly, “You’re speaking as if he doesn’t need to accept the request first if I add him as a friend.”

Death System, “Right… There’s nothing else you could do, then.” I had to make my tone of rejoicing in other people’s misfortune less obvious.


Ye Chen held his cellphone for a long time before eventually deciding to pretend that nothing had happened before!

In any case, he kept on living. His life wouldn’t be in danger as long as the life points didn’t drop to zero. As for the system and Ren Jing, they could just drop dead together!

Ye Chen’s mood became better as he thought about those. Then he thought again: So what if I unfriended him? Father’s butt fucking hurts a lot, you’d better be grateful that I don’t beat you up!


“Xiao Liu, drive me home!” He didn’t sleep well for the whole night yesterday after being ‘messed with’, he had to immediately go back to make up for the sleep now.

Xiao Liu said with a painful expression, “Brother Chen, you still have an audition in the afternoon…”

Ye Chen said, “I’m not going.”

Xiao Liu said again, “Director Gu has told me about it seven or eight times…” jtBahl

It was fine if no one mentioned that name, but now that Xiao Liu did, Ye Chen immediately burst into anger, “If it weren’t for Gu Xi, that bastard, I wouldn’t have—”

Xiao Liu looked at him through the rear-view mirror, waiting for him to finish the rest of his words. But how could Ye Chen just shamelessly say the word ‘gotten laid’? He simply said vaguely, “In any case, I wouldn’t go. I already told Gu Xi, that cocky bastard, that I’m not free.”


Although he was feeling sorry for Gu Xi, Xiao Liu didn’t really take what Ye Chen seriously. 2xySjW

Director Gu and his Brother Chen were buddies who grew up like family. It was just a role, after all; if Ye Chen declined, then so be it.

But since Xiao Liu was a ‘middleman’, an assistant, and a young sidekick, he had to stay in character. He said, “…Brother Chen, this movie is going to be a big hit. After all, there is…erm…” He didn’t dare to mention the name ‘Ren Jing’ and simply continued, “The cast lineup is magnificent and the production crew is excellent. Moreover, it’s a movie that Director Gu produced with blood, sweat, and tears…”

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Ye Chen gave him a big, scornful glance.

Not even Xiao Liu had the slightest idea why Ye Chen had such a bad impression of Ren Jing, but more so that he wasn’t really pleased right now, which made Xiao Liu at his wit’s end. moDJz8

Ye Chen had pondered about it: he can’t accept acting in this movie, he can’t play this role!

He used to be purely fed up with Ren Jing, but what now? The two of them had done the deed, then they kissed in the next morning. In the end, Ye Chen even deleted Ren Jing from his friend list on WeChat!

Wouldn’t it be absolutely awkward if they meet again? On top of that, they had to shoot a movie together? It would become so suffocatingly awkward!


Ye Chen hurriedly dialled Gu Xi’s number.

A lazy voice sounded through the cellphone, “Brat, you might have time to spare, but I’m not. Please hurriedly speak up if something fucking happened.”

“Speak up your shit!” Ye Chen didn’t want to waste his breath and immediately said, “I won’t act in your movie. Find someone else in my place.”

Gu Xi asked seriously, “Huh? Hadn’t you agreed? The role is modelled after you, who will play it if not you?” v3YfOg

Ye Chen scoffed, “There are a lot of dandies in this world, I’m not the only one.”

Gu Xi said shamelessly, “But they’re not as pretty as you.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Chen, “Get lost! Father is handsome!”

Xe Wl gfqilfv, “Tfjt, j sbecu, tjcvrbwf wjc ktb lr 169 mw ajii.” EdUWFO

Llr kbgvr tjv ageis boofcvfv Tf Jtfc. Tf Jtfc lcrajcais fzqibvfv jcv fzmijlwfv, “Mjaas Xe!”


Ktf wjaafg bo atf ‘fnlivbfg’ Glgfmabg Xe ktb erfv ab yf oja ktfc tf kjr sbecu kjr jirb j rfcrlalnf abqlm ab yf wfcalbcfv. Wljb Ole bcis klrtfv tf mbeiv megi tlwrfio lcab j yjii rb atja tf mbeiv gbii ecvfg atf mjg’r rfja ab xffq atf ilaaif xlaafc mbwqjcs.

