Cannon Fodder and the Villain Are True LoveCh242 - Raising A Ghost As A Husband (End)

Thank you Sarah for the coffee treat! :blobkissblush: A chapter will be released early for each coffee treated as a thank you gift. Thank you everyone for the support and comments!

At this moment, Bai Min also noticed Mo Yi’s arrival. Although they used the blood of the main lineage of the Bai family, it was still not an easy task to trap a ghost with hundreds of years of cultivation. NO68ld

Immediately, Tan Xuanming summoned a golden bell, an heirloom left by his ancestor. It had rarely been used over the years and was considered one of the Taoist temple’s hidden treasures.

He silently recited the incantation, and the golden bell flew directly above Bai Min’s head, emitting a dense golden light that enveloped him. The ghostly aura surrounding Bai Min emitted a crackling sound like burning charcoal after being touched by the golden light from the bell.

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As a result, Bai Min’s expression became even more fierce.

Seeing this, Tan Xuanming couldn’t help but feel pleased, thinking that with the blood of the main lineage of the Bai family and the golden bell, he would surely be able to subdue the evil spirit before him. rOuWSd

Little did he know, Bai Min’s power far exceeded his expectations.

Initially, Bai Min’s target was only the Bai family, but this old Taoist kept provoking him repeatedly, and Bai Min wasn’t one to back down.

Especially now that he sensed the bloodline of the main lineage of the Bai family, which he had been searching for but couldn’t find, Bai Min had no intention of letting things go any further.

He was already prepared to break free from the constraints of the formation and kill everyone from the Bai family and this old Taoist.


But before he could act, Mo Yi rushed forward.

“Damn it!”

Mo Yi cursed, echoing the same words he said before Bai Min left. Whoever trapped his partner here deserved to die!

No one took Mo Yi seriously at the scene, as he appeared to be just an ordinary young man with a decent appearance. gxdCAi

Bai Yuanzheng even directly ordered the security guards at the door to remove Mo Yi, but Mo Yi managed to evade them.

Mo Yi’s movements were agile, and for a moment, these people couldn’t do anything to stop him.

Tan Xuanming noticed that Bai Min’s attention hadn’t left Mo Yi since his arrival, and Mo Yi’s eagerness was too obvious. This fueled Tan Xuanming’s desire to torment Bai Min.

He directly extended his hand to stop the security guards and said, “Alright, let him come over.” R5rjYq

Tan Xuanming looked at Mo Yi approaching him, a hint of temptation on his face, and said, “Mo Yi, this evil spirit has been bothering you for so long. Do you want to take care of him yourself?”

To his surprise, Mo Yi went straight to him and delivered a punch right to his face, knocking Tan Xuanming to the ground. Tan Xuanming’s front teeth broke, and blood flowed from his mouth.

“What take care of him? You dare to lay a hand on Bai Min, you’re as good as dead!” Mo Yi exclaimed, landing several more punches in rapid succession.

Everyone was stunned by his actions, even Bai Min stood there in astonishment, watching Mo Yi. 2 WXhG

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zb Tl’r gfjmalbc kjr ecfzqfmafv, jcv jiatbeut Djl Zlc vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv kts Zb Tl tjv mbwf tfgf, tf atbeuta atja ja wbra, Zb Tl kbeiv pera byrfgnf atf rlaejalbc lcvloofgfcais.

Dea tf cfnfg fzqfmafv Zb Tl ab rajcv eq obg tlw jcv rjs atbrf kbgvr, ktlmt wjvf Djl Zlc offi ilxf tlr tfjga kjr yfjalcu jujlc, oliifv klat kjgwat.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Withdrawing the power that had expanded within him, Bai Min didn’t continue to actively disrupt the formation. Instead, he stared at Mo Yi, wanting to see what he would do next.

Then, he saw Mo Yi pressing Tan Xuanming to the ground and roughing him up. His ferocious demeanor shocked everyone around. p5Rz4X

Furthermore, his beloved had unexpectedly good combat skills. Even when Bai Yuanzheng instructed the people around him to confront Mo Yi together, they were all easily knocked down by him.

However, this was not the end.

Mo Yi looked up at the tall golden bell and at Bai Min, still being harmed by the golden light, with an anxious expression on his face.

