I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong PersonCh124 - A Young People’s Game

After Fei Bai placed all the dishes on the table, he went to Feifei’s room to call her. The little girl rarely ate anywhere other than the dining room and came out excitedly like a little bird. Fei Bai squatted down to put a birthday hat on her, carefully tying the string and tucking her stray hair behind her ears.

Luo Yusen bent over, lighting the candles on the cake one by one. Small clusters of flames gradually illuminated the room. Fei Bai stood up and held Feifei’s hand. “Come on, let’s celebrate your birthday.” haECMP

Qiao Li and Yan Yan didn’t know Feifei very well, so they guessed her preferences based on what most little girls liked and gave her gifts like necklaces, hair clips, and dolls. Before setting them aside, Feifei glanced briefly at the presents.

Fei Bai wheeled a small children’s bicycle out of the study, complete with a helmet and knee pads in the basket. Feifei’s eyes lit up, and she ran over to it immediately.

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“Hey, hey, hey, you can’t ride it now. We’ll take you to the yard to ride it later.” Fei Bai quickly stopped the little girl from attempting to ride the bike inside the villa.

Luo Yusen had returned in such a hurry that he didn’t have time to prepare a gift for Feifei. He patted her on the head and asked her what she wanted, promising to buy it for her later. 2cVN3U

Feifei thought for a moment and then pointed at Fei Bai.

Qiao Li laughed out loud. “Are you trying to steal him from your brother?”

Luo Yusen, with a blank expression, said, “No, pick something else.”

Feifei puffed out her cheeks and stubbornly continued pointing at Fei Bai with her little finger.


Luo Yusen gently lowered her hand. “Brother Fei Bai already belongs to someone. If you don’t believe me, ask him.”

“Huh?” Fei Bai was caught off guard and then saw Luo Feifei’s expectant eyes looking at him.

He swallowed hard. “Well, Feifei, don’t listen to your brother’s nonsense. We live in a lawful country. People can’t be owned. Human trafficking is illegal, you know?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After giving her gifts, Fei Bai asked Feifei to make a wish before blowing out the candles, but she insisted on eating the cake first. Left with no choice, he cut a small piece and placed it on a plate for her. “Eat this first.” qd yFn

Mflofl qlmxfv eq tfg obgx jcv abiv Mfl Djl rtf kjcafv akb qlfmfr.

Mfl Djl, atlcxlcu atf mjxf kbeiv ibbx yjv lo tf mea jcbatfg qlfmf, abbx atf xclof jcv vlnlvfv atf rwjii qlfmf lc ogbca bo tfg lcab akb rwjiifg qlfmfr. “Ktfgf, cbk sbe tjnf akb qlfmfr. Xb jtfjv jcv fja.”

“Such a logical way to get two pieces,” Qiao Li remarked.

Feifei, always the most obedient to Fei Bai, reluctantly ate the one-piece-turned-into-two cake. Then she began to make her wish. After she finished, Yan Yan curiously asked, “Feifei, what did you wish for just now?” 6ySV C

After Feifei finished stating her wish, Fei Bai suppressed a laugh and told Yan Yan, “She said her wish is to eat cake.”

Yan Yan laughed too. “Feifei, you can wish for something bigger.”

Feifei pondered for a moment and then solemnly updated her wish.

“What is it this time?” Qiao Li joined the curious group. XGA3BT

Feifei tugged on Fei Bai, and whispered her new wish into his ear. Fei Bai looked defeated, “This time, she wishes for a bigger cake.”

During the meal, someone—nobody quite knew who—started the trend of smearing cake frosting on others’ faces. Before long, everyone except Luo Yusen had spots of frosting on their faces. It escalated into a game of chase, with Feifei being the most enthusiastic, focusing solely on smearing Fei Bai, who playfully coaxed her without retaliating.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Suddenly, Fei Bai turned around and noticed Luo Yusen sitting alone at the dining table, one hand resting on the back of his chair as he watched them.

