Falling In Love With The Grim ReaperChapter 44


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  1. My brain after finishing this story : 🤯

    Kudos to the big brain author and congrats yoan for finishing this translation! Now only one more extra to go 😭

  2. This entire story is a catastrophe of deliberate misinformation and fomented ignorance. That wouldn’t make the ending so irritating, if it weren’t entirely between the two main characters.

    • It’s probably weird for the translator to be saying this, but I agree with you 😅 I think a lot of this story could have been fleshed out better, and time-loop plots are rarely ever executed perfectly in the first place, so there was honestly a lot left to be desired! But I l chose to translate this as a personal project for my hobbies and I stuck with it. Thank you for taking the time to read this story, despite its imperfections!

      • Thank you for translating it! The story was irritating, but the translation quality made it worth sticking through to the end. I appreciate your effort and skill. Not all stories can be perfect, but as long as they’re readable, they can still be worth the time. The concept is very interesting, and I don’t regret reading it, no matter how much I want to beat the main characters over the head with a club.