Transmigrated As The Cannon Fodder Abandoned By The Movie StarCh60 - Dance

Gu Qingchi was suddenly pulled onto the dance floor. His body was completely leaned into the person behind him. The other person’s arms were very strong. He firmly supported Gu Qingchi’s waist and shoulders.

Corenzo. The dance floor was his kingdom, and he was the king around here. uqAgnf

Latin dance was incredibly popular in this small town.

This ballroom was the center of entertainment for young people in this town. They even held graduations and dances in this ballroom.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

There wasn’t any formal dance institution here. People danced for entertainment. Parents taught their kids in their spare time. The kids themselves would hang out together.

The place the kids would hang out at was the ballroom. AbxFuL

Corenzo had always been the most eye-catching one on the dance floor. If he was there, no one else could take the center of the dance floor. Everyone tacitly understood that the center belonged to him.

He seemed to be born for dance.

Corenzo had golden skin and well-defined muscles. Even though he was just a hoodlum off the street, when he started dancing, girls were willing to give him their kisses.

Corenzo didn’t have a fixed dance partner because there was almost no one who could keep up with him the entire way through, so he would often randomly grab people in the middle of the dance.


It was only then that people would remember that dance was also a physical sport.

Due to the angle, Gu Qingchi couldn’t see the other guy’s face. All he could see was his chin. The other party seemed to have no intention of lowering his head at all. His head was raised high, and his posture was smooth and easy.

The two of them were pressed against each other. Gu Qingchi could feel the rise and fall of the other guy’s chest.

The beat of the music was getting faster and faster. kmGKun

He had his arms wrapped around Gu Qingchi. He spun him around a few times, directing his movements. Every step was very well placed, and the two of them danced their way onto the dance floor.

Gu Qingchi instinctively followed along with his movements, pulling out a couple of basic moves. Most of the time he spent practicing was spent on the basics.

Colenso could tell from those moves that Gu Qingchi knew how to dance.

The other dancers on the dance floor made way for them. Like a stream of water, they gathered back around once they had passed. gFxusd

The music slipped down an octave. The song was about to come to an end, and a new song was about to begin. At this time, they just so happened to make it to the middle dance floor and stopped. There were dancers in beautiful gowns all around them. Everyone was in high spirits.

As for them, they were in the center of it all.

When the crowd finally got a good look at Gu Qingchi, the entire venue burst into cheers again.

“I’ve never seen him before, but he looks a little familiar.” hAyosz

“God! Play the music already! I want to see him dance.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It seemed that he wouldn’t be able to end things halfway. This was what Gu Qingchi thought. He glanced across the crowd and noticed Xiao Ke picking up his jacket. She held it in her hand, a confused expression on her face.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktf werlm fcafgfv j cfk xfs, jcv j mtffgoei wfibvs rajgafv oliilcu atf jlg.

Jbgfchb jcv Xe Hlcumtl vlvc’a obiibk abb mibrfis lc alwf klat atf yfja. Ejatfg, atfs vjcmfv bcf yfja yftlcv yfmjerf, ktfc atf rbcu rajgafv, Jbgfchb gfjilhfv atja Xe Hlcumtl vlvc’a xcbk tbk ab vjcmf atf kbwjc’r qjga. Dbat bo atfw vjcmfv atf wjc’r qjga, cfjgis yewqlcu lcab fjmt batfg. MvryIX

Most Latin dancers knew how to dance a little bit of both regardless of whether they were professionally taught or not. Most of the people in this town weren’t professionally taught. In a professional institution, they may randomly match up with each other if there was a large gender disparity.

However, Gu Qingchi’s teacher had been hired by the company, one-on-one. He hadn’t spent a whole lot of time learning, so he naturally hadn’t practiced the female part.

Corenzo readily switched over to the female part. He swung his hips. The female part tended to be more iconic, more flamboyant.

He circled around Gu Qingchi, pulling in and backing away in quick succession. O7N4Tj

The crowd erupted into cheers.

