Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh53 - Do You Still Want to Be a Civil Servant?


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Translator's Note

The term used here refers specifically to older sister, but I left it as sister for simplicity’s sake. This applies to all mentions of sister in relation to the yao on the mountain.

Translator's Note

A concept used to indicate that something has gone wrong in spiritual or martial arts training, causing an imbalance in qi/rampaging spiritual energy. In this state, the cultivation base becomes extremely unstable and the individual exhibits symptoms of psychosis and discomfort.

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  1. Fu Li!! Go back to your harmless, fluffy self!! ( ≧Д≦) Let your hubby– I mean, Zhuang Qing help you resolve any grudges!!!

  2. Oh my gosh! Is this where the legend of the Yao Emperor actually came from???

    And Fu Li not having any memory about it when he wakes up from his current state might be the reason why he thinks a Yao Emperor does not exist.

    Ugh, Fu Li, darling, you gotta wake up!

  3. FU LI NOO!!

    QAQ as interesting as it is to see, don’t do itttt!!!

    ….I would pay to see art of tiny rabbit Fu Li wrecking the dragons and palace tho omg.

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

  4. Fu Li must be the Yao emperor! Also is the rabbit really his true original form? Or dose he have another form he doesn’t know about?!?!?

  5. I have this weird thought that is lingering for three to five chapters now…

    What if Fu Li is the dearest of heaven and they know that he will turn into smth like this (dragon-eating or scary rabbit) so they made (?) Zhuang Qing to control him— and they thought ZQ is the dearest of heavenly law but they didn’t know it really is FL and they’re just protecting ZQ so that when the time comes, when FL lose himself, ZQ will stop him.

  6. With all those sinister voices in his head and the memories of his elders telling him not to eat willie nillie… he a Taotie???