cos0Ch23 - Don’t push your luck

Ji Fangchi noticed that Xu Ji-ge and his sister-in-law were fighting again.

It wasn’t the kind of fight where they shouted at each other, but rather the silent treatment where they ignored each other. 74YXdV

The group took the cable car together. As soon as Xu Ji reached the advanced slope, he disappeared without a trace, even Ji Chi couldn’t catch up to him. Ji Fangchi glanced at Li Ting, who was slowly getting on his skis. Li Ting had his eyes down, his eyelashes obscuring his emotions.

Ji Fangchi hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to go find his brother.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

During lunchtime, Li Ting didn’t show up.

Xu Ji glanced at his watch. It was already 15 minutes past the time they had agreed upon. He said, “Let’s not wait anymore. Let’s go eat.” T5H24J

He recklessly went off the trail himself and disregarded the danger, yet he’s throwing a tantrum for no reason.

The next day, Li Ting simply didn’t join them on the advanced slope. He probably went to the intermediate or beginner slope by himself.

Xu Ji was unaffected and just focused on snowboarding by himself.

Ji Chi shouted from behind, “Xu Ji, are you crazy? You’re going to hit a tree at this speed and end up in pieces!”


For three consecutive days, although they shared the same room at night, they didn’t exchange a single word. They took turns showering, then turned off the lights and went to sleep, as if whoever spoke first would lose.

They scheduled their return trip for early March, leaving them with roughly ten days remaining.

In the morning, Xu Ji woke up without looking in Li Ting’s direction. He got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, his hand reaching for the doorknob.

With a click, the door opened. GslSMY

Surprisingly, Li Ting had gotten up early. He appeared to have already freshened up, with soft hair hanging down and a refreshing hint of mint.

Xu Ji silently stepped aside to let him pass.

Li Ting paused for a moment before coming out from inside.

Only then did Xu Ji enter the bathroom and lock the door. eYZqbu

Because he cared a lot about his personal belongings, he immediately noticed that his toothbrush and cup, which were originally placed on the shelf, had been taken down and placed on the sink. At that moment, the cup was filled with water, and the toothbrush had toothpaste on it.

Xu Ji sneered coldly and poured out the water without hesitation. He rinsed off the toothbrush and reapplied toothpaste, worried that someone might have spat into it.

After freshening up and coming out, Xu Ji noticed that the other person had glanced at him a few times, but he pretended he hadn’t seen it, grabbed his snowboard and backpack, and left.

Of course, maintaining a good mood was essential when going out to play. This good mood not only referred to having fun while playing, but also to being able to fully relax both mentally and physically during rest times. jdHcnv

Living in the same room with such a tense and confrontational atmosphere, Xu Ji, being human after all, couldn’t help but be affected to some extent. However, even so, he didn’t want to compromise and just gloss over the situation.

He was indeed angry. Li Ting’s reckless behavior of disregarding his own safety had pissed him off.

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Li Ting might not have realized, but going off the trail at such high speed could have serious consequences. Colliding with a tree or a rock at that speed was no joke. It could’ve resulted in broken legs, arms, paralysis from the waist down, or even death from a broken neck.

Li Ting clearly had great talent and a strong sense of balance. With another year or so of practice, he could potentially advance even further. However, this was the reality. People who don’t prioritize safety are not suited for any extreme sports. 1BRObC

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

We Al tlwrfio wjs cba tjnf gfjilhfv la, yea jwlvra tlr jcufg, atfgf kjr jirb j tlca bo gfugfa obg Ol Klcu’r kjrafv ajifca.

Dea la kjrc’a pera We Al ktb mbeivc’a rajcv la jcswbgf.

Yc atf obegat vjs, joafg yflcu lucbgfv bcmf jujlc, Ol Klcu vlgfmais yibmxfv atf vbbgkjs. Lf aliafv tlr tfjv rilutais jcv rjlv rboais, “Tbe’nf uba delaf j afwqfg tet?”

Xu Ji gave him a cold look. YtKvGS

After a moment of standoff, Li Ting impatiently ran his hand through his hair, “I was wrong that day. Don’t be angry anymore.”

