Doomsday Divine Seed CultivatorCh61 - The Might of the Profession Skill

The bus sped along the way, twisting and turning, and finally got rid of the zombies that were chasing after it. However, other than the zombies that kept appearing, the bus also had to face all the vehicles that were abandoned haphazardly on the road.

The bus ride was very bumpy. Any zombies or vehicles in its path were violently knocked away. The front of the bus was dented and battered, and the windshield was shattered with web-like cracks. lfUk96

Lu Di stood next to Yin Weijiang with a double-edged ax to protect his safety, chopping down all the zombies that pounced on the windshield and tried to climb in through the window.

Not only the driver’s position was dangerous but other areas were no better.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

When the bus hit the obstacles on the road, it would inevitably slow down, which allowed the zombies to catch up. Zombies with levels were much faster than ordinary zombies and would pounce on the bus.

The people on the bus could only take up weapons to defend themselves. SN3zcH

Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan stood on the left and right of Xun Ye respectively. No zombies could get close to them, and Yu Xiao stood behind them.

Yu Xiao was also protected by Hua Cheng and Li Rui. They formed a defense near the driver’s seat like an iron fortress. No matter how the zombies pounced, they could not break through the defense.

On the other hand, the Qi family was in a very awkward situation. Qi Ningjie, Deng Chen, and Qi Changjun held weapons to fight against the zombies and protected the three women behind them. The zombies with levels were very difficult to deal with, but they had people to protect, so they were overwhelmed and quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Qi Ningjie looked at Xun Yi and the others from time to time, hoping that they would come to help. He was fast reaching his limit.


Deng Chen kept slashing with his saber to prevent the zombies from jumping over. His strikes nearly always missed their mark, simply for show. The zombies that could jump on the bus were mostly high-level zombies with good speed and strength.

While Deng Chen slashed away, he suddenly screamed. He was knocked down by a charging zombie and fell into the seat, almost rolling out of the window.

“Chenchen!” Lin Ying shouted and wanted to grab Deng Chen. As soon as she turned around, she saw a zombie pouncing over.

“Aaahhh!” Lin Ying screamed. ZMlzVx

Deng Chen froze and felt cold all over. He could already imagine the pain of being torn apart by zombies. More frighteningly, he might also become a zombie.


The zombie that pounced on Deng Chen and his mother suddenly froze on the spot, with a sword tip through its forehead.

Xun Ye stepped on the zombie’s shoulder and pulled out his dagger. He landed back on the ground like a monkey and the zombie fell. 7MyVWJ

He dug out the magic crystal from the zombie’s head and flicked away the black blood on the dagger. He glanced at the petrified Deng Chen and returned to Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan without a word.

Deng Chen was scared out of his wits by Xun Ye’s actions. This was not something a child should do!

Despite his small stature, Xun Ye killed zombies so neatly that even adults couldn’t compare to him.

Of course, Qi Ningjie noticed the situation here, but he didn’t have time to come to the rescue. He was surrounded by zombies too. s1yU6w

Two zombies roared and rushed to the ordinary survivors hiding under the seats. Xun Yi held a saber in his hand and lunged forward. With every slash of his saber, a zombie fell.

After killing the zombies on the bus, Xun Yi calmly returned to Yin Fuchuan and Xun Ye.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qi Ningjie looked at the zombie corpses and then at Xun Yi, feeling breathless.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf kjs Wec Tl xliifv hbwylfr klat fjrf pera cbk rtbmxfv tlw ugfjais. Snfc Hl Rlcuplcu, ktb kjr tlvlcu lc atf rfja cfza ab tlw, kjr raeccfv. Ktlr kjr atf olgra alwf rtf tjv rffc Wec Tl ilxf atlr. Lf kjr rlwqis… abb mbbi obg kbgvr! T N3z4

Qtfc Hl Rlcuplf ibbxfv ja Wec Tl jcv Wec Tf jujlc, tlr fsfr kfgf wbgf jqqgftfcrlnf. Ktfgf kjr cb vbeya atja atfs kfgf nfgs ragbcu.

Qi Ningjie couldn’t help but look at the man who had not made a move. The team banner was in his hand. If Xun Yi was so strong, did it mean that this man was even more powerful and terrifying?

Sure enough, it was a pity to miss the Poltergeist Cave!

