I Have MedicineCh535 - Ghost Division


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  1. Yes! Even though the name is cheesy, Gu Zuo has a title to match with Tianheng’s “all-star prodigy” title!

    I love seeing Gu Zuo flaunt his powerful self!

  2. These killers are truly talented, in so little moves they’ve already managed to kill Gu Zuo’s bad impression of them 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Great to see GZ taking the full initiative here and growing fully into his protagonist role. Tianheng is just playing background wallflower here, lol.

    Translation notes:

    Everything depends on chance. –> Everything depends on fate. (or karma)

    His damned title of “Pill Slaughterer Profound Shadow” was really too shameful. –> was really too embarrassing.