EmeraldCh33.2 - Whipping

So that’s how it is

The chief eunuch’s thoughts quickly turned. He immediately became pleased, intending to report this matter in detail to the emperor. aZbrL9

With this, Emperor Zhou’s last bit of doubt was dispelled.

At the same time, the bowl of tiger penis soup was indeed delivered to Zhou Huaiyan’s sleeping quarters under supervision.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Eighth Brother’s gift came at just the right time.”

“Your Highness truly has good foresight.” GYuk9F

The eldest palace maid showed a look of admiration and respect. Zhou Huaiyan waved his hand,

“Hongdou, make sure to store the rest properly. It might come in handy someday.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

The young man glanced at the contents of the bowl, initially intending to tell Hongdou to throw it away. However, he suddenly noticed the kitten’s blank stare and felt a playful urge to tease him,


“Why are you staring? Do you want to drink it?”

Since that night, his master’s tone towards him has been cold, and it is the same now. Ah Fei, frightened, immediately knelt down again,

“This slave… this slave…”

The truth was, if handled properly, that substance could be used as a medicinal guide to suppress the Gu. That was why Ah Fei had taken a few extra glances, but he didn’t expect his master to misunderstand. 1PGWXl

Seeing that the kitten didn’t deny it right away, Zhou Huaiyan was genuinely a bit surprised,

“You really want to drink it?”

“No, no, it’s just that… this slave… this slave heard Imperial Physician Li say this could be used as medicine.”

Ah Fei stammered in explanation, jRGLmF

“And… and such a large one… is indeed… quite rare.”

Such a large one…

Zhou Huaiyan: “……”

Obviously, Ah Fei is just being studious, thrifty, and cherishing medicinal materials, but… why does it feel so dirty? Zilg8

For a moment, Zhou Huaiyan didn’t know what to say.

“In that case,”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The young man held his forehead, unable to suppress a headache,

“Lbcuvbe, vbc’a qbeg la bea. Ofjnf la atfgf obg tlw.” 7KFbhl


Ktf fivfra wjlv rfa la vbkc jr lcragemafv,

“Po Tbeg Llutcfrr tjr cb batfg lcragemalbcr, atlr wjlvrfgnjca cffvr ab ub jcv rbga bea atf kjgftberf. Ktfgf tjnf yffc wjcs lafwr rfca ogbw njglber qjijmfr gfmfcais, jcv atlr wjlvrfgnjca cffvr ab qfgrbcjiis mtfmx atfw bcf ys bcf.”

“Mhm.” k9DiBh

Zhou Huaiyan was weak and would get sick if exposed to the slightest contamination. Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, Hongdou would personally inspect everything before it came near him.

Seeing the eldest palace maid’s figure finally disappear, Ah Fei cautiously moved to the young man’s feet.

“Master, you’re still angry with this slave.”

“Humph!” O1xeZa

Zhou Huaiyan snorted coldly,

“Do you think you’re worthy of Dianxia’s anger?”

By referring to himself as “Dianxia,” he was indeed showing his anger. After spending so much time together, Ah Fei had roughly figured out the young man’s temperament.

Following his words, the kitten coaxed, zfxhOX

“This slave is not worthy at all. Not at all worthy of making the Master angry. It’s just that this slave broke the rules and caused the Master to suffer from the cold wind, only hoping for the Master’s punishment!”

Zhou Huaiyan raised an eyebrow. He pinched Ah Fei’s chin, forcing him to lift his head, and calmly asked,

“Let’s hear it, how should you be punished?”

Ah Fei obediently tilted his head back, exposing his vulnerable throat like a young beast caught by a hunter, dFxcVC

“This slave is willing to accept the punishment of whipping.”

As he spoke, he loosened his belt and deftly removed his outer garment. He even managed to produce a soft whip from somewhere, presenting it with both hands,

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Please… Master, bestow the punishment.”

The young man stared fixedly at the kitten, his calm black pupils like ink jade submerged in the depths of the sea, revealing no emotion. After a while, Zhou Huaiyan suddenly chuckled, wYHIcX


He rubbed Ah Fei’s chin, reddening his icy white skin,

“Preparing so thoroughly, were you waiting for this?”

His tone showed no anger or joy. ZtFpfA

Ah Fei lowered his gaze, displaying an extremely submissive demeanor,

“Yes, this slave made a mistake and deserves to be punished.”


