Every Night, I Dream of My Nemesis Flirting with MeCh55 - Waist of a Male Dog

Mi Le was extremely disgusted, but Tong Yi kept coaxing and pestering him. Finally, he saved his fingerprint on Tong Yi’s phone. Tong Yi immediately gave his phone to Mi Le.

Mi Le took his phone and glanced at the wallpaper, which were still the straightforward and large words: The Strongest! MtYThR

Black background with red words, Tong Yi’s consistent style.

Mi Le put the phone in his bag and continued to tidy his hair. He turned his head and saw Kong Jia’an secretly looking at the two of them.

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After Mi Le glanced at him, Kong Jia’an immediately pretended that nothing had happened.

Mi Le paused for a moment, but he didn’t respond at all. X0mgYR

It was common for people to occasionally skip elective courses.

Although Mi Le did not spend much time at school, this year he had put in a request to the company to attend classes properly, which was why he was a bit more relaxed.

Mi Le was also accustomed to situations like Tong Yi’s. It was just that Mi Le didn’t have many friends, and it was his first time helping someone sign in, so it was inevitable that he was a bit guilty.

After Mi Le arrived at the classroom, he took out his phone and signed in.


Then, he took out Tong Yi’s phone. After entering his fingerprint and unlocking it, he also helped Tong Yi sign in.

After signing in, he put the phones in two separate pockets and started listening to the lecture.

After listening for a while, Mi Le suddenly thought of something. He took out Tong Yi’s phone, opened WeChat, looked through Tong Yi’s photo album, and searched for a while to find a message.

“You, that’s right, you. I’ll fuck your uncle.” 76Zjdi

He looked at the settings. As expected, it was targeted at him alone.

He knew that Tong Yi was intentionally cursing at him at that time.

He curled his lips and casually threw the phone onto the desk.

The screen was not locked yet, and he saw a bunch of people sending messages to Tong Yi. He glanced at it casually and could see messages from eight people on the screen. Three of the text messages on the screen were confessions. IiDRAj

Mi Le immediately turned off the screen, thinking that Tong Yi was so foolish. How could anyone still like him?

Soon, he thought, Why did Tong Yi add so many people? If someone added him, would he add them as friends?

However, Mi Le could easily imagine that Tong Yi would even scan the QR codes of people who were asking on the streets.

Zuoqiu Mingxu also had a bunch of inexplicable friends on his phone. He added most of them when he first joined the student union. Later, if he did something, he would add a group of people. He couldn’t remember who they were without adding notes. XpKb09

Tong Yi had also gone through the student union experience during his freshman year. It was probably then that he blindly added them.

Tong Yi was also rough. There weren’t even notes.

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After thinking for a while, he realized that something was wrong. He unlocked the phone again and saw there were two people pinned to the top: Dad and Ancestor.

The moment he saw it, Mi Le’s heart skipped a beat. Then, he saw an unread message from Dad: Are you all planning to open a chain clothing store? Or… Dwdjdh

He couldn’t read any more.

Mi Le was a person who valued privacy. Seeing whether Tong Yi had posted a WeChat Moments directed at him was already his limit. He wouldn’t read any other messages.

He turned off the screen again and put the phone in his pocket.

However, his mind kept thinking: Clothing stores? What clothing stores? M8YWO9

This reminded him of his childhood dream from last night.

The teacher on stage suddenly stopped speaking halfway and started calling out names, asking the person who was called to raise their hand.

Mi Le’s heart tightened. He knew that it was over.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf ibbxfv jgbecv jcv kjcafv ab olcv rbwfbcf ab lwqfgrbcjaf Kbcu Tl, yea tf tfjgv atf afjmtfg weaafglcu: “Kbcu Tl jirb mtfmxfv lc? P vlvc’a rff tlw mbwf bnfg. Lf’r rb ajii atja P mjc’a wlrr tlw.” I26kdT

Ojra alwf lc mijrr, jii bo atf raevfcar rtbeafv “Cugff” jcv kbxf eq Kbcu Tl. Ktlr lcmlvfca ifoa j vffq lwqgfrrlbc bc atf afjmtfg, rb tf gfwfwyfgfv Kbcu Tl.

It was difficult for Tong Yi to get by this time.

Mi Le started pretending not to know. He lowered his head and continued taking notes.