After this wave of zombie attacks, the bus was finally more stable. As usual, Xun Ye wanted to dig out the magic crystals from the zombies’ heads, but Xun Yi stopped him. aUOxXj

“Don’t. Let me do it.” Xun Yi couldn’t let Xun Ye come into contact with these things anymore. He would rather do it himself than let Xun Ye be infected.

As Xun Yi dug into the heads of the terrifying zombies, the faces of the three women of the Qi family turned ugly.

Qi Ningjing frowned, obviously disgusted by Xun Yi’s behavior.

Xun Yi had his principles and only went after the zombies he killed. He didn’t touch the zombies killed by others. EmIdKn

Qi Ningjie watched for a while before imitating his actions. He rummaged through the head of the zombie he had killed, which disgusted several women. Qi Ningjie finally dug out a black diamond-shaped crystal, held it in his hand, and examined it. He exclaimed in surprise, “Is this… a magic crystal?”

Qi Ningjie looked at Xun Yi, obviously asking him.

Xun Yi nodded. “Indeed, that’s a magic crystal.”

Qi Ningjie continued to ask, “What is it for?” Fw8zKt

That would be a long story. This was something Supernal Magic Cube wanted. What could it not do?

Of course, Xun Yi wouldn’t say it out loud. He didn’t want to die yet.

“Since it has been mentioned repeatedly, it must be useful.” Xun Yi gave him a vague answer.

At the same time, Xun Yi sighed inwardly. Most people probably didn’t know about the existence of magic crystals yet. Even if someone did, it was by chance. In that case, it was almost impossible to collect 1 million pieces. osJ0HI

Qi Ningjie felt that Xun Yi had a point, so he dug out the magic crystals from the brains of several other zombies and put them away carefully.

This section of the road was fairly smooth with few zombies around. Even the zombies that were attracted by the sound of the engine gave up chasing after a while, and no crazy high-level zombies came after them either.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

When everyone finally relaxed a little, Lu Di suddenly shouted, “Watch out!”

Boom! uAKWQd

He deftly grabbed Yin Weijiang’s steering wheel and turned it halfway. The bus drifted sideways and narrowly missed a large military truck that suddenly zoomed out. All the people on the bus were tossed around, bruised and battered. Until the bus stopped, the people stacked on top of each other couldn’t move.

Neither Yin Weijiang nor the person driving the big green armored truck expected to see another big vehicle running on the streets today.

However, no one was in the mood to care about the armored truck at this moment, because another banging collision was heard on the stationary bus.

The bus swayed and was almost overturned by the impact. CeduVE

“What the hell? Something crashed into the bus!”

The bus kept getting hit, and the body of the bus dented inside, frightening everyone on the bus.

Lu Di was thrown to the console and was the first to stand up. He looked at the situation outside and was dumbfounded.

“I-Is that a herd of pigs?!” XUjhkL

The others followed his cue and felt their scalps tingling when they saw the scene outside.

A herd of large white pigs about 3 to 4 meters long and nearly 2 meters tall were attacking their bus. The other armored truck was also under attack by the pigs and had to stop.

The compartment of the armored truck was full of people, seemingly the rescued survivors judging from their appearances. The truck shook under the impact of these giant white pigs and almost overturned several times. The people in the compartment clutched their heads and screamed in fright.

Three soldiers in military uniforms jumped out of the truck, holding sabers instead of guns in their hands. 7ngC9F

In the Doomsday Gaming Field where firearms could not be used, the soldiers could only use handheld weapons.

Three soldiers surrounded the armored truck and fought the giant white pigs, which were obviously mutated. Not only were they surprisingly big, but their skin was also thick enough to block attacks.

A soldier slashed the giant white pig’s head with his saber, but the pig’s head remained intact, leaving only a shallow wound on its skin. The pig roared angrily and slammed into the soldier, who tried to block the impact of the giant white pig with his saber held horizontally. Unfortunately, his strength was no match for the pig. The soldier was sent flying and crashed into the armored truck, unable to move for a while.

Everyone on the bus was dumbfounded. sy2YCM

Deng Chen murmured under his breath, “Is that really a pig? It’s so big that it should be called a monster pig.”

Xun Ye glanced at him with disdain. “Rather than a monster, it’s more like a mutation, quite obvious at first glance.”

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Boom! Bang!

“Aaahhh!” Screams echoed throughout the bus. M7WpEH

One side of the bus was hit twice in succession. The bus swung up on its side and almost toppled over.