After all, this was Corenzo. Who would’ve known that he’d dance the female part one day.

It needed to be said that Corenzo wasn’t just a tyrant on the dance floor. He was also a leader among the kids in town. Everyone knew that they needed to follow his rules.

It wasn’t easy for him to take control of that crowd of people. He couldn’t reveal any weakness. Otherwise, he would’ve been eaten alive. 2itgf9

Everyone who was there, whether they were on the dance floor or off, was swept up by the atmosphere. They couldn’t help but sway their bodies to the music. The boundary of the dance floor was unbelievably blurred.

There were even a couple of people who had climbed onto the table and were opening bottles of cheap champagne, one after another. Even the well-trained waitstaff were infected by the atmosphere, casting their gazes upon the crowd and smiling.

Once the music ended, Gu Qingchi immediately cut through the crowd of dancers and arrived by Xiao Ke’s side.

Gu Qingchi’s outfit was rather out of place among this group of people. His white shirt and black trousers were just far too simple compared to the sequins and lace that everyone else was wearing. Nevertheless, he still managed to steal everyone’s attention. gxVif3

In this crowd where even the waiters were having a hard time moving around, he was able to walk through unimpeded.

Corenzo had also followed him.

His eyes were bright. He swiftly jumped over a table and called out to him.

“Hey, are you two dating?” qZrpIC

Gu Qingchi glanced at him. He silently took his jacket from Xiao Ke. Then, he guarded her with his arm, separating her from the rest of the crowd. The two of them started walking through the crowd.

This meant that he was a little unhappy.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xiao Ke followed Gu Qingchi. Gu Qingchi’s attitude was naturally her attitude as well.

Corenzo was still standing there. Strands of his hair were wet with sweat and sticking against his cheeks. wugS1

A couple of his friends came up to him.

A black guy with dreadlocks swung his arm around Corenzo’s shoulders. He was half a head shorter than Corenzo. Corenzo gave him a glance. Then, he looked back towards Gu Qingchi.

“Corenzo, stop looking. That kid isn’t the same as us. He went over there. We can’t even get into that kind of place.”

That side was for the rich people. zwonPy

The ballroom’s location was very unique. It was located in a bustling business district. On one side, there were the rich people’s neighborhoods. There were often people walking their dogs, wearing Swarovski necklaces and Chanel hats. On the other side, there were the slums.

This also resulted in the ballroom offering two very different kinds of services.

He couldn’t even see Gu Qingchi’s back anymore.

The guy in dreadlocks scrunched his nose and continued. CjEAGc

“Did you see the watch on his wrist? That’s a good watch. It’s gotta cost at least this much.”

He held up his hand.

The person he wanted to see had already left. Corenzo carelessly looked down at his hand. He didn’t particularly know much about these brands.

“$5000? I saved up around the same amount of money this year.” WrGafZ

“You got the units wrong.”

Corenzo recalled Gu Qingchi’s Asian features. He tentatively asked.


“No, it’s in dollars. However, the price isn’t in the thousands but in the tens of thousands.” B2mpUC

All of Gu Qingchi’s accessories had been quietly arranged by Xie Luyu. He’d matched all his outfits already. Gu Qingchi didn’t really care. Before, he would just buy a couple sets of clothing. He’d be able to wear them for a long time.

His current occupation had strict requirements for his clothing, so he didn’t dress as casually as before. Still, he tended to simply wear whatever others gave him. It really wasn’t a huge step up from before.

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$50,000 was an astronomical figure for these kids from the slums.

Upon hearing this number, all of the people around them gasped. Wr Dnd

Corenzo almost spit out his drink.

He wiped the champagne from his mouth and chewed on the lemon slice that had come with the drink. He was silent for a while. Then, he swallowed it whole.

“One day, I’m going to be rich too.”


By the time Gu Qingchi and Xiao Ke arrived, Slater had already started talking about the script.

He was surrounded by a bunch of dancers. This scene didn’t look that much different from the dance floor that they had just walked through.

The shiny outfits and heavy makeup was the same.

