I Love FarmingCh27.2 - You Don’t Understand Farming (Part Two)


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Translator's Note

Stickiness: this refers to sticky marketing. “Stickiness” is an informal measure of how well a brand resonates with consumers, including both quantifiable and quantitative attributes. Sticky companies are more memorable and receive more referrals, and the best way to improve it is creating a website that emphasizes the company’s unique nature.

Translator's Note

Turn a steel that was refined a hundred times into soft fingers: a metaphor describing someone becoming powerless after experiencing failure

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  1. My only complaint is that I need more Xiao Bai. I don’t mind the farming, food, and slice of life.

    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  2. I wonder what explanation they gave for CQ’s disappearance? 🤔

    Looking forward to next arc. Thank you

  3. ML is a glitch xD

    I’ll be satisfied reading a farming novel. Makes me wanna try planting, but I don’t wanna kill more plants xD


  4. no body told me that this would be slow burn, and peculiarly I’m also surprise like cui qichao why I’m still reading this…😩 it must be because all of the food porn… I’m always hungry reading this

  5. I feel like the show format is kind of irresponsible to the actor’s mental wellbeing. It’s a reality show and the actor isn’t required to act, so it means that the producer wants the actor to fall in love for real right?? If CQC actually loved someone in the virtual plane, how devastated would he be to leave that person behind without being able to explain anything😢

  6. tbh i originally clicked on this novel bc haha funny name but i’m really enjoying it 😌🙏 (it also made me make an acc) thank you for your work