The mutated pigs were probably trying to knock the bus over!

Fortunately, Yin Fuchuan and Xun Yi reacted quickly enough. When the two mutated pigs attacked in succession, they jumped out of the window. They each slashed at a mutated pig and stopped them from attacking the bus again, which narrowly prevented the bus from toppling over.

Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan’s long black sabers deeply penetrated the pigs’ flesh, and blood splattered everywhere. The pigs screeched and frantically charged at them. OJ2o7N

It wasn’t that the pigs’ skin was too tough to penetrate, but more likely that the weapon wasn’t good or powerful enough, so the damage dealt to the mutated pig was minimal.

Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan were both above level 20 with very high basic attribute values. Yin Fuchuan’s basic attributes were always at max value, and his level was also higher than Xun Yi’s. Most importantly, he was very skilled at fighting.

When the mutated pig charged at him, Yin Fuchuan turned his body slightly to one side and held the saber in a backflip, piercing through the pig’s neck from bottom to top.

Yin Fuchuan quickly pulled out the saber and jumped away. 7QcwPa

Warm blood gushed from the neck of the mutated pig but it wasn’t dead yet. It rampaged in a frenzy and crashed into everything, including the bus and other mutated pigs. Blood splattered all over the ground, and the strong stench of blood filled the air.

After Xun Yi avoided a mutated pig’s attack, he also stabbed his saber through the pig’s belly. As a result, his saber wasn’t long enough to stab through the round and fat belly.

Before the mutated pig went crazy from the pain, Xun Yi hurriedly pulled out the saber. Blood and other filth gushed from the wound. The mutated pig didn’t die, but became more ferocious, roaring and chasing Xun Yi.

“Who the hell actually operated a pig farm in the city center?” Lu Di almost went crazy. mi3GHU

Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan had clearly injured the mutated pigs seriously, but not only did they not die, they became even more ferocious.

Even Xun Yi and Yin Fuchuan were at a loss for the moment, let alone the others. They stayed on the bus without getting off because they served no purpose anyway. They didn’t want to be bitten or killed by the mutated pigs.

Yin Fuchuan narrowed his eyes. It seemed that he could only try that move.

“Yinyue… Three Consecutive Strikes!” Yin Fuchuan roared. ExUJ 6

The saber in his hand slashed with all his might, and his max value mental spirit instantly drained by 30%. A giant white shadow of a saber launched out from the black saber.

With one slash, the shadows of three giant sabers overlapped.

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The ground shook with a loud explosion.

A crack more than ten meters long appeared on the road because of that strike! 7A6ySr

The outcome of the mutated pigs that were targeted by that attack could be imagined. Some were split in half, while others were mutilated. Blood spattered everywhere, but none of the mutated pigs remained alive.

The people on the bus were stunned. They clearly saw the giant white saber shadow, which came from Yin Fuchuan’s saber. One strike produced three attacks in a row, clearing the battlefield in front of him with one blow.

The two soldiers next to the armored truck still struggling to hold the fort were obviously attracted by the commotion on this side. When they looked up, they saw a giant white saber shadow slashing at them. Where the saber shadow passed, the mutated pigs splattered into pieces.

The pressure on the two soldiers instantly reduced, and they retreated to another soldier next to the truck. He was injured and could not stand up at all. gVEXqR

Yin Fuchuan could only launch the Yinyue Three Consecutive Strikes three times with his mental spirit. He used it twice, which consumed 60% of his mental spirit. Fortunately, these mutated pigs seemed to be intimidated. After darting around in place for a moment, they turned around and ran away without caring about the prey anymore.

Xun Yi approached Yin Fuchuan and asked with concern, “Are you okay?”

Yin Fuchuan shook his head. “I’m fine. The skill you gave me is very useful.”

Xun Yi smiled. “Your profession should take the credit.” vUG9wR

The power of his two attacks just now was really astonishing.

The mutated pigs turned around and ran away without fighting, which puzzled the soldiers. However, they had no time to think about it because two people were approaching them.

Two soldiers were both in their 20s, and one of them had dark skin. Both of them held sabers in their hands.

“My name is Wu Bing, the captain of this search and rescue team. Thank you for your help.” Wu Bing spoke first and solemnly greeted Yin Fuchuan and Xun Yi with a military salute to express his gratitude. sbdhMk

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