I Don't Know Martial ArtsChapter 25

People keep encouraging them, and it seems that the men have no intention of stepping back before they receive an apology, but Moyong Hwa is stone-still and won’t move. A man sensed this was truly becoming a mess, and said as if he was being generous.

“We also don’t want to waste our strength with such a little matter. If you apologize now, we’ll let it go, so hurry up and do it.” t9LQad

I immediately bowed down.

“I’m so sorry.”

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“No, that guy should do it, not you……!”

“My Young Master is very shy. We will apologize in his stead, so could you forgive him?” dHxyer

“What are you talking about? You’re spoiling my mood……!”

Myoryeong and I looked up at the man with as teary eyes as physically possible. As expected, the man faltered. Until now, there has been no man who has not been weakened by these round eyes. We took one step closer to the man. The man, who had tightened his lips as if in conflict, eventually shouted with his eyes closed.

“……I got it! I got it! I’ll let it go!”

“Thank you! You have such a big heart!”


“You there! Be careful next time!”

As expected, nothing is impossible when the two of us are together. We lifted our heads, hurriedly grabbed Young Master Moyong Hwa and left the crowd. I could feel Moyong Hwa trembling under his clothes. I entered a narrow alley where there were only a few people. As soon as I entered, Moyong Hwa shook off our arms and sank to the dirt floor. Myoryeong looked at him with eyes that said she was really not used to this. I bent my knees and asked.

“Shall I bring you some cold water, Young Master?”

Moyong Hwa had his face buried on his knees and didn’t say anything. After watching this scene for a while, I went out of the alley with Myoryeong. We discussed countermeasures. VxNd1a

“Let’s wait until he calms down and then walk him to his room.”

“Yeah, we can’t just leave him on the streets. But will it be okay?”


Myoryeong said, after remembering how earlier Moyong Hwa was petrified in front of people and couldn’t do anything. FdtRQ0

“There will be so many people in the Martial Arts Tournament, today was nothing.”

“That’s right. It will be mind-blowing……!”

I stopped talking and reflexively closed my mouth. Moyong Hwa, who had come out at some unknown time, was staring at us, standing in front of the alley. I quickly cleared my voice and said.

“Are you okay, Young Master Moyong Hwa? We’ll walk you back to your quarters.” 3ehMRa

But Moyong Hwa passed us without replying. But I wasn’t one to give up here. I couldn’t help but worry the same thing would happen again. I called Moyong Hwa as loud as I could.

“Young Master Moyong Hwa!”

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He stopped. I shouted right away.

“Uifjrf ugjca er atf tbcbg ab frmbga sbe!” klJBd8


P klii cfnfg rabq yflcu j EbMjc ibnfg.

* * *

“Qbk~ la lr remt jc tbcbg. Ktf Zbsbcu Mjwlis’r tflg, Zb! Tbcu! Lkj! P mjc’a yfilfnf P uba ab jmmbwqjcs atf Tbecu Zjrafg ab tlr dejgafgr!” 7V4XwJ

“Pc j ofk vfmjvfr, P’ii ygju jybea la ecali ws mtliv lr algfv bo tfjglcu la! Qtfc sbeg wbatfg kjr sbecu, rtf jmmbwqjclfv cb bcf firf yea atja Tbecu Zjrafg Zb! Tbcu! Lkj! ab tlr tberf!”

Myoryeong and I watched Moyong Hwa’s face as he walked ahead, saying all kinds of silly comments. It’s noisy, but I think he still likes compliments since he’s listening silently while keeping pace with us. Yes, at least we’ll be good to you.  After pouring out compliments with the same dedication as I did five years ago, I ended up in front of a magnificent guest house. At the same time, Moyong Hwa stopped walking. This must be where he is staying. Now I can go back with peace of mind. It was the moment to say goodbye to him when a loud voice rang out from somewhere.


“Ah!” ZBybAw


He automatically spilled an exclamation. A man in jade-green silk clothes came running with tears in his eyes, lifted him up and hugged Moyong Hwa.

“Where have you been?”

His upwards eyes told me that he was family with Moyong Hwa. Moyong Hwa clearly said he had no siblings, so……. Z2v7Dd

“Do you know how worried your Father was?”

As expected, he is his father! Myoryeong, who was about to say ‘Please give your father to me’ to Moyong Hwa, hesitated. Wait, isn’t Moyong Hwa’s father also Madam’s brother? And the Madam’s brother had an awful personality, and had despised her since young……. As expected, one cannot judge only by appearances. As soon as our envious gaze was about to turn into a contemptuous one, he looked back at us. Our eyes changed into innocent ones right away. Social life is really…… hard. You have to be polite to even such a human being. Father, who was teary-eyed when meeting Moyong Hwa, asked with a serious face.

“Who are those guys?”

I quickly greeted. w3dVmq

“I am the Peng Family’s Young Master Peng Soseo’s servant Ha Myoha.”

“Likewise, I’m Young Master Peng Soseo’s servant Ha Myoryeong.”

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“……Peng Soseo?”

The moment he heard Peng Soseo, the Father’s expression was distorted. IxJCcu

“What are you servants of that bastard doing with my son?”

“We happened to meet him while passing by.”

“If you’re just passing by, did you have to walk him all the way until here?”