Most of the upcoming scenes were ballroom scenes. Slater wanted to get a lot of dancing scenes. These scenes were actually in the latter half of the movie. UC3nJj

The plot of the movie was relatively simple compared to television series plots. After all, there was a natural time constraint. It was more a test of the actors’ performances and the director’s ability to cut smoothly between scenes.

Allen stood in the corner. Most of the scenes being filmed recently didn’t really have anything to do with him. Slater’s directing style was just like this. Each and every shot had to be well-polished. Progress was very slow. A lot of the film’s budget was wasted because of this.

This was why their film crew had to stay in cheap hotels despite the enormous amount of money they had.

Allen caught sight of Gu Qingchi and waved towards him. BLRlHX

There was also a girl standing next to him. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Her hair was tied into a neat little bun.

After saying something to Allen, she looked over at Gu Qingchi.

Allen introduced the two of them to each other.

“This is Gu Qingchi. He’s an excellent actor from China. This is Irene. She’s a top student at the Dance Academy, Queen of the Dance Floor.” cCriuR

Irene was Allen’s dance partner in the film. She actually didn’t have a whole lot of scenes. Her main role was to help Allen, who wasn’t a dancer, appear more professional. The main focus of the film was Allen.

Irene reached out and shook hands with Gu Qingchi. She held onto Gu Qingchi with both hands.

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Her neck was slender and her skin was snow-white. She didn’t exactly look like your typical Latin dancer. Whenever she was still, she looked as arrogant as a swan.

At this moment, there were two small dimples in her cheeks.. TwvpN9

“Nice to meet you. Can I take a picture with you? I’m a fan of yours.”

Gu Qingchi naturally had no reason to refuse.

Irene snapped a photo. Then, she immediately sent it over to Kellerman.

[Look at who it is! Your darling’s in my hands. He even gave me a hug. I want to get an autograph later. I’ll get him to sign my dance shoes.] ZBvsrU

She and Kellerman were actually classmates, and the two of them had a good relationship. Kellerman’s mother had taught Irene. Later, Kellerman ended up dropping dance to become a singer. Irene had even had to comfort her furious instructor.

Kellerman was currently touring. His concert tickets had been sold out a long time ago. These days, he was either on the road or performing.

When Irene sent him the photo, Kellerman had been sitting at the airport, waiting to board his flight. The flight was bound for China, the destination for his next concert.

He’d already contacted a bunch of his friends from China and confirmed the location of Gu Qingchi’s company. He’d already looked it up on his map and prepared extra tickets for his concert. RX5y0w

Then, he received this photo.

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  1. Kellerman seems to have the poor luck of (Love) Rival ML Characters- Always missing the Main Character left and right even when he tries his best to meet his beloved XDDDDDD

  2. Thank you for the chapter!

    GQC is naturally forming a harem of entertainment perfomers! We already got the actor, singer and now we have a dancer XD

  3. Poor Kellerman 😂😂 Wow, that dance scene was really intense!

    Thank You for the new chapter (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡

  4. I have to be honest: I skipped most of the ballroom part bc I suddenly felt 2nd hand embarrassment 😆 Idk why it felt like watching Step up or dance movies (especially the way Corenzo ran after him and discovered the social gap between them 😂).

    Poor Kellerman, you and GCQ, it’s not mean to be 😝

  5. i’m ngl i get so weirded out by international scenes in this novel because the stereotypes are kinda weird, at least to me it is. it’s not crazy stereotypes, but the latin country one is the one that makes me feel weird. LMAO especially the second hand embarrassment i got from the dancefloor scene.

    i’m still going to power thru the novel bc all i care about is GCG’s mental health and his relationship with XLY :3c

  6. There’s a class distinction in the ‘ballroom’ venue, but they still serve Champagne to the ‘poorer’ side?

    Champagne is not a poor person’s alcohol, and it’s French. They’re in some Latin country. It should be a Latin-ish kind of drink, like tequila – that’s still classy yet something the lower class would drink.