It dawned on him that nobody dared to smear Luo Yusen with frosting, leaving him isolated from the young people’s game. zxQUq3

Fei Bai told Feifei to go play with Qiao Li and Yan Yan, then walked back to Luo Yusen with a smile. He touched Luo Yusen’s lips with a frosting-covered finger. “Shixiong, do you want to join in?”

“Not interested,” Luo Yusen denied. “Do all you kids these days enjoy this kind of chaos?”

Fei Bai sat on Luo Yusen’s lap, teasingly brushing his fingers across Luo Yusen’s lips. “Are you really not interested?”

Luo Yusen’s eyes flickered. He grabbed Fei Bai’s wrist and licked his fingertip. MVOgyw

Fei Bai’s hand jerked back slightly, his ears turning red. He coughed and, while Luo Yusen wasn’t looking, used his other hand to smear frosting all over his face. Then he quickly jumped off him. “There, senior brother, you look especially good like this!”

Luo Yusen was momentarily taken aback, then chuckled lightly. “Childish.”

They continued playing around until the afternoon, ending only when Feifei grew tired. Luo Yusen had the driver take Qiao Li and Yan Yan home while he drove Fei Bai back to their residence near S University.

They passed a cake shop on the way, and Luo Yusen pulled over. Fei Bai looked at him, puzzled. “Shixiong, you still want cake? Didn’t you have enough earlier?” dwdazP

Luo Yusen raised an eyebrow. “It’s not for eating. It’s for use.”

Fei Bai quickly understood the purpose of the cake.

As soon as they entered the house, Luo Yusen set down the cake box and immediately lowered his head to kiss Fei Bai, forcefully pulling off his coat in the process.

The table was hard, and Fei Bai felt his shoulder blades ache against it as he was pressed down. The cake, just taken out of the fridge, was icy cold, contrasting with the warmth of Luo Yusen’s hands and lips. Despite his aggression, Luo Yusen showed no mercy. KuUvSB

Fei Bai hooked his arms around Luo Yusen’s neck, hearing him whisper softly in his ear, “Lift your leg.”

As the sky gradually darkened, amidst the man’s breaths and his own moans, Fei Bai suddenly heard the sound of his phone vibrating.

He pushed against Luo Yusen’s chest. “Shixiong… my phone…”

Fei Bai’s phone was on the dining table. Luo Yusen glanced at it and reached over to hand it to Fei Bai. “It’s your mom. Should I answer?” 5JTfcV

Fei Bai hesitated for a moment, then, after a few seconds, replied, “Forget it.”

Luo Yusen made a sound of acknowledgment and attempted to take the phone from the child’s hand to set it aside. However, Fei Bai, whether from exhaustion or some other reason, slipped, accidentally answering the call.

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“Feifei?” His mother’s voice came through the speaker.

Fei Bai jumped in fright, nearly dropping the phone. It was only because Luo Yusen held onto his hand that an accident was avoided. lIwd4r

“Mom, what’s up?” Fei Bai gathered himself and asked.

His mom sounded suspicious. “Why are you breathing so heavily? Are you sick?”

Fei Bai nervously replied, “No, I’m just exercising.”

“Oh, I called to remind you that Chinese New Year is in half a month. Don’t forget to come home with Grandma for dinner.” His mom paused briefly. “And also, please think seriously about that matter soon. Your dad and I really hope you’ll come back.” obC31

At that moment, Luo Yusen must have done something because Fei Bai clenched his lips tightly to keep from making any sounds. After what felt like a long pause, he finally told his mom, “Okay, I got it. Mom, I’ll hang up now.”

He immediately ended the call and threw the phone aside, turning to Luo Yusen with frustration. “Shixiong, why did you do that?”

Luo Yusen’s expression turned serious as he held Fei Bai’s shoulders. “What matter is she talking about?”


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