Not Raising Fish, Do Not DisturbCh17 - Maple Banquet (7)

“It’s just a piece of cake.”

The moment Chi Huo opened the paper umbrella, the paper crane soared into the sky, its speed and stability no less than the sword controlled by a Nascent Soul level cultivator. If the Ghost King had not controlled it a little, the paper crane flapping its wings in the rain would have far surpassed Xiao Guo and their group. RwU2hx

The Ghost King was still very low-key, leaving enough face for these famous cultivators.

The umbrella Chi Huo held on the crane’s back could not completely block out the slanting rain. In a short while, the person on the paper crane along with the umbrella were soaked. The autumn rain was very cold, but Chi Huo felt a long-lost freedom in the slanting wind and drizzle.

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Without casting any barriers to avoid the rain, he only relied on the paper umbrella to pass through the curtain of rain, his whole body wet; a little crazy, a little cold, but exhilarating nonetheless.

Whether in the last life or this life, Chi Huo was addicted to the thrill of holding an umbrella and getting wet in the rain. But back then, it was just him finding joy and thrill in these ridiculous situations; now there was another “him” to be ridiculous together. Xq 9vn

It was comical, but with two selves, the pleasure was instantly doubled.

“You don’t mind, do you?” the Ghost King asked him.

“Of course not,” Chi Huo replied, “When we get to Fushui City, you can just compensate me with a set of dry clothes.”

The two smiled in tacit understanding and continued on their way. How could Shi Wuzheng, who was riding his sword at the front, not know what was going on here? He pricked up his ears and pursed his lips into a straight line the whole time, not saying a word.


In less than half an hour, the group arrived at the territory of Fushui City.

When getting off the paper crane, Chi Huo, who was dripping wet, sneezed. Shi Wuzheng looked at him calmly and said in a light voice, “Wang’er, you should ride on your Shizun’s sword from now on. It’s not good to be delayed by illness.”

Chi Huo politely shook his head, “Shizun, don’t worry, I’m not cold.”

Shi Wuzheng choked. Since he had already spoken and his disciple gave such a reply, he naturally couldn’t say anything else. kPaWFt

The Ghost King quickly fulfilled his promise. After arriving in Fushui City, the first thing he did was to go to the ready-made clothing store in the town and buy the softest and most suitable clothes for Chi Huo.

Shi Wuzheng and Xiao Guo searched for an inn to stay at.

Fushui City was rich, with many teahouses and wine shops. Although the autumn rain made it inconvenient to travel, there were many carved carriages and elegantly and luxuriously dressed passengers on the street.

Xiao Guo was still silent with a flat face, but Cheng Miao looked around curiously, as if he was very interested in this prosperous scene. dnO68a

Shi Wuzheng introduced, “Fushui City is no longer under the jurisdiction of our Dongji Sect. The HongShui River we just passed by is the dividing line between Dongji Sect and the Bai Family’s jurisdiction, so we should be more low-key and treat it as a tour.”

Cheng Miao sighed sincerely, “It is worthy of being the territory of the Bai Family. The level of liveliness is not comparable to other places…”

Bailu City, where the Bai Family resided, was now known as the largest city in the world.

The city lord Bai Haonan was not only highly skilled, but also had his own way of governing the city. Every city under the Bai Family’s jurisdiction was very prosperous. 4F8uiK

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Djl Ljbcjc vfrlucjafv tlr fivfra rbc Djl Aljcilc jr tlr tflg. Djl Aljcilc kjr j ufcfgber jcv bqfc-wlcvfv qfgrbc. Lf kjr vlilufca lc ybat meialnjalbc jcv tjcvilcu mlas joojlgr, jcv kjr vffqis ibnfv ys atf qfbqif.

Dea Jtl Leb, ktb xcfk Djl Aljcilc’r olcji beambwf, ofia rbggs obg atlr mtjgjmafg lc tlr tfjga.

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The cold rain was drizzling, and the colorful oil-paper umbrellas were abundant on the wet bluestone road. The hawking sounds came one after another, and there was a unique lively autumn atmosphere.

