Devil and Warrior: The Endless SnowChapter 70

“Thrett, what are you doing… mmph!” Before Ellyad could finish his sentence, Thrett silenced his embarrassment with a kiss.

“Stay with me forever.” As Thrett pulled away, he didn’t release Ellyad’s hand. Instead, he forcefully pressed it against his own chest, giving Ellyad no chance to escape. Un3PAd

“What are you suddenly talking about?” Ellyad shifted back a bit and tried to pull his hand away, but Thrett refused to loosen his grip.

“I am willing to give my entire life to you, just to be with you.” Even if one day the dream Thrett had came true, and Ellyad pointed a sword at him, he would never resist—though he fervently hoped that day would never come. Unfortunately, the dreams of the demon race were prophetic dreams, and even if they differed slightly from reality, they were destined to come true.

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“I…” Ellyad still nervously retreated a bit further, too hesitant to look directly at Thrett in front of him.

Seeing this, Thrett finally sighed and said, “You don’t need to answer me now, it’s okay.” He brushed Ellyad’s bangs aside, kissed him on the forehead, and then got up to fetch a change of clothes for Ellyad. jhpKT7

As the Demon King, he had plenty of time and didn’t need to rush for an answer. He possessed eternal life and was willing to wait forever. Even if Ellyad never gave him an answer in the end, it wouldn’t matter. Just being able to stay by Ellyad’s side and protect him was enough. Thrett’s only fear was that when Ellyad found out he was the Demon King, he might be hurt by it.


Ellyad suddenly called his name, and as Thrett turned around, Ellyad lunged at him with a forceful kiss.

“I feel the same.” There was no need for hesitation; Ellyad was simply afraid. He feared that all this beauty was just a fantasy; feared that the moment he responded, those promises would vanish like a mirage. While he could endure loneliness and pain on his own, it didn’t mean he wanted to continue walking alone. Ever since meeting Thrett, he had secretly hoped for warmth and companionship.


“I want to be with you too, Thrett.”

Words were unnecessary at this moment; their body heat was the best response. Thrett pulled away Ellyad’s shirt, soaked through from the snow, and his frenzied kisses moved from Ellyad’s lips to his pale neck and chest.

Hearing each other’s hearts beating rapidly, the deep, rhythmic sound was filled with warmth, creating an entrancing rhythm.

Thrett led Ellyad back to the bed and unceremoniously pushed him down onto it. His hands slid to Ellyad’s waist, exploring the perfectly shaped body. As their body temperatures rose, even this warmth became a mesmerizing elixir. HRxduj

Ellyad’s blushing face, flushed all the way to his ears, and his disheveled, open shirt struck Thrett’s rationality. Thrett reached out to caress Ellyad’s chest, then slowly moved his hand to Ellyad’s most sensitive area.

“Mm, uh…” Even the slightest movement made Ellyad tremble slightly, and before long, he was fully aroused.

Unlike the previous time, Ellyad felt their mutual intense desire for each other. He knew this time wouldn’t be like the last, where they could stop at any moment, but he still couldn’t help but ask softly, “Are we… going all the way this time?” Ellyad had some idea of what happens between two men, though he had never experienced it himself.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktgfaa lcafcalbcjiis lcmgfjrfv atf qgfrregf bo tlr wbnfwfcar, wjxlcu Siisjv ofjg yflcu bnfgktfiwfv ys atf kjnfr bo qifjregf. Fcmbcrmlberis, Siisjv aglfv ab qert Ktgfaa’r tjcv jkjs ogbw tlr cbk atgbyylcu wfwyfg. xC5LBV

“Gb sbe cba kjca ab mbcalcef?” Ktgfaa ygertfv Siisjv’r tjcv jrlvf jcv gfrewfv tlr ragbxlcu. Llr mjiw, jwerfv abcf wjvf Siisjv offi j yla gfrfcaoei.

“It’s not that… uh, it’s just that you haven’t yet…” Ellyad’s words were interrupted by his trembling body. He decided to express himself through actions instead, reaching out to touch Thrett’s groin.

“Mm.” Thrett immediately let out a hoarse whisper, “You’d better not touch that.” He moved Ellyad’s hand away.

“Seriously, if you keep touching, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to stop when you tell me to.” Thrett tried to maintain a calm demeanor, but his emotions were already overtaken by desire. He was barely restraining his impulses. dY152Z

Seeing Thrett struggling to maintain his composure for the first time made Ellyad feel a bit smug and reassured. It wasn’t just him who felt desire for Thrett; Thrett also deeply longed to be with him.

“You too…” Finally able to feel their mutual affection, Ellyad’s hand insistently moved back to the forbidden area. Thrett didn’t stop him this time, only murmured in a low voice, “I warned you.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hearing this, Ellyad laughed. He placed his other hand on Thrett’s shoulder and boldly demanded, “Thrett, please kiss me.”

Their rationality unbridled, they indulged in a wild, fervent kiss. Thrett hadn’t expected his feelings to be so intensely passionate. The intertwined bodies and their heavy breathing dulled any sense of calm and self-control. 8rvlxV

His fingers impatiently probed Ellyad’s narrow entrance. The warm, trembling inner walls almost made Thrett lose control and want to enter immediately, but Ellyad’s inexperienced reactions made him hold back. He didn’t want to cause Ellyad undue discomfort out of his own desire.

“Ah, ha!” When Thrett’s fingers accidentally brushed against a sensitive spot inside, Ellyad couldn’t help but grip the bedsheets tightly, his long legs instinctively wrapping around Thrett’s waist and rubbing against him.

Taking this as a sign of permission, Thrett withdrew his fingers and slowly inserted himself into Ellyad’s tight entrance.