After the two sneered at each other for a while, Gu Xi still had a lot to do, so he said, “Since you don’t want to act, just forget it. Who even needs to ask for you?” dJqBt5

Ye Chen said meaningful and heartfelt words, “Father is doing this for your sake.”

His words were the truth. Ye Chen was very ‘well-known’ in the entertainment circle: he was famous for being wealthy, having a lot of resources, and being unpopular.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The reason was no other but because of our Brother Chen having full marks on looks but minus marks on acting skills. Added up together, it resulted in ‘zero’, which made his value quite balanced.


Ye Chen slept until dark. He ate some food after waking up and eventually felt his strength regained.

His father had work to handle on Country M, and his mother—who was clingy to his father—insisted on tagging along. These parents were really something else, they already left for more than half a month and had completely forgotten about their son long since.

Ye Chen was glad to be free. He carried the meowing little cat which had been satiated and bathed, then leisurely watched a movie for a while.

One of his disreputable friends sent him a message and asked him to hang out. Ye Chen’s butt still hurt, so he only wanted to stay at home and didn’t feel like going anywhere. WYmGsp


After rejecting the offers, Ye Chen began to feel that something wasn’t quite right.

It’s so quiet.

Death System hasn’t made a single sound for the whole afternoon. SGw73N

Has it become aware that it can’t force Ye Chen and decided to give up?

Ye Chen had probably thought too far about it: The daily mission would give one life point every day; it’ll accumulate if I keep doing the missions. According to the clichés in fiction, these life points could most likely be exchanged with items through Death System. Things like Appearance Flourishing Elixir, Stamina Pill, mysterious skills, or some super effective and miraculous medicines… Right, Ye Chen would probably be extremely touched if Height Growth Pill existed.

Forget about it. Short as I am, I’m living comfortably. Ain’t got time to daydream about nonsense.

Ye Chen did have the willpower to resist temptation, but he was just an innocent boy at the end of the day. Death System knew him better than he himself. IiU0xR


Ye Chen slept soundly, ate breakfast joyfully, then played with the kitten happily. After doing all of that, the clock had shown 9 AM before he knew it.

“Ding dong. Daily mission: Hug Ren Jing three times. The reward is one life point.”

Ye Chen asked, “I won’t die as long as the life point doesn’t drop to zero, right?” gUSZ0p

Death System replied, “Yes.”

Ye Chen stretched himself lazily.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Eventually, Death System uncovered the truth, “The time of your death was 9.55 AM. One life point would be deducted every day at this time.” H8tdUi

Hearing that, Ye Chen who was still stretching immediately straightened himself and asked, “What?”

Death System continued, “Friendly reminder, you have 55 minutes left…”

Ye Chen was struck dumb. This is different from what had been agreed!


Death System said faintly, “You could have more than one life point.”

Ye Chen, “So…how many are left…?”

Death System asked, “Are you sure you really want to know?”

Ye Chen wore an expression of ‘had nothing left to live for’. kgqUcG

Death System said, “I’m afraid you’ll cry until you become a 200 jins dog.”

Ye Chen, “…” I’ll burst out crying until I become the 180 jins Fatty Gu

Death System spoke with a tone of a loving father, “Alright, now go do the mission earnestly, it’s just some hugs. No need to be afraid, just ‘climb’ on him!”

Brother Chen didn’t feel like paying attention to it anymore. Could this kind of savior even exist? I’m afraid that even if I drag it out, chip chop it to pieces, then feed it to the wolves, the wolves would get indigestion after eating it! 8sk0EC


Despite feeling infuriated, this was a matter of life and death, so Ye Chen mustn’t be careless.

Hug Ren Jing three times within 55 minutes? That sounded easy, but the problem was Ren Jing’s whereabouts!

Ye Chen picked his cellphone up and dialled Xiao Liu’s number. After telling him a bunch of things, Xiao Liu replied, although still bewildered, “Okay, I’ll immediately ask about it!” How strange, why was his Brother Chen suddenly asked Movie King Ren’s schedule? This is unsound of him! w89o2v

Xiao Liu handled his work steadily. Ten minutes later, he had sent someone to pick Ye Chen up.


