Evil Wants to Oppress the Righteous and Deceive the TeacherCh13.2 - Cure Passion Poison on the Crabapple Tree, Have Sex in the Water


“Shizun, I feel so good being fucked by you.” r9BJxo

Zhou Yinyu couldn’t stand it anymore, and his penis was so swollen that he was about to ejaculate. Duan Jiuqing’s moans made him unable to tell who was fucking whom. He just followed his words and increased the intensity of the fucking, but hs waist went soft.

Duan Jiuqing was still moaning in his ear, asking him to fuck him. Zhou Yinyu was extremely hard. When he lowered his head, he saw that his penis was tied up again. It was pitifully raised high, but the glans was tied tightly. It was already wet, and there was a crabapple flower in its mouth at the tip, which looked extremely lewd.

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The nightmare from more than a month ago suddenly came back, and the picture was extremely clear. Zhou Yinyu suddenly struggled with a look of fear on his face, and reached out to untie the thing.

Duan Jiuqing restrained him and comforted him, “Shizun, shizun, don’t be afraid. Disciple promises that I won’t hurt you this time. You have ejaculated too many times, even if my demon core is in your body, it won’t work. When you really can’t bear it anymore, this disciple will untie it for you, okay?” 5UTeuP

He comforted the struggling shizun with a gentle voice, knowing that he had been too imprudent before and had frightened him. The penis reflected shizun’s state of mind and softened a little. Duan Jiuqing lovingly held shizun in his arms, kissed, stroked, and tested, “Shizun, let’s try again, okay?”

Zhou Yinyu remained silent in his arms for a long time. After a while, he said “Okay.”

Duan Jiuqing tilted his head and kissed him, then let him lie in his arms and started a new round of intercourse. Zhou Yinyu quickly felt filled, moans blasted in his ears, and Duan Jiuqing also gasped, which ignited both their desires.

The two of them met around the neck, their lips and tongues chasing each other. Zhou Yinyu opened his mouth unconsciously and allowed the other to invade him. The flower hole under his body was still full, and a lot of foam was created due to the fast thrusting.


The semen ejaculated previously made the intestines more lubricated, making it easier to fuck. Excessive semen flowed out of the body with the thrusting action and stained both of their bodies, making them inseparable.

The man in his arms was soon fucked until his limbs were weak. More and more water stains were leaking out of the bound column, which was throbbing violently. Duan Jiuqing kissed his lover affectionately and really fucked hard underneath him, making Zhou Yinyu tremble and go crazy from the pleasure.

“No, ah… let me, let me cum! Ah…” Zhou Yinyu was gasping for breath intermittently after being pushed back, and his words were broken into pieces.

The flowering tree that was large enough to need five people to hug it, was shaken by the two people’s sexual intercourse, causing petals to flutter down. AwSGHm

Zhou Yinyu trembled, gasped and looked down. The ground more than ten meters below was already covered with a thick layer of crabapple petals.

“Let me, uh… cum…” Zhou Yinyu bit down on Duan Jiuqing’s shoulder with a soft voice. There were already many deep tooth marks on his shoulder.

Duan Jiuqing rubbed his soft and smooth waist, pressed his neck against his neck and took a few deep breaths. The force of the impact under his body did not decrease at all, “Hm… shizun, please bear with me a little longer, be good.” Zhou Yinyu couldn’t help but continue to endure the painful attack of that thing in his body.

As the sun rose and set, who knew how long passed, but the flowers and tree swayed less and less. Duan Jiuqing let out a sigh as the pleasure hit him, and was finally strangled by Zhou Yinyu’s wet and soft intestines. The person in his arms had been fucked to the point of unconsciousness, and every bit from the pink cock between his legs was squeezed out. At this moment it was hanging listlessly on Duan Jiuqing’s belly. izYbgc

Duan Jiuqing had stopped fucking, but Zhou Yinyu was still convulsing unconsciously. At this moment, his whole body was covered with traces of lust caused by Duan Jiuqing, and there were even several bloodshot tooth marks on the roots of his legs. Duan Jiuqing didn’t spare even the ten jade toes, calves and thighs.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qlat tlr ojmf mbnfgfv, cb bcf kbeiv gfmbuclhf atja atlr kjr atf gfcbkcfv Tlcse-zljcpec ogbw atf obeg rfmar. Ktlr kjr mifjgis j ieraoei vbii atja tjv yffc erfv ys lar bkcfg.

Gejc Aledlcu ribkis klatvgfk ogbw tlr rtlhec’r ybvs, mjerlcu tlw ab mbcneirf jujlc. Lf vlvc’a fnfc xcbk tbk wjcs alwfr tf tjv fpjmeijafv lcrlvf, jcv atf rfwfc yfujc ab oibk bea klatbea jcs byragemalbc.