“Mmph, ugh… ah, ah!” The larger intrusion was much more overwhelming than his fingers, causing Ellyad to squirm uncomfortably. V G10l

“Does it hurt?” Thrett quickly stopped moving and asked nervously. However, the burning desire coursing through his body was torturous, making him furrow his brow as he struggled to hold back.

“…It doesn’t hurt, so…” Even if it did hurt, Ellyad didn’t want Thrett to stop. He wrapped his arms tightly around Thrett’s neck and whispered in his ear, “I want you, Thrett…”

The last shred of rationality shattered instantly. Thrett’s fervent passion drove deep into Ellyad, moving slowly at first. The person beneath him moaned incoherently from the surges of pleasure, only fueling Thrett’s unrestrained desire to delve deeper, seeking more.

In the intensity of their movements, Thrett’s shirt grew increasingly disheveled. Suddenly, a necklace slipped from his collar. Between gasps, Ellyad caught a glimpse of it, and Thrett slowed his motions, silently smiling. dv3UBp

“This is…” Ellyad reached out and lifted the pendant hanging in mid-air, noticing the shiny platinum ring on the black leather cord, identical to the one on his own finger.

“I didn’t want to lose it, so I made it into a necklace,” Thrett finished, lifting Ellyad’s hand and kissing the ring.

A surge of emotion welled up in Ellyad’s chest, almost overwhelming him. If all the suffering, the searing scars, and the pain of broken wings had led to meeting this person, then the cost was worth it.

Ellyad clung to Thrett even tighter, his heart filled with a turbulent blend of relief and joy. The world outside their embrace seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, intertwined in their mutual desire and profound connection. 5pQ2i1

A sense of happiness overflowed, transforming into a gentle smile. Ellyad raised his hand, pulling Thrett’s face closer, his fingers tangling in Thrett’s dark hair as he savored the light touch of their lips.

The scars and sorrowful memories would never disappear, but Thrett had filled all the voids. At some point, this person had become Ellyad’s entire world.

Thrett was his beloved, most precious one, a sanctuary that embraced him.

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Early in the morning, Thrett was the first to open his eyes, greeted by the peaceful sight of Ellyad’s sleeping face.

The cold, clear light of winter morning filled the room. The first snowfall of the year had come to an end, marking the official start of the snowy season.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Thrett sat up, adjusting his clothes slightly. Besides the scattered clothes on the bedding, everything else was clean, thanks to the clever use of water-based magic, ‘Cleanup,’ devised by the Demon King. Thrett found magic to be incredibly convenient in such matters.

Pulling the blanket up, he covered Ellyad, who was still naked, having fallen asleep without wearing clothes the night before. KfX5x6

Leaving the bed, Thrett began to pick up the clothes strewn across the floor. As he reached for a gray scarf, sudden images flashed through his mind—a child, descending from the sky like the first snow, surrounded by a faint halo of light; red apples and a shy smile.

Unable to suppress a smile, Thrett looked at Ellyad and said, “So, you’re the ‘first snow’ after all.”

I remember Ziyuan once said that the first snow carries the magic of ‘burying’ and ‘forgetting,’ and it seems like we’ve truly fallen under its spell.

“Mmm…” Ellyad turned over at this moment, rubbing his sleepy eyes before hoarsely asking, “Did I… oversleep?” nKDQwA

Ellyad was usually only lazy on rainy days. Although half of the sky was still covered by thick clouds, today’s weather could be considered a rare clear day.

“It’s okay, you can sleep a bit more. We’re not in a hurry anyway.”

If they didn’t encounter any more events along the way, it would take about a dozen days to reach the Demon King’s castle from here. So, there was no harm in staying a little longer.

“No, I should get up.” Ellyad tried to sit up but felt a twinge of pain in his waist, so he silently retreated back under the covers. LzyIXw

‘I didn’t expect to actually… with Thrett…’ And it was true, just as Thrett had said, to the extent that Ellyad even felt a bit regretful.

“Ellyad, do you remember anything from when you were a kid?” Thrett approached the bed with the scarf in hand, sitting down beside him. Beneath his partially unbuttoned shirt, the ring hung around Thrett’s neck.

“I remember most of it.” Ellyad chose his words carefully, knowing there were painful memories he couldn’t forget, as well as shameful acts he’d rather not recall.

“And this scarf, do you recall where you got it from?” WRnkzE

“Yes, it’s from—” Ellyad could never forget this, even though the person who gave it to him was now just a vague memory. He continued, “It’s from someone who gave the impression of being entirely shrouded in darkness, yet so gentle and warm; their eyes were a blue-violet hue, like the dawn…” Ellyad trailed off, locking eyes with Thrett.

“Dawn-like eyes?” Thrett barely contained his amusement.

The vague figure in Ellyad’s mind suddenly took on distinct contours, overlapping completely with Thrett’s appearance!

“I didn’t realize you’d grown up so much. Ah, saying it like this makes me sound like an old man.” He spat to himself, handing the clothes and scarf to the wide-eyed Ellyad, then gently brushing aside his hair. 70JdRM

‘Turns out you’ve always been here, haven’t you? Finding me, letting me stay by your side, becoming my home, Thrett, you…’

“Wow, Ellyad, you’re hugging too tightly.”

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It seemed Ellyad had indeed put all his strength into hugging Thrett. Upon hearing his words, Ellyad even squeezed him tighter.

Why were they able to meet, why did he fall in love with this person, why could he be so happy? It felt like a miracle— xiZkzv

Perhaps he was hugging too tightly, as tears streamed down Ellyad’s face without stopping.

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