Zhou Huaiyan suddenly let go with considerable force, causing Ah Fei’s face to be forcibly turned aside. His black curls scattered, casting intricate shadows on the snowy red plum painting. F1 jGm

Zhou Huaiyan disliked the feeling of being forced, but unfortunately, Ah Fei insisted on using this method to force him.

It was the same as that night standing in the snowy night, and now, this.

Before, it was to enter the sleeping quarters and sleep with him, and now it was to force him to reconcile and make amends.

Ah Fei was very clever. iP eBW

However, when Hongdou had spoken out a few words before, Zhou Huaiyan had sent her to the introspection hall as punishment. And now, according to the young man’s past behavioral rules, he would directly eliminate this hidden danger that could affect his rationality.


Zhou Huaiyan didn’t know if he was truly angry with Ah Fei or with himself,

“Do you really think that I, the Ninth Prince, dare not lay a hand on you?!” 3Fkgrl

“This slave dares not.”

Ah Fei lowered his head, but raised the whip in his hand high,

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Please, Master, bestow the punishment.”

Pa——! SKtJXo

As soon as the whip left his hand, a searing pain struck his body.


Ah Fei bit the soft flesh inside his cheek, enduring his master’s anger.

“Today, Dianxia will teach you a lesson. I, Zhou Huaiyan, hate being forced the most in my life! Regardless of the circumstances!” f8EHzZ


Another whip!


Ah Fei endured the pain and gasped, wf xOK

“This slave will bear this in mind.”

It was his own cleverness, his own self-righteousness. It turned out that in his master’s eyes, he had long been seen through clearly.

He had been too arrogant. His master was so intelligent and astute; how could he not see through his little schemes? He just chose not to expose them.

Ah Fei knelt upright, trying to keep his back straight, ready for his master’s punishment. Even though it hurt badly, he didn’t make a sound. rAsQ8z

After four or five whips, seeing the kitten’s trembling body and the horrifying scars, Zhou Huaiyan finally stopped. He rarely punished his subordinates physically. Even if he did, he wouldn’t do it himself. But today was an exception.


Zhou Huaiyan angrily threw the soft whip to the ground, making a muffled sound.

“What kind of useless whip is this? It even hurts Dianxia’s hands!” gFpw1r

Ah Fei was stunned for a moment, then immediately raised his head, as if about to stand up,

“Then… then this slave will go and get a better one for the Master.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Zhou Huaiyan: “……?”

Can’t you see this is a way out? If you don’t want to go down, fine, but why climb up the pole?! 5SLThF

“No need, Dianxia is tired.”

The young man rubbed his palms angrily and sat down on the chair. He couldn’t articulate exactly what he was angry about, but he felt frustrated anyway.


Ah Fei obediently knelt beside him again. He couldn’t help but look at the young man’s palms, which were rubbed red by the whip handle. He tentatively asked, QlFshC

“Master, shall this slave massage them for you?”


Zhou Huaiyan fell silent.

He really couldn’t understand Ah Fei. He had just finished using the whip, yet this person didn’t seem to blame or feel upset at all? 0iJ1vz

Instead, he seemed… somewhat happy?

Seeing the young man silent for a while, Ah Fei thought he had agreed, so he immediately ran to the nearby box and happily took out some ointment.

——He often saw Hongdou using this to massage the master’s hands a few days ago.

By the time Zhou Huaiyan came to his senses and wanted to refuse, the kitten had already opened the bottle. G8dBKr

There was suddenly a faint scent of plum blossoms in the air.


Nevermind, just consider it giving him a way out. 

nKM 8G

Translator's Note

台阶 (táijiē) – figurative meaning is “a chance to extricate oneself from an awkward position” or “a way out of an embarrassing situation”

Translator's Note

“顺着杆子往上爬” (shùn zhe gǎnzi wǎng shàng pá). This expression is used to describe someone who, instead of taking a way out or accepting a compromise, chooses to escalate a situation or make it more complicated. It implies stubbornness or an unwillingness to back down. In this context, it’s used metaphorically to convey Zhou Huaiyan’s confusion and frustration with Ah Fei’s behavior.

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1 comment

  1. Well…

    Forcing the punishment to put a end to the conflict and get forgiven (did I say that right?)

    Like using the scheme of harming oneself to gain compassion and play the victim? Well, Ah Fei IS a victim, but he is not the only one.

    This damn relationship looks like it a slow burn.

    If it is, I’m gonna suffer SO MUCH!

    Thank you for the update ❤️