“Bai Min, don’t be afraid, I’ll figure out a way to save you right away!” Mo Yi exclaimed, then looked around and noticed the yellow tablecloth on the altar. He ran over and tore it off. z8Y57D

Afterward, Mo Yi ran back to Bai Min’s side and threw the tablecloth toward the position of the golden bell. He covered the golden bell with the yellow cloth and then forcefully pulled it down.

The golden bell was slammed to the ground by Mo Yi, and the golden light disappeared, making Bai Min feel much relieved.

He looked at Mo Yi with some curiosity as he watched him firmly wrap the golden bell in the yellow cloth and then pull it down like a meteor hammer, smashing it on the ground until it was completely deformed, with fragments falling out from the cloth.

Even after that, Mo Yi’s resentment was not alleviated. He stomped viciously on the yellow cloth several times, as if to say that anything that harmed his beloved would meet such an end. AE7VmX

After completing these actions, Mo Yi was about to go and dismantle the formation to release his partner when he was embraced by a slightly cool body.

The formation had already been broken by Bai Min himself.

“Bai Min, you’re out! That’s great!” Mo Yi turned his head to look at Bai Min, visibly relieved.

Seeing this, Bai Min felt even warmer in his heart and couldn’t help but bend down to kiss Mo Yi on the forehead. WlkA2T

Originally, Bai Min had intended to wait a little longer, to see what Mo Yi would do. But when he saw the golden bell smashed into pieces before him, he completely believed that everything Mo Yi had said before was true. Mo Yi had only been trying to coax the old Daoist and protect himself by destroying the artifact.

The thought that Mo Yi’s feelings for him were genuine, just like his own, filled Bai Min’s heart with joy. Mo Yi, an ordinary human, had come to protect him without hesitation, even if it meant opposing everyone else.

How could there be someone so good? Bai Min sighed inwardly.

He had previously doubted Mo Yi and even imprisoned him, but compared to Mo Yi’s sincerity, his own actions seemed truly ugly. UzFomr

Despite this, Mo Yi had still come for him. Bai Min felt incredibly lucky.

A sense of satisfaction welled up in his heart, and Bai Min felt like he had been redeemed, both physically and emotionally. He had received the best love in the world, the purest affection.

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Suppressed for hundreds of years, the pent-up resentment on Bai Min’s body miraculously dissipated.

At this moment, there was no trace of the previous black aura on Bai Min’s body. His eyes returned to their black color, clear and bright. WYO Cr

Although he was still not human, he no longer resembled a demonic creature from hell. Even as a ghost, he could only be described as ethereal and otherworldly.

“Bai Min, you seem different. Are you okay?” Mo Yi’s face showed obvious concern, but Bai Min smiled and shook his head.

At this point, was he still the one most worried about himself?

How could he, who had received such a virtuous partner, not be filled with happiness? If the sufferings of the past hundreds of years could be exchanged for the companionship and understanding they shared now, perhaps everything was worth it. a1bTkJ

In the courtyard where the ancestral hall was located, most of the Taoist disciples and bodyguards had already fled.

Except for Tang Xuanming, who was lying unconscious on the ground after being beaten by Mo Yi, everyone else was trembling with fear.

With Bai Min breaking free from the formation and the destruction of the artifact, their most reliable master had also been defeated.

They were just ordinary people, and they were terrified of ghosts, especially when faced with not just one malevolent spirit, but also a human with equally terrifying combat capabilities. 4QFDhZ

Mo Yi was clearly aware of the situation they were in now, and he couldn’t help but find it amusing to see these people completely losing their earlier arrogance.

Turning his attention to the formation that had previously trapped his partner, Mo Yi noticed that although Bai Min had broken through a gap in the blood-red array, the red patterns drawn on it didn’t seem like ordinary paint; they exuded a strong smell of blood.

And this blood was flowing out from a large jar not far away. Below the jar was an opening, from which the blood flowed out slowly, converging along the patterns dug into the ground to form the formation.

Bai Min followed Mo Yi’s gaze and directly waved his sleeve, causing the jar to shatter. SZXxlj

What emerged from it was Bai Yunxin, her mouth sealed and her body bound, unable to move. She was barely clinging to life, her face pale as paper. Countless wounds covered her body, and the blood flowed from them, indicating that she had lost a significant amount of blood.

Mo Yi was surprised by what he saw. He had noticed the blood, but he never expected it to be Bai Yunxin’s.