However, the teacher actually made a phone call, and Tong Yi’s phone immediately rang. The ringtone was still “Loyalty to the Country.”

The phone in Mi Le’s pocket rang, causing Mi Le to shudder. He hurriedly turned off the phone.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the teacher walking towards him. xdl439

The scene was at once very awkward.

“Did you help Tong Yi sign in?” the teacher asked with a smile.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Mi Le could only nod: “I’m sorry. I… I…”

After that, he couldn’t continue. 1VrUDh

The teacher didn’t ask any more questions. He went back and recorded it in a notebook.

Many people in the classroom began to discuss. Mi Le knew that the gossip about him and Tong Yi had probably increased again.

Immediately after, the teacher began to assign: “Our following classes will be completing group projects. This is also the reason for my roll call this time. If you’re not my student, don’t come to the class. Otherwise, students may be unable to complete their assignments.”

The classroom immediately began to howl. yEs53J

In college, if you wanted to end your friendship with someone, you could do a group project with them.

If you wanted to break up with your partner, you could do a group project with them.

If you wanted the entire dorm to be on bad terms, the four of you could do a group project together.

Group projects were the most incomprehensible existence. GcdzOY

Why can’t we just complete it alone? Why do we have to exercise our so-called teamwork skills?


When completing a group project, encountering reliable team members was really worth cheering for.

If you encountered unreliable people, sometimes one person dragging down three people was a good situation. The biggest fear was that three people wouldn’t do it and would just push one person to complete it. fc34HJ

If that person didn’t do it, they were really afraid it would affect their grades. If they did it, they would feel uncomfortable and very annoyed.

If they finished it, in the final stage, everyone in the team would recite it like dog poop, and their grade wouldn’t be high. Wasn’t this infuriating? Wouldn’t it make you break down?

Mi Le had a premonition when he heard this sentence.

He soon received verification. aIwJ5h

“Mi Le, since you have a good relationship with Tong Yi and Li Xin, then do the group project with the two of them. Bring along another classmate. Do you have any thoughts?”

When Mi Le heard that he was going to be with these two people, he felt his vision go black. He immediately shook his head and refused: “Teacher, please assign me to another group.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I’ll assign Yao Na to your group. She completes her homework well and can also help you,” the teacher replied, without agreeing to Mi Le’s refusal.

Yao Na was like a child selected by the heavens, anticipating and worried. She carefully turned her head to look and saw Mi Le rolling his eyes. CrdeOi

She just happened to see it, and then the two of them made eye contact.



After class, Yao Na went to find Mi Le with trepidation: “Hello…” h0iOPX

“How are your notes?” Mi Le asked her straightforwardly.

“I’ve written everything.” Yao Nao immediately took out her notebook and showed it to him.

Mi Le took it and glanced through it. Yao Na’s notes were quite detailed, and the font was elegant and easy to read.

“Do you have anything else to do later?” Mi Le asked her. iLArxF

Yao Na shook her head. Actually, she just wanted to go eat something and return to the dorm.

“Come with me to the gym.” Mi Le returned her notes to Yao Na and brought her to the volleyball court.

After Yao Na got into Mi Le’s car, she was completely dizzy.

Mi Le’s car! Mi Le was driving! She was sitting in the passenger seat! IcpOYq

She could boast for a lifetime!

When they arrived, those in the gym were just resting.

Li Xin leaned down with his hands on his knees. After Si Li ran up, he propped himself against Li Xin’s back and jumped over. He almost collided into the two people who had just come in.

Si Li hurriedly braked, like the final move of artistic gymnastics. He raised his arms high and leaned his waist forward. bh1DE5

“Why did you come over?” Tong Yi asked Mi Le, walking over while drinking water.

Mi Le tossed the phone at Tong Yi: “The teacher knows you now. I even got in trouble while helping you sign in.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You weren’t scolded, were you?”

“No. I was just assigned to do a group project with you and Li Xin.” jOhTl

“What is a group project?” Tong Yi asked in confusion.

“You don’t even know this?” Mi Le looked at Tong Yi in wonder.

Si Li couldn’t help but interject from the side: “What, there is still homework in college?”

Mi Le was shocked: “Aren’t you already a junior? How did you manage to keep up with your studies? Homework is also worth points, okay?” krXsad

Si Li ruffled his hair and replied with a smile: “I give all of it to someone else to complete. It’s been a long time since I worried about this that I forgot. Or my coach will handle it.”