Xu Ji stared at him for a few seconds, then bypassed him and wanted to leave.

Seeing this, Li Ting, who had been suppressing his emotions all along, finally snapped. In an instant, he reached out and held the door, “And you didn’t do anything wrong?”

With a tone that sounded rather like: I already admitted my mistake, can’t you just let it go already? G8Cd6d

Xu Ji’s jaw tightened slightly, his lines were sharp. Upon hearing these words, he didn’t even want to care anymore and insisted on leaving forcefully.

Li Ting suddenly grabbed Xu Ji’s arm, refusing to let him leave.

The confrontation between the two escalated and the atmosphere was on the verge of exploding. In the end, it was Li Ting who let go first.

After that day, Li Ting realized in hindsight that if he hadn’t let go at that moment, the two of them might have ended up fighting right there at the doorway. 7J5r3b

With Xu Ji being the first to make a move.

On the fifth day, the silent treatment continued. Whenever they crossed paths, both of their faces turned grim instantly. However, in terms of grim expression, Xu Ji was clearly the winner.

On the sixth day, as Xu Ji was about to come out after freshening up, Li Ting once again blocked his way.

He was tall, almost occupying the entire door frame. dZrKa5

Li Ting pursed his lips, adopting a humble posture, “I shouldn’t have engaged in such risky behavior at that time. I was truly in the wrong.”

Xu Ji’s real intention behind his anger wasn’t to argue but to make Li Ting reflect on his actions.

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Li Ting’s brows furrowed, and the usually uplifted tails of his eyes now seemed to droop, “Are you still angry? Don’t be angry anymore.”

Seeing the other genuinely admitting fault, Xu Ji was willing to communicate. He held onto the board with one hand to prevent it from falling over and looked up at Li Ting, “Yesterday, you mentioned that I was also in the wrong. Tell me where I was wrong.” QmBGO1

Li Ting felt a bit aggrieved when he spoke, along with the frustration and resentment of being left alone for half a month. “I couldn’t keep up with you, and you didn’t wait for me.”

“Skiing was never meant to be a ‘you wait for me, I wait for you’ kind of parent-child activity,” Xu Ji said coldly.

Li Ting stared at him. “Fine, let’s not talk about that. My anger left that same day, but you didn’t wait for me to have lunch the next day.”

Xu Ji frowned. “Who missed the agreed time?” KjbRU

“Me,” Li Ting choked for a moment, “But that was because I encountered something unexpected. If we agree to meet, I’ll come. You didn’t keep your word either.”

Xu Ji said, “What did you encounter?”

Li Ting replied, “At that time, I was almost at the entrance of the restaurant when a child who couldn’t ski crashed directly into my legs. I helped the child up and had a few words with the child’s parents.”

He omitted the part where he fell to his knees due to the pain and couldn’t speak for a long time. MOIxAv

Xu Ji fell silent for a moment.

“Look,” Li Ting thought he didn’t believe him, so he pulled up his pants leg. There was a large area of bruising on his calf, it was a color so dark like clotted blood, looking exceptionally conspicuous on his fair skin.

The indifference on Xu Ji’s face finally dissipated a bit, “I thought you were throwing a tantrum.”

Li Ting casually stomped his foot to let the pant leg slide back down, his gaze never leaving Xu Ji’s face. He continued to accuse him of his wrongdoing, “Then I dragged my very painful leg and climbed to the restaurant, only to find no one at the door. You didn’t even send me a message.” bg czG

Sounding very aggrieved.

Xu Ji and Li Ting locked eyes for half a second, and then he sighed softly, “Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t handle this well. Next time, I’ll call you to confirm.”

He forgot that they were giving each the silent treatment back then, how could he have taken the initiative to call and ask?

Li Ting said, “I squeezed toothpaste for you the day before yesterday, but you ignored me.” NoXs1U

Xu Ji said, “Mn.”

Li Ting said, “You left me with the instructor for half a month, enjoying yourself.”

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Xu Ji said, “…Mn.”

Li Ting said, “You never wait for me when you go out every day.” iH80So

Xu Ji furrowed his brow again, “You’re bringing up old accounts?”