Without guessing, he knew that this must be because the formation required the blood of the main branch, but he never thought that Bai Yuanzheng could be so ruthless as to sacrifice his own daughter.

“Hmph, people from the Bai family are truly despicable,” Bai Min snorted. gS3EkQ

However, when Bai Min raised his hand, aiming a piece of tile at Bai Yuanzheng, Mo Yi quickly stopped him.

Bai Yuanzheng was indeed despicable, but Mo Yi didn’t want Bai Min to commit a sin because of these insignificant people.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Moreover, although he hadn’t been able to leave home for various reasons these days, it didn’t mean he hadn’t done anything. He had already connected with 006 online and gathered a large amount of evidence of Bai Yuanzheng’s crimes.

The Bai family had sacrificed their bloodline for wealth in the past, and their family ethics were far from commendable. Most of the collateral branches were incompetent, and the family head, Bai Yuanzheng, would stop at nothing for profit. Z3mODN

Now, it seemed that action made to Bai Yunxin could also be added to his and the old Taoist’s charges.

“Bai Min, this person has committed many sins. It’s not worth dirtying your hands over him. Let me handle it, okay?” Mo Yi gently held his partner’s wrist and reassured him.

His beloved had done countless things for him in so many worlds, and of course, he was willing to repay him.

Seeing the hopeful look in Mo Yi’s eyes, Bai Min let go of his hand. NvVtYU

The people who had caused his death were long gone, turned into dust. As for the current situation, he chose to unconditionally trust Mo Yi.

Each world had its own rules, so Mo Yi chose to call the police and anonymously transmit all the evidence to the authorities.

Bai Yunxin had lost too much blood. Although she didn’t die in the end, she ended up in a vegetative state.

As for Bai Yuanzheng, he had coerced and manipulated others for his own benefit, directly or indirectly causing the deaths of several people. While he might not spend his entire life in prison, he would certainly regret his actions for the rest of his life. 6AYGyO

The Bai family’s fortune had always been ill-gotten, and with their family head behind bars, they became a cake to be divided by various parties.

As for Tan Xuanming, the Taoist priest, Mo Yi didn’t care about his fate. After the incident, Mo Yi destroyed the more powerful artifacts in the Taoist temple to prevent Tan Xuanming from harming others further.

This action inadvertently released many trapped souls who had been tortured or suppressed by Tan Xuanming. These souls harbored grievances, as they had been used as playthings or forced to commit various misdeeds. Despite Tan Xuanming’s somewhat advanced skills, without the aid of his artifacts, he was no match for so many vengeful spirits.

Mo Yi wasn’t interested in knowing Tan Xuanming’s ultimate fate, but he had heard rumors of a desolate Taoist temple on the mountain where a man’s miserable wails could be heard. Hw6DSt

After everything settled down, Mo Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he noticed that his partner didn’t seem to be happy about the outcome of these people. Instead, Bai Min appeared somewhat troubled. Even when Mo Yi tried to get closer, he kept pushing him away.

“Bai Min, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” Mo Yi asked with concern.

Facing Mo Yi’s concern, Bai Min no longer had any doubts. But because of this, he cherished Mo Yi even more. Co3FvH

“It’s nothing,” Bai Min shook his head. “I’m just worried about hurting you. You know, after all, I’m…”

He didn’t finish his sentence, but Mo Yi understood. As a ghost, their paths were different. Bai Min was afraid that over time, he would harm Mo Yi’s body.

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Mo Yi’s heart instantly melted. His partner truly always had his best interests at heart.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Actually, I’m different from ordinary people. Otherwise, how do you think I was able to easily find you and release you back then?” Mo Yi said with a smile. dajYH9

Seeing this, Bai Min sat up straight, looking into Mo Yi’s eyes earnestly. “Really? You’ll always be with me, and it won’t really hurt you?”

Seeing his beloved nod vigorously, Bai Min finally showed a genuine smile.

He now completely believed every word Mo Yi said. If Mo Yi said he would be fine, then his previous worries were truly unfounded.

He hugged Mo Yi tightly and kissed him deeply. 4MxX0Z

He would never let go of this person’s hand.

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  1. Another happy ending for the couple on a honeymoon!🫶🏼

    Thank you so very much for the update!!~♥️