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After getting into the car, Ye Chen began to stare blankly at the cellphone he was currently holding.

I’ll have to count on Ren Jing to ‘devote’ himself to cooperate with me in the future, so should I add him back as a friend? GbKEJi

Yeah, I got to add him back!

The result would be the same whether I do it or not. I’ll face this problem bravely since I’ve decided to do it!

Ye Chen closed his eyes as his fingers pressed on the screen. With that, the friend request has been sent successfully.

After half a second had passed, he opened his eyes a bit to peek at his phone. He noticed that his request hadn’t been accepted even though he had been peeking for a while… fTYoc4

Death System ‘comforted’ him, “You deleted him from your friend list yesterday, yet you added him back today. Movie King Ren has a temperament too, you know.” Fine, I admit that I’m hitting him when he’s down instead of comforting him.

What could Ye Chen even do? The tears one shed today is the result of them losing their mind at that time. Never think of smiling ever again if it’s not drained out.


Never mind WeChat for now, the most urgent matter was to go and hug Ren Jing. 2ktgmd

Ren Jing was a busy bee, after all. Even though there wasn’t that much earth-shattering news of him anymore in these two years, he was still accepting acting roles. Particularly since he had become the shareholder of WSM Entertainment Ltd., thus he had so much work that they were too numerous to count.

Xiao Liu informed Ye Chen through a message that Ren Jing was at a meeting in the WSM Building, which should end around 9.40 AM.

Ye Chen had counted the time, it should be just right. No matter what, I must hug him three times within 15 minutes! 2dDPn1


He hurriedly rushed to WSM Entertainment’s building and asked a favor from one of his disreputable friends so that he could get in by the back door.

His disreputable friend mocked him, “Didn’t you dislike Ren Jing the most? How come you’re taking the initiative to look for him now?”

Ye Chen uttered nonsense in a deadpanned tone, “I have business with him. My old man wants to cooperate with WSM.” Z2QfjE

“Then you should have looked for me instead!”

Ye Chen glanced at him and asked, “Are you even the owner?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The disreputable friend, “Uh…”

Ye Chen asked again, “Or is it your father who is the owner?” cjFieA

The disreputable friend gave him a nudge. “Go away, go away!”


Ye Chen really couldn’t afford to waste any more time, thus he immediately took the elevator to the 37th floor and rushed to the outside of the meeting room, then waited anxiously.

It’s already 9.40 AM, so why hasn’t the meeting ended? uBVra

Ye Chen kept checking his cellphone repeatedly. He felt as if his life was rapidly draining away with each minutes and seconds that went by.

This is urgent, extremely urgent!


But things like meetings were number one in the world in terms of not being on schedule, just like teachers who insisted on extending class after the bell rang. xbC WZ

Although it had been decided that the meeting would end at 9.40 AM, it wasn’t worthy to be called a ‘meeting’ if it didn’t get dragged on until 10.40 AM.

What should I do, what should I do? There’s no way I had to force my way in, right?

And then I’ll proceed to hug Ren Jing tightly in front of more than ten great industry leaders?

Just how brazen would he be if he did that!? GKxTjC

Ye Chen was completely at a loss. When he took a look at his cellphone again, it showed that the time was already 9.50 AM. He only has five minutes left…

Death System sighed. “You’re still thinking about your reputation? Your life is more important!”

Ye Chen was so anxious that his eyes turned red. He didn’t want to die; why must he die when he had been living such a comfortable life? Let’s say he did die, wouldn’t his old man be deeply grieved?

As he thought so, Ye Chen felt a twinge on the tip of his nose. fIJBQi


To hell with it! Ye Chen made up his mind and took a step forward. Just when he only took a step, the solid door in front of him slowly opened.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

As if basking in the Holy Light, Ye Chen truly felt that the man ahead of him had become the Savior!