The group noticed that the shops in Fushui City were covered with notices. The notices stated that Fushui City would hold the annual “Lantern Champion Parade” event in three days. d0oLD8

“The Lantern Champion Parade is the most anticipated part of our Thousand Maple Lanterns Sighting Banquet. Many of these people have come from afar just to see the appearance of the Lantern Champion with their own eyes,” the innkeeper introduced with a smile, “and this year’s Lantern Champion is the young lady of the Bai family. It is said that she is stunningly beautiful, and her beauty is not something that ordinary people like us can imagine.”

Chi Huo raised his eyebrows slightly, “The young lady of the Bai Family?”

The innkeeper nodded repeatedly, “Yes, every year, the Lantern Champion is a beauty carefully selected from thousands. This year happens to be the most anticipated Miss Bai. We ordinary people have never seen her, so we should feast our eyes this time, hehe.”

“During the parade, the winner will throw colorful maple lanterns to the guests they like. Those who get the colorful maple lanterns can enjoy the maple banquet at night with the winner. To be chosen from thousands of people, it really is enviable…” The innkeeper introduced incessantly. w4ohzJ

Chi Huo pursed his lips meaningfully. In his previous life, he was the lucky one chosen from thousands of people mentioned by the shop assistant.

But after receiving the colorful maple lantern thrown by the winner, Chi Huo gave it to Shi Wuzheng together with the 365 maple lanterns he made.

He said that he did not want to attend the maple banquet with the winner, and formally invited Shi Wuzheng to enjoy the maple leaves at night, although the other party did not show up in the end.

However, the role of the lantern winner had just begun. In fact, the Bai family had no young ladies at all. This stunningly beautiful winner was actually Bai Zhuxi, the young master of the Bai family in women’s clothing. IHrfkv

This young master of Bailu City wore a cynical mask, but was in fact very cunning.

No one knew his sinister means and cold-blooded face better than Chi Huo, because Bai Zhuxi was also a fish in his pond.

–One of the most dangerous fish.

The Ghost King noticed the change in Chi Huo’s expression and found that he seemed to be very interested in this Lantern Champion he had never met. kpOwZs

So the Ghost King asked softly, “Do you know them?”

Chi Huo, who was immersed in his memories, was suddenly interrupted, “Who?”

The Ghost King crossed his arms and looked at him silently.

Chi Huo was stunned for half a second, and suddenly said, “Are you talking about this Lantern Champion?” C y4xj

“The young lady of the Bai family, if I am not mistaken, is also an old friend.” Chi Huo said ambiguously.

“Oh?” The Ghost King raised his eyebrows meaningfully, “An old friend like me?”

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Chi Huo didn’t expect that he would throw this question back at him, and was stunned for a moment before smiling, “No, a bit different.”

As for why and where they were different, he kept it to himself and didn’t continue. gBDnY2

“The Lantern Champion selected every year in our Fushui City is not only beautiful, but also talented and dignified. Some of them even practice spiritual cultivation, which is amazing…”

After the innkeeper sincerely sighed at the beauty of every year’s Lantern Champion, he finally remembered his business, “How many rooms do you want in our inn to rest?”

“Please help us to four rooms, thank you.” Chi Huo blurted out.

The moment he said “four rooms”, all his sect members cast complicated eyes on him and the Ghost King, including the Ghost King himself, who looked at Chi Huo with interest. GYvnaV

Cheng Miao, a rather simple-minded fellow, reminded him, “Shidi, this inn has plenty of rooms. You don’t have to share a room with Fellow Daoist Chi.”

Before Chi Huo could answer, Shi Wuzheng, who had been silent the entire time, said in a low voice, “Please help us to five rooms. Here’s the fee. Thank you.”

Without waiting for anyone to say anything, Shi Wuzheng had already paid the money. There was no room for regret.

“Wang’er, there’s no need to hold back on spending money for the sect in terms of accommodation. Since there are plenty of rooms, don’t bother Fellow Daoist Chi any more.” Shi Wuzheng said to Chi Huo. sA1e9Z

Chi Huo frowned slightly, and then responded calmly, “I understand. Thank you, Shizun.”

The Ghost King raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Shi Wuzheng and his little disciple with a smile wordlessly.

Xiao Guo, who was standing alone in the corner, still looking uneasy, was quiet and silent. If it were a normal day, he would have jumped out to mock them.