“That’s…….” R dGhs

“Obviously there’s a reason, so quickly tell me!”

Due to the Father’s insistence, I had no choice but to tell the truth.

“The Young Master quarreled with some martial artists on the street……. We took him to his accommodations just in case something like that happened again.”

“He quarreled with some martial artists?” mxK0jr

“Yes. Because the Young Master had bumped into them…….”

The Father’s eyes flashed. He immediately grabbed Moyong Hwa by the shoulder.

“Hwa, what did you do with those bullies?”

“…….” eVgiyA

“Of course you sent them flying it in one shot, right? I trust you showed those people your strength.”

Moyong Hwa’s mouth was tightly closed. Finally, his Father began to beg.

“Please say something, hm? It’s this Father’s wish. You really have to beat Peng Soseo this time. Do you really want to see those people mocking me for giving birth to a foolish stupid son?”

Wow, I thought my younger sibling was stupid. I’m so put off by this. Father, who didn’t know how we were feeling about this, kept spilling hateful words and making little of him without rest. DRC4NQ

“And what would your Grandfather think if he saw you now? Why are you disappointing us this much?”

“Moyong Hwa is back? Bring him here now!”

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A loud voice rang out in the guest house. Moyong Hwa, who was as still as stone, trembled.

“How dare you go out and about until this hour with such a horrible face? You bastard are humiliating the Moyong Family! How could you be so foolish……!” BhipPa

“Sigh……. Follow me.”

Father sighed and dragged Moyong Hwa away. We also left the guest house in a hurry. On the way back, Myoryeong murmured.

“We have to make a trashy dog-blood novel with Moyong Hwa’s father as the neglected bottom and slowly harass him…….”

“No. He has to transmigrate as a noble’s maid in a RoFan novel.” eJEdjp


“Wouldn’t it cause more psychological damage to be beaten and forced to kneel down after being scolded by a noble without knowing why?”

“……If he gets slapped and has to kneel down, it would really hurt his pride.”

Haha, I wish he would transmigrate and experience by himself the strictness and fiery feeling of RoFan nobles. While I was abusing Moyong Hwa’s father like this and that in my mind, I suddenly realized I hadn’t eaten dinner yet. zEKsiY

“But what about our dinner?”

“Maybe it’s because of what happened earlier, but I’ve lost my appetite.”

“I think we should just eat something light.”

“Sure, let’s just have a quick bite.” z 9KdI

Of course, we soon regretted this decision. We really underestimated our appetite. I suggested to Myoryeong, while soothing my stomach that was screaming for food, even though I had just eaten dinner.

“Let’s get something to eat outside.”

“Hm, it’s so troublesome……. There’s a lot of stuff to eat in the kitchen.”

“You have to taste this place’s exclusive food. From what I’ve seen earlier, there’s a street stall in every corner of the Central Plains.” p 7PRF

“Then let’s play rock-paper-scissors and the loser will go buy it.”

“Yeah! I will not be understanding today!”

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After a while, Myoryeong shouted at me as I left the inn.

“I want something greasy and salty! Also, buy something sweet for dessert!” jUpIsW

“I got it…….”

Ah… This only happens when I don’t want to go take a look. I grumbled and went to the street where all the streets were gathered. Maybe because it was dinnertime, people were swarming there like ants. I couldn’t even afford to look around slowly, and I was about to be run over by all the people. I quickly bought some chicken skewers grilled with various seasonings along with candied fruit and ran out of the street. Then I took a breath, wiping the sweat on my forehead with my sleeves.

I should go back by a street with fewer people. I carefully carried the paper bags with food and walked. As far as I remember, just cross the stone bridge at the end of this alley, and our inn is……. Oh… it got dark in the meantime. It was so quiet, I thought something was going to jump out of nowhere, when I saw something. I think someone is sitting still with their head down on the stone bridge railing. I screamed and jumped back. I’m not exaggerating, it’s literally true. Sitting narrowly on the bridge railing at this time is a problem, but if it’s a ghost with a fearful atmosphere’s place……! If Myoryeong had seen it, I would scold her saying that there is no such thing as ghosts in this world, but now I have a different opinion. How can there be no such thing as a ghost when there is stuff like inner strength, elixirs and mystical creatures. The moment I was about to run away in a panic…

“Hm?” 8t5jOb

A bleak wind went by and his braided hair fluttered. I shouted out in relief.

“Young Master Moyong Hwa……!”

Anyway, I think I’ve been recognizing Moyong Hwa by his hairstyle since the last time. Actually, isn’t that hair Moyong Hwa’s main point? I calmed down my pounding heart and moved a little closer to him.

“I am sorry to interrupt your quiet time. I will pass by quickly…….” kmqMwy

Suddenly, I remembered the previous situation, so I hesitated for a minute and then added.

“I’m sorry for talking about what happened to the Young Master earlier.”

In reality, I was forced by my superiors to say it, but I apologized because I didn’t want him to think I was purposely telling on him. Only then did Moyong Hwa turn his head towards me. One of his bruised cheeks caught my eye. It was clear what his Grandfather had done. The guilt made my heart a hundred times, or a thousand times heavier. No, really, we had no choice, but……! It was inevitable……! I bent down once more.

“I am really sorry.” nRsPFA

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