Duan Jiuqing’s body wasn’t much better either. There were blood marks everywhere from Zhou Yinyu’s scratches when he was in pain or pleasure. 30Gd47

He looked down at his shizun who had fainted from being fucked by him. He was lying quietly in his arms with his eyes closed. He just felt that his heart was full. He held his head, bit his lips and kissed him gently.

The two of them had countless layers of sweat on their bodies. They were dry and wet, wet and dry again. He quietly held the sleeping person in his arms, smelled the lingering musk on the tree, and stretched out his hand to pull out a handful of semen from under Zhou Yinyu.

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He slowly smeared the semen on Zhou Yinyu’s lips, pinched the listless thing with his fingers and played with it. His eyes became more serious, “Shizun, you have been fucked like this by me, I’m afraid you can’t use this thing anymore?”

Who knew what he thought of but he rubbed his fingers hard on that poor curled penis. LHxM0d

After a moment, the sleeping Zhou Yinyu made a sound of pain, and his body instinctively retreated.

“Even if this thing of yours can be used, I’m going to fuck until it can’t be used!”

Shizun, you are mine, your bed, only I can get into it…

Zhou Yinyu woke up in a daze, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the scene of two naked people overlapping each other in the spring water. He wanted to get off Duan Jiuqing’s body, but he just moved and collapsed instantly. FVPT9A


He was sitting on Duan Jiuqing’s waist, and Duan Jiuqing was leaning against the spring, holding him with one hand and moving in and out of his body with the other.

“Duan Jiuqing! You…” Zhou Yinyu felt that his body was no longer his, and the pain all over his body was unbearable. He frowned and tried to stop Duan Jiuqing.

Duan Jiuqing patted his back and told him not to move, “Shizun, don’t move. I’ve shot a lot, and I’ll clean it out for you.” oYmAit

“I don’t want you, let me go!”

Zhou Yinyu couldn’t tolerate being treated like this by Duan Jiuqing while he was awake. His face looked very ugly and he was about to turn over when he lifted his sore leg. But he hit something hard and immediately he didn’t dare to move.

“Shizun, you’d better sit down and don’t move around. This disciple’s character is never that good.”

Zhou Yinyu frowned and looked at him, but Duan Jiuqing smiled. A few days ago, this man was obsessed with him and even realize what he was like after being fucked. Now that he sobered up, he became cold and distant. Still not fucked honest? ziapq0

He blew into Zhou Yinyu’s ear, causing the person in his arms to tremble. Fortunately, his body recognized him, “Shizun, I have been working hard to serve you for several days and you don’t want to reward me. It’s too indifferent to treat this disciple like this…”

Zhou Yinyu uncomfortably beared it as his fingers moved in and out of his body, and a lot of warm spring water poured into his stretched hole, stimulating his intestinal wall.

The two men’s penises were tied together by the man’s hair tie. Zhou Yinyu’s body was fair and tender, with sparse hair on his lower body, and his penis was pink and beautiful. Duan Jiuqing was wheat-colored, with abundant hair on his lower body, and his penis was darker in color.

Duan Jiuqing probably fought a lot of physical combat, so his muscles were relatively hard and his abdominal muscles were also very obvious. Putting the two penises together, the contrast was really tragic… og02ba

“Shizun, what are you looking at?” Duan Jiuqing took out the fingers buried behind him and gently stroked his lips.

Zhou Yinyu pursed his lips and turned his head away from him without a word. But he felt Duan Jiuqing’s hand between the two of them, wrapping his big hand around the two penises and stroking them up and down. Zhou Yinyu was quickly aroused by him, and he suppressed his breath and refused to make a sound, and even scolded through cold eyes.

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But his eyes were dim with tears at the moment, and the way he bit his lip stubbornly only made Duan Jiuqing want to do even more bad things, “Shizun, didn’t elder shizu tell you, don’t look at others like this when you’re being fucked?”

The cocks rubbed against each other and Duan Jiuqing moaned deliberately in his ear, making Zhou Yinyu quickly gasp and cum. SbIdj1

He went soft and leaned into Duan Jiuqing’s arms, frowning in pain, but unable to raise his hand to stop the hand that continued to move.

Duan Jiuqing didn’t give him time to recover and continued to stroke. The pleasure that had passed was forced back, and Zhou Yinyu cried and orgasmed again.

“Duan Jiuqing!”

Zhou Yinyu really shed tears. He was forced to have continuous orgasms, and being fucked to orgasm was too much for him. His body had to endure a long period of pain before he could get a moment of pleasure. R5amsu

“Shizun, you obviously enjoy it a lot. I like to hear you panting. This disciple’s so hard that the water is flowing.”

