Denial is the WayCh12 - Month Three (2)


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  1. the same thought went through my head hen I read toe total. I said: “for a jar of peanut butter and some chips?!”

    but how cute was Ender asking for attention?!

    I cant wait to see him meet the 6 older doting siblings.

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  2. I don’t know about other places but in AZ no matter what you sell, as long as you’re on the side of a highway, tax skyrockets. I hate buying from the gas station but I’m to lazy to go to town (:3」∠)

  3. Thanks for the chapter, I’m a bit behind on the reading but I just found this gem!! Also Idk if this was answered, but gas stations’ prices are Higher because they can’t get the same discounts as stores do. So in order to pay for everything, their prices have to be higher. A store can get chips and other things at a lower rate than a gas station can, meaning a higher price for the customers.