After the booking, the group went to their respective rooms to tidy up and rest. qWoh6a

Chi Huo still “persistently” chose the guest room next to the Ghost King. He didn’t want to be too far away from “himself”. Unfortunately, the Ghost King was far superior to him in terms of cultivation and status. Otherwise, he could keep the other party under his nose and avoid various uncontrollable factors.

The Ghost King laughed at him, “You’re staying next to me, won’t your Shizun be upset?”

Chi Huo shook his head, “Shizun is not such a petty person.”

He believed that in the Ghost King’s cognition, he was now an unruly little disciple who loved his Shizun. While he found it funny, Chi Huo didn’t mind it very much. After all, this was beneficial to his plan to stop his former “self”. E jgm5

Some misunderstandings made it easier for him to act.

But now, in addition to Shi Wuzheng, new threats have emerged.

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That would be the young lady of the Bai Family mentioned by the waiter just now, the “Lantern Champion” selected in this Thousand Maple Lantern Sighting Banquet.

In his previous life, the Thousand Maple Lantern Sighting Banquet in Fushui City was the opportunity for him to meet the “Lantern Champion” Bai Zhuxi, who was dressed as a woman. Xl B3H

Bai Zhuxi was the youngest son of the Lord of Bailu City. He was dandy and fond of women’s clothing since he was a child. Not only was he not interested in the cultivation knowledge taught in the Bai Family’s academy, he was also lazy in cultivation on weekdays, and didn’t care about the things in the city. He focused on playing with women’s clothing and was a dandy by nature.

In the eyes of all the inner disciples, he was a spoiled young man, but outsiders didn’t know about it and really thought that the Bai Family had such a bold and uninhibited young lady.

The beginning of their first relationship in the previous life was when Bai Zhuxi threw the maple lantern to Chi Huo who was watching the fun.

But at that time, Chi Huo was not interested in this “Miss Bai” and did not investigate it in detail. At that time, he was influenced by the “Book of Heaven” and his full attention was on Shi Wuzheng. He had no time to take care of these small episodes that passed by. 3caxJ7

But this was just the beginning of his story with Bai Zhuxi, the young master of Bailu City.

After Chi Huo officially broke up with Shi Wuzheng, his task as the stepping stone between the protagonist gong and protagonist shou had been completed. The “Book of Heaven” was like a task, updating the name of the so-called new right-hand Taoist companion: Bai Zhuxi.

It was a joke to say that the right-hand Taoist companions changed at any time.

Chi Huo, who was completely unaware of his fate at that time, laughed at the Heavenly Dao. Although he laughed, Chi Huo continued to explore the so-called “Dao” according to the arrangement of fate. F7kPCQ

He and Bai Zhuxi met again in the secret realm, and Chi Huo quickly began to pursue Bai Zhuxi.

This pursuit went smoothly. Although Bai Zhuxi’s personality was a little arrogant, he “forgot his past” and was soon “conquered” by Chi Huo’s relentless pursuit. Even after his identity as a Ghost King was exposed, Bai Zhuxi did not retreat at all.

Later, Chi Huo finally understood that the reason why the other party was willing to become his Taoist partner was because of his identity as a Ghost King.

Bai Zhuxi had known his true identity long before the second meeting, and even the so-called reunion was carefully calculated by the other party. Y32q1N

And the “Book of Heaven” unknowingly became an accomplice in this plan.

Bai Zhuxi wanted to use his ability and resources as a ghost King to launch a long-planned plan to kill his father and brother and become the real “master” of the territory of Bailu City.

Chi Huo, who believed in the evil Book of Heaven, sadly became a pawn in the hands of the other party.

Living a new life, Chi Huo would naturally not let such a thing happen again. 9nqhTw

After changing his clothes in the guest room, Chi Huo came out of the room. Just as he was about to continue to find the shop assistant to inquire about the news of “Miss Bai”, he suddenly bumped into the Ghost King who was carrying a sack of maple leaves.

Chi Huo frowned slightly, stood in front of the Ghost King and asked, “What are you doing with so many maple leaves?”

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According to his assumptions, since he had made maple lanterns for Shi Wuzheng first, “he” should have avoided this option because he hated being the same as others, but why…

The Ghost King said as a matter of course, “I want to make maple lanterns like you, what’s wrong with it?” VAka2u

Chi Huo, “…”

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  1. Thank you for the update!!

    More and more fish has appeared.. I’m getting anxious for Chi Huo🤣