Li Ting reluctantly closed his mouth.

After looking at him for a while, Xu Ji took the initiative to say, “I was angry because you didn’t control your speed and just let yourself rush forward. That’s very dangerous, extremely dangerous. If I hadn’t forcefully changed your direction, you would have been injured, lightly or severely.”

Li Ting said, “I knew you would come.” 6yFV0S

He didn’t know why, but he was certain. Given Xu Ji’s personality, there was no way he could just stand by and watch him get hurt.

Xu Ji wasn’t that kind of person.

Upon hearing this, Xu Ji’s face turned for the worse again and his tone became very stern. “What if both of us were injured?”

“Understood,” Li Ting had relied on reading others’ expressions to get by all his life, so he immediately admitted his mistake. “I promise it won’t happen again.” 5lL1Nf

They were chatting for some time, so the two brothers called to hurry them up. Xu Ji picked up the phone as he put his snowboard on his shoulders and headed outside, “Okay, coming down now.”

After taking a few steps, he turned around and saw Li Ting still standing at the door.

Xu Ji hung up the phone and appeared to sigh again, “Hurry up.”

A barely perceptible flicker of surprise crossed Li Ting’s expression. He curled his lips and quickly caught up in two steps. He glanced sideways at Xu Ji, “You have to wait for me today.” zBtPjb

Xu Ji remained silent for a moment before gently parting his thin lips, “Don’t push your luck.”

Ji Fangchi noticed that those two seemed to have reconciled, and… was it appropriate to say that his sister-in-law was a bit too clingy to Xu Ji-ge? Clingy… should this word be used here?

Xu Ji continued to snowboard wildly, but after traversing a certain distance, his speed would slightly decrease, only to pick up again shortly after.

Ji Fangchi, who was following behind, was puzzled over it until he saw Li Ting diagonally ahead. guxyT5

Li Ting had noticed it, Xu Ji really wouldn’t wait for him.

But every time he turned a corner and slid forward a bit, he could see Xu Ji’s all-black figure ahead.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The afternoon concluded.

Despite the sub-zero temperature, Li Ting was slightly sweating. He took off his helmet and goggles, and saw Xu Ji standing not far away. bAuoEr

“You two go back first,” Xu Ji said to the two brothers, then pointed at Li Ting. “You come with me.”

Li Ting didn’t understand why, but he still followed along.

Xu Ji took him to the ticket office where they had started and said to the staff, “Hello, could you please educate him on safety knowledge?”

So Li Ting was seated like a schoolchild and watched nearly half an hour of a skiing safety education video. By the end, his face had turned numb. gEH31Q

Returning to the hotel, Li Ting went to take a shower first. When he came out, he smelled a strong scent of medicinal wine in the room, which was a bit pungent.

“Come here,” Xu Ji was sitting on the edge of the bed. He poured some medicinal wine into his hands and rubbed them together to warm it up, “Roll up your pants.”

Li Ting was stunned for a second, not expecting the other to still remember.

Xu Ji said, “Hurry up.” p0Vc1N

Li Ting said, “It’s okay. Just leave it there, I can do it myself.”

Xu Ji didn’t want to waste words with him, “You don’t know how to.”

Li Ting was a bit puzzled. Wasn’t it just applying some medicine? How was there a distinction between knowing and not knowing?

After enduring for two minutes, Li Ting couldn’t help but let out a short cry. DIl7 S

Xu Ji exerted force as he pressed Li Ting, his technique was very professional. He massaged the bruised area along the muscle fibers to dissipate the blood clot.

Li Ting’s calf tensed up, the pain nearly suffocating him and strange noises escaped his throat, “Damn… gentler… ah!”

Xu Ji didn’t reduce his strength, “Do you want a long pain or a short pain?”

In the end, Li Ting couldn’t bear it anymore and collapsed onto the bed. His black hair scattered on the white sheets. He raised his hand to cover his eyes, with force so intense that it made the blood surge in his neck. He felt like his toes might be cramping. lMkWKf

“Uh…! Long pain, l-long pain! Let go!”

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