“Isn’t that too outrageous? Sounds a bit fake.” Mi Le still didn’t believe him.

Si Li: “We can submit an application and say that we were set back because of a competition.”

Tong Yi: “What was our class called?” CGeSDO

Mi Le smiled elegantly at Tong Yi: “Tong Yi, let me tell you. If you hold me back, you can handle it yourself!”

Tong Yi’s heart thudded. Then, he looked at Li Xin.

Li Xin was shocked. He was probably not even as good as Tong Yi.

Mi Le pointed at Yao Na: “The other member of our group.” pnayZv

“Thank you, comrade.” Tong Yi raised his hand and wanted to pat Yao Na on the shoulder , only to find that Yao Na was at most 160 centimeters tall. Finally, he patted her head, which was a comfortable height.

“We came over to split up the work,” Mi Le said to the two of them.

Yao Na nodded along.

At 156 centimeters tall, she looked up at her team members. Their heights were: 185 centimeters, 198 centimeters, and 209 centimeters, respectively. oD8PXs

They made her look like a child.

Tong Yi and Li Xin followed Mi Le and Yao Na unflinchingly to the side.

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Tong Yi was confused upon seeing Mi Le and Yao Na’s notes. He asked: “Can I find someone to help me and submit it in the end?”

“You have to talk about your own project. If you go up and struggle to read it, our entire group’s scores will be very low.” Mi Le immediately glared at Tong Yi. QP9doe

Tong Yi immediately became lively: “Don’t worry. I will definitely not hold you back. Li Xin and I will study hard, make progress every day, and work hard to complete this project.”

“Then copy the notes first,” Mi Le said.

Tong Yi immediately snapped his fingers: “Ye Xiya!”

“Do it yourself!” Mi Le punched Tong Yi directly. Catrq

Tong Yi was despondent. He took Mi Le’s notebook and looked at it, then said: “Your handwriting is so nice.”

“Copy it!”

“Why are you being fierce? I’ll write. I’ll write it now.” Tong Yi took a pen and notebook, then directly sat on the ground and took notes in the resting chair.

Li Xin, on the other hand, asked Yao Na for her phone number and politely said: “Once we finish copying, we will return the notebook to you. I will call you to complete the project together.” zddkJj

Yao Na didn’t expect these people to be quite easy-going. She immediately agreed and quickly ran out of the gym.

Li Xin and Tong Yi sat in front of the chair taking notes, while Mi Le sat in the chair and stared at the others who were training.

Tong Yi’s hand was tired from writing. He shook his hand and glanced back, then said to Mi Le: “I’ll play volleyball for you to see?”

“I’m too lazy to look. It’d burn my eyes.” He had clearly sat to the side and watched for a long time. YD8wpg

Tong Yi had already stood up. He got onto the court and said to Mi Le: “Wait and see. You’ll cry from my handsomeness!”

As he spoke, he entered the team and replaced someone. He began his usual training for competition.

Although it was a training match, both teams played very seriously. The chemistry that they honed over the days made their coordination quite excellent.

When Tong Yi received the ball, he would occasionally shout softly or arrange with his teammates who would receive the ball. Occasionally, he gave guidance to his team members. He really had a bit of a captain’s demeanor. zcY8kC

It turned out that he didn’t play around with his team members all day.

When he was serious, Tong Yi was completely different from usual. He was no longer just a carefree person, but rather serious, unsmiling, and even a bit strict.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, this appearance was even more handsome.

Mi Le sat to the side and watched Tong Yi. He saw that Tong Yi’s movements were smooth and continuous. 3XJkbi


A deserving ace.

The spirit of “If not me, then who” gave people a blind illusion: As long as Tong Yi was present, they could win!

Tong Yi lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe sweat. It was just a small gesture, but his abs were revealed. rTXCZQ

The waist of a male dog

Mi Le: Emmmmm…

Translator's Note

Video link: wg6pcZ

Translator's Note

A term used to describe a type of male waist. Men with a male dog waist have a much wider chest circumference than waist circumference, and their waist quickly contracts from the ribs to the hips, forming a sexy line. Because this line resembles the waist curve of a dog, it is named the male dog waist.

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