A monster was a monster. When he was still around him before, he had never been so bad! Before he had time to think about it, Duan Jiuqing grabbed his sore waist and pressed him against the stone in the spring pool with his back to him.

Zhou Yinyu instantly realized what he was going to do. He was really scared, his body couldn’t bear it anymore. His heartbeat kept fluttering, “Duan Jiuqing, it hurts so much, let go!”

Duan Jiuqing’s chest covered his back. He liked the feeling of skin-to-skin contact with shizun, “Shizun, I can’t go in anymore. shizun, can you help me with your legs? I feel really uncomfortable and it hurts. Shizun…” IAj18u

Zhou Yinyu was so angry that he gnashed his teeth! This person was clearly doing the worst things! But he could still use such an innocent tone!

Duan Jiuqing held Zhou Yinyu with his long arms, pressing his face against his hickey-covered back and rubbing coquettishly.

Zhou Yinyu listened to him calling “shizun” and “shizun” constantly, and his crotch was thrust against his in a bad way. He was so angry that he almost lost his breath. He said it as if he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t want to. He had obviously done it by force and robbery more than once, but today he had to force himself to agree.

“Whatever you want to do, hurry up!” hfqYRC

Duan Jiuqing stopped and whispered in his ear, “Thank you, shizun, I will serve you well!” After saying that, he raised his waist and supported his flesh blade and slowly inserted it between Zhou Yinyu’s legs.

“Shizun, please tighten your legs.”

“Duan Jiuqing!” Zhou Yinyu blushed angrily and clenched his fingers into fists. The man behind him just laughed softly, then he tightened his legs with his hands, hugged his waist, and started rubbing crazily.

As it entered and exited, the sound of water exploded, creating ripples one after another with them as the center. 942kLf

Zhou Yinyu laid on the stone with his eyes closed and endured the attacks of the person behind him. Duan Jiuqing’s penis would always press against his scrotum when it was inserted between his legs. It was a strange, novel pleasure, and Duan Jiuqing deliberately released moans that wormed their way into his mind, making him dizzy.

“Shizun, this disciple feels so good.” “Shizun, fuck me…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Duan Jiuqing held his ear and called one after another, and finally he couldn’t help but reach the climax. It was a mixture of pain and joy, because he couldn’t ejaculate, he just had an orgasm, just like he was forced to before by rubbing. ynUEdJ

Duan Jiuqing had already discovered how to make his dear shizun ejaculate as quickly as possible. All he had to do was bite his ear and breathe a few times.

Zhou Yinyu’s legs were so weak that he couldn’t stand, so Duan Jiuqing held him tightly in his arms and fucked between his legs. He buried his forehead in his arms and gasped, “When are you going to cum…” His legs hurt.

“It’s this disciple’s fault for causing shizun trouble. Bear with it a bit more… Mm…”

Zhou Yinyu couldn’t listen to him talking about shizun this and that but not respecting him at all. He endured his manipulation, looked at the heavy splashes, and the pool water in front of him that was stained with his own semen, waiting for him to ejaculate… 4CoI1P

Zhou Yinyu was fucked between his legs and penetrated several times. He was so tired that he collapsed and almost fainted. Duan Jiuqing was finally done, and he accelerated the friction in and out. The ripples on the water surface became larger and denser, and his strength became stronger and stronger. The person who was pressed against the spring stone was being fucked until white light flashed across his eyes, and he was moaning unconsciously.

Zhou Yinyu struggled in his arms in pain, and his white butt cheeks were covered with bruises and marks from being pinched, and were turned red by the rapid impact. The skin on the center of the legs was red, swollen, and pitiful. Zhou Yinyu refused to let him rub him anymore, and was finally suppressed tightly, just like a female beast. He fucked like this for a hundred times before he was let go.

The hearty love affair finally stopped, and the ripples in the spring slowly returned to calm.

Zhou Yinyu was in pain, tired, and worn out at the moment, and his legs were so sore from the intense sexual intercourse that he couldn’t even stand up. Duan Jiuqing hugged him and sat back in the spring pool. He laid in Duan Jiuqing’s arms and fell asleep with lingering traces of love all over his body. He felt Duan Jiuqing’s delicate kiss and his hands massaged his body to relieve the pain. mEuBfD

Zhou Yinyu was so tired that he couldn’t even lift his eyelids. Duan Jiuqing sucked hard on his neck, leaving layers of kiss marks, and he didn’t have the strength to stop him.

Duan Jiuqing held the body that he had ruined in his arms, and his big palms roamed around and caressed him. He looked down at Zhou Yinyu’s broken hair that was soaked with sweat on his forehead, and his eyes that were red from crying, and the evil thoughts in his heart began to pop up again.

He had known that Zhou Yinyu was usually very cold, and he would only be so obedient when he was fucked too much.

Commissioned by Nyanmaru T2qUSu

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