Ye Chen rushed ahead and hugged Ren Jing just like that. s IVNy

Brother Chen wanted to hug Ren Jing in an assertive manner, but their height difference was quite big so Ye Chen looked like he threw himself into Great Movie King Ren’s embrace from the onlookers’ perspective.

Ren Jing was startled for a moment. His mind was focused on Ye Chen’s red and slightly watery eyes.

He had just seen this kind of appearance last night, but Ye Chen was crying because of his body’s physiological response at that time, which was especially charming. It was different from the expression he was showing at the moment, which made his heart ache instead.


“What’s wrong?” asked Ren Jing, his voice gentle.

Ye Chen didn’t say anything and hugged him tightly instead, then promptly let go. After that, he repeated the process of hugging and letting go, and then did the same thing again for the third time.

Ren Jing, “…”

All of the industry leaders behind Ren Jing, “!!!” KYNRPh

Death System announced, “Congratulations, you’ve completed the daily mission. You got the reward of one life point.”

It’s done! Ye Chen can’t help but pursed his lips into a smile. But not long after, he realized that the situation had become uncontrollably awkward!

What to do now? Well, of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, running away is the best!


Taking advantage of the bewildered crowd, Ye Chen rubbed oil on his sole and ran away so fast that not even a rabbit could compare!

Ren Jing was in a daze for quite a while before recovering from the shock.

The people behind him went completely silent. Was that the Ye Family’s young master? Did Ren Jing seduce then abandon him!?

Th-this is unacceptable! 92qd7f

The author has something to say:

The moment Ren Jing saw the friend request on his cellphone, he’ll immediately ‘understand’ what’s going on [silly face]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Thank you, little angels, who have thrown bombs at me, smooches! Keep sending red packets today~ Remember that you had to log in and leave a comment before you’re able to send one. The first one hundred packets must be sent, while the rest could be sent depending on the situation. Mua!


Translator's Note

Totally didn’t made up all the “imaginary” items (looks away)… And YC bby u read/watch too much fictions, dear!

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Soooo uhhhh, I’m not sure if I’m translating the uhhh, “saying” properly, but let’s see… I think author is “quoting” this from a book title, which is a kind of motivational book? self-help? self-reflect? Something like dat. I think the book title is trying to say something like… The reason why one is crying right now is exactly because of what they did in the past (mebbe sth stupid or things like dat). So, like, if the “tears” (problem?) are not “drained” (fixed? solved?), they’ll keep “crying” (stay foolish) forever. So the best option would be to “drain” the tears out so that they could “smile” (solving the problem) again. Well, at least that’s what i could interpret it as…?

Translator's Note

I don’t expect it but this is a legit entertainment company in Hong Kong (the name is exactly the same, so i think that should be it. And no, im totally not researching abt it…not…at all… scoots away). The scope of business includes record production and distribution, music publishing & song licensing, audio & video recording licensing, concert organiser, artiste management, professional rehearsal room rental and CD direct sales marketing. (Source)

Btw, WSM stands for WorldStar Music (I think). Their international (?) name is “WorldStar Music Int’l Ltd.”. Also, upon checking the web, I think their “entertainment” branch (?) is what I wrote here, while “WSM Music Group Ltd.” is more of their “overall” (?) name? I think… (Source)

Translator's Note

Let me try to explain… So “meetings” is (equally (?)) compared to “teachers who didn’t dismiss class even though time is up”, in which both aren’t “on schedule”. I hope it makes sense?

Translator's Note

The original is something like… “Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is the best” or “the best thing to do now is to quit”. The Thirty-Six Stratagems is a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and civil interaction. Its focus on the use of cunning and deception both on the battlefield and in court have drawn comparisons to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. So when used in a sentence, it’s something like “all the possible schemes and stratagems”. In this case, it’s to say that after considering every single plans (?), the best option is for Ye Chen to “flee”.

Translator's Note

This is an…idiom? It’s translated literally. It means “to sneak away; to be as slippery as an eel; to cut and run”.

Translator's Note

The raw is usually used to describe a man who “plays” with women; using (?) them at first then dumped them… Something like that. LMAO sucks on ya onlookers, Ren Jing only has his eyes on Ye Chen and yes only Ye Chen!!

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